"Ding, congratulations on your successful forced match. Your opponent is Marion."

“Name: Marion.

Rank: 10000.

Rating: Top (enjoy 100% challenge points bonus after winning). "

"Please confirm whether to enter the arena."

This time, even if Lin Tianwei was forced to match, it took him half a day to find a suitable opponent.

The long matching time also means that Lin Tianwei's opponent may be unusually powerful.

But Lin Tianwei didn't care at all. A powerful opponent might be able to defeat him, but it wouldn't be enough to scare him.

Immediately clicked confirm without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, this time Lin Tianwei was successfully matched without any waiting and entered the arena again.

It seems that Lin Tianwei's opponent Marion is also very confident and confident that he can defeat any opponent.

How could Marion not be confident?

As an extremely rare space system cosmic beast in the Law Arena, he naturally has the capital to be confident.

Unlike other talents, space talents are extremely special in the Law Arena, and few cosmic beasts can master them.

The laws of space are a little more difficult to understand than the laws of spirit. Only by knowing the true meaning of space can one be able to display the space-based talent in the arena of laws.

In other words, even if Lin Tianwei forced himself to obtain the space talent template, without understanding the spatial barriers, Lin Tianwei still would not be able to use the space talent in the Rules Arena.

After all, this is an arena of laws, not a universe, and the rules of space are completely different from those of the real world.

Unless one has a strong enough understanding of the laws of space, it is impossible to tear down the barriers of space and use space talents.

Similarly, there are time talents, which can only be used if they have a strong enough understanding of the law.

It was pitch black, and there were a few stars twinkling.

This is what Lin Tianwei saw when he entered the arena.

This is the universe, the most ordinary universe, which is like a blank slate arena and is a very favorable terrain for most cosmic behemoths.

Lin Tianwei was a little surprised. Although he had the right to choose the terrain, the other party actually chose the most common terrain, which seemed like he was perfunctory.

Talent Template: Sight (Extraordinary)!

As his field of vision opened, Lin Tianwei quickly saw his opponent's appearance clearly.

This is actually a cosmic beast that looks like a rhinoceros. It steps on the void, but it is extremely stable.

Unlike the rhinoceros, this cosmic beast is covered in a hard carapace and looks extremely thick.

Not only does it have sharp claws, but its whole body is covered with spikes.

There is a tail like a scorpion's tail behind him, with a cold light shining on the tail needle, which looks absolutely extraordinary.

Lin Tianwei may know nothing about this cosmic beast, but Yoris, who is watching the battle, has a look of shock in his eyes.

He never expected that "Lin" would be so unlucky that he directly met the ten thousand goalkeeper Marion.

The title "Ten Thousand Goalkeepers" may seem like a joke, but in fact it is a recognition of Marion's strength.

After all, if it weren't for his true strength, Marion would never be able to sit firmly in the top 10,000 ranking.

Such a high ranking means that Marion has great strength, and his sharp rhinoceros horns and scorpion tail are not easy to deal with.

Once it hits an enemy, it will cause tons of damage.

Not only that, no one would have thought that Marion, who looked so honest and honest, could actually be a rare space-based cosmic beast.

A space cosmic beast that can use the space talent template in the Rules Arena.

In a sense, the cosmic beast with the space talent template is invincible in the arena.

Ordinary cosmic behemoths cannot even capture the movements of space cosmic behemoths.

Perhaps the outcome of this competition was already determined before it started.

Yoris suddenly had this idea in his mind.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to continue reading.

As an observer, since he is sure that the opponent has the possibility of becoming a potential player, he will continue to watch the competition no matter how suspenseful it is.

What's more, Joris feels that this competition may not take long to end at all.

The cosmic beast with the space talent template can kill its opponents much faster than imagined.

Just like the scene Lin Tianwei is experiencing.

The moment the waiting time ended, the huge rhinoceros disappeared from Lin Tianwei's eyes.

When he reappeared, he had crossed countless meters and came behind Lin Tianwei, launching the most decisive sneak attack on Lin Tianwei.

