Felice and Morris's guess was correct. What Lin Tianwei just used was indeed not teleportation, but an illusion caused by the extreme speed.

After pushing his talent: Time Acceleration (Extraordinary) and talent: Speed ​​Burst (King) to the limit, Lin Tianwei's speed will exceed the perception of most cosmic beasts.

Let them have the illusion that Lin Tianwei suddenly appeared in another place.

It's just that they guessed the truth about teleportation correctly but wrongly guessed another thing, that is, Lin Tianwei's current state is not as embarrassing as it seems on the surface.

Although it is extremely physically demanding for Lin Tianwei to explode his speed to such an extent.

However, Lin Tianwei's talent level is relatively high, so it cannot be measured by common sense. Each pseudo-teleport consumes less than one thousandth of the energy.

In other words, Lin Tianwei can teleport at least a thousand times.

In this space-blocked area, as long as you find the right time and have enough attack power to break the defense, every shot will cause serious injury to at least one cosmic beast.

The so-called exhausted look was just Lin Tianwei's disguise.

If he showed too much power, wouldn't he scare away the prey in front of him?

After all, they all possess the strength of the ninth level of the universe. If they really want to run away, Lin Tianwei may not be able to catch them all.

At least half of the prey will escape from their hunting range.

What's more, showing off his powerful abilities was Lin Tianwei's test of them again.

If they don't show their strength, they won't show their true strength and let Lin Tianwei know how much they really weigh.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei felt that it was too difficult for him.

In order to hunt more prey, he must display his strength within a reasonable range and disguise himself as an excellent prey.

Only in this way can he successfully hunt them all without letting any of the cosmic beasts go.

Sure enough, Lin Tianwei's tactics were very effective, forcing the enemy to switch from mage mode to warrior mode.

Rushing towards him crazily, preparing to have a hearty hand-to-hand fight with him.

The first cosmic beast to come to Lin Tianwei was Morris.

When Lin Tianwei was "exhausted and all his cards were out", he was the first to rush forward and choose to pick up the slack.

The reason why Felicie let go of the blockade was actually because he had his own selfish motives, because he was a powerful space cosmic beast.

Fighting in the harsh environment of this blocked space really limits his strength.

Of course, in addition to space talent, Morris also possesses other powerful talents.

Otherwise, he would not dare to bear the brunt and rush towards Lin Tianwei first.

After all, Lin Tianwei had already demonstrated enough strength to instantly kill the cosmic beasts of the same level.

Especially the huge star power is like a bug, eroding the target's body crazily.

The slightly weaker cosmic beast cannot resist at all.

The trapped beast is still fighting. Lin Tianwei, who seems to be at the end of his strength, is actually the most dangerous. If he is not careful, he will be killed by him.

Morris didn't dare to be careless at all. The world inside his body exploded directly, and all the planets rotated at high speed, releasing majestic star power.

The dazzling star power began to converge on Morris's paw, turning it into a dangerous bright silver, and attacked Lin Tianwei unstoppably.

Well done! Finally, an irresistible prey came to the door.

Star power was released, and Lin Tianwei's claws also lit up with silver light representing star power.

Thanks to the power of the innate stars, Lin Tianwei can obtain a large amount of star power without squeezing the potential of the inner world.

With just one thought, he gathered star power that was far more powerful than Morris.

The speed of both was extremely fast, and soon their claws collided together, making a dull sound.

Evenly matched.

The collision was evenly matched, and Lin Tianwei withstood Morris' attack with a much smaller body than Morris.

Even if he exerted his strength again, Morris could not go further.

Lin Tianwei was like an indestructible iron tower, blocking his way.

Without hesitation, Morris kicked out his right leg.

After a long period of evolution, these cosmic behemoths have already evolved every part of their bodies into weapons.

Morris's legs were covered with sharp spikes. If he was kicked, Lin Tianwei would inevitably get a few holes.

Of course, this is under the premise that Morris can hit Lin Tianwei.

