Faced with such a terrifying siege, the best choice is to retreat.

Retreating at an extremely fast speed.

Before the encirclement net is closed, quickly escape from this encirclement net composed of countless planets.

Otherwise, once he gets deeply involved, a terrible explosion awaits Lin Tianwei.

A terrible explosion caused by the collision of countless planets.

It is enough to blast most of the powerful cosmic beasts to pieces.

However, it was too whimsical to surround Lin Tianwei with such a direct encirclement.

Lin Tianwei couldn't even get an inch back.

Talent: Teleportation (Advanced)!

Lin Tianwei's speed did not slow down and he rushed directly towards this terrifying giant net.

However, just when Lin Tianwei was about to collide with these planets, Lin Tianwei activated his teleportation talent.

With the blessing of a large amount of space energy, this only advanced teleportation talent has also exploded with great strength.

Taking Lin Tianwei's body through countless planets, he came to a position further ahead.


It was a loud noise caused by an explosion.

Terrifying air waves began to sweep through the surrounding planets, completely swallowing them up and becoming an integral part of the explosion.

However, it could not catch up with Lin Tianwei's figure.

He could only watch Lin Tianwei's figure getting further and further away from him.


Torre was galloping in the core area at extremely fast speeds.

However, he seemed to be able to do it with ease and was already dripping with cold sweat.

In the end, Torre only had the strength of the third level of the stellar level. Even under the copying of the armor, he barely burst out with stronger strength.

But his fragile body was already showing signs of being unable to bear it.


It was the sound of bones breaking.

In order to ensure that Torre could avoid the huge planet in front of him, Kaibi had no choice but to use power that exceeded Torre's physical ability.

He instantly twisted Kai's body and took him away from this dangerous area.

But this is the core area of ​​the chaotic universe.

Extremely dangerous core area.

How can there really be a truly safe place?

Before Torre could take a breath, a huge planet flew towards his location at an extremely fast speed.

If he can't avoid this blow, Torre will end up being shattered to pieces.

However, even if he was able to dodge the blow, Kai would still have to use a force that Torre could not bear and increase the burden on his body.

This undoubtedly forms an endless loop with no solution.

No matter what, Torre can only slide step by step towards the abyss of death.

Thinking of this, Torre showed a sad smile.

He secretly said that he was really stupid to the extreme.


It doesn’t matter whether your own strength is worthy or not.

Not to mention not getting any information, it also wasted a lot of Kai energy.

In the end, even I will perish here.

This is simply a great irony of Torre.

It turns out that many things cannot change the outcome even if you are determined.

Just like no matter how hard Torre tries, he still only has the extremely low strength in front of him.

Thinking of this, Torre smiled bitterly and said, "Kai, separate from my body."

"Stop wasting your energy on me."

"Return to your master's side. He is the one who can truly control your power."

"It's not like me, who can only be a burden to you."

Torre, who couldn't see any hope, actually came up with the idea of ​​​​breaking the can and breaking it.

It was precisely because of Torre's resistance that Kai was in a dilemma this time.

As a machine race, it was difficult for him to make a choice in this situation.

Especially when Lin Tianwei's order was relatively vague, he really didn't know whether he should continue to protect Torre.

He should still follow Torre's instructions and return directly to Lin Tianwei.

Right now.

A small but extremely fast planet slammed into Torre's position.

Once hit by this planet, Torre would inevitably be seriously injured even with the protection of armor.

And being injured in this dangerous core area? That is no different from directly announcing death.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Just when the planet was about to hit Torre, a thick arm directly grabbed Torre's body.

The powerful force directly dragged Torre's body and flew backwards, narrowly avoiding the collision of the planet.

Not only that, Torre felt his eyes suddenly blur.

With a flash, his body was involuntarily carried away from its original position by a huge force.

Instantly appeared at a very far distance.

A relatively long distance.

Torre looked back, and sure enough he found a familiar face, it was the face that belonged to Zelta.

Not only did he fail to discover any information he had, but he also let Lord Zelta waste his efforts on the rescue.

This... this is simply damning to the extreme.

Even though Torre was extremely thick-skinned, a suspicious blush appeared at this time.

That was his expression of extreme shame.

Torre couldn't help lowering his head and said angrily: "Lord Zelta, I'm really sorry."

"I'm really useless, I'm of no use at all."

"Not only can I not illuminate the area for you to move forward, but I also need your rescue and have become a burden to you."

Faced with Torre's self-blame, Lin Tianwei just said indifferently: "It's not important."

"But don't do anything unnecessary next time."

"Be at ease and listen to my orders."

"Now I need you to give me your ideas on how to get the treasure in this core area."

"Especially the star stone, that is the goal of my trip."

Star stone?


Torre took a deep breath and said, "Actually, I don't know much about the core area of ​​the chaotic universe."

"After all, with my strength, I don't need to know this information at all."

"It's just that I was lucky enough to give directions to a big boss and learned some information about the core area from him."

"As a space treasure, star stones are not only rare, but also have extraordinary effects."

"According to this boss's description, asterite will only exist in the core of the core area of ​​the chaotic universe."

"That's the middle position."

"So we haven't broken through to the core position, so we don't have to think about the star stone at all."

After hesitating for a moment, Torre added: "As far as I know, star stone is a black stone."

"A black stone containing terrifying space energy."

"It's suddenly bright and sometimes dark, sometimes big and sometimes small, and there are countless stars moving in the meantime."

"My description may not be clear, but as long as I see it, I can definitely see the star stone at a glance."

