Bennett died, but the battle was not over, it had only just begun.

This battle cannot end until one side is completely wiped out.

However, as the battle continued, these cosmic beasts who tried to attack Lin Tianwei frowned.

Compressing Lin Tianwei's body seemed to weaken Lin Tianwei's strength, making the strength gap between the two sides even wider.

But it also gave Lin Tianwei extraordinary flexibility, which is impossible for ordinary cosmic beasts to touch.

You must know that although Lin Tianwei's body seems to have shrunk, he is still in full strength and can exert the full strength of this body.

Although the attack power has been affected by this, the flexibility is even greater than before, and it can completely avoid the enemy's attack without consuming any energy.

On the contrary, Lin Tianwei's attacks, after the body is compressed, are not destructive enough, but full of impact, and can always knock the enemy into the embrace of the power of destruction.

In other words, there was nothing they could do against Lin Tianwei. Once he was hit by Lin Tianwei, he would at least end up with missing arms and legs.

This situation made the cosmic beasts that were besieging Lin Tianwei couldn't help but curse:

"Zahari! Bennett! What stupid thing did you two stupid pigs do?"

"Not only did your talents have no impact on the enemy, but you are constantly stabbing your own people in the back. It's really not easy for anyone to live in peace."

"Take back your stupid talents before you die!"

However, no matter how much they scolded them, they could not change the status quo. The so-called siege actually turned into a cat and mouse game for Lin Tianwei.

A cosmic beast that was half-incorporated into an energy body tried to launch a sneak attack on Lin Tianwei, but unexpectedly it could not shake Lin Tianwei's strong tiger body.

The body of energy that he was so proud of was defeated by the power of destruction, and he was unable to break free from the maggot-like power of destruction in his tarsal bones.

In the end, his own body was turned into nutrients of the power of destruction and became Lin Tianwei's new prey.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction was successful, and the host obtained the talent: Energy Body (Extraordinary)."

"Energy Body (Extraordinary): An extraordinary talent that can completely energize the body and gain greater advantages in offense and defense."

A giant cosmic beast opened its mouth wide and swallowed Lin Tianwei whole in one mouthful while Lin Tianwei's body was being compressed.

He possesses a talent called Greedy Bite, which allows him to digest any object swallowed into his belly into energy.

But he overestimated his appetite. Lin Tianwei was not something he could digest.

Faced with this anti-Tiangang behavior of devouring himself with food, Lin Tianwei decided to teach the other party a lesson.

Talent: Giant Mouth (Extraordinary)!

Talent: Sharp Teeth (Extraordinary)!

Talent: Fast digestion (extraordinary)!

Talent: Spiritual Food (King)!

Lin Tianwei's teeth were very good. He opened his big mouth and began to devour this cosmic beast from the inside.

Lin Tianwei had spent a lot of energy after fighting for so long, and now only 90% of his energy was left in his body.

It's time to have a hearty meal to replenish the energy you have consumed.

This poor cosmic beast had no idea what kind of disaster it had swallowed.

Just as he was happy that he had come out on top and successfully dealt with the scourge of Lin Tianwei, his expression suddenly changed.

He had not felt pain for so long, and he only felt an unbearable pain in his abdomen, as if there were insects gnawing at his body.

Before he realized the seriousness of the matter, he was horrified to find that there was a hole in his stomach.

A hole just big enough for Lin Tianwei to escape.

What followed was Lin Tianwei's extremely familiar figure, and a power so huge that it could knock him away.


As if playing volleyball, Lin Tianwei slapped the cosmic beast's fat body away.

Shooting at a bunch of waiting forces of destruction, the fate of this cosmic beast can be imagined.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction was successful, and the host obtained the talent: Greedy Bite (Extraordinary)."

"Bite of Greed (Extraordinary): Extraordinary talent, powerful digestive ability capable of digesting all energy and matter."

"Remarks: Don't be greedy, or you'll spoil your stomach."

