With the continuous replenishment of experimental materials, Lin Tianwei's experiments on the Alpha gene were carried out again.

However, he discovered that not all ninth-level giant awakened creatures could withstand the power of the Alpha gene.

Only less than half of the ninth-level giant awakened creatures can attract Alpha's attention and show a tendency to fuse.

As for those ninth-order giant awakened creatures that are not favored by Alpha Gene?

Unfortunately, they will become food for the alpha gene.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction failed, and the host received 330,000 talent fragments."

"Ding, the talent extraction failed, and the host received 250,000 talent fragments."

Talent fragments: 99.87 million points!

As the experiments were conducted again and again, Lin Tianwei's talent fragments gradually improved, accumulating to a terrifying number.

It can be said that he is crazily squeezing the potential of the Alpha gene in a unique way.

When the talent points reach 100 million, Lin Tianwei may choose to upgrade a transcendent talent.

That's right, when a talent reaches the extraordinary level, the talent fragments required to upgrade a talent have reached a terrifying 100 million points.

This is also the reason why Lin Tianwei has not yet mastered a second talent that exceeds the extraordinary level.

According to Lin Tianwei's speculation, the fact that upgrading requires 100 million talent fragments is not due to the increase in the price of upgrading talents.

It's because as the talent level increases, the improvement of oneself is no longer a simple tenfold.

Lin Tianwei has reason to believe that his upgraded talent will at least give him a hundredfold bonus.

As long as he can afford the high price of upgrading his talents, Lin Tianwei feels that he is not unable to accept the upgrade requirement of 100 million levels.

However, Lin Tianwei's happiness only stopped at harvesting the fragments of his talent.

The progress of the experiment ends here, and there is no further progress.

After hundreds of experiments with these insufficiently powerful experimental materials, Lin Tianwei still has not been able to obtain a test product that satisfies Lin Tianwei.

Alpha genes and they have only signs of fusion.

Once the true fusion begins, their bodies will collapse because they cannot withstand the powerful power of the Alpha gene.

Maybe I need more powerful experimental materials.

A test subject powerful enough to withstand the terrifying power of the Alpha gene.

Lin Tianwei suddenly had a realization in his heart.

It's just that the ninth-level giant awakened creatures are already the limit of experimental materials that humans can provide.

More powerful experimental materials can only be obtained in the wild.

It is very unrealistic to obtain large quantities.

What's more, Blue Star has just gone through a major purge by Lin Tianwei, and the remaining powerful awakened creatures have already surrendered to him.

It was naturally impossible for Lin Tianwei to do such a thing to his subordinates unless it was absolutely necessary.

With a flash of inspiration, Lin Tianwei suddenly realized a problem.

It seems that I also have a very high-quality test product.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at Heisha beside him.

This terrifying awakened beast created by Bruno Research Institute not only possesses terrifying strength.

Even the self-healing ability is very good, and it has the ability of unlimited resurrection. It can be said that it is very durable.

If even the Black Evil cannot withstand the powerful power of the Alpha Gene, perhaps only Lin Tianwei himself can try to control the Alpha Gene.

But how could Lin Tianwei try such a dangerous thing himself?

Talent: Danger Sense (Legendary) The warning is no joke.

He had a hunch that as long as he dared to use the Alpha gene directly on him, he would definitely be finished.

Thanks to Lin Tianwei's focus on experimenting with the characteristics of the Alpha gene, he didn't pay attention to the Heisha who posed no threat to him for a long time.

Heisha was also happy to enjoy this kind of life that would not come back to life, and he lay quietly on the ground and pretended to be dead.

It has to be said that Heisha still has some peculiar qualities.

After countless reincarnations of life and death, it miraculously regained its sanity.

But the restored sanity was a disaster for it, allowing it to enjoy a happy life of death and resurrection.

At this time, Heisha was lying motionless on the ground, trying not to make a sound.

Like an excellent watchdog.


It wouldn't do such stupid things.

