Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 388 White sand everywhere

"Ding, the competition is over, your evaluation and ranking have been updated, please check through the competition panel."

Rating: Excellent (50% points bonus after winning the competition).

Ranking: 500,000+.

Points: 9.9 million+.

Seeing the rapid improvement in rankings and evaluations, as well as the skyrocketing point balance, Lin Tianwei was quite satisfied.

The feeling of getting a lot of rewards for winning a game really made him extremely satisfied.


There is another aspect of the Beast Arena that makes him very dissatisfied, and that is the speed of matching.

Just like now.

Lin Tianwei has been waiting all day, but he still hasn't been matched with a suitable opponent.

"Ding, the waiting time for competitive matching is too long. Please adjust the matching conditions and restart the matching."

Lin Tianwei:......

He felt as if the Law Arena was telling him that he was already invincible and could not match a suitable opponent.

Adjust matching conditions?

Lin Tianwei felt that there was nothing he could adjust. After all, the only matching condition he set was competitive difficulty.

Reduce the difficulty of competition?

This may be a way to improve the success rate of competitive matching, but it will greatly reduce Lin Tianwei's competitive points income.

Besides, he has no interest in playing on the low difficulty level, so naturally he can only choose the purgatory difficulty to continue matching.

If the legendary difficulty hadn't been released yet, Lin Tianwei even planned to try out what terrible benefits the legendary difficulty would bring to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei did not hesitate to use the same conditions to continue matching.

"Ding, since you have chosen the same matching conditions again, the Law Arena can force a match for you."

"Once forced matching is adopted, you may be matched with more difficult opponents, so please choose carefully."

Force a match? I, Lin Tianwei, am not afraid.

"Forced matching."

Lin Tianwei did not hesitate to choose forced matching, but he did not know what kind of powerful opponent Lin Tianwei would be matched with this time under the superposition of triple difficulty BUFFs of cheater mark, purgatory difficulty and forced matching.

"Ding, congratulations on your successful forced match. Your opponent is Luo Sha."

"Name: Rosa.

Ranking: 3W+.

Rating: Top (enjoy 100% challenge points bonus after winning). "

"Please confirm whether to enter the arena."

After a forced match, Lin Tianwei quickly matched with an opponent named Luo Sha.

Looking at the reviews and rankings, the opponent's strength should be very outstanding, at least much stronger than Lin Tianwei.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei clicked to confirm the match.

He was already looking forward to competing, so he naturally couldn't back down after a successful match.

On the other side, Luo Sha fell into a state of confusion when looking at the matching result that she had finally waited for.

How could a cosmic beast as powerful as himself be matched with a cosmic beast with such poor rankings and evaluations?

Is it just a ploy or is he really capable?

Rosa felt that she needed to read the Law Arena forum first to calm down her shock.

After a simple search, Rosa quickly obtained the information about "Lin", which was created by Vance.

It's just that Luo Sha definitely didn't expect that this was a special piece of processed information. It wasn't that it was untrustworthy, but that the real information was hidden very deeply.

Soon Luosha was attracted by words such as Pengci (Vance Pengci), S-level competitive rating (obtained by Lin Tianwei), and the opponent was very good (it seemed). He completely lost his mind and clicked to confirm the match without hesitation.

Little did he know that what was waiting for him was a deep pit with no bottom.

Both parties have successfully confirmed that the competition has officially begun.

This time, what Lin Tianwei encountered was no longer a blank slate terrain, but a very special desert terrain.

Looking around, all you see is white sand, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Even this white sand is not ordinary white sand, but special white sand, which has the effect of shielding perception.

Not only the eyesight, but even the mental power can be covered.

It's just that white sand is white sand after all. Although it blocks out the sky and sun, there are some gaps.

With the help of sound waves and his powerful perception, Lin Tianwei was able to clearly see his opponent's appearance.

A ball of white sand.

That's right, it's just a ball of white sand.

His competitive opponent, Rosa, does not seem to be a flesh-and-blood cosmic beast in the conventional sense, but a cosmic beast similar to an energy creature, which is somewhat similar to the tree man he once encountered.

It's just that what makes up Luo Sha's body is not energy, not awakening plants, but wild sand all over the sky.

As soon as he appeared, before the competition officially started, Luo Sha's body began to melt like running water.

Gradually blending into the white sand beneath him, until finally disappearing.

It was like a tide, gradually spreading into every gravel under Lin Tianwei, as if Rosa had transformed into the entire desert.