This is a massacre without the smell of blood, but it is extremely tragic. Within a few moments, a new cosmic beast will fall.

Gradually, these poor cosmic behemoths finally discovered the truth of this battle and the cruel truth that they were the prey.

The fight lasted for so long, although it looked like they were chasing Lin Tianwei.

But judging from the results, Lin Tianwei was unscathed, but they suffered heavy losses.

There is no doubt that they are the real clowns, and they are hunting Lin Tianwei, whom they despise, as prey.

Some cosmic beasts even suspected that the destructive power suspended in the air was simply the work of Lin Tianwei.

Otherwise, how could these destructive powers be so perfect that they would be able to launch fatal attacks on the cosmic beasts that flew around them every time.

As soon as this thought came up, boundless fear lingered in my heart. These seemingly invincible cosmic beasts were finally afraid, and they completely lost the courage to fight Lin Tianwei.

Their eyes dodge, looking back from time to time, and they begin to figure out how to escape from this dangerous area as quickly as possible.

Escape from the tragic fate of becoming Lin Tianwei's prey.

Want to escape? Have you asked me?

The moment the mentality of these cosmic beasts changed, Lin Tianwei was already keenly aware of everything.

Talent: Space Compression (Extraordinary)!

Lin Tianwei's body instantly broke free from the restraints and transformed from a confused tiger into its original appearance, powerful and domineering.

Correspondingly, the terrifying space compression energy spread all around, instantly compressing all nearby areas.

The original star stone itself is the treasure of compressing space, coupled with Lin Tianwei's space compression talent, and the massive space energy hidden in the space energy star.

The three interacted with each other, like a chemical reaction, and exploded instantly, directly compressing the entire space near Lin Tianwei.

Even the cosmic behemoths that were besieging Lin Tianwei were compressed into a mini state.

ten times?

No, fifty times!

The powerful Lin Tianwei can use his talent: Space Compression (Extraordinary) to be even more powerful, and the effect is even better.

The reversal of yin and yang!

The huge size gap still existed, but this time, it was Lin Tianwei who became the master and started another game called swatting flies.

Facing Lin Tianwei, who was like a savage beast, Hamilton suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted:

"Don't be afraid, we still have a huge advantage."

"The enemy before was just like us, with an absolute disadvantage in terms of size, but with its flexible movements, we couldn't catch it."

"Even because of its small size, it has a natural advantage in sneak attacks, which often puts us at a disadvantage."

"Shrinking us was his stupidest act. Now we just need to imitate his previous actions and continue to launch sneak attacks on him."

The shrunken Hamilton even showed a look of joy on his face. It was obvious that he actually accepted his stupid theory.

Moving his body quickly, Hamilton imitated Lin Tianwei's former appearance, looking for opportunities while constantly moving.

The cosmic beasts that were shrunk by Lin Tianwei were originally in great panic, but after Hamilton's reminder, they were relieved.

They believe that there is no reason that they cannot do what Lin Tianwei can do easily.

Even if the power of destruction has probably been tamed, it has become a minion of the enemy.

But as long as they continue to attack the enemy, they still have hope of victory.

Thinking like this, they began to fly around Lin Tianwei like flies.

Although there was no noisy "buzzing" sound, it was enough to make Lin Tianwei extremely powerful.

Fortunately, this boredom is only temporary.

Because Lin Tianwei will soon let them know that there is a significant gap between beasts. They can't do things that Lin Tianwei can do, but Lin Tianwei can easily do things that they can't do.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes. After a long wait, Lin Tianwei finally found an opportunity to attack.

A pair of sharp claws swung behind him at an extremely fast speed, instantly covering more than a dozen cosmic beasts within his attack range.

Talent: Thorn of Steel (Extraordinary)!

Using his fleshy palm to swat flies seemed to have lost the advantage of his sharp claws, but it did not mean that Lin Tianwei had no other means of attack.

