Luo Ji's words contained a lot of information. If Lin Tianwei guessed correctly, he should be talking about Blue Star.

The missing planet and the Dawn Chamber of Commerce are the best clues.

Even in this situation, Lin Tianwei remained calm and did not let Luo Ji see anything unusual.

Luo Ji didn't notice anything unusual about Lin Tianwei. After all, he never thought that the culprit that caused a certain planet to disappear was right in front of him.

He continued: "It's just that no matter how hard this cosmic beast works, he can only see a corner of the past with his king-level talent for time retrieval."

"I saw a taboo being that must not be mentioned easily, swallowing the planet completely in one bite."

"This planet should have become the food of this forbidden being."

"Even if the Dawn Chamber of Commerce wants to pursue it, it has no way of pursuing it."

"There is no way they can offend this forbidden existence because of a mere living planet."

"The past of this living planet also seems to have been blocked by this taboo existence and has become a history that cannot be peeked into."

"At least according to the description of the cosmic behemoth, even if his time retrieval is upgraded to the legendary level, it is impossible to retrace the history of this planet."

Thinking of this, Luo Ji sighed and said: "Although the talent of time retrieval is powerful, it can gain insight into some forbidden knowledge from the long flow of time."

"But the restrictions are quite large. If it is slightly disturbed, it will require greater strength to peek into history."

"Once you touch a certain taboo existence, it may even cause a backlash and make you die."

"Those taboo existences all have the means to attack enemies across time and space."

"Although the Dawn Chamber of Commerce suffered a loss this time, it even gave all the contracts of the planet to the Zhouhu Chamber of Commerce."

"But not offending this taboo existence can be considered a blessing in misfortune."

"Although the time-traveling talent has great limitations, Myhrvold is still the slave I most recommend you to buy."

"The seller of Myhrvold is from the Ward clan, and the talent level is not high, barely reaching the elementary level, resulting in a very low base price."

"Conservative estimates suggest that less than a hundred units of origin are needed to securely capture Myhrvold. It is considered extremely cost-effective."

"In addition, although the time retrospect talent is not practical, it is still a time talent, and it can be a stepping stone to comprehend the laws of time."

"It can also work wonders in some special scenes."

"Buying Myhrvold is a sure win."

"After all, this kind of time-based talent involving the past is very rare."

"Even if it's only a junior level, it's still a valuable asset."

"If it weren't for the extremely low probability of understanding talents from slaves, no one would spend a lot of money to improve slaves' talents."

"Otherwise, such high-quality slaves would never appear at auction."

Although he had known the result for a long time, Lin Tianwei was still surprised as to what force prevented this cosmic beast from peeking into Blue Star's past.


No, it definitely couldn't be him.

After all, the incarnation of the star-devouring giant beast that completely devoured Blue Star in the end was actually the Xibei guy he played.

The Star-Eating Behemoth doesn't even know about Blue Star, so it's naturally impossible for him to cover up Blue Star's history.

Talent extraction system!

After thinking about it, Lin Tianwei finally came up with this only answer.

Although I don’t know the principle, the good news is that at least I don’t have to worry about being exposed too early.

Before you have enough strength, exposing your past is a very dangerous thing.

After all, who can guarantee that there is no cosmic beast in this universe that can attack the past self.

Burying the past is always the best option.

Nodding slightly, Lin Tianwei said to Luo Ji, who was enthusiastic about sales:

"This talent is interesting enough. If the price is right, I will naturally take action."

"One hundred units of origin?"

"It really means nothing to me."

Lin Tianwei's words immediately made Luo Ji excited.

He never expected that the first auction item he recommended would win the favor of Lin Tianwei.

He immediately flipped through the auction item introduction booklet and worked harder to introduce other items to Lin Tianwei.

Trying to get Lin Tianwei to buy more lots.

With a bang, as the auction item introduction booklet was flipping, each item flashed in front of Lin Tianwei.

