Lin Tianwei said it so easily that Barrios was stunned to take back his words, "If it takes too much energy, don't waste it on yourself."

What's more, Lin Tianwei simply wouldn't allow him to refuse.

Without hesitation, Barrios agreed directly. This was a gift from Lord Tiger King and he could not refuse, saying:

"I hope to choose a plan that will help the Tiger King the most."

"I still want to keep my useful body and continue to serve Lord Tiger King, and contribute my own strength to Lord Tiger King's conquest of the universe."

Barrios believes that it makes no difference to him which plan he chooses, and he can survive.

In this case, I might as well choose the plan that is most helpful to Lord Tiger King. In this case, I can also contribute a small amount to Lord Tiger King's cause of conquering the universe.

Help yourself? Even if he wants to contribute a little bit to himself, it is something that Barrios cannot do.

The gap between him and Lin Tianwei is far wider than imagined.

Although it had only been about ten years, Lin Tianwei's strength had undergone earth-shaking changes, to an extent that Barrios could not even imagine.

Even if it weren't for the fear of hitting Barrios, Lin Tianwei could have moved a mountain of origin and told Barrios that there was no need to squeeze his own origin to provide Lin Tianwei with such a meager origin.

But it's good for Barrios to have such a heart. It at least proves that Lin Tianwei's reward was not given to the wrong person, not to the white-eyed wolf.

Even though Barrios had already made his choice, Lin Tianwei still chose to give him enough information and said:

"The first option is for me to directly reshape you. Although you can return to your 'youngest' state, you will most likely lose the talents and memories you have now."

"After all, no one can guarantee whether your brain will be rebuilt along with your body."

Talent: Rejuvenation (Extraordinary) has the ability to return life to its original state. During this period, Lin Tianwei can replenish Barrios' origins through other treasures and talents, allowing him to return to a healthy state.

It's just that Barrios is not Lin Tianwei. Without the protection of the talent extraction system, no one knows what will happen in the process of rejuvenation.

Losing memories and talents is also very normal.

In this case, although Barrios survived, he only survived.

"The second option is to choose a body that you think is suitable for body snatching."

"Although your mental power has been drained, you have two major mental talents after all. It is no problem to control a slightly stronger body."

"As long as you can adapt to the new body, there will be no problems at all except that you will be mentally weak. You will even become stronger."

"As for your talent, after all, it is related to the spirit. It should be a talent that can be preserved and even inherited by the new body."

This plan seems to have no side effects and has great benefits, but the prerequisite is that Barrios's mind can be compatible with his new body.

Once the compatibility fails, it will not only make Barrios' mind and body extremely inconsistent, but it will even damage Barrios' spiritual origin.

However, as long as you try a few times, you can still succeed, but you may not necessarily have a body that satisfies Barrios.

After all, no matter how powerful the bodies of other creatures are, they are not your own bodies and you are not used to using them.

As for the bodies of other cosmic behemoths? Although Lin Tianwei also stored some as rations, it was not something that Barrios could control.

His pitiful 3,000 points of mental power attributes would be instantly swallowed up by the body of the cosmic beast and turned into nothingness.

"The third option is that the flesh and blood are weak and the machine ascends."

"It just so happens that I recently received a good talent, which can digitize people's consciousness."

"At that time, as long as you give up your current body and transform your consciousness into data, you will even be able to achieve immortality in another sense."

"Different from body-snatching, digitalized consciousness will not be incompatible with machinery, and can change its body at will."

"In a sense, you are the god of a certain network, and you will get a very different experience."

"Of course, I am still a little unskilled in this kind of consciousness-modifying surgery. Of course, everyone will be happy if it succeeds. If it fails, the end will be far more terrible than you imagine."

"And the consequences of digitizing one's own consciousness for a long time are also very uncertain."

Talent: Targeted Transformation (Extraordinary)!

This talent also has unlimited potential and can transform the target in any way within its capabilities.

If it is raised to the level of a king, it can even transform consciousness and spirit.

When the time comes, it will be extremely simple to give Barrios the talent he acquired from Felice: digitization of consciousness (extraordinary).

"The fourth option is that I will give you enough resources to assist you in your cultivation."

“When your strength is strong enough, the source of losses can also be compensated.”

"Don't worry, I have far more resources than you think. I can raise even a pig to a planetary level."

"At that time, although you may be a little weak at the planet level, you will still be considered an absolute strong person on the blue star."

"Your future may just stop here."

"But it doesn't matter. Many Blue Star creatures may not be able to reach planetary level in this life."

Strictly speaking, this plan does no harm to Barrios. At most, it will only cause a loss of Lin Tianwei's resources.

But just to train Barrios to planetary level, this resource is a drop in the bucket for Lin Tianwei, and it is nothing at all.

"The fifth plan is to continue to develop your talents and keep yourself alive with stronger faith."

"Of course, faith cannot be rootless duckweed, it must have enough support."

"I will provide you with a large number of origin and spiritual treasures, but what kind of future you will have depends on whether your own beliefs are firm or not."

"After all, it is easy to persist in something like faith, and it only takes a moment for it to collapse."

“Don’t be burdened with anything and choose the option that you think is right.”

"I am far more powerful than you think. It doesn't make much difference to me whether I have your help or not."

"Find a way out for yourself. Only by keeping yourself alive can you have more opportunities to serve me."

After talking about the five plans, Lin Tianwei was not in a hurry and just waited patiently, waiting for Barrios to make a decision.

It's a tough choice, at least for Barrios.