Such a situation made Lin Tianwei couldn't help but get excited.

Become an enemy of an entire desert? Be an enemy of this desert that is thousands of times bigger than yourself?

Thinking about it is something that makes Tiger excited.

Like Lin Tianwei, Luo Sha, who transformed into white sand, also became excited.

But it's not the excitement of meeting an opponent, but the excitement of meeting delicious prey.

He originally thought that there would be some kind of trap hidden in Vance's information, but he didn't expect that his opponent was as clumsy as Vance described.

This kind of clumsy and violent giant bear can't compete with himself who has the body of wild sand.

What's more, with the blessing of the special terrain, the Kuangsand body he possesses has evolved, and has even more terrifying abilities.

Not only can it shield the opponent's perception, but it also has a terrifying corrosive ability, like digestive fluid, completely devouring the enemy.

S-level evaluations are readily available, and even SS-level evaluations can be expected.

Rosa decided to thank Vance properly after she won a big victory.

If it weren't for his intelligence, he might have chosen to give up the match when faced with such a strange opponent.

It is important to have strength in the legal arena, but a smart mind is equally important.

Therefore, when the opponent is too strange, many cosmic beasts that have no confidence in themselves will choose to retreat.

Just when Luosha completely blended into the white sand like a tide, the waiting time had quietly ended.

Next comes the moment of bayonet fighting.

Before Lin Tianwei could launch his attack, Luo Sha's attack had already arrived quietly.

The white sand under Lin Tianwei's feet began to slide away, like quicksand, causing Lin Tianwei, who was already very heavy, to collapse directly, falling bit by bit towards the depth of the white sand.

Once captured by Bai Sha, Lin Tianwei was like a prey caught in a trap and could only be slaughtered by Luo Sha.

However, as a real land creature, Lin Tianwei has no wings, so how can he escape from the shackles of the white sand?

Talent template: Mental Power (King)!

The terrifying mental power penetrated Lin Tianwei's body, covering Lin Tianwei's whole body, and directly lifted Lin Tianwei up in a very rough way, giving him an ability similar to flying, and temporarily escaping the fate of being swallowed by the white sand.

But this is not a long-term solution.

To support the heavy Lin Tianwei's flight, he consumes a lot of mental energy every moment.

If things go on like this, even if Luo Sha does not attack him, Lin Tianwei will become passive due to exhaustion of physical strength.

It is conservatively estimated that it will only take ten years for Lin Tianwei to be unable to continue flying due to lack of physical strength.

It was obvious that Luo Sha did not intend to wait until Lin Tianwei's physical strength was exhausted.

The time it takes to kill an opponent is related to competitive evaluation. Naturally, Luo Sha cannot let Lin Tianwei waste time flying in the sky.

Luo Sha, who had the advantage of the terrain, used all his strength as soon as he took action.

The entire desert seemed to come alive, began to tremble crazily, and started to move.

In an instant, under the influence of Luo Sha's power, the entire desert suddenly rose up and launched the craziest attack on Lin Tianwei.

It instantly blocked out the sky and sun, submerging the entire space.

Faced with such a large-scale covering blow, Lin Tianwei had no choice but to avoid it despite his superior strength. In the end, he could only watch his body being submerged by the white sand.

The moment the white sand came into contact with Lin Tianwei's body, it stuck to it like brown sugar and was adsorbed on the surface of Lin Tianwei's body, unable to break free easily.

Even if Lin Tianwei was lucky enough to break free from the shackles of the white sand, more white sand covered it.

For a time, under the influence of the white sand, Lin Tianwei also turned into a sand man, forming a heavy armor on his body.

And as time goes by, as the white sand continues to pile up, the weight of this armor continues to increase.

In the end, little by little, Lin Tianwei's mental strength could no longer bear it, and he could only let his body fall from the high altitude into the boundless sea of ​​sand.

Although not as sharp as Vance's spikes, the white sand was like the softest knife, constantly polishing Lin Tianwei's body.

There is even a terrifying devouring force coming from the white sand, gnawing away at Lin Tianwei's body bit by bit, continuously absorbing energy from Lin Tianwei's body.

Trying to drain Lin Tianwei's body completely, turning Lin Tianwei into a hard mummy.

Rosa couldn't even imagine how she would lose.

Because strictly speaking, the enemy Lin Tianwei faced was not himself, but this terrifying desert.

However, how could Lin Tianwei let Luo Sha's plan be executed smoothly and let the other party kill him easily?