Time speeds up?

Time slows down?

Star stone?

The original life planet?

Believe in a living planet?

A galaxy full of mineral deposits?

Countless lots were presented to Lin Tianwei one by one under Luo Ji's description.

All the miraculous functions even gave Lin Tianwei the urge to buy.

At the same time, Lin Tianwei had to say that it is good to have roots.

These expensive lots have a value that matches them.

Taking photos of anything at will can at least speed up your practice.

Even these lots are only part of this auction, the top part.

In addition, there are still a large number of scarce resources to be sold at this auction.

However, because it is not unique, it does not appear in this auction brochure.

Obviously, even such a dazzling array of auction items is still not enough to meet Lin Tianwei's needs.

As the boss in the eyes of Rocky and Torre, he is actually just a newcomer to the universe.

In terms of knowledge, it is simply lacking to the extreme.

After thinking about it, Lin Tianwei described his needs to Luo Ji and said:

"I need knowledge, lots of knowledge, knowledge that will give me a better understanding of the universe."

"It doesn't matter if it's knowledge in the form of items, slaves, or treasures."

Luo Ji was not surprised at all by Lin Tianwei's demand.

To a certain extent, knowledge is also an extremely valuable cultivation resource, a cultivation resource that is no less inferior to these treasures.

It's just that Lin Tianwei is a big boss, a big boss with universe-level strength.

He is also a super boss who already has enough knowledge reserves to be able to create his own techniques.

The knowledge he needs cannot naturally be ordinary knowledge.

It is definitely special knowledge that is extremely rare.

It may even be a perceived knowledge of the law.

This kind of high-end knowledge basically only exists within inheritance and cannot be freely circulated outside.

For a moment, Lin Tianwei's request actually put Luo Ji in trouble.

After hesitating for a moment, Rocky finally started operating on his terminal.

Within a moment, a simple book was projected by Luo Ji and said:

"This is the book of laws. I believe you also know it, Lord Zelta."

"It contains the understanding of the law, which is very suitable for Lord Zelta's needs."

"Although this book is not a rare book of laws. It only records the understanding of the laws of power, but it is also valuable."

"Just the lowest copy is worth one unit of source."

"A unit of origin sounds inexpensive, but I do not recommend Master Zelta to use the Book of Laws."

"A book of laws can provide very little understanding of the laws. It requires a huge amount to enhance the understanding of a certain law."

"Especially for cosmic behemoths that have used a large number of books of laws, the understanding of the laws that a book of laws can provide is minimal."

"Perhaps understanding ten thousand books of laws cannot improve your understanding of the laws."

"Compared with this, it is more cost-effective to buy some treasures that can enhance your strength and temper your body."

"Only when the divine body cannot be improved, the cosmic beast will choose to understand the law."

"Improve your own strength by understanding the laws."

Thinking of this, Loki sighed and said, "It's a pity that the Book of Laws can only be produced in the Law Arena."

"The Law Arena was founded by Venerable Tianhai as a tool to cultivate geniuses for this universe. Only cosmic behemoths under a hundred years old and with a certain strength are allowed to enter."

"To realize the Book of Laws requires a more terrifying point consumption than directly comprehending the Book of Laws."

"Very few genius cosmic beasts will destroy their own future and choose to exchange the book of embodied laws for their origin or Yuan Crystal."

"This makes the Book of Laws extremely difficult to obtain."

"Otherwise, a large number of books on understanding the laws may be the best way to improve the understanding of the laws."

"Perhaps only those great god kings can possess the financial resources of this book of infinite understanding of laws."

"It's a pity that for such a big shot, the Book of Laws can provide very little help, but it has become a useless existence."

"So although the Book of Laws looks very powerful, very few of the cosmic beasts are actually purchased."

"Generally, there is a little inventory in the trading market."

Book of Laws?

Rules Arena?

Lin Tianwei felt that he really lacked understanding of the universe and there were too many things that he didn't know existed.

