Darkness, endless darkness enveloped everything.

When Lin Tianwei woke up again, he saw such a scene.

Time and space seem to have lost their meaning, and only eternal darkness remains.

Bad, very bad.

Lin Tianwei checked his physical condition immediately, but found that his current physical condition was extremely bad.

One Breath Remaining is talking about Lin Tianwei's current state.

Talking nonsense means you are still hanging on with one breath left.

However, Lin Tianwei is very satisfied with his current state.

Being able to survive a life from the world lord-level Miguel was already a blessing in misfortune. How could I be greedy and ask for more?

Although Lin Tianwei still has an external incarnation that can be resurrected, this is a last resort and should not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

Resurrection using an external avatar meant that Lin Tianwei not only had to start all over again, but also lost several talent stars and countless treasures stored in the Huya space.

And Blue Star, who was packed away by himself.

This kind of loss is also unbearable for Lin Tianwei. Naturally, if it can be avoided, he must do everything possible to avoid it.

Fortunately, Lin Tianwei survived by relying on his powerful talent. Even a realm master as powerful as Miguel could not completely kill Lin Tianwei.

The method is very simple, and the core principle is the talent obtained previously: Body of Energy (Extraordinary).

Lin Tianwei first used his talent: space compression (extraordinary) and the space compression power of the star stone to compress his inner world to a point, an extremely tiny point, an almost undetectable point.

Then use the talent: Simple Regeneration (Extraordinary) to recycle as much energy and origin as possible in your body.

Finally, use the talent: Energy Body (extraordinary) and the talent: Power of Destruction (extraordinary) to turn everything you need to save into a little power of destruction and use the talent: Concealment (extraordinary) to hide it.

Under Lin Tianwei's combination of punches, he finally escaped Miguel's perception and survived with a special state of a little destructive power.

Although this destructive power is weak, not even as bright as a firefly candle, it is extremely tenacious and survived Miguel's covering blow.

Carrying everything about Lin Tianwei, he survived tenaciously.

Miguier probably never dreamed that a tiger could play so fancy, show off, and play with such tricks. He was not aware of Lin Tianwei's core at all.

After confirming that there was no residual information about Lin Tianwei nearby, it was confirmed that Lin Tianwei had been successfully eliminated and self-recovery began.

Even so, Lin Tianwei's core was completely destroyed by Miguel's unknown AOE, leaving only the weakest destructive power to prove that Lin Tianwei was still alive.

Not reconciled, very unwilling.

Although Lin Tianwei survived, he was very unwilling to accept that he was just an existence that Miguel could destroy with a wave of his hand.

He had to do something to save this seemingly doomed defeat.

With the support of strong willpower, Lin Tianwei made a difficult decision and decided to take risks.

Talent: Parasitism (extraordinary)!

At the moment when Miguel was about to be recovered by the Black Rubik's Cube, Lin Tianwei made a prompt decision and quickly teleported to Miguel and parasitized him.

He decided to use his parasitic talent to steal Miguel's power, and use this powerful power to achieve his own goals, opening a path to the World Lord level for himself, and making himself stronger.

In the end, Lin Tianwei relied on his intelligence and wisdom to find a way to save the defeat among many powerful talents.

If Miguel was a normal world lord level expert, Lin Tianwei would not dare to take advantage of him.

parasitic? It is said that sending one to death makes one even more powerful.

A truly strong person knows his own body well and would never give Lin Tianwei a chance.

But Miguel is different. Although he possesses world lord level strength, his status as a slave is his biggest fetter.

At the moment when he returned to the black Rubik's Cube, Miguel had turned into a figure, and his consciousness and body had been completely frozen and sealed, making it impossible to detect Lin Tianwei's existence.

This gave Lin Tianwei the opportunity to realize his parasitic plan.

Things were just as Lin Tianwei expected. He successfully parasitized Miguel and was sealed together in the black Rubik's Cube.

All the plans have been successful, and Lin Tianwei only needs to eat away at Miguel's power bit by bit.

As a special prop that can imprison Miguel, the Black Rubik's Cube itself is not very powerful. It is just the simplest space prop.