Lin Tianwei's body seems not flexible enough. Due to the limitations of his body structure, it is difficult to make some relatively large movements.

However, these are just illusions.

With the blessing of his talent: flexible limbs (extraordinary) and talent: incarnation of all things (extraordinary), every part of Lin Tianwei is extremely flexible.

He can make many incredible moves without affecting his power or combat effectiveness at all.

Lin Tianwei's body twisted into a strange arc and easily avoided Morris' attack.

Not only that, but his right leg kicked out towards Morris's abdomen at an extremely fast speed.

Morris' whole body is covered with dense spikes, and he looks somewhat similar to Marcello.

But it was obvious that he did not possess the extraordinary talent of Steel Thorn.

Therefore, these seemingly ferocious spikes are just fake. They can only bully some cosmic beasts that are not strong enough, and there is no way they can stop Lin Tianwei's attack.

Sure enough, Lin Tianwei's right leg kicked Morris in the abdomen with almost no resistance.

The spikes that came in contact with it shattered instantly, without any effect at all.

The terrifying power and the star power that penetrated the body immediately made Morris's face become distorted.

Subconsciously, he wanted to counterattack with his left paw, but found that Lin Tianwei blocked his attack as if he had already known that he would attack.

Not only that, but as if she was afraid that he would run away, she grabbed his left paw and kicked out his right leg again, hitting Morris hard in the abdomen.

I can't beat him, I can't beat him in hand-to-hand combat!

This is an all-round crushing of physical strength, talent, and star power, and he can't beat it at all.

After just a few touches, Morris came to this conclusion in horror.

The unknown cosmic behemoth in front of him was like an iron-blooded killing machine. It had terrible combat experience and instincts, and its grasp of the timing of combat was ridiculously strong.

Not to mention his own strength, which is far inferior to his own, even opponents of comparable strength may not be able to defeat him through hand-to-hand combat.

The most important thing is that the opponent is not as embarrassed as we imagined, and his strength and speed are still terrifying, as if he has never consumed a lot of physical energy.

Is it just showing off, another trump card, or is this all a scam in itself? Morris began brainstorming.

But he quickly gave up this indifferent thinking. His goal of getting close to the other party was achieved, and now it was time for him to show off his power.

No matter why the opponent still maintains such a strong fighting power, since he is stupid enough to get close to him, his failure is already doomed.

As a space-based cosmic behemoth, the reason why Morris fought Lin Tianwei hand-to-hand was not because he was stupid, but because he wanted to give full play to his space-based talent: space compression (extraordinary).

Although due to the effect of space blockade, most space system talents have become invalid.

But the space compression talent is different.

This kind of space talent that does not involve movement will be greatly suppressed, but it is not completely unusable.

Now, although Morris is seriously injured, he also has the opportunity to use his space compression talent.

Silver light representing space energy rose from Morris's body, and Lin Tianwei immediately felt that the space around him had changed.

It seems to have changed, but it also seems to have not changed at all.

But he soon discovered something was wrong. Morris, who was already very large, now became even larger, at least ten times his original size.

Could it be that Morris has a doubling talent?

No, it's not.

It's not that Morris has gotten bigger, it's that his own size has shrunk.

Strictly speaking, it is not that my body size has shrunk, but that the entire space where I am has shrunk.

Relatively speaking, it gives the illusion that Morris is getting bigger.

This is the power of space compression talent, which can compress everything that exists in an entire space.

It may seem like a small change, but it can make the affected things passive.

Just like Lin Tianwei now.

Because of the influence of the space compression talent, its body shape has not actually changed.

But compared to other cosmic behemoths, it is a full ten times smaller.

This made Lin Tianwei, who did not have any advantage in size, become even more disadvantaged.

Even in the eyes of other cosmic behemoths, he looks like an ant, an ant that can be beaten to death at will.

In fact, Morris thought so too. Facing the ant-like Lin Tianwei, he did not hesitate to extend his claws again.

As if swatting a fly, he swatted Lin Tianwei hard.