At the same time, he also understood that Rocky seemed to have misunderstood what he meant.

What he wanted was just the most common knowledge about the universe, but he understood it as high-end knowledge.


Lin Tianwei is in a special situation.

No one knew that his superior tiger actually needed the most common knowledge in the universe.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei finally decided to give up his plan to directly obtain knowledge.

There are many ways to gain knowledge, but exposing your ignorance is obviously not a good option.

He has the talent: Spiritual Contract (Extraordinary), and he can easily obtain the memory of the giant beast in the contracted universe.

Although these memories are not necessarily reliable.

But for Lin Tianwei who only needs basic knowledge, it is enough.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei skipped the idea of ​​purchasing knowledge and put forward his second demand, saying:

"Although I am not lacking in origin, piling up books of laws is really not a good choice now."

"This matter has been revealed for now."

"Rocky, if I want to condense my body and make it stronger, what suitable treasures can you recommend?"

Finding treasures that can improve his physical strength is also one of Lin Tianwei's main goals during this trip to the auction house.

As his strength increases, the enemies Lin Tianwei will face become more powerful.

Under such circumstances, it is urgent to improve one's own body strength as soon as possible and increase one's strength base.

Otherwise, even if Lin Tianwei's talent is strengthened, the bonus coefficient will be higher.

The base number is too low, and his strength is ultimately just a mirror image, not worth mentioning.

A treasure that condenses the body?

This question stumped Rocky again.

This is not because there are few treasures for condensing the body, but because there are so many treasures for condensing the body that Loki simply cannot recommend them.

After thinking for a moment, Rocky started operating on his terminal again, and soon a powerful arm was materialized.

Although this arm does not look like a knot of muscles, and even looks a bit delicate, and does not even have claws, it gives people a sense of strength inexplicably.

Even though it is just a shadow, it still gives people an extraordinary feeling.

It even made Lin Tianwei feel like he had delicious food right in front of him.

This is probably the impulse that humans have when they see pig knuckles.

The moment this arm appeared, Loki began to introduce it, saying: "This arm is the arm of a long-armed person with third-level strength in the universe."

"As the most powerful part of the Long-Armed Clan, the arms can be said to be the essence of the Long-Armed Clan's entire body."

"Use a special method to transplant such an arm for yourself."

“Just being flexible.”

"Although the cosmic behemoth cannot instantly possess the third-level strength of the cosmic level, it can definitely take its strength to the next level."

Having said this, Rocky paused again and added: "If Master Zelta doesn't like the shape of this arm, you can also choose another way to strengthen yourself."

"Swallow this arm completely, integrate it into yourself, and turn it into a part of your own strength."

"However, this requires the cooperation of some powerful swallowing talents. The specific effect it can achieve is unknown."

"The strengthening effect is far inferior to the first one."

Transplant food into yourself? This is obviously not a good choice.

Turning into weird shapes is the next best thing. If it's serious, it may even pollute Lin Tianwei's origin.

Let Lin Tianwei transform from a Siberian tiger into a monster.

Weird monsters.

It is even possible that even consciousness is infected.

The body tissue of a strong man?

That's really not a tool that can be easily transplanted.

Even without consciousness, instinct alone is enough to cause trouble for the transplant.

In contrast, Lin Tianwei was more satisfied with the option of eating it directly.

After all, he already possesses the spiritual food talent that reaches the level of a king.

After digesting and absorbing this arm, one's own attributes will definitely be greatly improved.

Although this may seem like a waste of resources.

Origin: 264875!

After looking at his six-digit income, Lin Tianwei said that he was willful and would not mind buying a few pork knuckles for himself as snacks.

The hard work of accumulating resources is meaningless if it is not for consumption.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei slowly said: "This arm looks delicious."

"One piece of one thousand origins? The price is quite reasonable."

"Let me try five of them first. If the effect is good, I will buy more." (End of Chapter)

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