"The laws of the chaotic universe, especially the newborn chaotic universe, are not yet perfect and are full of dangers and explosions."

"Not only that, due to the confusion of rules, the chaotic universe will instinctively reject cosmic behemoths that are too powerful."

"The younger the chaotic universe, the higher the danger and the stronger the repulsive force."

"Once an overly powerful cosmic behemoth enters the chaotic universe, the repulsive force will be too great, causing the chaotic universe to explode directly, leaving the explorers with nothing to gain."

"Cosmic behemoths that are not strong enough cannot survive in a chaotic universe."

"Even if you just go to the outskirts of the nascent chaotic universe, if you are not careful, you will still die on the spot and become the nutrients for the growth of the chaotic universe."

"So under normal circumstances, no cosmic behemoth would explore the truly nascent chaotic universe."

"That's not exploring, that's dying."

"Even if this newborn chaotic universe is full of treasures, there are basically no cosmic beasts going to explore it."

"This leads to the fact that the exploration of the nascent chaotic universe becomes later and easier."

"It has become a regular exploration plan to allow the nascent chaotic universe to grow and then start exploring after it has grown to a certain level."

"Although the treasures in the more mature nascent chaotic universe have become scarce, due to the gradual improvement of the rules, the degree of danger will be greatly reduced. At the same time, it can also accommodate more powerful cosmic behemoths without causing self-destruction."

"Finally, the danger level has reached a point where it can be barely controlled."

"Explore too early, and there are many dangers; explore too late, and there will be no harvest! This is the current situation of exploring the chaotic universe."

"This makes it extremely difficult to obtain treasures like star stones that have the effect of compressing space. This kind of treasure will be absorbed as the rules of the chaotic universe gradually improve."

"In a chaotic universe that is too mature, it is almost impossible to see the existence of asterite. If you are lucky enough to find some fragments of asterite, you are lucky enough."

"It is said that the complete star stone has a terrifying size, and the effect of compressing the world inside the body is even more outstanding, almost to the extent that it can be done at will."

"It's just that these are all legends. Basically no cosmic beast has ever been seen."

"At least I've lived for thousands of years and I haven't heard of any cosmic behemoth seeing the complete form of primordial asterite."

Having said this, Luo Ji added another sentence: "I have to say that the star stone is really a rare treasure."

"Although the price is a bit more expensive, it can fully match the difficulty of obtaining it."

"Master Zelta, if you need the Star Stone, now is the best time to do it."

"Although it will cost a little more in origin, it is not a loss at all to be able to harvest such a huge star stone."

When he didn't get the answer that Pan Di was bragging, Lin Tianwei didn't know whether he should be happy or sad for a moment.

I am happy that I have obtained an extremely rare primitive star stone.

I'm sad because I lost a lot of priceless starstone fragments.

At this time, Lin Tianwei finally realized why his journey to explore the chaotic universe was so difficult.

The treasures harvested are extremely pure and have a value that far exceeds the market price.

It turns out that I left early!

At this time, the chaotic universe has just been born and is surrounded by crises.

Although the chaotic universe at this time is the time of greatest opportunity, there will be no cosmic beasts to set foot on it.

After all, there are still a few cosmic behemoths who want money rather than life.

If Lin Tianwei hadn't been so powerful and resourceful, he would have overturned in the primitive chaotic universe in this state.

This is also the reason why the cosmic behemoths who discovered the chaotic universe are just surrounding here and constantly sending slaves to explore the chaotic universe.

At this time, they did not dare to step into the beast-eating black hole of the chaotic universe.

They must constantly explore the information in the chaotic universe to judge the state of the chaotic universe.

In order to find the most suitable time to enter the chaotic universe.

Although this will make their harvest worse, it is the safest way.

In this way, the opportunity Torre gave Lin Tianwei was far greater than imagined.

This also reflects the uncontrollability of Torre's chance talent, which is far more dangerous than Lin Tianwei imagined.

This seemingly nascent chaotic universe is an opportunity, but it is an absolute death, and Torre cannot grasp it at all.

