Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 379 The Second Competition

The training room itself is a place for the cosmic beasts to get used to their bodies, so Lin Tianwei can naturally use the talent template he possesses.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei directly chose to use the talent template: Muscle Strengthening (Extraordinary).

Although the Law Arena is extremely real, it is not a completely real world after all.

For example, right now, the talent template he just obtained took effect on Lin Tianwei at an extremely fast speed.

The body template of the violent giant bear itself is a template with excellent strength and physique. The muscles of the whole body are extremely developed, making it a real muscular beast.

Coupled with the fact that the talent template Lin Tianwei chose was strength enhancement, this violent giant bear was much stronger than the average violent giant bear.

Talent template: Muscle strengthening (extraordinary) power had just taken effect, and the muscles in Lin Tianwei's body began to swell again.

Different from the last talent template: Strength Strengthening (Extraordinary), the talent template: Muscle Strengthening (Extraordinary) is equally violent, but slightly milder. At least Lin Tianwei's muscles are not too exaggeratedly twisted.

Instead, it seemed to be growing naturally, gradually expanding bit by bit.

Soon Lin Tianwei's body size expanded by 30%, turning into a super big muscle lump, which looked very oppressive.

The overwhelmed epidermis was also propped up by the rapidly growing muscles, becoming extremely plump, like a balloon that could be popped at any time.

Strength 9000 (excellent), constitution 8500 (excellent), agility 300 (good), mental strength 45 (very poor)!

Under the influence of the new talent template, Lin Tianwei's all attributes have experienced an exaggerated increase.

In particular, the strength and physical attributes have made a qualitative leap, both breaking through the 8,000 mark, and almost reaching the top rating.

Rules Arena is not a simple game, it is more realistic.

The enhancement of numerical value is not simply one multiplied by five, but must be viewed from the overall quality of the body.

Under normal logic, when your physique is not strong enough, your strength cannot grow without limit.

The result of crazy infusion of strength will only cause the body to collapse.

This is also the reason why the talent template: Muscle Strengthening (Extraordinary), which is also an extraordinary talent template, can achieve better strengthening effects.

Being strong in all directions is true strength.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at the agility attribute of only 120 points with some disgust.

It was really difficult for this agility attribute to support such a huge body, which made Lin Tianwei experience the faltering for the first time.

Talent: Agility (extraordinary)!

Talent: Flexibility (extraordinary)!

Lin Tianwei subconsciously used the talent extraction system. He was eager to change his clumsy status quo.

A moment later, Lin Tianwei obtained two new talent templates, which had the ideal effect, making his body more flexible and his agility attributes skyrocketing.

However, when Lin Tianwei tried to add talent templates to himself to improve his clumsy situation, he received a prompt from the Law Arena:

"Ding, the limit of the combat template has been reached. Continuing to add talent templates will most likely cause the combat template to collapse. Please confirm whether to continue."


This is just a virtual world. Lin Tianwei will not really die. Instead, he can use combat templates to try talent combinations.

If Lin Tianwei doesn't have the courage to try such a good opportunity, then he is not worthy of becoming a truly strong man.

With the recording of the new talent template, new powers also began to take effect on Lin Tianwei.

It is completely different from the talent power provided by the talent extraction system. The talent template acts on Lin Tianwei's body and can only be taken as ordered. There is no possibility of adjustment.

In order to make his body more sensitive and agile, Lin Tianwei's body had to evolve again and evolve into something completely different from what it is now.


The muscles that were originally as hard as iron gradually began to atrophy, or become more refined, as if they had been digested and absorbed.

Under the influence of the new talent template, Lin Tianwei, who was originally a giant of muscle, began to shrink rapidly, and soon turned into a smaller figure than at the beginning.

The body also gradually grows towards a streamlined shape, which is more in line with aerodynamics and can achieve faster speed when running.

Gradually, Lin Tianwei began to look more like a mandrill that could walk upright.

Strength 5500 (excellent), constitution 4800 (excellent), agility 6000 (excellent), mental strength 45 (extremely poor)!

With the loading of new talent templates, Lin Tianwei's comprehensiveness has declined instead of increasing.