"If you want to obtain other treasures hidden in the chaotic universe, these high-speed flying planets are the key."

Having said this, Torre pointed his paws at the planets that were attacking the two beasts and said:

"These high-speed planets look like a problem for every explorer, and that's just because the explorers are not strong enough."

"As long as you can tame them, they are the most powerful aid in finding treasures."

"The space of the chaotic universe is infinite. Trying to rely on precise exploration to search for treasures is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

“Not only is it extremely time-consuming, but the efficiency is also horribly low.”

"But fortunately, the big boss once told me that there is an extremely tricky way to explore the chaotic universe."

"This method is very simple. The core idea is one word - explosion."

"Just let these scary-looking planets collide with each other and explode according to their own ideas."

"Every explosion caused by the collision of planets is infinitely powerful, possessing the power to destroy the world."

"However, this seemingly terrifying power is also the best tool to help us find treasures."

"We just need to search for the wreckage that was lucky enough to survive the explosion."

"These seemingly horrific explosions are actually the best screening tool."

"Searching for the wreckage of each explosion will give you a higher chance of finding treasure."

"It's just that using this method to explore the chaotic universe requires extremely high strength from the cosmic beast."

"If you are not careful, a cosmic beast that is not strong enough will be killed in the explosion."

Thinking of this, Torre looked at the planet that had crashed into him with lingering fear.

If Lord Zelta hadn't taken action at the most critical moment, he would have saved his life.

Let alone exploring the chaotic universe, I was afraid that I would have died in this dangerous core area.

Thinking of Lin Tianwei's effortless and effortless actions to save himself, Torre felt quite embarrassed.

He never thought that his seemingly heroic and desperate behavior was just a joke.

As long as the powerful Lord Zelta is here, there is no need to do such unnecessary things.

He just needs to follow Master Zelta and watch these planets explode rapidly.

Thinking of this, Torre said excitedly:

"In the end, my thinking is still a little too narrow, and I haven't changed from the perspective of a weak person."

"With the powerful Lord Zelta here, we don't need to explore bit by bit in the usual way."

"You only need to take advantage of the fact that these planets will actively attack invaders, tame them, and let them explode continuously, and you can easily obtain a large amount of treasures."

Thinking of this, Torre's heart became restless.

After all, there are only two cosmic beasts here, himself and Lord Zelta.

There are countless treasures hidden in the core area.

In such an efficient mode, even if he could only pick up trash behind Master Zelta, it would be a huge fortune for him.

His plan, the plan to save his people, is one step closer to success.

After listening to Torre's words, Lin Tianwei also had a look of thought in his eyes.

What Torre said makes perfect sense, at least logically.

The other party has no reason to deceive himself.

There was even an opportunity right in front of him to verify what Torre had just said.

The huge explosion that tried to trap Lin Tianwei was the best opportunity to verify Torre's statement.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked into the distance.

He looked towards the place where the explosion had just occurred.

Lin Tianwei's eyesight is extremely good. With the blessing of sight, he can easily see everything in the distance clearly.

The energy generated by the collision of countless planets is so huge that even matter can be easily annihilated.

At least those seemingly huge planets have turned into dust by now.

It turned into dust that could not be seen clearly without careful observation.

It is precisely in this situation where dust is everywhere that some wreckage appears very eye-catching.

These debris are large and small, and are flying around at extremely fast speeds.

One piece of the wreckage stands out.

The whole body is pitch black, but there is silver light shining through.

Observing carefully, these silver lights are moving in a strange trajectory, which is quite similar to the asterite mentioned by Torre.

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything, and you won't be able to find it without any effort at all?

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei grabbed Torre, and with continuous teleportation, he came to the wreckage in an instant.

Without any fear, Lin Tianwei stretched out his palm and grabbed the huge debris.

But Lin Tianwei quickly frowned.

Because he found no sign of space energy on this piece of debris.

The world inside his own body showed no reaction at all.

Judging from this situation, the seemingly magical debris in front of you cannot be a star stone at all.

Thinking back to what Torre said, only the center of the chaotic universe will produce asterite.

Lin Tianwei further confirmed his judgment.

The debris in front of me is not a star stone.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at Torre beside him and asked, "Do you recognize this piece of wreckage?"

As the contact time with Lin Tianwei's palm lengthened, this piece of debris also underwent magical changes.

The silver light that was constantly flashing around him began to gather bit by bit.

Eventually it gradually turned into two huge light spots.

One big, one small.

The proportions are extremely asymmetrical.

It is running at high speed in this fast wreckage with an inexplicable pattern.

For some reason, Lin Tianwei always felt that these two light balls seemed very familiar.

But after searching through his own memory, even including Zelta's memory, he had no memory of the wreckage in front of him.

Lin Tianwei was confused for a while.

Is it possible that my memory is confused?

Compared to Lin Tianwei's confusion, Torre was obviously stunned when he saw the wreckage.

It was obvious that he at least had a preliminary idea of ​​what the wreckage was.

However, after the two groups of silver light successfully converged, Torre's expression became confused.

It seemed that this sudden change had shaken his judgment on the wreckage.

In the end, Torre mustered up the courage and said to Lin Tianwei: "Dear Lord Zelta."

"I only have a preliminary judgment about this piece of wreckage, and I'm not very sure."

"If possible, I hope Lord Zelta can hand over this piece of wreckage to me for observation so that I can make a more accurate judgment."

Torre's request is considered reasonable.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei directly threw the piece of debris over. (End of chapter)

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