This is a gamble. If he wins, Lin Tianwei can use the legendary Tiger Power talent as a stepping stone to open the way to the realm.

Even if he loses, Lin Tianwei will not be left with nothing. After all, the legendary Tiger Power talent is also useful and is not just a vase.

As long as his strength is strong enough and he can exert the full power of the Tiger Power talent, it is not impossible to shock the realm master-level strongman.

"Ding, the host chooses to consume 150 trillion talent fragments to upgrade the talent: Tiger Power (King)."

"Ding, congratulations to the host's talent: Tiger Power (King) upgraded to Talent: Tiger Power (Legend)!"


"Ding, I noticed that 'Lin' has extraordinary perception of the law, the combat template is upgraded, and an additional talent template: Beast Power (Legend) is added!"

"Talent template: Beast Power (Legend), use your own power to seize the enemy's will, shock the enemy's soul, and capture the enemy's soul!"

Although it is only a level upgrade, the legendary talent is a qualitative improvement compared to the king-level talent.

It took Lin Tianwei three years just to trace back to the source and analyze the composition of his talent.

However, these three years were not wasted, as they successfully enabled Lin Tianwei to use the legendary beast power talent template in the chaotic field.

The familiar beast power unfolded again, but it was much more powerful than before.

This time, the Phoenix Bird could no longer remain calm, and looked at Lin Tianwei's position with horror.

Just now, he seemed to feel the presence of a super cosmic beast, and just a little breath made him subconsciously feel fearful.

It was as if a peak master of the realm happened to pass by nearby.

But this is a training ground, a training ground in the Law Arena, how could there be a third cosmic beast passing by.

Not surprisingly, following the source of the beast power, the Phoenix Bird saw an extremely familiar figure, belonging to Lin Tianwei.

It was so majestic that it seemed to be able to suppress the entire world.

As expected, but also unexpected.

It was really hard for the Phoenix Bird to understand why Lin Tianwei could achieve such a terrible breakthrough in just three years.

This progress was simply incredible to the beast.

However, this was not all that changed.

With the help of the legendary beast power talent, Lin Tianwei finally broke the last barrier to the domain and successfully owned his own domain.

An inexplicable force was released from Lin Tianwei and began to constantly modify the rules of the nearby space.

This power was only a trace at the beginning, and could only barely change the rules of the space around Lin Tianwei.

However, this trace of domain power almost drained more than 10% of the energy in Lin Tianwei's body.

No wonder the Phoenix Bird chose to burn its life to release the reincarnation domain.

In Lin Tianwei's current situation, it is impossible to use the domain without consuming his own vitality.

Unleash the talent: Super multiplication (king) power, so that your body can present the strongest posture?

No, it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

This is not an arena, but a training ground. There are some differences.

Lin Tianwei can exchange a secret treasure that can quickly restore his state in the training ground with a few points.

Recovery liquid has the effect of quickly restoring the user's physical strength.

Ten thousand points per piece? Exchange, first 100 copies!

With the support of a large amount of recovery liquid, this trace of domain power gradually grew stronger,

like a spark, quickly ignited this grassland originally called beast power, merged into it, and finally ignited the fire of burning the sky.

With the integration of domain power, the aura belonging to Lin Tianwei, the aura of looking down on the world, gradually merged into the tiger power, and finally formed an extremely special domain.

Beast King Domain, comprehend!

"Ding, congratulations to the host domain belonging to its own domain: Beast King Domain, within the domain, all living beings are afraid, and all beasts surrender!"

"Note: Facing opponents with strong strength, firm will, and higher life level than oneself, the effect of the Beast King Domain will be weakened."

Facing the Beast King Domain that Lin Tianwei had just comprehended, the first to bear the brunt was the Phoenix Bird.

Originally, he was just surprised at Lin Tianwei's terrifying talent, and he could quickly make his beast power so powerful, but he never thought that things would suddenly reverse.

Domain power, he actually felt the existence of domain power on Lin Tianwei.

It was just a trace at first, but it grew rapidly and eventually merged into the beast's might, forming a domain that belonged exclusively to Lin Tianwei.

A terrifying pressure followed, suppressing the Phoenix Bird so that it could not move.

The pressure from the body was far less than the pressure on the Phoenix Bird's mind.

He seemed to have returned to the beginning of his life, when he was still a fledgling.

The Phoenix Bird race was not strong, but just the most ordinary flamingo.

Among the giant beasts in the universe, it was not only not the top, but even the bottom, like food.

However, the Phoenix Bird was a lucky one in a million, awakening a special reincarnation talent.

Every time after natural death, it can be reborn and restored to its original state.

Even because of the accumulation of the previous life, the talent of this life will become stronger.

With such a strong talent, the Phoenix Bird is destined to become infinitely powerful as long as it keeps surviving.

