Humiliation, this is absolute humiliation.

Twyle roared angrily, as if he was ready to fight Lin Tianwei at any time.

Then he retreated quickly at lightning speed, retreating to a corner that Lin Tianwei could not easily detect.

As the saying goes, a man who knows the times is a hero.

Knowing that he was no match for his opponent, Twyle, who had a high AI, actually chose to escape, quickly moving away from Lin Tianwei, a beast that was obviously more ferocious than himself.

Of course, Twyle did not run far, but hid in the dark and observed Lin Tianwei.

The humiliation he suffered must be repaid with the flesh and blood of the enemy.

If there is a chance, Twyle does not mind sneaking up on Lin Tianwei to get back at him.

Twyle's understanding made Lin Tianwei very satisfied, so that he would have more time to feel the special features of the chaotic field.

Instant teleportation started--〉Failed to start!

Using the teleportation talent again, there is no doubt that Lin Tianwei failed again.

Even after teleporting hundreds of times in a row, Lin Tianwei never succeeded.

This situation is just like when Lin Tianwei just came to the Law Arena. Although he also has the talent template: teleportation (supernormal), he still cannot use this talent.

The familiar feeling instantly made Lin Tianwei think of the answer to the question-the rules are different!

The rules of the Chaos Realm are different from the real universe and the Law Arena, which resulted in many talents that Lin Tianwei could use being unable to be used here.

That is, Lin Tianwei had the same experience, otherwise he would never have understood the truth of the Chaos Realm in an instant.

The fact is just as Lin Tianwei expected. The Chaos Realm is an area with extremely chaotic rules.

The rules here are completely different from the real universe, and are even in a state of change at any time.

This results in the cosmic beasts that are not extremely deep in the Law Realm being unable to use external talents here at all,

and can only reluctantly use those talents that have been integrated into themselves.

In other words, ordinary cosmic beasts can only compete in physical strength in the Chaos Universe.

This is also the reason why Tevere chose this venue. He does not have any powerful external talents, and only has his own extremely powerful physique.

By taking a different approach, he actually got a good ranking.

It's a pity that his luck was bad. He actually met Lin Tianwei, who was as strong as his talent and body, and he could only be beaten as a sandbag in the end.

After realizing the truth of the chaotic field, Lin Tianwei was a little confused. This is the Law Arena, and the rules themselves are different from the real universe.

In this case, it is really unnecessary to set up another area with different rules.

Unless the chaotic field has a very special meaning, it has a very special meaning for all the cosmic monsters participating in the Law Arena.

Lin Tianwei couldn't know whether his guess was correct because he was not at a high enough level.

But he didn't care. What he had to do now was to adapt himself to the particularity of the chaotic field and the complex and changeable rules here.

Even if he couldn't adapt completely, Lin Tianwei had to unlock several powerful talent templates, so that he could face the opponents who might appear in the chaotic field in the future.

But to achieve this, you can't just work behind closed doors.

Lin Tianwei also relied on a full 100,000 books of laws (space) and a lot of time to free up the talent template: teleportation (king).

I need the Book of Laws, more Book of Laws, infinite Book of Laws!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly opened the points exchange mall and exchanged the Book of Laws directly from it.

The points exchange mall can be used in any corner of the Law Arena, but most of the cosmic beasts will only use it in the lounge.

After all, a relatively quiet environment is needed to comprehend the laws, and fighting will only affect the cosmic beasts' understanding of the laws.

What's more, although the opponents that appear are not real cosmic beasts, they are also trial beasts with the same AI.

Comprehend the Book of Laws in front of them? Do you really think they are dead?

Even so, Lin Tianwei still chose to buy and materialize the Book of Laws.

Not only that, the move is even more arrogant, and it is a million books of law (space) that are more exaggerated than last time.

This is not Lin Tianwei showing off, but simply because there is a chaotic field as a reference, Lin Tianwei will comprehend the laws faster and can adapt to the chaotic field more easily.

As for the possible enemy harassment?