If it weren't for Lin Tianwei's help, Torre would never have thought of leaving this chaotic universe alive.

The reason why Torre was able to survive Lin Tianwei's appearance was just because he was cowardly.

He just hid at the edge and remained motionless, without even the slightest thought of exploring this dangerous nascent chaotic universe.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei finally figured out everything and gave Luo Ji an unclear look.

This poor cosmic behemoth probably never expected that,

The original star stone, which he said was rarely seen by the giant beasts in the universe, was lying quietly in Lin Tianwei's inner world.

Quietly exuding the power of space compression, Lin Tianwei's inner world can be maintained at the most appropriate size.

This kind of ability to shrink freely is not something that can be compared to the asterite fragment in front of you.

Although using this low-level star stone can also achieve the effect of liberating the world inside the body.

In fact, it has a fatal flaw, that is, it cannot completely compress and restore the inner world as it pleases, and there is a certain buffer time.

This buffer time may not matter in normal times, but it is particularly fatal at the most critical moment of the battle.

After all, in a rapidly changing battle situation, an advantage of 0.01 second is enough to determine the outcome.


Most of the cosmic behemoths in the universe use asterite debris when compressing the inner world.

The proportion is even as high as 99.9%.

After all, not all cosmic behemoths can obtain a primitive star stone like Lin Tianwei.

Not all cosmic behemoths possess powerful space compression talents.

Therefore, this kind of shackles is common among the giant beasts in the universe.

Since everyone has shackles, then rounding up means that everyone has no shackles.

The calculation is reasonable and the logic is perfect.

However, there are only a few exceptions, but they are not completely absent.

This results in cosmic behemoths like Lin Tianwei who have the original star power stone, or cosmic behemoths who have the talent to compress the world inside their bodies, to take advantage in the battle.

Able to seamlessly adjust the size of his body, and use the most appropriate body type to make the most reasonable attack in the most suitable place.

In this case, unless it has a huge advantage, the cosmic behemoth that uses asterite fragments has no chance of winning at all.

Therefore, few cosmic behemoths dare to challenge beings like Lin Tianwei.

Even if their strength is one or two levels higher, they still don't have the courage at all.

After all, it’s scary to think about enemies that can be made bigger or smaller at will.

Lin Tianwei, who owns the original asterite, naturally cannot be interested in such low-level things as asterite fragments.

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Tianwei rejected Luo Ji's proposal and said, "I don't need such a 'big' star stone."

However, Lin Tianwei seemed to suddenly think of something, and backhandedly offered a bidding price of two thousand units of origin.

Huisheng doubled the price of the starry stone fragments in front of him.

Although Lin Tianwei does not need such huge asterite fragments, it does not mean that other cosmic behemoths do not.

After learning how big the opportunities he had been before, Lin Tianwei also had the idea of ​​​​compensating Torre a little more.

Although I don't like this starstone fragment, it is a very big gift for a cosmic beast of Torre's strength.

Of course, the premise is that Torre is lucky enough to survive the swarm of opportunities and survive until he can see Lin Tianwei again.

Only then will he be able to receive this great gift from Lin Tianwei.

Although this behavior of just rejecting and then bidding immediately was a bit strange, Lin Tianwei had no intention of explaining it to Luo Ji.

If you act on your own, why do you need to explain to other cosmic beasts?

Luo Ji was also very sensible. He stood aside with a low eyebrow and had no intention of saying anything or asking any questions.

Lin Tianwei's heroic move directly cut off the purchase thoughts of those cosmic behemoths who wanted to buy this star stone fragment.

Every shot he makes represents a sure victory and the belief that he will definitely get the auction item.

Even if a beast follows the price, it will only end up being crushed to pieces by Lin Tianwei.

Udo is the best proof.

Although Lin Tianwei's act of subduing beasts by his origin greatly offended the cosmic behemoths who were bidding, Lin Tianwei didn't care at all.

There is no need to care about the feelings of these weak people.

I didn't take anything by force, but I bid on the auction items based on my ability, so I can get them with peace of mind.