If escaping really attracted the attention of the ferocious tiger in front of him, then it would really be seeking its own death.

Isn’t life pleasant?

Although he was unbearably hungry, Heisha had no intention of moving.

It would rather starve to death here than attract Lin Tianwei's attention because of food.

All the vigor in Heisha's heart had been completely shattered by Lin Tianwei's repeated kills.

Along with it, its dignity was shattered.

Now it can't even commit suicide and can only survive under Lin Tianwei's oppression.

Lin Tianwei's gaze soon attracted Hei Sha's attention.

Its body immediately froze, and it kept saying silently: "You can't see me, you can't see me,..."

God knows what a terrible end it would be if he was really targeted by this terrifying tiger in front of him.

However, Lin Tianwei's will would not be swayed by Hei Sha's innocent thoughts, and he finally chose Hei Sha as the final experimental material.

But before executing this plan, Lin Tianwei still had one very important thing to do.

That is to brush the black evil first and completely squeeze out its value.

If Heisha, this trash, doesn't live up to his expectations, he will also be devoured by the Alpha gene.

Then Lin Tianwei will completely lose this useful experience baby.

In this case, he will naturally want to squeeze out the other party's value in advance.

Of course, Lin Tianwei also had another purpose in doing this, which was to continue to obtain talent fragments.

Once the Black Evil and Alpha genes merge, their strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.

Whether you can still hold it back then is a huge question.

Therefore, before using the Alpha gene against Heisha, he must strengthen himself as much as possible.

The 990,000 talent fragments may be the key to strengthening.

To upgrade a core talent to a higher level, this is Lin Tianwei's choice.

Thinking of this, under Heisha's horrified gaze, Lin Tianwei slapped it on the head without hesitation.

The powerful force smashed Hei Sha's head into pulp in just an instant.

After countless exercises, Lin Tianwei has become proficient in mastering the power of attacking Heisha.

It can kill it just right without causing it to die too miserably and waste a lot of time and energy to resurrect it.

It has to be said that meeting Lin Tianwei was really the biggest tragedy in Heisha's life.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction was successful, and the host obtained the talent: Blood Infection (Extraordinary)."

"Ding, please host confirm whether to use this talent."

"Blood Infection (Extraordinary): An extraordinary talent. The blood has evolved and has the ability to infect other creatures."

"Remarks: You cannot infect creatures that are more powerful than you. After the infection is successful, the target may inherit some of your abilities."

Blood infection?

Lin Tianwei didn't expect that Heisha would actually give himself a talent this time.

Combined with the effect of blood infection, Lin Tianwei felt that he seemed to have found the truth about the mutation of the world.

It was the seemingly innocent black evil in front of him that caused the death of countless creatures on Blue Star.

But I didn't expect that he definitely played a role in fueling the flames.

Although the talent of Blood Infection seems to be useless, it is a completely free skill, and it may even strengthen your enemies.

But that's only for Heisha.

For Lin Tianwei, who has talents such as blood descendants, blood infection may have miraculous effects.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly chose to use this talent.

Perhaps at certain critical moments, this talent can work wonders.

Looking at Heisha's already thrown body, Lin Tianwei secretly thought that there seemed to be enough potential hidden in this body.

You can test the water by brushing it a thousand times to fully squeeze out its potential.

If Hei Sha knew what Lin Tianwei was thinking, he would probably even shed tears.

A thousand times, that's a thousand times, a thousand words like hell.

It's a pity that Lin Tianwei never cares about Heisha's thoughts.

He didn't have any sympathy for Lin Tianwei, the mutt gelding who had attacked him many times.

The Black Evil was doomed to its tragic fate as early as the first time it took action against him.

Lin Tianwei would never let go of a creature that dared to attack him.

Talent fragments: 100 million points!

Thanks to Heisha's selfless contribution, Lin Tianwei's talent fragments finally exceeded the 100 million mark.

The most critical moment has now come, which is to choose one of the most core talents to upgrade to strengthen Lin Tianwei's own combat effectiveness.