But it can't stand that it has partial authority to control the chip, so of course it can eat Miguel to death.

But Lin Tianwei is different. He does not have a so-called control chip, so he is naturally not afraid of the confinement of the black Rubik's Cube.

Even in this state of exhaustion, he can still easily break free from the shackles of the black Rubik's Cube.

After all, Lin Tianwei's powerful space energy is not a vegetarian.

Therefore, parasitizing Miguel's body can be said to be of great benefit and no harm to Lin Tianwei.

Although he was seriously injured this time, he also gave himself a chance to go further.

What's more, although Lin Tianwei's condition is infinitely worse at this time, it is actually a good thing for him.

Nothing can be broken or established.

He had planned to reshape his body, and now was the best opportunity to build a strong body for himself.

Heart of the sky and sea!

When he thought of condensing the body, Lin Tianwei unconsciously thought of this treasure that was said to come from the Law Arena, a treasure that could perfectly condense the strongest body.

Although he already possesses many treasures, since Lin Tianwei wants to condense his body, he must condense the most powerful divine body.

Doing it hastily will only make it difficult to move forward in the future because the foundation is not solid enough.

Those beings who can become immortal and god-kings all have stronger foundations than other cosmic behemoths.

Strengthening step by step is the true meaning of being strong.

This is also the knowledge that Lin Tianwei obtained from Felice's memory, extremely valuable knowledge.

As the top seller in the Telos slave market, and being from the mysterious Zebra tribe, Felice's knowledge can be said to be very broad.

This is definitely a collection that is no less inferior to other treasures.

In other words, Felice is too weak to reflect the value of this intangible treasure.

But Lin Tianwei was different. After gaining this knowledge, his vision and horizons gradually broadened.

He will inherit Felice's knowledge to make himself stronger.

In addition to the importance of condensing the body, Lin Tianwei also obtained another extremely important thing from Felice's memory.

That is the importance of the origin planet.

The origin planet, Blue Star, is far more important to Lin Tianwei than expected.

Because this involves a threshold that must be crossed to become immortal.

However, becoming immortal is still a bit too far away for Felice, and it is a level that he cannot touch at all.

Therefore, Felice only vaguely heard from the tribesmen that the origin planet was very important and played a vital role in promoting immortality.

But what effect it has is unknown.

Judging from the known knowledge, Lin Tianwei's original choice of packing up Blue Star was undoubtedly very normal.

But this also involves another thing, and that is the ownership of Blue Star.

Zelta can also be regarded as causing endless harm.

Although Lin Tianwei avoided the risk of Blue Star being bought and sold by packing up Blue Star,

But in the end, the name is still unfair. He is not the true master of Blue Star and cannot be recognized by the universe.

It can be seen from Felice's oath of origin that this universe has its own unique operating mechanism.

Blue Star, whose right of ownership does not belong to Lin Tianwei, cannot assume the role of the original planet at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei couldn't help but frown.

It seems that I have to take the time to go to the Dawn Chamber of Commerce and buy back the ownership rights of Blue Star at a large price.

Compared with the matter of buying back the ownership rights of Blue Star, Lin Tianwei is not worried at all.

He has a lot of origins. The Liming Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce after all. As long as the price is right, it is impossible to refuse his purchase request.

Of course, Lin Tianwei was not in a hurry to do this.

Anyway, Blue Star has de facto belonged to itself, and is staying quietly in the Huya space. It is not in a hurry to do things in name.

Now, the top priority is to enjoy the sumptuous beef feast in front of you.

This was the beef dinner that I had finally managed to grab.

Since there is no order from the master, Miguel is still in the figure state at this time, motionless and maintaining a posture of being ready to go.

As a qualified slave, as long as the master gives the order, Miguel can lift the seal at any time, restore his original strength, and use powerful force to tear the enemy to pieces.

But as long as he does not receive an order, no matter how powerful he is, he can only exist as a figure at this time, motionless and at the mercy of Lin Tianwei.

Thinking of this, the black light representing Lin Tianwei also flickered with excitement, still very eye-catching in the darkness.

At this time, Lin Tianwei was parasitic on Miguel with his energy body in the form of destructive power and attached to his body.