Powerful strength, as well as tiger hairs as sharp as swords, these are extremely effective means of attack.

The reason why flies are called flies is because they are annoying to tigers and extremely difficult to hit.

These cosmic behemoths that besieged Lin Tianwei well inherited the two attributes of flies.

Realizing that Lin Tianwei's huge tiger palm was shrouding them like a shadow, their first reaction was to run away, except for the extremely stubborn cosmic beast.

Escape from this forest of steel swords that is about to cover them all.

They even had a tacit understanding, as if they had communicated with each other. Each cosmic beast fled in a different direction, leaving Lin Tianwei completely unable to take care of it. He could only use his strength where there were the most enemies.


Accompanied by several groans, Lin Tianwei's attack achieved remarkable results.

Although more than a dozen flies managed to escape, Lin Tianwei finally captured three flies.

These three flies were extremely miserable, like candied haws, directly penetrated by countless sharp tiger hairs, and welded to Lin Tianwei's tiger palm.

Lin Tianwei didn't have much patience with flies. The tiger's claws waved again, and the flies flew forward involuntarily, and were eventually swallowed by Lin Tianwei's huge mouth.

It was naturally impossible for Lin Tianwei to do something as stupid as that cosmic beast before, exposing his fragile body in front of the enemy without defense.

The three flies didn't even have time to see the internal structure of Lin Tianwei's body before they felt an extremely terrifying suction coming from Lin Tianwei's belly, eventually sucking them into an unknown area.

An unknown area they had never seen before, full of nothingness and darkness, except for three huge stars that were constantly rotating.

Just when they were still wondering where this place was, they were horrified to find that the three stars that had been so quiet actually started to move and rotate at an extremely fast speed.

Like cannonballs, they were flying towards the three flies.

Although they didn't know what these three stars were, their instincts told them that they were definitely very dangerous and terrifying existences.

Once hit, it will definitely be shattered to pieces.

Run away!

As soon as this idea appeared in their minds, they couldn't wait to implement it.

But they soon discovered that their bodies could not move freely in this unknown space, and even the simple movement of raising their paws was full of resistance.

It was as if this space had its own consciousness and was constantly interfering with their actions.

When they realized this situation, their expressions changed instantly, but before they could think of a countermeasure, the three huge planets had already arrived in front of them.

Especially the largest star seemed to have some special ability. It was still very far away a moment ago, but it disappeared in an instant and directly hit the cosmic beast in front of it before it had time to escape.


It was a dull crashing sound.

This poor cosmic behemoth felt as if its body had endured an unbearable force and instantly fell apart into several pieces.

Before he could use his powerful self-healing ability to restore himself, he discovered that a terrifying suction force came from the star that smashed him into pieces, and began to continuously swallow up his own flesh and blood, his own energy, and his own spirit.

This star is also alive, and is even a beast-eating monster.

The expression of this giant cosmic beast instantly became frightened. It wanted to escape from here, but found that there was no way at all.

In the end, he could only watch his body being swallowed up by the star bit by bit, becoming the nutrient for the star's growth.

After completing the kill, the star became quiet again and moved slowly, as if nothing had happened here.

Only the remaining flesh and blood on its body prove that a cosmic beast whose strength reached the ninth level of the cosmic level once died here.

The fate of the other two cosmic beasts was not much better.

Under the oppression of the world, they soon became food for the other two stars.

Although these two stars are not as fast as the first star, they also have weird and unpredictable methods.

A star exudes strange energy, which can actually cause the body of a cosmic beast to undergo reverse growth.

His strength plummeted all the way from the ninth level of the cosmic level, and finally even dropped a big level to the ninth level of the stellar level.

It seems that he can already control such a giant cosmic beast with his hands, and this star no longer starts to release weird abilities.

Following the pattern of the first star, he swallowed up this cosmic beast and turned it into his own food.

The third star's attack method is even more bizarre and unpredictable. Its weapon is actually space, endless space cracks.

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