Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 265 Breaking out of the atmosphere

Under the influence of Lin Tianwei's terrifying mental power, even Lin Tianwei's terrifying weight gradually got rid of the constraints of gravity and began to float.

Lin Tianwei just broke away from the shackles of gravity and flew towards the sky little by little.

Lin Tianwei, who was experiencing weightlessness for the first time, was still a little unskilled and could only fly into the sky little by little.

After all, if you move too much and your body becomes unstable and loses your balance, that would be a real loss of status.

There is no doubt that Lin Tianwei is now the undoubted focus of the entire Blue Star.

The moment Lin Tianwei returned to Sakura Island, all the remaining humans turned their attention to where Lin Tianwei was.

They eagerly wanted to know what Lin Tianwei wanted to do.

After all, their fate is entirely in Lin Tianwei's hands.

Whether it will become Lin Tianwei's food like Sakura Island is also something they are extremely worried about.

Because they found that Lin Tianwei was really good at eating.

Different from the previous eating that was still within the scope of human understanding, Lin Tianwei's behavior of eating the entire Sakura Island monster this time shocked everyone.

It was really hard for them to understand how Lin Tianwei could eat so much food in such a small body.

Lin Tianwei ate at least dozens of times the volume of food.

However, even after swallowing so much food, Lin Tianwei's body did not swell at all.

Even my belly is as flat as ever.

They quickly realized a problem.

That's the shortage of food.

After the incarnation of the Star-Eating Beast, it may have been difficult to provide enough food for the powerful Lin Tianwei on the Blue Star.

People would go crazy if they were extremely hungry, let alone such a terrifying tiger.

Facing the powerful Lin Tianwei, their fate would not be much better than when they faced the incarnation of the Star-Eating Beast.

There is basically no room for fighting back.

They never imagined that they had just survived a disaster and defeated a terrifying cosmic beast, but they would instantly fall into the dilemma of being devoured by a hungry tiger as food.

A sense of powerlessness arose spontaneously. Facing the terrifying behemoth, their power was simply too weak.

It was just when they were anxious and praying that they would not become food that they saw an extremely incredible scene.

Lin Tianwei's huge body, hundreds of meters long, was like a hydrogen balloon, breaking away from gravity and slowly levitating.

Etna's eyes widened and he looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief.

As an excellent data analyst, he is extremely sensitive to data.

Based on Lin Tianwei's terrifying fighting ability, he once calculated that Lin Tianwei's weight would be a very scary number.

To levitate Lin Tianwei of this weight out of the control of gravity, the amount of energy required is also a very terrifying amount.

He once imagined the possible scene of Lin Tianwei flying.

Give birth to wings.

Or you can walk in the air with the help of the pedal manifested by your spiritual power.

Or just like humans, using powerful high-tech tools.

But he had never imagined that Lin Tianwei could levitate with only the power of his physical body.

This is completely unscientific!

Tigers in nature provide the answer.

There's no way they can fly without changing their body structure.

However, Lin Tianwei is Lin Tianwei, and a tiger is a tiger.

They seemed to be completely different.

Lin Tianwei was stunned and flew up with his strong strength.

Not only that.

If Lin Tianwei, who was levitating at the beginning, was just trying out his terrifying mental power,

What happened next was Lin Tianwei's real purpose.

In just ten seconds, Lin Tianwei completely mastered the method of using powerful mental power to fly.

Lin Tianwei's eyes flashed with joy.

Sure enough it can.

It was just as expected.

Such a powerful mental force is enough to support Lin Tianwei's huge body flying in the air.

After simply adapting to the power in his body, Lin Tianwei was like a cannonball, flying towards the sky with extremely terrifying power.

The speed was so fast that it was not even inferior to Lin Tianwei when he was running on the ground.

It was still like lightning, flying towards the sky at extremely fast speed.

This scene undoubtedly shocked everyone who was paying attention to Sakura Island.

From the initial levitation to the final rapid flight, Lin Tianwei's operation shocked them to the point of numbness.

