Talent: Beast Transformation (Extraordinary) activates!

After making up his mind, Lin Tianwei directly activated his talent for animal transformation.

The body of the Siberian tiger changed rapidly and stretched infinitely. In the blink of an eye, it had expanded to a length of tens of millions of meters.

It's just that although this body is large, it is still pitifully small compared to the even larger Ze Xing.

Not enough, this is not enough!

Lin Tianwei shouted in his heart.

This is not the limit of the incarnation of the star-devouring beast,

Nor is it the limit of talent: super doubling (king),

It’s not even Lin Tianwei’s limit!

One hundred million meters!

One billion meters!

Tens of billions of meters!

Under Lin Tianwei's full urging, the talent: Super Multiplier (King) crazily squeezed the energy in Lin Tianwei's body.

While draining Lin Tianwei's body, it also caused his body to expand to an extremely terrifying level.

But if he wants to maintain a body that is tens of billions of meters tall, the consumption is still a bit too exaggerated for Lin Tianwei now.

There was no other way, Lin Tianwei could only use his remaining essence.

Use your original energy to fill this huge hole.

It has to be said that Barrios, this humanoid origin manufacturing machine, is extremely powerful.

It can provide Lin Tianwei with a lot of origin at every moment.

Although there are not many sources that can be provided per unit of time, the victory is continuous and very stable.

Not only does it make up for the consumption of the artificial sun, but it also allows Lin Tianwei's origin to grow slowly.

Finally, after draining all his physical strength and origin, Lin Tianwei's body finally swelled to the point where he could stand tall on the sky and the earth.

Compared with the current Lin Tianwei, the originally seemingly huge Ze Xing was as weak and powerless as a basketball.

Talent: Giant Mouth (Extraordinary)!

Even comparing Lin Tianwei's current body shape, Zexing can barely be regarded as a basketball.

But it is still difficult for Lin Tianwei to swallow Ze Xing directly.


Lin Tianwei's vast talents always allow him to find solutions to difficult situations.

Although the giant mouth talent seems useless, it can always have unexpected effects at the most critical moments.

With his mouth wide open, Lin Tianwei quickly opened his mouth to a very exaggerated degree with the blessing of his huge mouth talent.

It is not inferior to his huge body.

Stand there.

It was as if a demonic god capable of swallowing the sky and the earth bit directly at Ze Xing.

Swallowing Ze Xing into his belly in one gulp, he became his trophy.

Lin Tianwei was not idle during the time he came to Zexing.

While transforming the slave space, he had already used his mental perception and countless space ores as a medium to explore the entire Zexing.

A planet full of space ores.

In other words, Zexing itself is a huge space ore.

The space ores that were mined are just the residue of the huge space ore of Zexing.

After discovering Ze Xing's true face, Lin Tianwei was simply ecstatic.

Ze Xing, who is so powerful, is naturally qualified to be devoured by him.

Once refined into Lin Tianwei's talent star, it will definitely provide him with great assistance.


Facing the demon god in front of him who could swallow up the sky and the earth, Zexing had no power to resist and was swallowed up by Lin Tianwei.

The moment Ze Xing entered Lin Tianwei's body, he was quickly pulled by Lin Tianwei's power, and soon reached Lin Tianwei's inner world.

The huge Ze Xing and the tiny rejuvenated child star form a sharp contrast.

Under the influence of gravity, there was an immediate reaction and they began to attract each other.

However, to Lin Tianwei's surprise, it was the humble rejuvenated child actor who had the upper hand in this tug-of-war.

With the blessing of talent: rejuvenation (extraordinary), this star possesses far greater energy than the Ze star.

He is pulling Ze Xing closer to him little by little, trying to devour Ze Xing as food.

Lin Tianwei naturally couldn't let this happen.

Immediately control the power of the rejuvenated child star, control it and Ze Xing within a controllable range, and achieve a relative balance.

The next thing to do is much simpler.

Inject the energy of talent into Ze Xing to form a relative balance with the rejuvenated child star.

Tirelessly providing star power to Lin Tianwei.

