That's right, it's the first-level star class.

In front of Lin Tianwei, the first-level star class cosmic beasts are not even cannon fodder. He can kill countless of them with a casual wave of his claws.

But it is extremely difficult for two people and one beast to obtain the first-level star class strength.

They don't have Lin Tianwei's talent, nor do they have a talent extraction system. They don't even have the universal practice of the universe, the Refining Star Jue, and they don't have a front beast to lead the way. Their growth potential is extremely poor.

Even so, after they have used up all the resources they can use, they finally broke through the barrier of the ninth level of the planetary class and promoted to the first level of the star class in one fell swoop.

But this is already their limit.

To continue to improve their strength, they either spend more time or consume more resources.

Obviously, they do not meet these two conditions.

The only thing to be thankful for is that they have completed this trial and obtained a ticket to enter the universe.

In the vast universe, they may be able to find opportunities that can make them continue to become stronger.

As for why they can achieve such achievements in a short period of time, it is naturally because they are wild and play with flowers.

After all, their original strength was only at the bottom of the Time Acceleration Star, and they had no chance to complete this trial without taking a different approach.

Unity, unite other cosmic beasts living on this planet.

This is the answer they found.

And the key to uniting other cosmic beasts is faith.

Only faith can bind these cosmic beasts of completely different races and beliefs together and work towards a common direction.

After the initial difficult battle, even Zhong felt the horror of the trial land.

Any trial beast can have such strength, which makes them realize that this is definitely not a trial that can be passed by recklessness alone.

With the support of this idea, even the most reckless Zhong became rational, no longer reckless, and discussed with the two,

trying to keep warm together and seek a glimmer of hope in this terrible primeval forest.

After patient observation, they soon realized the weirdness of this trial land.

It is obviously a primitive land that has grown wildly, but it inexplicably has a belief, a belief called Mangshen.

It seems that some external force is affecting the development here.

This must be the work of Lord Tiger King!

They quickly discovered the truth from the known information.

It's not that they are so smart, but the truth has been delivered directly to them.

Who else can have this ability except Lord Tiger King who put them here?

Who else can completely control such a huge planet except Lord Tiger King? Playing with a huge planet in the palm of his hand.

After realizing this, Gu Kai's expression was obviously relaxed a lot, and he said:

"Lord Tiger King needs the power of faith? This is a good thing for us."

"At least it shows that our faith is not really worthless to Lord Tiger King, and it is barely worth a little."

This is undoubtedly a recognition for them, a recognition of the value of their own existence.

However, while agreeing with this statement, Lejisamon, a charlatan, had a new idea and said:

"Since Lord Tiger King needs faith, why don't we help Lord Tiger King develop the faith of these indigenous people?"

"Only war and chaos are the best soil for faith to grow."

"This is not only to develop faith for Lord Tiger King, but also a necessary condition for developing ourselves."

"You also know our strength. It is extremely difficult to kill an ordinary cosmic beast in the forest."

"Just by fighting, we will not only fail to become strong, but we may even fall in a certain battle."

"I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that death is worthless."

"Only by making this planet completely chaotic can we have the possibility of development."

Lejisamon's words immediately made the man and the beast fall into thought, thinking about the path they should take.

Although Lejisamon's words were not pleasant to hear, they were indisputable facts.

With their strength, if they really fight with real swords and guns, it would be difficult for them to survive in this terrible trial land.

Taking a different approach may be the only way to break the deadlock.

Thinking of this, Gu Kai nodded his head and said, "Ligisamon, your suggestion is very good."

"It's just that it's not easy to develop faith. At least one thing is that our language must be fluent."

"If we can't even communicate, how can we develop faith for Lord Tiger King?"

Thinking of this, Gu Kai and Legisamon subconsciously looked at Zhong who was listening quietly on the side.

If there is anyone present who looks most like he can understand animal language, it is undoubtedly Zhong.

He is not only a beast himself, but also has a spiritual talent and can communicate with other creatures through the spirit.

Among the two people and one beast, Zhong is the one who is most likely to have the ability to communicate with these cosmic beasts.

Looking at the two people staring at him, Zhong said uncertainly:

"Communication? I do have the ability to communicate with wild beasts, but they are also wild beasts on the blue planet."

"You also know that this trial land is completely different from the blue planet, and the cosmic beasts living there are also completely different."

"I can't guarantee that I can communicate with them normally."

Faced with Zhong's lack of confidence, Gu Kai looked at the prey around him that he hadn't had time to deal with, and said:

"Isn't there a ready-made experimental subject here?"

"You try to communicate with him. As long as the communication is successful, there is still hope for this matter."

"Otherwise we can only choose the most difficult path to complete this trial."

Looking at the triceratops next to him, which was obviously not the same species as himself, Zhong did not refuse in the end.

This trial is extremely difficult. If there is a way to increase the success rate of the trial, he will naturally cooperate.

Thinking of this, he howled twice at the weak Triceratops next to him.

But it was obvious that this triceratops didn't understand Zhong's bear language and had no intention of paying attention to him.

His eyes were rolling, obviously thinking about how to escape from the three bullies in front of him.

After failing to communicate using animal language, Zhong did not hesitate and directly released his mental power and began to invade the Triceratops' spirit.

Although his mental power is not strong, and compared to Lin Tianwei's mental power, it is not even that of Haoyue Yinghuo, but there is still no problem in dealing with this Triceratops that cannot resist.

With a little effort, Zhong's mental power successfully connected with the Triceratops' spirit.

After trying it for a while, Zhong said: "If it's just simple communication, there will be no problem at all."