MacArthur stared blankly at the picture on the screen, rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

There are actually non-bird creatures that can fly with the power of their own bodies.

You know, although birds can fly, they sacrifice too much for flying.

And Lin Tianwei?

He didn't look like he had sacrificed anything.

Being able to fly with full power is much more difficult than flying after countless cuts.

But that wasn't MacArthur's biggest concern.

What he is most concerned about is actually Lin Tianwei's purpose.

This terrifying beast.

What on earth is the giant beast that can decide the fate of the entire Blue Star doing when it suddenly flies up?

At this moment, MacArthur's phone rang.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was Euro's number.

MacArthur was instantly delighted. It seemed that he no longer needed to guess the purpose of Lin Tianwei's flight.

Because the answer to this question has come to you.

He didn't believe that Ou Luo, who was Lin Tianwei's spokesperson, would come to him for no reason.

If Euro can find him, then something extremely important must have happened.

It is even possible that what Euro will convey is Lin Tianwei's order and the will of the entire Blue Star!

Thinking of this, MacArthur directly answered the phone and said humbly: "Mr. Euro, what business do you have for me at this time?"

"If it is the request of Mr. Tiger King, I will complete it even if I risk my life."

Although it was not the first time he heard it, it was still difficult for Euro to connect the humble voice on the other side of the phone with the arrogant American leader MacArthur.

After thinking for a moment, Euro said without any doubt:

"According to Lord Tiger King's order, we need you to lead the former United States to cooperate with us to restore Blue Star to life again."

"During this period, you need to fully cooperate with the arrangements of Tiger King Farm without any selfishness."

"The food on Blue Star can no longer meet the needs of Lord Tiger King."

"But it doesn't matter. We can't fathom the power of Lord Tiger King. Faced with such a situation, he has his own way."

"Going to look for food in space is just a very simple matter for Mr. Tiger King."

Opposite the phone.

MacArthur seemed like a prisoner awaiting trial.

Because he knew that Euro's next words would determine the fate of the entire United States.

Or the fate of America in the past.

After all, from the moment the King Tiger flag was hoisted, the United States may have existed in name only.

But MacArthur never expected that he would hear such a simple order from Euro.

He had imagined that this order might be difficult to complete, or that it might involve great sacrifice.

But I didn't expect it to be so simple.

In fact, even without Lin Tianwei's order, the United States would not have allowed the areas harvested by the incarnation of the Star-Eating Beast to remain desolate.

There is extremely fertile land there, and there are countless mineral resources hidden there.

The most important thing is that this is a virgin land without awakened creatures, which is very suitable for pioneering and experimenting.

As long as they are not stupid, they cannot give up.

Their ideas did not conflict with Lin Tianwei's orders at all.

It can even be said that he is working according to orders.

The only difference may be to grasp the scale of competition.

Wherever there are people, there will be fights.

What's more, facing such terrible interests.

But there are many types of competition.

One is healthy competition, where everyone works together for a common goal.

One is vicious involution, where even if everyone is exhausted, it is difficult to get what they want.

Without Lin Tianwei's order, humans may need another battle to determine the ownership of these lands.

At that time, there will be another bloody war sweeping the entire Blue Star.

Perhaps the dead creatures will not cause less carnage than the incarnation of Galactus.

But it's completely different now.

They just need to follow Lin Tianwei and follow the arrangements of Tiger King Farm.

Perhaps this is a good thing for Blue Star.

Most importantly, Euro's words reassured MacArthur.

At least they're not at risk of becoming food.


Space, which is unattainable to them, is nothing more than a conquerable existence in front of the powerful Tiger King.

Why am I surprised by Lord Tiger King’s horrifying act of going to space?

Lord Tiger King's future is a sea of ​​stars, and it is impossible for a mere blue star to restrain Lord Tiger King.


Perhaps the entire Blue Star will be proud of the existence of Lord Tiger King.

Thinking of this, MacArthur said extremely tamely: "Of course we dare not disobey Lord Tiger King's order."

"Please also ask Lord Ouluo to send Lord Tiger King's envoy immediately. We will do exactly what the envoy ordered."