This is a compromise made by this body in order to be perfectly compatible with the three powerful talent templates.

Talent Template: Strength Enhancement (Extraordinary) Loading!

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei continued to try his own, and also loaded the fourth extraordinary talent template he now owned.

Like a ball of plasticine that can be kneaded at will, Lin Tianwei's body began to change again.

The muscles that finally fell silent expanded again, gradually supporting the body, allowing the body to exert even greater power.

Strength 8000 (excellent), constitution 5000 (excellent), agility 5000 (excellent), mental strength 45 (very poor)!

After the talent template: Strength Enhancement (Extraordinary) was fully loaded, Lin Tianwei looked like a relatively slender violent giant bear, and his attributes were greatly improved.

After moving his body a little and feeling the powerful power contained in his body, Lin Tianwei decided to give up the plan of continuing to strengthen this body.

The more talent templates, the better. At this time, the four talent templates have just reached a balance and can exert the strongest effect.

Rushly adding new talent templates will affect the stability of the body and prevent it from producing the best results.

Seeing his attributes that far exceeded the basic combat template, Lin Tianwei was immediately more confident and prepared for his second competition after coming to the Law Arena.

Fighting is the best way to test whether this body is up to standard.

With this in mind, Lin Tianwei left the training room and came to the waiting room, where he was ready to start the second competitive match.

After hundreds of millions of years of maintenance, the rules of the Rules Arena have become nearly perfect, with a variety of matching methods that can 100% meet any matching requirements of participants.

Faced with various fancy matching modes, Lin Tianwei finally chose the matching method that maximized profits.

It doesn't matter who the opponent is or how strong he is. Lin Tianwei only cares about how much benefit the opponent can bring to him.

He has the confidence to push through anything.

Competitive Difficulty: Hell;

Basic points: 1000;

Basic income: 1000%;

Body template restrictions: none;

Talent template restrictions: none;

Terrain restrictions: None.

Warning: When the competitive difficulty is set to Hell, you may be matched with an opponent who is a level higher than you. Please confirm whether you are matched.

A level higher than Lin Tianwei? That is an opponent who is at least the first level of world lord level.

Lin Tianwei was not afraid at all and chose to confirm the match without hesitation.

This is not the universe, but an arena of laws that values ​​the understanding of laws.

Not to mention World Lord level opponents, even Domain Lord level and even Immortal level powerhouse Lin Tianwei are not afraid.

There are eight competitive difficulties in the Rules Arena, from low to high: easy, normal, difficult, extremely difficult, nightmare, hell, purgatory, and legend.

Corresponding to the basic income ratios of 10%, 30%, 50%, 100%, 300%, 1000%, 5000% and 10000% respectively.

If you choose the legendary competitive difficulty, the basic income ratio is not even capped, and there are no restrictions at all.

Starting from the hell difficulty, while having super high basic income, the competitive difficulty has also jumped to an extremely terrifying level.

Because this means that you will be matched with opponents who are several levels higher than yourself.

The highest difficulty level of Hell-level competition is to match an opponent who is one realm higher than you. The highest difficulty level of Purgatory-level competition is to match an opponent who is two realms higher than you. The highest difficulty level of Legend-level competition is to match an opponent who is three realms higher than you.

Although the numerical value of the body template does not fluctuate much, the stronger the cosmic behemoth has a deeper understanding of the law, the more likely it is to have a powerful talent template.

If it is a talent template that is compatible with each other, it can even make an ordinary body template display a hundred times, or even ten thousand times the strength.

You can imagine how difficult it is to win against such a powerful cosmic behemoth.

In the Rules Arena, there is no easy way to get a single point.

As for why Lin Tianwei chose the hell difficulty, it is certainly not because Lin Tianwei is afraid of challenging the legendary difficulty and does not dare to challenge the highest difficulty.

Simply because Lin Tianwei can only choose hell difficulty at this stage.

After all, Lin Tianwei is just an ordinary cosmic beast ranked behind more than 300 million, and he has no qualifications to start such a difficult competition.