But compared with Miguel's huge body, the destructive power that represented Lin Tianwei was pitifully small, not even as big as an ox hair.

But this does not affect Lin Tianwei's good mood.

No one will feel unhappy when they can freely enjoy the flesh and blood of a world lord-level cosmic beast.

After a period of distortion, the power of destruction transformed into a black energy tiger, opened its mouth wide, and bit into Miguel's body viciously.


This was not the sound of Lin Tianwei feasting, but the sound of broken teeth.

Even if Miguel is in a sealed state, his defense power is extremely formidable and cannot be shaken by Lin Tianwei in a weak state.

Looking at this delicious mountain of meat in front of him, Lin Tianwei felt itchy with hatred.

The feeling of not being able to eat this kind of meat in front of you is really bad.

Lin Tianwei could only activate his parasitic talent again, integrating his own destructive power into Miguel's body, like a parasite, absorbing Miguel's power bit by bit.

Talent: Parasitism (extraordinary) activates!

I suck, I suck, I suck.

The black mini energy tiger flashed and turned into a huge abyss mouth, sucking in Miguel's body.

But Lin Tianwei was quickly dumbfounded.

Even with the bonus of parasitism talent, he couldn't absorb much energy from Miguel's body.

Miguel's body was like an iron plate, unable to breathe at all.

On the contrary, because Lin Tianwei used too much force, the abyss' mouth exploded like an over-inflated balloon.

Although it did not cause any harm to Lin Tianwei, this behavior was enough to make Lin Tianwei look bad.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei gritted his teeth and decided to use his talent points to become stronger.


Talent: Parasitism (King)!

The parasitic talent that has reached the king level has indeed produced a qualitative change.

Although Miguel's body is still monolithic, Lin Tianwei has the ability to devour him.

The Maw of the Abyss took action again, and this time, Lin Tianwei finally plundered a large amount of energy from Miguel.

The body expanded like a balloon, turning into a plump black energy tiger.

Although it is only a little energy, the energy in Miguel is of extremely high quality. Just that little bit is enough for Lin Tianwei, who has various powerful talents, to absorb it for a long time.

But it doesn't matter, now is just the beginning, the beginning of this parasitic journey.

As Miguel's energy is gradually absorbed by Lin Tianwei, Lin Tianwei's body will also change accordingly, gradually possessing some characteristics unique to Miguel.

Under the protection and disguise of this characteristic, it is absolutely impossible for Miguel to discover Lin Tianwei's existence even if he goes out to perform a mission.

This is the terrifying thing about Talent: Parasitism (King).

If the parasite cannot be uprooted in the early stages of parasitism, and the parasite acquires the characteristics of the parasitized person and deceives the parasitized person's perception, the parasitized person will never have a chance to understand the parasite.

No matter how powerful the parasite is, it is only an energy supply station for the parasite. Without any investigation, it is eaten away bit by bit and turned into nutrients for the parasite.

As Lin Tianwei parasitizes Miguel for a longer time, he absorbs more and more energy, and his strength will become stronger.

On the contrary, as a parasitized person, Miguel will gradually become weaker due to Lin Tianwei's parasitism, and become increasingly unable to resist Lin Tianwei's parasitism.

Until even his own talents and characteristics were absorbed by Lin Tianwei, and he eventually lost control of his body and became a puppet completely controlled by Lin Tianwei.

I just don't know who has stronger control ability between Lin Tianwei's parasitic talent and the control chip of the mechanical tribe, and is more able to control this powerful body.

But that's all for the future. Parasitism is an extremely long process. Lin Tianwei is not yet strong enough to compete with Miguel for control of his body.

While taking advantage of the time to absorb the energy block just bitten off Miguel's body, Lin Tianwei's consciousness fell silent and began to explore the world inside his own body.

Under the action of double compression, Lin Tianwei's inner world was compressed to an incredible size, like a grain of rice.

It was precisely because he was small enough that Lin Tianwei's inner world could be preserved under the blessing of the power of destruction. Although he was seriously injured, it was still barely intact.

Cracks, terrifying cracks that almost penetrate the stars are all over the surface of the talent stars. (End of chapter)

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