Continuously strengthen Lin Tianwei's body, allowing Lin Tianwei's body to complete the process of evolution from an ordinary flesh and blood body to a giant beast's body.

No hesitation.

Lin Tianwei directly selected the talent: Space Energy (Extraordinary) as the talent energy for refining Zexing.

Although Lin Tianwei can choose a talent at will, use the energy of the talent to completely refine Ze Xing, and refine him into his own talent star.

But choosing a talent that better matches Ze Xing's attributes will undoubtedly have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Since Ze Xing is a huge space ore, talent: Space Energy (Extraordinary) is naturally the best choice.

With Lin Tianwei's huge body as the source, terrifying silver energy began to pour into Zexing crazily.

As expected by Lin Tianwei, the talent: Space Energy (Extraordinary) has extremely high adaptability with Ze Xing.

There are almost no obstacles, and these represent talents: the energy of space energy (extraordinary) begins to merge with Ze Xing.

Little by little, its attributes and energy are changed until it is refined into a gifted star belonging to Lin Tianwei.

It's just that Ze Xing is too big.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take Lin Tianwei at least a month to completely refine Ze Xing into a talent star.

During this period, Lin Tianwei not only needed to concentrate and devote all his mental power to refining Zexing, but also needed to maintain his current terrifying body shape.

For Lin Tianwei, this will be a very difficult thing.

While Lin Tianwei was concentrating on refining Ze Xing, a riot caused by him was also brewing.

Otto felt that he was extremely unlucky.

As Marta's deputy, Otto thought that the battle to conquer Zhe Xing would be a sure success and would not require any effort at all.

All he had to do was follow Marta and wait for the dividends.

But he didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin, Lin Tianwei, would be killed halfway.

With his overwhelming strength, under everyone's incredible gaze, he easily killed Marta.

It was precisely because Lin Tianwei acted too casually when he killed Marta,

Otto felt that his strength was bottomless and that he could kill this huge team instantly with just a wave of his claws.

This scared Otto out of his wits, and he chose to run away without hesitation when faced with Lin Tianwei's warning.

He is just a wage earner, so even if he desperately takes back Ze Xing, there won't be much benefit.

If that's the case, why do you have to fight so hard?

Thinking of this, Otto pressed the accelerator button in front of him, trying to make the spaceship go faster.

If the terrifying giant beast changes its mind and suddenly doesn't want to let them go, then he will really want to cry without tears.

Supported by this idea, Otto had no idea of ​​ambush the Ze clan.

He flew towards where Marcello was at the fastest speed.

He wants to report the situation here to Marcelo as soon as possible.

As for what to do next? Naturally, let Marcelo take care of the headache.

District 23.

In a magnificent building, Otto was hunched over and reporting something to a cosmic beast.

This cosmic beast looks the same as Marta, and its whole body is also covered with terrifying spikes. It should be of the same race.

Although his body was not huge, it exuded extremely terrifying pressure, which made Otto breathless, and even his voice became trembling due to this.

This cosmic beast is no other beast. It is the de facto ruler of District 23, Marcelo, who has at least the ninth level of stellar strength.

After hearing Otto's report, Marcello frowned and asked:

"You mean my good-for-nothing brother Marta was instantly killed by a mysterious being without even the slightest chance to fight back?"

"Otto, watch your words, now is not the time to joke with me."

"Even if a cosmic behemoth with such strength really passes by Ze Xing, it is absolutely impossible for him not to give me Marcelo a face and do something that will definitely offend me."

It’s no wonder Marcello questions Otto’s statement.

Although his brother Marta is useless, his strength is only at the seventh level of stellar level.

But after all, they are members of his own clan, the same Thorn clan with terrifying attack and defense power.

Not only that, but he also has the talent of teleportation.

Although the distance traveled instantly is not far, there is also a certain cooling time.

But there is no way he would overturn and lose his life over such a trivial matter as subduing Ze Xing.

You must know that Ze Xing is in the 23rd District, within his own territory.

How could a giant cosmic beast kill him directly without giving him face?

As if he also knew that his words were not convincing, Otto directly played the video of the spacecraft.