Although Lin Tianwei's vision had captured Marion's figure, it was already too late to respond at this time.

The attack of the space cosmic beast was so unexpected.

With a huge force, Marion's horn slammed into the other person.

Not only that, the flexible scorpion tail was not idle either and launched the fiercest attack on Lin Tianwei.

Flame of destruction!

The jet-black flames enveloped Lin Tianwei's body like armor, trying to block Marion's attack in this way.

Even at a certain distance, the flames of destruction still gave Marion the illusion that he would be burned to death.

But facing the black flames, which looked extraordinary, Marion chose to attack with force.

The silver light representing space energy flashed, and wherever it passed, the seemingly dangerous flames of destruction were directly divided.

It was as if the Flame of Destruction took the initiative to make way for Marion to attack, allowing Marion's attack to hit Lin Tianwei's body hard, piercing him directly.

It is naturally impossible for the Flame of Destruction to betray Lin Tianwei. The cause of all this is naturally the weird space energy.

Under the division of space energy, an unblocked road appeared in front of Marion, allowing him to launch an attack on Lin Tianwei without any hindrance.

Hit with one blow and immediately escape.

Before Lin Tianwei could launch a counterattack against Marion, the familiar space energy flashed through again, and Lin Tianwei completely lost his perception of Marion.

It was obvious that the other party was already thousands of miles away.

Unexpectedly, he suffered a big loss just after the competition started. Such a scene made Lin Tianwei dare not underestimate this difficult opponent.

Looking around, prepared for a sneak attack that might appear at any time.

At the same time, the flames of destruction erupted, covering the entire space where Lin Tianwei was.

If Marion wants to launch a sneak attack on himself again, he will inevitably come into contact with these terrible flames of destruction.

Lin Tianwei can even control the flames of destruction to attack Marion the moment he gets close to him.

With reasonable arrangements, Lin Tianwei could barely eliminate Marion's advantage of having a space talent template.

Come on, hurt each other.

Even if Marion could hurt Lin Tianwei, a piece of flesh and blood would have to be bitten off by Lin Tianwei.

However, the imagined collision never came. After waiting patiently for half a minute, Lin Tianwei found no trace of Marion at all.

It was as if he was the only cosmic beast in this huge space from beginning to end.

Young, really too young.

At this level, it is really not like a reincarnation who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Seeing this, Yoris couldn't help but complain.

Lin Tianwei's performance really disappointed him, and his combat experience was really poor.

The outcome has been decided.

In fact, the outcome of this battle was already determined the moment Marion's attack hit Lin Tianwei.

The reason why Marion didn't show up was naturally not because he planned to play hide and seek with Lin Tianwei.

Simply because he felt that there was no need for him to appear again.

He just needs to patiently hide in the cracks of space and wait for Lin Tianwei to die on his own.

Lin Tianwei, who had been waiting for a long time, finally discovered something was wrong.

Several hours had passed since Marion's attack hit him, but the wounds on his body showed no tendency to heal on their own.

Not only that, the originally small wound seemed to be corroded and became larger and larger.

Poison, extremely poisonous!

Marion's scorpion tail is not a decoration, but actually contains terrifying poison.

This poison becomes extremely powerful under the enhancement of the Law of Poison, and has the ability to corrode everything.

This is at least a poison talent that has reached the level of a king.

Not only that, Lin Tianwei also felt a familiar aura from the toxins on the wound.

This aura is very similar to the aura Lin Tianwei once felt on Vance. It has terrifying destructive power and can hinder Lin Tianwei's body's self-healing.

Under the two-way superposition, Lin Tianwei could only watch his injuries getting worse and worse until he died.

This is Marion's strategy.

Different from the exhausting fight, as a space cosmic beast, his attack will be a sure kill as long as it hits the enemy.

No need to hit the target again.

All you have to do is watch the enemy being completely corroded by the poison you possess.

Although this is against the spirit of competition, it is the best choice for Marion.