Lin Tianwei didn't consider Tver as an enemy at all. He was not worth mentioning at all and could not affect Lin Tianwei at all.

He could suppress Tver with a wave of his hand.

However, the harassment that Lin Tianwei imagined did not come, because Tver was dumbfounded the moment countless books of laws appeared.

He had never seen so many books of laws in his life. The rich power of laws had even condensed into substance. It was an exaggerated scene that Tver could not even dream of.

He even rubbed his eyes, trying to confirm whether he saw it wrong.

However, those books of laws were just suspended in the air, with no sign of disappearing.

Twier stretched out his claws to touch them, and was even able to grab a ball of space laws in his hand.

Mine, mine, all mine!

Twier's eyes gradually became crazy. He had long lost the competition and Lin Tianwei in his heart. He only had these space laws in front of him, and he greedily absorbed them.

Lin Tianwei actually opened up a third way with his tyrannical financial resources and used the books of laws to confuse Twier's eyes.

At least before these books of laws were completely consumed, Twier had no intention of targeting Lin Tianwei.

He just wanted to seize the opportunity to comprehend more of the books of laws that he had picked up for free.

However, Twier's speed of comprehending the laws was really worrying.

He only grabbed a small amount of space laws, but he showed no signs of comprehending them for a long time, which was in sharp contrast to Lin Tianwei's speed of comprehending them as if he was swallowing them up.

This is also the reason why Lin Tianwei left Twier alone.

The little space book he absorbed was not even a drop in the bucket for Lin Tianwei, but it could stabilize Tver and the chaotic field, which was a sure win.

Of course, the main reason was that even if Lin Tianwei stood still and let Tver attack, he would not be hurt at all.

His strong physique and terrible self-healing ability were simply not something that Tver's pitiful attack could break through.

After confirming that Tver would not pose a threat to him, Lin Tianwei finally put his mind at ease and began to comprehend the laws of space wholeheartedly.

This time, the law comprehension might be much longer than before.


Law Arena Observer Association.

Trovi's potential application quickly attracted the attention of relevant workers.

Although this was only an application from an F-level potential person, for the Law Arena, every potential person deserves attention, which is the meaning of the Law Arena's existence.

Tastlo was the cosmic monster responsible for reviewing this application.

Before he even began to confirm Lin Tianwei's potential, he was shocked by Lin Tianwei's luxurious and unparalleled record.

This was a competition of purgatory-level difficulty. It was extremely difficult for ordinary cosmic beasts to win, let alone get an SSS-level evaluation like Lin Tianwei.

In addition, Lin Tianwei only had the strength of the seventh cosmic level, so this feat was nothing short of a myth in Tastello's eyes.

Such a powerful cosmic beast was only reported as an F-level potential, and even required the person in charge of other regions to report it?

This extremely strange situation made Tastello cautious.

There may be a big secret hidden in this cosmic beast named "Lin".

Thinking of this, Tastello couldn't help but check Yoris's evaluation of Lin Tianwei.

Reincarnator, cheater, pretender, extremely poor potential.

This is Yoris' evaluation of Lin Tianwei.

Combined with Lin Tianwei's past experience in the Rule Arena, these evaluations are not biased and are very correct.

As for Trovi's evaluation, it is a little simpler, that is, "at least he has the potential to become an F-level potential person."

In a sense, Trovi's evaluation is completely correct.

Even if Lin Tianwei's potential is not high, it is no problem to be judged as an F-level potential person.

There is only one reason for this difference, that is, their different tolerance for cheaters.

Observers who do not mind Lin Tianwei's identity as a cheater, or who are interested in the application for rewards, can naturally judge Lin Tianwei as an F-level potential person.

Observers who mind Lin Tianwei's identity as a cheater and do not care about the application for rewards can naturally judge Lin Tianwei as a non-potential person.

Anyway, F-level potential people are only the lowest level of potential people, and one quota is not a big deal.

However, since the application for Lin Tianwei to become a potential person was submitted to Tastello, he can only enforce the law impartially and re-evaluate Lin Tianwei's potential with the most fair and just standards.

