Although Lin Tianwei had long been aware of Luo Ji's desire to seek refuge, he did not expect that he would be so decisive and directly offer his origin.

The origin is the foundation of the cosmic beast, representing the soul and even everything of the cosmic beast.

Through the origin, you can not only perceive the thoughts of the cosmic behemoths, but also control the life and death of the cosmic behemoths.

It can even tamper with the consciousness of the cosmic behemoth and modify the thoughts of the cosmic behemoth.

In a sense, dedicating one's origin is a more terrifying slave contract than controlling a chip.

If the control chip still has the possibility of overturning, then after being controlled by the source, there will no longer be the possibility of turning over.


Compared with control chips, offering the source is not without merit.

Although it is also a slave contract, the cosmic beast that offers its origin still retains the potential for growth and the possibility of growth.

Even so, no cosmic behemoth would do such a stupid thing as completely entrusting his life and property to other cosmic behemoths.

However, Luo Ji not only did it, but he also did it without Lin Tianwei's request at all. His determination was evident.

Facing the source at his fingertips, Lin Tianwei just waved it lightly and let it return to Luo Ji's body.

Upon seeing this, Luo Ji's face changed drastically, and his expression became visibly disappointed.

He never thought that even though he had contributed his origin, he still would not be favored by Lin Tianwei.

He murmured: "It seems that I am still a little too greedy."

"It's already a great honor for me to get Lord Zelta's help this time. How can I be greedy and want more?"

Although he was a little disappointed, Luo Ji felt that Lin Tianwei's rejection of him was reasonable.

There are as many cosmic behemoths as powerful as Lin Tianwei who want to follow them, like crucian carp crossing the river.

In this case, how could the other party take a fancy to me, who is just mediocre?

But before Luo Ji could be disappointed, he heard Lin Tianwei's voice, saying:

"I don't like to use so-called contracts to bind and restrain other creatures. If you truly surrender to me, you don't need to offer your origin to me."

"If I suffer betrayal, it only means that I don't have the ability to convince you."

"What's more, what I need is not a weak thug, but a person who can act as my agent for resource acquisition."

"Lotus Slave Market is not a fool. They cannot allow a cosmic beast who has sacrificed his origin to be in a high position."

"Giving your origin to me means that you have lost your greatest role in me."

Lin Tianwei does have the idea of ​​​​supporting an agent to help him do things.

Participating in this kind of smelly and long auction is a novel experience, but Lin Tianwei felt that it was a complete waste of his time after attending it a few times.

Since Luo Ji wants to join him, Lin Tianwei is willing to give him a chance.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei said: "You are completely useless to me now."

"What you did seems to be very good, but any slightly smarter cosmic beast can do this."

"But I am still willing to give you a chance to accept a challenge."

"As long as you can become a responsible beast in the Kars Star Realm, I can barely recognize your strength and admit that you have the qualifications to follow me."

Become a responsible beast in the Kars Star Realm?

This was simply impossible for Rocky, who had basically no foundation.

Even though he barely managed to get first place in the performance rankings in this assessment due to Lin Tianwei's strength, this does not mean that he can 100% become the responsible beast in the extremely cold universe.

Rocky's biggest weakness is his shallow foundation. He has no qualifications to compete with beasts like Felicie.

It seems that he has an advantage, but in fact Rocky's situation is already in danger.

The common man is not guilty, but the jade is guilty.

With no foundation at all, he actually became the number one in the performance rankings. What awaits Rocky may not be a good thing.

At least Felice was already planning to kill Rocky.

But because killing Lin Tianwei had a higher priority, he was temporarily spared.

Even if Loki is lucky enough to become the responsible beast in the extremely cold universe, he is still very far away from becoming a responsible beast in the Kars Star Realm.

Although the gap is only one level, it is extremely difficult to overcome it.

Lin Tianwei's request is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Luo Ji.

However, facing such a huge challenge, Luo Ji did not hesitate at all and directly agreed, saying:

"I accept this challenge."

