Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 400 Three people and one beast

Because Roberto was too difficult to deal with, although Lin Tianwei won this time, his competitive evaluation was not high and he only received 2.5 million points.

Unexpectedly, Roberto seemed to be a pure strong man. After winning, Lin Tianwei did not obtain the remains of the core code from the opponent.

Lin Tianwei doesn't think it matters. He has always collected core codes casually.

However, just when Lin Tianwei was preparing for the next competitive match, a voice reached Lin Tianwei's consciousness across thousands of mountains and rivers:

"Lord Tiger King is above, shining brightly,

Extremely holy and majestic.

You are the Lord of heaven and earth,

All things grow and prosper because of you.

You create the world with your wisdom,

Nurturing souls with love.

Your kindness is like spring rain,

Nourishes all things and moisturizes them silently.

You are the source of light,

Dispel the darkness and illuminate the future.

You are a beacon of hope,

Lead all living beings towards the light.

We worship devoutly,

Thank you for your gift and protection.

May your power last forever,

May your glory last forever.

Lord Tiger King, you are the faith of all living beings,

Your greatness is beyond words.

We sing your holy name with all our hearts,

May you protect us until eternity. "

Familiar tone, leisurely hymn, this is Ouluo's heartfelt hymn to Lin Tianwei.

In the Temple of the Tiger King, the statue belonging to Lin Tianwei shines brightly.

The originally dim faith collector also underwent magical changes after collecting a large amount of faith power.

Not only is it no longer stained with dust, but it also exudes divine light at all times, making believers exclaim that this is indeed a creation of God.

It's just that not everyone is lucky enough to be able to admire the true god's creation. Except for larger sacrificial activities, only Euro can get up close to this statue.

However, under normal circumstances, Ouluo would not dare to contact Lin Tianwei through the statue. He would only dare to do such a thing under extremely special circumstances.

But now, he had extremely important matters that he wanted to contact Lin Tianwei.

Faced with Ouluo's call, Lin Tianwei usually responds to requests.

After all, Lin Tianwei also knew that Ou Luo did not dare to call him at will.

After setting the matching conditions, Lin Tianwei started matching directly in the hosting state.

This period of waiting for a successful match is garbage time, but it is just used to deal with some things that Lin Tianwei needs to deal with.

With a thought, Lin Tianwei's consciousness instantly appeared in the statue.

With the idol as a medium, it would be much easier for Lin Tianwei to come to Blue Star if he wanted to, and he could come directly.

Unexpectedly, Euro was not the only one kneeling in front of the statue this time.

Behind Euro, there were three people and one beast standing.

They lowered their heads tightly, their eyes full of piety, but they did not dare to feel the slightest joy. They could only keep telling their beliefs to the void through words.

After reciting once, Euro found that the statue had no reaction at all, and immediately became uneasy.

The respected Lord Tiger King did say that if you have important matters, you can contact him through the idol, but he did not tell yourself what to do if Lord Tiger King did not respond to you.

Fortunately, Euro soon no longer had this trouble.

Because a familiar coercion has descended on the Tiger King Temple, making everyone feel like a spring breeze.

Lin Tianwei's tiger power can be said to be a model of double standards.

Facing the enemy, Huwei will suppress them mercilessly.

Facing their own people, Huwei will only make them feel a little pressure, but more of it will feel like a spring breeze.

However, it was this feeling of spring breeze that made Euro dare not breathe.

Lord Tiger King is extremely kind and does not like to use violence to suppress everything.

But if there are people who do not know what to do and try to do the following, then the Tiger King would not mind letting them see whether his tiger claws are sharp or not.

After briefly glancing at the three people and one beast behind Euro Luo, Lin Tianwei understood Euro Luo's main purpose of looking for him.

Because among these three people and one beast, there are actually two people and one beast who already possess the first-level planetary level strength.

In terms of Blue Star's level, this is definitely a miracle among miracles.

Lin Tianwei once promised that once a creature reaches the planetary level, he will personally reward him and grant them the qualification to leave Blue Star. Naturally, he will not break his promise.