Faced with Morris's attack, Lin Tianwei felt that the opponent was ridiculous.

Doesn't he know what it means to be short and sharp?

Facing Morris's seemingly devastating palm, Lin Tianwei was not afraid at all. He turned into a sharp arrow and flew towards Morris' paw.


It was a roar caused by violent vibrations of objects.

Lin Tianwei was not easily swatted away by Morris like a fly. Instead, he passed through Morris' claws without any hindrance, leaving a seemingly small wound through his body.

With his size and strength being double compressed, Lin Tianwei's power became even more unstoppable.

Of course, this form is not without its shortcomings. At least Lin Tianwei's attack range is relatively smaller.

If he wanted to tear these huge cosmic behemoths into pieces, Lin Tianwei would need to spend more effort.

Talent: Power of Destruction (Extraordinary)!

Fortunately, Lin Tianwei had just acquired a powerful talent. His attacks were not purely physical attacks, nor were they purely star power attacks.

Rather, it is a terrifying attack with the power of destruction.

How powerful the power of destruction is, I believe Felix, who has had half of his body burned, has the best say.

At this time, her expression seemed to have become numb, and she looked blankly at the battlefield where the battle was taking place.

She had tried hard and struggled, but she could not wipe out this destructive power like a tarsal maggot.

Finally, a giant cosmic beast found Felix in crisis and tried to save her from the fire and water.

But he found that he did not have the strength to eliminate these destructive forces.

Instead, he almost fell into the same predicament as Felix because he was accidentally infected with the power of destruction.

For a moment, all the giant beasts in the universe changed their minds when talking about Felix, and they did not dare to approach him at all.

All he could do was watch Felix being continuously eroded by the power of destruction, and finally turned into nutrients for the growth of the power of destruction.

Felix finally understood why no one dared to attack Zaharie even though he was so arrogant.

Nothing else, because Zaharie does have the capital to be arrogant.

This terrifying power of destruction is Zaharie's biggest support for his arrogance.

If he hadn't met Lin Tianwei, Zaharie would definitely be able to continue to dominate the extremely cold universe, and there would even be a slight possibility of being promoted to the realm lord level.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the universe.

Zaharie made the worst decision in his life, which was to try to hunt Lin Tianwei.

In the end, not only did he die, but even his most powerful talent became Lin Tianwei's possession.

Although Lin Tianwei was compressed, the destructive power he possessed was no less.

The moment he penetrated Morris, a trace of extremely difficult-to-detect destructive power attached to Morris's wound under the control of Lin Tianwei.

The black flame ignited again, using Morris's body as energy, and began to burn continuously.

It hurts, it hurts my heart.

Looking at his right paw infected by the power of destruction, Morris's expression suddenly changed, and he burst out with strength, trying to escape from Lin Tianwei's position.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tianwei, who had been compressed, was not inferior to him at all. In just a moment, he caught up with Morris and launched an attack on his left paw.

The black flame ignited again, but this time it was Morris's left paw that burned.

Although it was just a spark, it had the potential to start a prairie fire and quickly spread towards Morris' body.

Lin Tianwei wanted to continue chasing, but found that other cosmic beasts also caught up at this time and launched an attack on him.

We can only let Morris go for the time being and go meet the other cosmic beasts for a while.

Morris never expected that even after being compressed ten times, Lin Tianwei would still be so difficult to deal with.

Feeling the pain on his claws being eroded by the power of destruction, Morris couldn't help but cursed and said:

"Zahari, you idiot, you can't live in peace even if you are dead."

"Instead of burning this cosmic beast, this destructive power has been harming our own people."

"You really deserve to die."

Felix's tragic situation was still vivid in his mind, and before the destructive power spread throughout his body, Morris resolutely cut off both of his claws.

Although cutting off his claws would seriously injure Morris, this was the most correct choice compared to having the power of destruction spread throughout his body until he was burned to ashes.

This powerful cosmic beast was forced to cut off both of its claws just after it came into contact with Lin Tianwei. It was really pitiful. (End of chapter)

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