It's now 4202 and there are eyes everywhere.

Naturally, it is impossible for these spacecrafts that embody various high technologies to not have even the simplest video recording function.

Ever since, the scene of Marta being killed was played out in front of Marcelo again.

Especially when the mental giant blade was suddenly transported by space energy and sent to Marta, Marcelo's eyes widened.

Can a giant mental blade turn corners? This is simply unbelievable.

Not to mention the explosion that followed, a terrifying explosion caused by a mixture of mental power and space energy, which showed Lin Tianwei's terrifying control.

The scene finally settled on Lin Tianwei's huge tiger body.

The beautiful patterns looked extremely dangerous in Marcelo's eyes.

But there was an inexplicable feeling of familiarity, as if he had seen this strange cosmic beast in front of him before.

It's just that Marcello racked his brains and finally couldn't remember where he had seen this strange cosmic beast.

I can only attribute all this to my own illusion.

Illusions caused by memory confusion.

Slow playback, replay, fast playback,...

Marcello carefully watched the video provided by Otto.

Trying to judge Lin Tianwei's strength from the situation of Lin Tianwei's actions.

In the end, he came to an answer. Lin Tianwei was definitely a strong man, a terrifying strong man with at least the ninth level of stellar strength.

He also possesses many powerful talents.

After coming to the conclusion, Marcello's frown deepened.

If Lin Tianwei was just an ordinary ninth-level star, he would not take Lin Tianwei seriously at all.

After all, it has been thousands of years since he became the ninth level star.

Unless he meets a super genius or a veteran powerhouse, he will only be the victorious cosmic beast.

However, in the short video just now,

Marcello was surprised to find,

Not only was Lin Tianwei's strength terrifying, he also showed at least four powerful talents.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the more common sonic talent and tiger power talent. Although they are not rare, they are both very practical and powerful talents.

It can greatly enhance the strength of the talent owner.

As for mental talent, it is much rarer.

In the extremely cold universe, the number of physical talent holders is much greater than the number of spiritual talent holders.

There are very few people like Lin Tianwei who can directly turn mental power into reality without relying on the power of mental equipment, and use it as a weapon to attack the enemy.

An extremely high level talent, at least reaching the advanced level!

However, what worries Marcelo the most is Lin Tianwei's talent in space.

The space talent is rarer than the spiritual talent.

Lin Tianwei was even able to perform the outrageous operation of using the energy of his space talent to divert mental attacks.

This shows that Lin Tianwei's space talent has also reached a terrifying level.


Or is it an extraordinary level?

Marcello's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Even though he has been at the ninth level of the star level for thousands of years, he barely possesses an extraordinary level talent.

That was an extraordinary talent that he only realized after several adventures and countless bloody battles.

And this mysterious strong man who appeared out of nowhere not only possesses powerful spiritual and spatial talents.

The levels were all very high, and Marcelo couldn't help but hesitate.

Facing this mysterious strong man who dares to snatch items from his hands, should he fight or endure?


Even if he takes action together with his three strong men who are all at the ninth level of the stellar level, Marcelo is not 100% sure that he can keep Lin Tianwei here.

After all, it is a space talent.

The extremely rare space system talent may even reach the extraordinary level.

Even if Marcelo was confident of defeating the mysterious strong man in front of him, it would be difficult for him to stay.

Once Lin Tianwei cannot be completely killed, he will face the revenge of the powerful space system.

You never know when the boat will capsize in the gutter.


I can't bear it!

Marcelo felt angry when he thought of a large number of space gems that belonged to him being taken away by Lin Tianwei.

To allow such banditry to go unchecked would be a severe blow to his reputation.

But Marcello, who was full of gangster logic, didn't realize a problem.

Ze Xing's real master was originally the Ze clan, but now his real master is Lin Tianwei.

The so-called Zexing belongs to him is just Marcelo's wishful thinking.

Unaware of this, Marcello soon made a difficult decision.

He decided to fight back and defend his interests.

Drive out Lin Tianwei, the thief who invaded his territory. (End of chapter)

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