Thinking of this, Tastello used his authority to directly call up Lin Tianwei's real-time picture.

In the training ground, in the vast chaotic domain, in the packages of countless books of laws (spaces), Lin Tianwei was seen trying to comprehend the laws.

Such a scene made the knowledgeable Tastello couldn't help but exclaim:

"It's actually the chaotic domain, and 'Lin' is actually comprehending the laws in the chaotic domain."

"The laws in the chaotic domain are changeable and completely different from the real universe. Comprehending the laws here can be regarded as twice the result with half the effort."

"It's like a planetary-level cosmic beast wants to understand the power of an immortal-level cosmic beast. This is completely a fantasy."

"Don't even mention comprehending a powerful talent. It's extremely difficult to comprehend an ordinary talent."

"Even if you want to find a horse while riding a donkey, it's completely impossible to unlock the talent template you already have here."

"These cosmic beasts' original understanding of talents makes them fall into the shackles of thinking, which is more difficult than re-understanding a new talent."

"Some cosmic beasts cannot break this shackle throughout their lives and cannot use their original talents in the chaotic field."

"So normal cosmic beasts will never make such a stupid choice to comprehend the laws in the chaotic field."

"Because it will never succeed."

"Only after achieving immortality, cosmic beasts that have a certain ability to comprehend the laws are qualified to try reluctantly, and can barely comprehend a trace of the true meaning of the laws in the chaotic field."

"Such high ambitions, as described by Yoris, are indeed a pretentious cosmic beast."

"It's a pity that these millions of books of laws are so wasteful and have been wasted because of the pretense of a certain cosmic beast."

Shaking his head slightly, Tastello no longer has any expectations for Lin Tianwei's potential.

It is extremely difficult for an immortal-level warrior to comprehend the law in a chaotic comprehension, not to mention a cosmic beast like Lin Tianwei whose strength is only the seventh level of the universe.

No matter how hard Lin Tianwei tries, his final comprehension result may only be nothing.

Facing such a cosmic beast that is ambitious, Tastero feels that he has every reason to refuse to grant the other party the title of F-level potential.

With the last bit of responsibility in his heart, Tastero decided to give Lin Tianwei one last chance, that is, to wait for the result of this law comprehension.

Although it is said to be a chance, in fact, Tastero is just going through the motions and completing the review process.

After all, everyone knows that a cosmic beast with the strength of the seventh level of the universe is impossible to comprehend the law in a chaotic field.

The final result has long been determined, and Tastero is just waiting to receive this result.


The fact is just as Tastero imagined. Even if ten times the number of law books (spaces) are used, Lin Tianwei's road to law comprehension is extremely difficult and progresses slowly.

Although both are new areas with special rules, the difficulty of comprehending talents in the Chaos Domain is millions of times higher than that in the Law Arena.

Because the rules in the Law Arena are different from the real universe, but at least they are basically constant, as long as you work hard to comprehend, there will be progress.

But the Chaos Domain is completely different.

The rules here are not only complex and changeable, but also full of destructive auras, and the established rules may be changed at any time.

This means that if you want to comprehend talents in the Chaos Domain, you must have a certain degree of understanding of the rules here.

The deeper the understanding of the rules here and the deeper the understanding of the laws, the more Lin Tianwei can exert the true power of the existing talent template.

Three months.

It took Lin Tianwei three months to comprehend the space law and only made a slight breakthrough, which completely prevented him from using the talent template: instant movement (king).

Of course, after spending such a long time, Lin Tianwei did not gain nothing.

Although he could not fully exert the true power of the talent template: instant teleportation (king) in the chaotic field, he also unlocked this talent template a little bit with his excellent understanding of the law of space.

Now he can barely exert the power of the talent template: instant teleportation (ordinary), which is also a big step forward in the understanding of the law of space.

As long as he continues to understand, Lin Tianwei's understanding of the law of space will only become deeper and deeper, and sooner or later he will be able to fully exert the talent template: instant teleportation (king) in the chaotic field. (End of this chapter)

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