Strengthening? Mental strength? Mental strength strengthening? Muscle strengthening? Agility enhancement? ...sound waves?

Talents flashed through Lin Tianwei's mind one after another, and his eyes finally focused on super doubling.

This talent that can change Lin Tianwei's body shape is like the most solid foundation of a house.

Or the cardinal numbers in mathematical calculations.

Without a high enough base, no matter how high the bonus is, Lin Tianwei's strength will not change qualitatively.

As for why he did not choose to strengthen his mental power, it is because Lin Tianwei's current mental power has actually reached the limit of his body.

The spiritual power of up to 50,000 is so outstanding among Lin Tianwei's attributes.

However, this kind of unbalanced development can easily lead to a consequence, that is, the body cannot keep up with the pace of the spirit, but instead limits the performance of the spirit.

In fact, Lin Tianwei feels this way now, feeling that his body can no longer keep up with the intensity of his mental power.

If he chooses to upgrade his mental power talent, Lin Tianwei's body may collapse because he cannot bear the terrifying mental power.

Or because of physical limitations, Lin Tianwei was unable to fully exert the effect of his powerful mental power.

Both of these situations are undoubtedly not acceptable to Lin Tianwei.

Therefore, his only choice is to strengthen his talent: super multiplication (extraordinary).

"Ding, the host chooses to spend 100 million points of talent fragments to upgrade the talent: Super Multiplier (Extraordinary)."

"It takes a certain amount of time to upgrade the talent. Please wait patiently."

As the system prompt ended, Lin Tianwei felt a huge force begin to pour into his body.

It was a strange feeling like ants gnawing at my body.

Ever since Lin Tianwei had evolved to be powerful enough, he hadn't felt this strange feeling for a long time.

The feeling of this strength infusing my whole body is really great.

This surging and huge power also made Lin Tianwei realize that his idea was indeed correct.

Although it is only a one-level improvement, this power is definitely more than a tenfold improvement.

hundred times? Or maybe more.

This is definitely a force that can make Lin Tianwei's body stronger.

long time.

one day.

Three days!

This power was so powerful that even Lin Tianwei took three days to completely absorb it.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's talent: Super Multiplication (Extraordinary) being upgraded to Talent: Super Multiplication (King)."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading his talent. His strength has been significantly improved."

"Remarks: King-level talents have more powerful power, please explore by yourself."


It's actually the king level?

Lin Tianwei was immediately stunned when he saw the system prompt.

I thought that the legendary level of the danger perception talent I had obtained was the next level to the extraordinary level.

But he didn't expect that after the extraordinary super double upgrade, he would only reach the king level.

Among kings and legends, there may even be multiple levels.

Only then did Lin Tianwei realize how lucky he was.

Talent: Danger Sense (Legendary) seems to be just a useless auxiliary skill, but it can show its power at the most critical moment every time.

If the level of this talent were not high enough, Lin Tianwei might not even be able to escape the temptation of the Alpha gene, and would have already become the food of the Alpha gene.

But that's not the point right now.

The focus now is to feel the new power he has gained, the power of the super doubling talent that reaches the king level.

After carefully sensing his physical condition, Lin Tianwei quickly understood the power of the king-level super doubling talent.

Sure enough, as the system prompted, talents up to the king level have more powerful power, and they are no longer comparable to the simple super multiplication talents before.

A thousand times?

Ten thousand times?

One hundred thousand times!

The king-level super doubling talent can actually make Lin Tianwei's body grow up to 100,000 times his base size.

Although Lin Tianwei's power is extremely powerful, his genes are only the most basic genes of ordinary Siberian tigers.

The body length that can grow to about three meters is already the limit.

This is the reason why Lin Tianwei can only maintain a body length of 300 meters after obtaining the extraordinary super doubling talent.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Lin Tianwei can't become bigger, but it will cause the body to collapse.

Trading the collapse of the body for a powerful strength is definitely not worth the gain unless it is at an extremely critical moment. (End of chapter)

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