And now is the time to fulfill the promise.

However, Lin Tianwei was not in a hurry and said, "Ouluo, what do you want from me?"

Facing Lin Tianwei's inquiry, Euro Luo organized words in his heart for the 10,086th time and said:

"Dear Lord Tiger King, I am looking for you this time because of the three people and one beast behind me."

"After the Law Arena was put into use, as expected, it is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Lord Tiger King's ideas, and the overall strength of Blue Star has also become a lot stronger."

"And these three people and one beast are the best among them. They have made outstanding contributions in terms of strength or other aspects, and they are the first to be qualified to be summoned by Lord Tiger King."

After a pause, Euro began to introduce them one by one from left to right:

"This is Legisamon. He has been ranked first in the Rules Arena for a long time. He was the first to break through his own limits half a year ago and was successfully promoted to the first planetary level. He has lived up to the cultivation of Lord Tiger King. "

"This is Gu Kai, the second in the Law Arena, who broke through to the first planet level four months ago."

"This is Zhong, the third ranked player in the Rules Arena, who broke through to the first planetary level half a month ago."

"This is Ismail. Although his own strength is not outstanding, he is the most powerful body template designer in the Rules Arena."

"All the powerful body templates popular in the Rules Arena are from her hands. She has a lot of experience in building powerful beasts, and she can be regarded as a different kind of talent."

"These four are the most promising creatures on Blue Star currently. Please make a decision, Lord Tiger King."

It was within Lin Tianwei's expectation that Legisamon would become number one. He was extremely strong and a natural warrior.

He was also fortunate enough to be gifted by Lin Tianwei and received several powerful talents, so naturally he couldn't lag behind others.

As for the second place Gu Kailin Tianwei, he is very unfamiliar and has no impression at all.

However, being able to stand out among countless blue star creatures and become a planet-level powerhouse means that the opponent's strength and potential cannot be weak.

It was even said that if Lin Tianwei hadn't helped Legisamon cheat, Gu Kai might have been the real number one player on the Blue Star.

Unexpectedly, it was the turn of the beast to take third place in the Law Arena, and it was the turn of this beast named "Zhong".

This is a giant bear-like beast with no fur and only muscles as hard as rock, which looks very powerful.

The whole body is dark green, indicating that "Zhong"'s home field is in the forest, and dark green is his best camouflage color.

The sharp claws, scarlet eyes, and the chilling air permeating his body all show that "Zhong" is not easy to mess with.

However, such a powerful beast was kneeling on the ground respectfully with its tail between its legs, its eyes full of piety.

I don't know whether it was because of fear or excitement, but my body was trembling constantly, looking a little naive.

In front of Lin Tianwei, no matter how ferocious a beast is, the only option is to tuck its tail between its legs and become a beast.

After thinking about it for a moment, Lin Tianwei understood the reasons for all this, and the reasons for human beings to reach the top of the Rules Arena.

There is no other but wisdom.

It seems that the legal arena where physical collision is the mainstream is actually a test of wisdom. A slightly stupider creature may not even be able to defeat a creature weaker than itself.

Although many ferocious beasts possess intelligence comparable to that of humans after awakening, the habit imprinted in their genes makes them still preferentially use their fists to attack.

Only after suffering countless big losses will they know how valuable wisdom is.

This situation destined the beast to have a difficult time in the arena of laws.

Perhaps only after they have suffered enough losses will they be able to defeat humans and become the overlord of the Law Arena.

As for the last person, just her name Ismail made Lin Tianwei think about it.

If he remembered correctly, the research institute he had stayed in was the Ismail Research Institute, and the other person happened to be a scientific researcher, so it was difficult for Lin Tianwei not to think that there was a relationship between them.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei finally decided not to delve deeper.

The other party has sincerely submitted to you and can be considered one of your own. There is no need to dwell too much on the past.

What's more, the Ismail Research Institute, which seems to have caused countless sufferings to Lin Tianwei, is actually Lin Tianwei's money-giving boy.

If he hadn't picked up the wool of the Ismail Institute several times, Lin Tianwei would not have been able to develop so quickly.