While Lin Tianwei was bidding for the starstone fragments, a conspiracy against him was quietly brewing.

Wu Duo never expected that Lin Tianwei would block him again without giving him a chance to talk nonsense.

Unwilling to give up, he found another superficial friend and tried to communicate with Rocky again.

However, they discovered that Rocky, who originally did not block strangers' communications, had turned on blocking mode.

Just kidding, how could Rocky continue to let an unknown cosmic beast like Udo bother Lin Tianwei.

Once, twice? The third time, he was afraid of death and could only commit suicide to apologize.

Udo's expression instantly became distorted when he realized that he couldn't contact Rocky.

Evil springs from courage.

Incompetent said angrily: "Damn it, I've already given you a chance."

"Obviously you only need to accept my generous trading conditions to avoid death, but you still have to seek your own death."

"That's all, there's no way we can stop the cosmic beast that wants to die."

"Death will tell you how stupid you were."

Although Lin Tianwei may be very powerful, Udo is not timid at all.

The arctic universe is, after all, just a universe, and the cosmic behemoths it can accommodate are limited in strength, and the highest is only the ninth level of the universe.

Under this situation, Udo believed that as long as he figured out a way, he would definitely be able to cross the countless gaps and crush this mysterious cosmic beast in one fell swoop.

Step on his corpse and seize all the cultivation resources that belong to him.

It would be extremely satisfying if we could successfully enslave this cosmic beast.

If the opponent has so many sources, he must have some special talent that can earn sources.

Just thinking about owning a slave like this makes Udo extremely happy.

Seeing Lin Tianwei once again take down a piece of star stone, Wu Duo was not angry but happy.

In his opinion, everything Lin Tianwei did was just bidding for him.

Wood spar? Asterite debris? Various powerful slaves? …

Everything will become your trophy after you successfully kill the opponent.

Not only that, what Lin Tianwei did was extremely offending to the cosmic beast.

Cutting off a person's path to becoming stronger is a hatred more powerful than killing a beast's parents.

With careful management, Udo believes that he will be able to attract countless like-minded cosmic beasts.

Thinking like this, Udo no longer paid attention to the auction in front of him.

At this time, he only had one idea in his mind, which was to contact more and more powerful cosmic beasts for a sure-win encirclement and suppression.

Directly send this ungrateful cosmic beast into the abyss of eternal destruction.

With the continuous flow of information, Udo gathered a large number of people with lofty ideals under coercion and inducement.

Although these cosmic behemoths have their own little thoughts, they may not be willing to use their full strength.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the situation is on their side, it is impossible for them to rebel.

You can only be coerced by the general trend and work with yourself to completely eliminate the enemy.


These cosmic behemoths that have just been contacted are only the first layer of protection for Udo's plan.

In order to ensure that the plan was foolproof and that he could kill Lin Tianwei with one blow, he had to make a few more preparations.

Thinking of this, Udo went online again.

As expected, Udo saw Felice's anxious face as soon as he got online.

The moment he saw Udo online, Felice said, "Udo, where did you go at such an important moment?"

"Is it possible that you are planning to surrender to the enemy?"

"I'm warning you, betraying me won't bring you any benefits."

"Even if I die, I will definitely support you."

"For all the deceitful and abducting things you have done over the years, once the truth is exposed, it will not be enough for you to die a hundred times."

I have to say that Felice is really well aware of Udo's shamelessness.

As soon as Udo went offline, he started to wonder if the other party had other thoughts.

Faced with Felice's doubts, Udo snorted disdainfully and said: "Surrendering to the enemy? Are you kidding me? How could I do something so shameless as surrendering to the enemy?"

"Felice, this is a big plan, a huge plan. How can it be possible with just the two of us?"

"I just logged off just to contact some like-minded cosmic beasts."

"Although this will allow us to give up some of our interests, it will ensure that the plan is foolproof and will never fail."

"I have contacted five cosmic behemoths who are equally powerful as me, so our chances of success will be greatly increased." (End of Chapter)

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