"Developing faith requires more than ordinary words. How can I have this ability?"

"What's more, if we don't have enough strength, how can a powerful cosmic beast convince us?"

It's not that Zhong doesn't want to work hard or develop faith for Lord Tiger King, but he simply can't trust his big tongue.

He feels that as long as he opens his mouth, no belief will develop.

Zhong doesn't have the qualifications of a divine messenger at all.

Faced with Zhong's lack of confidence, Legisamon said funnyly: "Do you think we will count on you to develop our faith?"

"You just need to be responsible for being the bridge between us and these cosmic beasts."

"As for strength? Although strength is important, it is not the only way to solve the problem. We can also convince the beast with reason."

"Using the most sincere feelings to persuade these lost cosmic beasts to return to the embrace of Lord Tiger King is what we should do."

After a pause, Legisamon added: "You don't have to do anything, just act as the messenger with a straight face."

“Everything else is performed by us.”

Hearing Lejisamon's words, Gu Kai also said with approval: "Yes, that's it. You just need to keep a straight face and don't speak."

"To be honest, if you don't speak, you are still a bit bluffing. People will think that you are very powerful and a powerful cosmic beast."

"It's just that as soon as you open your mouth, the fact that you are a fool will be exposed."

Tadashi was hurt by the two people's truth.

But he became excited again at the thought that he was an integral part of the plan.

Stupid human beings, no matter how cunning and cunning you are, you still have to rely on yourself if you want to succeed?

Without the wise and powerful Zhong, you are nothing.

Thinking of this, Zhong straightened his face and began to create his own face project.

Although it still seems almost interesting, it is still the same thing.

Seeing Zhong's greatly changed momentum, Legisamon was very satisfied and said: "Zhong, you look like that."

"You did what you were supposed to do, and then it's up to us."

"Complete the trial and develop faith, starting from conquering this triceratops."

Thinking of this, Legisamon looked at the Triceratops beside him with dangerous eyes. This was good material and could not be wasted.

Aware of Legisamon's gaze, Triceratops subconsciously felt something was wrong. He always felt that the other person's eyes were a little perverted.

Then I felt that I was too timid, and there was nothing scary about two strange upright apes.

The worst possible outcome is to die and become food for the victors.

This kind of thing is just the most common thing in nature. Is it possible that there is something more terrifying in the world than failing to become food?

Triceratops is still a little too naive. He doesn't know that there are many ways more terrifying than death in this world.

The main reason why humans are powerful is that they know how to use tools.

Taming powerful beasts into their own tools is one of their methods.

Normally, this domestication can take a long time.

After all, species are different, and communication is the biggest obstacle to domestication.

But it was different now. With Zhong as a bridge of communication, and under the guidance of Gu Kai and Lejisamon, the triceratops soon abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, becoming the first believer of the Tiger God.

Starting with the taming of the Triceratops, this trial began to develop in a strange direction.

Guerrilla? Sneak attack? Obscene development? …

The two of them and one beast, with their small skills and big skills, finally formed a pretty good team in this primeval forest full of dangers.

At least to a certain extent, their safety has been guaranteed and they have a foundation to continue to grow.


There is still one opportunity missing before the Tiger God Sect can truly develop, and that is hope, or a miracle.

Without miracles, these tamed cosmic beasts will only succumb to them for a short time. If they are not careful, they may fail in their efforts and die.

The seemingly booming Tiger God Cult is nothing but a castle in the air and may collapse at any time.

Fortunately, Oaks helped them at the most critical moment.

Lin Tianwei naturally did not ask Oaks to help him take care of the two people and the beast. Only by relying on his own real ability to pass the trial can the two people and the beast really grow up.

The reason why Oaks took action was only because the existence of the two people and the beast helped to develop Lin Tianwei's faith.

His mission is to develop faith on the Time Acceleration Star.

The two people and the beast have proved their value and their value in developing faith, so Oaks will not be stingy to help them at the critical moment.

In order to smoothly manage the Time Acceleration Star, Oaks' strength quickly increased to the first level of the universe under Lin Tianwei's help.

Although this strength is nothing in front of Lin Tianwei, it is undoubtedly a god for the strongest person who only has a planetary-level ninth-level time acceleration star.

In this way, a war of "I grab my faith" began, madly devouring these cosmic beasts living on the Time Acceleration Star.

Absorb their flesh and blood, absorb their faith, and eventually grow into a strong fruit of faith.

After understanding everything that happened on the Time Acceleration Star, Lin Tianwei decided to continue this trial.

How could he miss such a good thing that could not only train his own soldiers, but also help him extract the power of faith?

Looking at the Tiger God Cult, which had obviously gained the upper hand, Lin Tianwei felt that it was time for him to provide some help to the Mang God Cult, increase their strength, and restore the balance of this battle of faith.

The method is very simple.

Since the appearance of two people and one beast broke the balance of this war of faith, Lin Tianwei could restore the balance of this battle of faith by properly adjusting the chips of both sides.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei re-recruited six blue star creatures and put them into the two camps respectively to restore their power to balance.

As for the two people and one beast at the beginning?

After all, the upper limit of the Time Acceleration Star is too low. Since they have successfully completed this trial and their strength has reached the first level of the star level, it is naturally time to leave.

They should go to the wider universe to find opportunities to become stronger and break through.

As a reward for their outstanding completion of the trial, Lin Tianwei will provide them with some equipment and Yuanjing, which can be regarded as their initial funds for exploring the universe.

Of course, there is one more important thing to do, which is to completely remove the mark on them, the mark of the Star Devouring Beast incarnated as food. (End of this chapter)

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