Is your white sand great? My flames of destruction are not a disadvantage either!


The terrifying flames of destruction began to burn crazily with Lin Tianwei's body and spirit as fuel.

With the terrifying high temperature and the terrifying power of destruction, Baisha is no match for the flames of destruction.

The moment the flames of destruction burned, they cleared a vacuum around Lin Tianwei, burning the white sand that originally covered his body into magma.

Not only that, the flames of destruction also tended to get bigger and bigger.

White sand is the best fuel.

Like trying to put out a fire, the seemingly endless white sand in front of you is nothing but nourishment for the flames of destruction.

Not only is it unable to stop the burning of the Flame of Destruction, it will even make the Flame of Destruction less and larger until it completely devours the entire desert.

At this time, Luo Sha, who had hidden himself in the white sand, seemed to realize that something was wrong. He found that the black flames surrounding Lin Tianwei were so terrifying that he could easily clean up the white sand that he relied on for survival.

The originally terrifying Baisha felt as if he had met his nemesis the moment he encountered the flames of destruction. He could not use his magical powers at all, and instead became ridiculous fuel.

Advance or retreat? Rosa faces a dilemma.

He never imagined that the opponent he thought was a favorite would be so difficult to deal with. Although he did not pose any threat to him, he was not someone he could easily hurt.

Seeing the flames of destruction surrounding Lin Tianwei, Luo Sha gritted his teeth and chose to attack.

If he didn't break through this terrible flame of destruction, the white sand that made up his own body would not be able to harm Lin Tianwei at all.

Since they are destined to collide, why don't they take the initiative to control the rhythm and launch an attack, but instead give Lin Tianwei a chance to slowly erode him?

Thinking of this, Luo Sha no longer hesitated and began to mobilize the white sand in the entire field to launch a fatal blow to Lin Tianwei.

White sand turns into fist!

Compared to condensing into claws, the fist is more powerful at this time.

After all, Baisha is extremely loose, and it is simply unrealistic to break through Lin Tianwei's defense.

In this case, it would be better to condense the entire desert into a fist and completely crush Lin Tianwei.

With a plan in mind, Luo Sha no longer hesitated. With a thought, the entire desert gathered together, and finally condensed into a huge fist, grasping Lin Tianwei in the palm of his hand.

Not only that, Luo Sha also continued to use his own power, trying to use countless gravel to completely crush Lin Tianwei into slag.

Countless gravel was burned into magma under the high temperature of the Flame of Destruction, but more gravel was instantly replenished.

The magma transformed from white sand continued to attack Lin Tianwei.

Lin Tianwei is immune to the damage caused by the Flame of Destruction, but he is not immune to the high temperature brought by the magma.

Although his physical attributes are extremely high, coupled with his ability to control fire, his fire resistance is also extremely high, but after all, he is not completely immune to the damage caused by magma.

Using the Flame of Destruction to break through violently doesn't seem like the right choice?

The moment this idea appeared in Lin Tianwei's mind, he rejected it on his own initiative.

Violent breakthroughs are indeed time-consuming and labor-intensive in many cases, and are not the best choice.

But if he was just an enemy of a desert, he wouldn't be afraid at all - he would burn the entire desert!

As for the problem of being harmed by magma? This is not a problem at all for Lin Tianwei.

Output MAX, flames of destruction MAX!

As Lin Tianwei continued to increase his output, the Flame of Destruction also changed, starting to gradually turn from pitch black to transparent.

The white sand that came into contact with it didn't even have a chance to turn into magma, and was completely burned into nothingness by the stronger flames of destruction.

If you want to fight, I will fight. The rising flames of terror and destruction are Lin Tianwei's attitude towards Luo Sha.

He burned the entire desert with the Flame of Destruction MAX.

For Luo Sha, who can transform into white sand, every grain of sand is a part of his body and his sensory organ.

Therefore, he was not naive enough to think that Lin Tianwei had been completely crushed by him.

That never-extinguishing flame of destruction is Lin Tianwei's fighting spirit.

Faced with such a desperate situation, the other side chose not to give up resistance or fight in a roundabout way, but to choose the simplest and most crude method of responding to violence with violence?

Facing the entire desert, his plan is to waste energy and increase output?

Although Luo Sha admired Lin Tianwei's fighting will, he did not agree with his stupid idea at all.

After all, "Lin" is not fighting against himself, but against the entire desert.

When the opponent gives up choosing terrain, the outcome of this battle is already determined.

The endless white sand will completely swallow it up! (End of chapter)

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