"Lord Zelta is right."

"If you can't complete such a simple challenge, I have no qualifications to follow you."

Lin Tianwei glanced at Luo Ji with admiration. Such a difficult challenge not only did not make Luo Ji shrink back, but instead inspired Luo Ji's fighting spirit.

Such a cosmic beast is the beast he needs.


It is impossible for Lin Tianwei to completely step aside and let Rocky, who has no foundation, fight alone.

Otherwise, he has no hope of completing this challenge.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei took out two things directly from Huya Space.

The first thing is a brand new terminal, a brand new terminal that has not yet been activated.

After using Zelta's vest for a long time, it's time for Lin Tianwei to take off this vest.

After all, Lin Tianwei planned to go to the Law Arena to have a look. Due to Zelta's identity, he was not even qualified to enter.

After simply leaving his soul mark, this terminal became Lin Tianwei's private property and could not be used by any other cosmic beast except him.

After simply sending a friend request to Luo Ji, Lin Tianwei took out a storage box and said to Luo Ji:

"After all, this is a challenge I set, and you are barely helping me, so I can help you twice."

"Although this auction item is not of high value, it is still practical. It can be regarded as the first help I have provided you."

"As for the second helping?"

"If you really encounter difficulties that are difficult to solve, you can seek help from me."

"I will help you once conditions permit."

Luo Ji never expected that Lin Tianwei would still be willing to help him twice even though it was a test that was exclusively for him.

This kind of behavior was too kind, and his body even started to tremble with excitement.

The adult in front of him may have great strength, or he may have countless wealth.

But the reason why he is really willing to make a desperate move is not these, but this unique attitude towards other cosmic behemoths.

It was this unique attitude that made Loki feel that he would never regret even if he sacrificed his true self.

Touched in his heart, Luo Ji directly took the storage box presented by Lin Tianwei.

As a subordinate, he does not need to question Lin Tianwei's decision, he only needs to accept it.

He believed that what Lin Tianwei needed was definitely not a subordinate who doubted him at every turn.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji took out his terminal and agreed to Lin Tianwei's friend application.

But I found that in the name column, there was just a simple word "Lin".

Luo Ji suddenly realized that this might be Lin Tianwei's real name.

Although this kind of universal terminal has the ability to bind users,

However, some cosmic behemoths with special talents can still deceive terminal verification and perfectly disguise themselves as other cosmic behemoths.

Therefore, Luo Ji was not surprised at all that Lin Tianwei's true identity was not Zelta, and he had even been mentally prepared for it.

Of course, Rocky had investigated Zelta, a powerful vest that suddenly appeared in front of him.

However, they discovered that the original opponent was just a cosmic behemoth with low strength, a Ze clan with no talent, completely different from the power and invincibility shown by Lin Tianwei.

It was precisely because of this discovery that Luo Ji realized that the seemingly harmless cosmic beast standing in front of him was just Lin Tianwei's disguise.

Underneath the frail appearance, there is most likely a super old monster hiding.

A super old monster that may have countless powerful talents and live for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Although it is extremely risky to rashly come into contact with such a super old monster, Rocky, who is already at the end of his rope, has no choice at all.

He could only take a gamble and bet that this super old monster could bring him enough performance to enable him to overcome the current difficulties.

Unexpectedly, not only did he bet correctly, but he even won the jackpot.

1.56 million units of origin!

Such appalling achievements have never happened before in the entire history of the extremely cold universe that spans more than 100 million years.

Compared with the performance of the second-placed unit, which is only 80,000 or 90,000 yuan, it is simply an inhumane crushing of the trenches and does not give the slightest chance to resist.

Lin Tianwei could only express his apology for this situation.

At first, he only planned to make a small purchase, but he did not expect that the treasures he brought back from the chaotic universe suddenly exploded and were sold for super high prices.

Not only that, many of the auction items in this Lotus auction were very interesting, so Lin Tianwei couldn't help himself and took them all home one by one.