Although the offensive rating will not be high, the defensive rating will be extremely high after every victory, which is the best guarantee for gaining points.

Faced with such a rogue attack mode, Lin Tianwei sighed slightly.

He originally wanted to fight Marion as a normal cosmic beast, but he took the lead in deceiving him.

In this case, don't blame yourself for using unconventional means.

With a thought, the terrifying flames of destruction instantly surrounded Lin Tianwei and burned crazily on his body.

Just when Joris and Marion were about to commit suicide, they discovered that a magical scene happened.

Lin Tianwei's body actually began to disintegrate, merge into the flames of destruction, and finally turned into a violent giant bear composed of the flames of destruction.

Talent template: Body of energy (extraordinary)!

Marion's poison is indeed terrifying, and even contains the power of rules, which can easily corrode Lin Tianwei's powerful body made of countless talent templates.

But facing Lin Tianwei, whose whole body was composed of flames of destruction, he was helpless.

In the end, after only a brief moment of resistance, he was completely swallowed up by the flames of destruction and turned into nothingness.

Such a scene was obviously beyond Marion's expectation. He never expected that Lin Tianwei actually had such a special talent template as Energy Body.

With a trace of helplessness flashing in his eyes, Marion sighed and said, "I knew there would never be an opponent who could be defeated so easily on a high difficulty level."

"Energy body? It's really troublesome. Unless the opponent is completely annihilated, there is no way to destroy an opponent with an energy body."

"The poison I relied on has no effect at all. It seems that this will be an extremely troublesome battle."

Marion seems very confident in his ability.

Even though Lin Tianwei had shown great strength, he still acted very relaxedly. It seemed that he didn't take Lin Tianwei into consideration at all, he just felt that it was a little troublesome.

The silver light representing space energy flashed again, which was Marion's return to the universe.

Facing Lin Tianwei, a difficult opponent who had turned into the flames of destruction, Marion was not afraid at all and actually launched an attack.

In an instant, Marion arrived in front of Lin Tianwei through teleportation. Without hesitation, he swung his claws towards Lin Tianwei.

Lin Tianwei was currently in a state of energy, and Marion actually launched a physical attack on him, which was really difficult for Lin Tianwei to understand.

However, when he saw the dangerous energy attached to Marion's claws, Lin Tianwei instantly understood what the other party was thinking.

Ordinary physical attacks are naturally unable to cause damage to energy bodies, but Marion's claws are different.

It is not only filled with terrible poison, but also contains that magical power of destruction, a power of destruction that can destroy everything.

Although Marion was well prepared, he was still a little too naive.

How can Lin Tianwei, who is prepared, be able to sneak attack at will?

Lin Tianwei just turned slightly to avoid Marion's charged attack.

Even with the bonus of the space talent template, his attack ultimately failed to hit Lin Tianwei's energy body.

The powerful claws could not even touch Lin Tianwei's body.

Marion's first attack took advantage of Lin Tianwei's negligence, otherwise it would have been impossible to hit.

With a flash of silver light, Marion's figure instantly disappeared in front of Lin Tianwei, not giving Lin Tianwei any chance to attack him.

After the blow missed, Marion's eyes became solemn, and he looked at Lin Tianwei who stood still with some fear.

His speed is very fast, and with the blessing of teleportation, most of the cosmic beasts will not have time to react.

However, the powerful opponent in front of him was not within the scope of most cosmic beasts. He actually easily dodged his attack.

The body of energy that was supposed to be illusory was staring at the incomparable, but it was actually able to make movements like a body of flesh and blood.

He avoided the inevitable blow at a faster speed.

If he hadn't dodged quickly, the opponent's sharp claws composed of mysterious black flames would have hit his body long ago.

A difficult opponent, Marion instantly made a judgment on Lin Tianwei in his heart, and the muscles all over his body gradually became tense, which was a sign that he was about to exert his strength.

Marion decided to use all his strength to play with the difficult opponent in front of him.

Tell him about the great strength he possesses as a goalkeeper among thousands of people. (End of chapter)

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