Hearing MacArthur's tame words, Euro's expression became a little surprised again.

You know, Euro's words are equivalent to directly removing MacArthur's power.

An immediate superior was parachuted above MacArthur.

And he was an immediate boss who probably came from the Tiger King Farm and was mediocre and without any qualifications.

However, in the face of this situation, MacArthur showed no intention of struggling.

On the contrary, he accepted the result very calmly.

Perhaps, this is the charm of Lord Tiger King?

For the first time, Euro felt that his ideological level was still somewhat insufficient.

It is impossible to fathom the thoughts of Lord Tiger King and these former people in power.

But it doesn't matter.

Euro's eyes became firm again after a moment of confusion.

All he had to do was follow Lord Tiger King's footsteps and resolutely carry out his orders.

Other things are simply not something that I can worry about.

In this life, if I can make a living for myself and my family, it can be considered a complete life.

Under Euro's guidance, Blue Star quickly returned to a quiet and peaceful state.

Some of the survivors may have had some thoughts.

But when faced with Lin Tianwei's order, they did not dare to have any dissent at all, and eventually returned to calm.

Especially when they saw Lin Tianwei's miraculous physical crossing, they were filled with only horror.

Surrender, this is the only option.

Under the organization of Tiger King Farm, a great cause of restoring the life of Blue Star began.

The reproductive capabilities of most creatures on Blue Star are very powerful.

I believe it won’t be long before Blue Star will return to its former vibrant state.

Talent: Burst of Speed ​​(Extraordinary)!

After getting used to using his mental power to control himself to fly, Lin Tianwei's speed became faster and faster.

Finally, after fully mastering this ability, he burst out at his fastest speed.

The friction of air is very small, but it is not absolutely non-existent.

As Lin Tianwei's speed became faster and faster, his body also violently rubbed against the air.

Friction generates heat!

The atmosphere is an inevitable obstacle for Lin Tianwei to break out of Blue Star.

Under the barrier and friction of the atmosphere, Lin Tianwei's body temperature became higher and higher, climbing to more than 300 degrees Celsius at an extremely fast speed.

There is even a rising trend.

This is also the reason why meteorites falling into the Blue Star will burst into flames.

The atmosphere is the best protection for Blue Star!

However, the atmosphere that once protected Blue Star has also become a constraint for Lin Tianwei to break out of Blue Star.

If you are not careful, it may spontaneously ignite due to the intense high temperature generated by friction and turn into fly ash!

slow down?

Lin Tianwei has never thought of slowing down.

If he couldn't even break out of Blue Star's atmosphere with the power of his body, how could he talk about venturing into the vastness of space?

Instead of falling, it will increase!

Just when everyone thought Lin Tianwei would choose to reduce his speed to buffer the friction of the atmosphere,

Lin Tianwei's speed exploded again.

A thousand degrees!

Two thousand degrees!

Three thousand degrees!

Although Lin Tianwei's body surface temperature continued to rise, it was not enough to cause Lin Tianwei's powerful body to self-immolate.

Not even a single tiger hair fell out.

On the contrary, the atmosphere erupted into bright sparks due to the violent friction, which looked so gorgeous.

Talent: Energy Absorption (Extraordinary)!

Even under the influence of Lin Tianwei's powerful talent, the high temperature generated by the friction between the body and the atmosphere was absorbed by Lin Tianwei and turned into his own energy.

Just like that, under everyone's gaze,

Lin Tianwei was like a rocket, rushing out of the clouds and out of the blue star that had given birth to countless lives!

The moment he broke out of the atmosphere and broke free from the gravitational constraints of the Blue Star, Lin Tianwei felt that his body was extremely comfortable.

So uncomfortable.

Looking at Blue Star getting farther and farther away from him, Lin Tianwei had a lot of thoughts, and he finally left Blue Star.

Take the first step to the universe.

Turning around to look at the dark universe, Lin Tianwei's eyes were firm and he flew towards the unknown distance at an extremely fast speed. (End of chapter)

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