As long as Ismail can show enough value, Lin Tianwei is naturally willing to treat this former enemy fairly and justly.

With a thought, four terminals appeared out of thin air in front of Lin Tianwei and said:

"These are three terminals, terminals that can connect to the cosmic network to obtain information."

"You are very strong now, but only for Blue Star."

"In the vast universe, facing the truly powerful, you are not even as good as ants."

"But the fact that you can stand in front of me at least shows that you have unlimited potential and are qualified to accept more advanced trials."

"I am willing to give you a chance, but you still need to choose whether you want to accept this opportunity or whether you want to accept a more advanced trial."

"Once you fail the trial, what awaits you will be death with a 100% probability."

"In addition, I don't need your power as much as you think."

The young eagle will eventually leave the arms of its parents and spread its wings to fly. Being pushed off a cliff is the biggest test.

Lin Tianwei did not intend to provide help to them in the future.

What he needs is a strong person who can help him do things, not a parasite that lies on his body endlessly and sucks blood. Naturally, he cannot always be a nanny for them.

It's okay to die in the trial, at least death is death and there won't be any accidents.

In the universe, sometimes death is the easiest way to escape.

After arranging two people and one beast, Lin Tianwei looked at Ismail with his tiger eyes.

Naturally, the directions in which combat talents and scientific research talents are arranged are completely different.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at the copycat version of the Law Arena built by Euro and Barrios.

He wanted to see how many changes had occurred in the Law Arena in the past few years.

Unexpectedly, the development of the Law Arena was much faster than Lin Tianwei imagined.

Although it is a newly born product, it is extremely mature and is not inferior to the Law Arena created by the King of Heaven and Sea.

The only thing that makes Lin Tianwei regretful is those body templates. Those body templates designed by countless talented designers are really a bit too ordinary.

Vision is everything.

Without having seen the vast universe and the thousands of cosmic behemoths living in the universe, the vision of Blue Star researchers is still a little too limited.

The designed body template may be very strong, but it is only very strong from the perspective of Blue Star creatures. It has many limitations in the universe and is not practical at all.

These excellent works in Ismail's eyes were worthless in Lin Tianwei's eyes, making Lin Tianwei's free prostitution plan completely bankrupt.

But it's okay.

If it is just a matter of vision and knowledge, as long as a top scientific researcher like Ismail is instilled with a lot of knowledge, the other party will definitely be able to design a work that satisfies him.

Thinking like this, Lin Tianwei took out a terminal again and gave it to Ismail, saying:

"Your design is very good, in the Blue Star sense."

"You are already considered quite outstanding if you can do this with limited knowledge."

"But this is not enough, not at all."

"Use the terminal to take a good look at what other powerful cosmic beasts there are in the universe, and broaden your horizons before designing. I believe you will be able to design a better body template."

After pondering for a moment, Lin Tianwei added: "In addition to designing the body template, I have another task for you."

"With all the resources available, what thoughts would you have if you wanted to build a perfect cosmic beast?"

"Make your idea a reality and give it to me. I will give you a reward that satisfies you based on your design."

Lin Tianwei is not a capitalist, and he has never been stingy with rewards for his subordinates.

After all, these hard-to-find rewards for them are just something within reach in Lin Tianwei's eyes.

Just paying a small price can make his subordinates more motivated. Lin Tianwei feels that this is really an extremely cost-effective deal.

However, it was difficult for Ismail to complete this arduous task by himself. After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei directly connected to Blue Star's Law Arena.

There is only one thing he has to do, and that is to use his powerful law perception to improve the quality of the Blue Star Law Arena Book of Laws.

Although it is possible to improve the quality of the Book of Laws by collecting the law insights of Blue Star creatures, but this takes an extremely long time and is difficult to achieve overnight.

In the initial stage of the Blue Star Law Arena, it is harmless for Lin Tianwei to come and encourage others.

After all, this is the basis of the Law Arena.

Without a solid foundation, it will be difficult for the Law Arena to operate normally. (End of chapter)

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