In Hell difficulty, you can spend up to one thousand points to participate in the competition, and these one thousand points will also be used as Lin Tianwei's basic points to calculate the profit after winning.

Although Lin Tianwei does not have that many points, he is still in the welfare session after the novice trial and can avoid the consumption of points.

In this case, Lin Tianwei naturally chose to maximize his points and directly chose to spend one thousand points to participate in this competition.

Unexpectedly, the matching time for this competition was much longer than Lin Tianwei imagined.

He thought that among at least 300 million cosmic behemoths, there would always be a cosmic behemoth that could meet his matching requirements, but he didn't expect that he still had to wait for a full half day.

This was despite Lin Tianwei not mentioning any restrictions on the body template and talent template. If there were more filtering conditions, it might take Lin Tianwei several days just to match.

However, considering the high rewards that may be obtained after victory, Lin Tianwei decided to make high-difficulty competitions his main strategy goal.

To exchange for a Heart of Tianhai, you need 100 million points, and just this few points are simply not enough.

After confirming that the competition was completed, Lin Tianwei appeared in the familiar arena again.

But this time, Lin Tianwei's opponent will not be the trial beast that only passively takes a beating and doesn't know how to fight back.

Instead, it was a formidable opponent that was even more powerful and might even be a level higher than Lin Tianwei.

Except for the novice trial, there is a waiting period in the competition between the giant beasts of the universe, in order to give both sides time to observe each other.

Looking around, Lin Tianwei never expected that he would see an extremely familiar figure - the Swift Leopard.

It was exactly the same figure as the agile leopard Lin Tianwei saw in the basic body template.

The agile leopard's unique streamlined body makes it look extremely agile.

This is an agile cosmic behemoth. It seems that Tianke chose Lin Tianwei as the template for the violent giant bear.

While Lin Tianwei was surprised, Hong, as a competitor, was also extremely surprised.

He never expected that he would encounter an opponent using a basic body template.

Under normal circumstances, only newcomers to the Rules Arena will use the basic body template.

Because not to mention those expensive custom body templates, even a slightly refined custom body template will be better than the basic body template.

A normal cosmic beast would never do such a thankless task as using a basic body template to participate in competitions.

"Ding, the challenge mode is on. Points will be awarded based on the time it takes to defeat the opponent. You can get up to 500 points."

After looking at the challenge mission that he had finally obtained, and then at Lin Tianwei's body that was a bit thinner than the average violent giant bear, Hong showed an expression that was indeed the case.

Secretly, this is really a cunning opponent. He deliberately sets the custom body template to have a similar appearance to the basic body template in order to confuse the enemy.

Trying to take advantage of the enemy's negligence and launch a fatal backstab at the most critical moment.

It's a pity that the other party is still a little too young and doesn't know that he has already seen through the truth of the matter.

There's no way he could be fooled by that stupid thing.

What's more, he is a master who knows how to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

His "Swift Leopard" body template, which was tailor-made to confuse the enemy, can be 100% restored to the point where it looks like the real thing.

Once the enemy believes his disguise, what awaits him will be his most deadly thunder blow.

Now it is a challenge mission. The faster you kill the enemy, the richer the rewards you will get.

As long as his excellent disguise can buy even a moment of time, he can launch a fatal blow to the enemy and win the highest reward of 500 points.

That's five hundred points. Just thinking about it makes Hong drool.

It is precisely because of this that when the waiting time expired, Hong launched a thunderous strike at Lin Tianwei, trying to kill Lin Tianwei in an instant to obtain the best challenge mission reward.

Mental shock wave!

Hong Na's terrifying mental power, which at least reached the Excellent level, turned into an invisible shock wave and launched a fatal attack on Lin Tianwei at the first opportunity.

That's right, Hong, the sixth child, is obviously a spiritual cosmic beast, but he pretends to be an agile cosmic beast by pretending to be a swift and agile leopard.

If the enemy is confused by Hong's appearance and does not rush to attack Hong immediately, he will have the advantage as a spiritual cosmic beast, fully explaining what a long-range machine gun is.

Even opponents more powerful than Hong will be defeated by Hong's never-ending waves of mental shockwaves. (End of chapter)

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