After much hesitation, Barrios finally said: "I choose the third option."

"If by any chance I survive the transformation, I want to be able to use Plan 1 on my body."

"Without my body, it's hard for me to maintain my consciousness."

"I still want to remain useful and continue to serve Lord Tiger King."

Even if Lord Tiger King doesn't need it, it does not affect Barrios's heart to serve Lord Tiger King.

With a slight nod, Lin Tianwei agreed with Barrios' plan.

Krypton gold! Kryptonian talent fragments!

As Lin Tianwei spent 1.5 billion points of talent fragments, Lin Tianwei's talent: Directional Transformation (Extraordinary) was upgraded to Talent: Directional Transformation (King) in a very short period of time.

Sure enough, the moment the talent upgrade was completed, Lin Tianwei felt that he had a lot more knowledge in his heart, knowledge that he had never had before.

With the help of this knowledge, I can do many things that I couldn't do before through my talent: Targeted Transformation (King).

Lin Tianwei might have had doubts about this knowledge before, but now, Lin Tianwei knows it well.

These knowledge are all methods of applying laws. It is by using the omnipresent laws in the universe that we can do such magical things.

Now that Barrios has made his choice, Lin Tianwei naturally has no hesitation.

Any choice has its own risks, and once chosen, there is no way back.

Talent: Targeted Transformation (King)!

Bright white light gathered at Lin Tianwei's fingertips, which was the power of directional transformation talent.

Not long after, as the white light gradually expanded, Barrios's not-so-huge body was directly enveloped by Lin Tianwei.

In particular, Barrios' head was the focus area of ​​white light, which lit up with dazzling white light, like a super-large light bulb in the dark Temple of the Tiger King.

With his own understanding of the talent: digitization of consciousness (extraordinary), and the power of the talent: directional transformation (king), Lin Tianwei began to operate on Barrios.


That was the scream that Barrios made.

Even in front of Lin Tianwei, he acted so unreservedly, which showed how much pain he was in.

The huge power derived from talent: Directed Transformation (King) instantly overwhelmed Barrios's consciousness. He only felt like there was a sharp claw slashing through his consciousness, transforming his consciousness into something completely different from before. appearance.

Powerful, extremely sharp, yet cautious.

Because Lin Tianwei knows that if he is not careful, Barrios's consciousness will be damaged by him, and he will completely become someone else that he does not want to see.

Although it was the first time to perform surgery on the consciousness level, Lin Tianwei was careful enough to transform Barrios's consciousness bit by bit, and gradually engraved on it the power of digitization of consciousness (extraordinary) that belongs to his talent.

However, even though Lin Tianwei's technique was superb enough and he even spent a lot of money to upgrade his talent: Directional Transformation (Extraordinary), Barrios's consciousness still had a tendency to collapse.

Unlike the physical body, it may be easy to imprint talents on the consciousness, but it is extremely difficult to keep the imprinted target intact.

At this most critical moment, Barrios seemed to feel his own death and that his consciousness was about to collapse.

Talent: Power of Faith (Extraordinary)!

The powerful power of faith exploded. This time, Barrios chose to use the power of faith to protect his consciousness.

Let your consciousness, which had been gradually falling apart, gradually condense and barely maintain a state that will not collapse.

Since you work so hard, I can't help but do my best.

Lin Tianwei naturally noticed Barrios' behavior and moved his claws faster. He had to ensure that the targeted transformation surgery was completed before Barrios' consciousness completely collapsed.

Finally, the targeted transformation surgery was completed, and Lin Tianwei engraved a new talent on Barrios' consciousness - the digitization of consciousness.

Almost as soon as the inscription of this talent was completed, Barrios chose to digitize his consciousness in order to avoid the horrific damage caused by consciousness.

I have to say that this is an extremely correct choice.

At least when data becomes conscious, Barrios will be able to avoid a lot of harm.

The third plan has been implemented, so the next step is to implement the first plan to rejuvenate Barrios' body.

But there is one more thing to do before that, which is to settle Barrios' consciousness.

Under normal circumstances, Barrios's consciousness cannot exist alone, so there is no such thing as placement.

But now that he has been able to digitize his consciousness, he naturally has room for manipulation and avoids many risks that may arise in the process of rejuvenation.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei subconsciously looked at the illusory server beside him.

The machine closest to him and most suitable for introducing Barrios' consciousness is naturally the illusory server.

Barrios can even directly control an imaginary server to use as his temporary body.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly activated his terrifying mental power and moved Barrios' body to an illusory server.

The technology possessed by the universe is naturally not comparable to the technology of Blue Star.

Even if there is no corresponding transmission interface, Unreal Server can still capture data through functions similar to wireless Bluetooth.

Under Lin Tianwei's order, this illusory server directly absorbed the data representing Barrios' consciousness, allowing him to temporarily settle in it.

Then it was time for another surgery.

The bright white light flashed twice again, and this time, even the rejuvenated child star in Lin Tianwei's inner world began to spin rapidly.

Representing talent: the power of rejuvenation (extraordinary) surged out, instantly submerging Barrios' body, causing him to begin to rapidly reverse growth under Lin Tianwei's gaze.

40 years old... 35 years old... 5 years old!

In just half a minute, Barrios returned to his five-year-old self under the influence of Lin Tianwei's rejuvenation power.

Wood spar, the power of life and death, the spirit of nature, life energy,...

In this process, various energies representing vitality tended toward Barrios' body as if they were free of charge, quickly replenishing the source that Barrios once lacked. (End of chapter)

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