It's just such a coincidence.

Lin Tianwei happened to have a treasure, an origin, and an auction item he liked, so he casually set a record that would never be broken in hundreds of millions of years.

Having harvested enough auction items, and with Luo Ji's matters properly arranged, Lin Tianwei naturally had no need to stay here any longer.

Rejecting Luo Ji's request to see him off, Lin Tianwei took out his armor and planned to return to the universe.

Those treasures lying quietly in Huya space still need him to spend some time to digest them and digest them into his own strength.

It has to be said that the power enhancement talent scroll up to the extraordinary level is indeed a treat.

Even when Lin Tianwei left the Lotus planet, the auction was still not over.

There is even a trend that is getting worse. The bidding price has jumped from the base price to 58,000 units of origin. It is an absolutely high-priced item in the entire Lotus auction.

However, no matter how high the transaction price of this talent scroll is, the cosmic behemoth that achieved this achievement cannot shake Loki's dominance on the performance rankings.

The outcome of this war on performance has long been decided before it is completely declared over.

Since the auction has not yet ended, Lin Tianwei's departure can be regarded as quiet.

But it can't be hidden from the prying eyes of the beast with a heart.

The moment Lin Tianwei drove the armor away from the Lotus planet, a pair of malicious eyes had already stared at him.

Looking at the familiar spaceship in front of him, Udo's eyes flashed with interest and he shouted: "Run away, that coward ran away."

"I have to say that it was a very wise choice to escape while everyone was grabbing the last auction item."

"At this time, everyone's focus is on the talent scroll. Who can notice the escape of this mouse."

"It's a pity that no matter how cunning you are, you can't escape my sharp eyes, and I discovered you after all."

"You were so cool when you rejected me before, but you are so embarrassed when you run away now."

"Stupid guy, you will pay an unbearable price for your arrogance."

"The pest eradication operation has officially started, and now it is entering the first phase, the deworming plan."

"Drive this fat pest in front of us into our encirclement."

In Udo's knowledge, no behemoth in the universe can resist the temptation of an extraordinary power-enhancing talent scroll.

If financial resources allow, even if you don't use it yourself, the resources auctioned for trading are a very cost-effective deal.

After all, when the realm reaches a certain level, Yuan Jing is no longer hard currency.

On the contrary, some treasures occupy an absolute dominant position in the trading market.

Only the legendary origin has so many uses and the energy it contains is so pure that it can barely be considered a good token.

Therefore, in Udo's view, Lin Tianwei's behavior of leaving the Lotus auction early was a desperate escape. It was definitely not because he was not interested in this extraordinary talent scroll.

The triumphant expression on Udo's face is a perfect expression of the phrase "a sparrow knows the ambition of a swan".

How could a cosmic beast as weak as him know the greatness of Lin Tianwei?

However, Udo did not realize at all that he had said something wrong. Felice caught the point and asked suspiciously:

"Reject? What did he reject you for?"

"Didn't you tell me that you had no interaction with him at all?"

At this time, Udo realized that he had made a mistake and explained: "Of course it was the transaction at the beginning. This unknown cosmic beast in front of me asked me to buy an arm."

"I kindly agreed to sell my precious arm to him, but I didn't expect that he actually refused the super discount I offered him."

"This kind of cosmic behemoth that knows no good and evil should be turned into dust in the universe. Every minute and second of life is a waste of resources."

Super deal?

Felice almost laughed out loud, secretly thinking that Udo was really despicable and shameless to the extreme.

With Lin Tianwei's generosity in constantly making moves in auctions, how could he possibly refuse a super offer if he encountered one?

Udo must have thought that the other party was easy to handle, so he offered a reverse super discount, which led to the direct rejection by the other party.

Thinking of this, Felice said with unclear meaning: "Then he is really a little ignorant and deserves to be completely destroyed by us."

"It doesn't matter, it won't be long before this cosmic behemoth that knows no good will no longer exist in the universe." (End of Chapter)

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