However, because the qualifications of the Flamingo family are so poor, even with such a terrible talent, it is difficult for the Phoenix Bird to rise.

Even in order to obtain the qualification to enter the Rule Arena, he spent a full 70,000 years, nearly a hundred generations of accumulation.

In these 70,000 years, the most memorable thing for Phoenix Bird was the scene of a cosmic beast named Qiu Huo, spreading his arms and crossing the sky.

Even just a trace of pressure released by Qiu Huo accidentally can shock all beasts and suppress all flamingos on the Fire Star where Phoenix Bird is located.

The powerful power of Qiu Huo, the pressure from a higher level of life, made Phoenix Bird even have an illusion that he would die in the next second.

When the opponent is strong enough, even a trace of pressure released accidentally can kill countless cosmic beasts.

This is exactly the case.

It took only a moment for Qiu Huo to cross the sky, but it caused heavy damage to Fire Star, leaving irreparable damage.

The seemingly indestructible Fire Star was directly destroyed by one third by this trace of pressure, and 99% of the flamingos were killed.

The Phoenix was lucky, he survived this unfortunate disaster.

The Phoenix was also unfortunate, its longer lifespan than that of an ordinary flamingo made it immersed in the shadow of death brought by the Qiong Huo for the rest of its life.

Even now, even though it is extremely powerful and has comprehended the field of reincarnation, the Phoenix still recalls the terrifying figure that swept across the sky in the deepest part of its nightmare.

The Phoenix, who had not recalled the figure of Qiong Huo for hundreds of years, did not expect that he would recall the most embarrassing moment of his life under Lin Tianwei's beast king field.

Recalling the weak, pitiful and helpless self.

Recalling the self who would die in the next moment from the unfortunate disaster.

The terrible might rose from the Phoenix, and the Phoenix once again turned into a raging flame and burned, releasing the Phoenix's most powerful weapon - the field of reincarnation.

I am no longer the same person I was before, how could I be the same as before, holding my head and trembling.

Begging for the favor of fate, so that I can survive by chance.

At the moment when the Phoenix Bird released the Samsara Domain, an unyielding flame ignited and began to spread around with the Phoenix Bird as the core.

A very obvious dividing line appeared in the chaotic domain. The outer part represented the power of Lin Tianwei's Beast King Domain,

and the inner part represented the power of the Phoenix Bird's Samsara Domain.

The two forces pulled each other and continued to melt, and finally staged a tug-of-war in the chaotic domain.

As the rules were constantly rewritten, reset, and rewritten,...

the domain power of both sides was also rapidly consumed.

This battle eventually became a tug-of-war to test strength.

Soon this tug-of-war took a turn for the better, and the Beast King Domain representing Lin Tianwei's power began to frantically erode the Samsara Domain of the Phoenix Bird.

This is the Super Beast King Domain released by Lin Tianwei after spending countless recovery essences. Even the energy generated by the Phoenix Bird burning itself is completely unable to compete.

Lost? Lost again?

Looking at the Beast King Domain getting closer and closer to itself and gradually eliminating the Samsara Domain it owns, the Phoenix Bird's eyes are full of horror.

If he had not been in the Law Arena created by the Heavenly Sea God King, he would have almost thought that this was a super-real fantasy created by a powerful being to disturb his Dao heart.

How could a cosmic giant beast comprehend a legendary talent in just three years?

And how could a cosmic giant beast evolve a legendary talent into a domain in less than a year?

It was such a powerful domain, a domain that made him feel powerless.

He even felt that this was not the heyday of the domain in front of him.

Although the domain in front of him was powerful, it seemed to lack some core power and could not show the most powerful power.

However, it was this domain in front of him that was not in its heyday, but when it was just deployed, it crushed the reincarnation domain that he had released by burning his life.

This was simply impossible.


Phoenix Bird had only one thought at this time, that is, Lin Tianwei might be a genius who broke common sense and could only appear once every billions of years.

Otherwise, how could he suppress himself with such a strong attitude and make his reincarnation domain surrender to him?

Thinking of the firm words he had said before, Phoenix Bird felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

It was enough that he was crushed by those born strong, and now there was a talent party, which simply left him no way to survive.

Could it be that he was destined to be the background board of these gifted people in this life?

Strong reluctance surged in his heart, Phoenix Bird burned his life, bloomed his last light, and said: "I don't believe it."

"I don't believe that my efforts for ten thousand years are not as good as your understanding in just four years."

"Lin, your talent is very strong, but I believe that my efforts for billions of years will not lose."

"With such a strong talent, you will never stop at the Law Arena, the alien battlefield is your destination."

"I will wait for you in the alien battlefield, I just hope that you will not let me down by then."

As soon as the voice fell, Phoenix Bird burned its last bit of vitality like the most gorgeous fireworks, bloomed the last brilliance, and then completely turned into nothingness.

At the same time, in the nineteenth district of the extremely cold universe, the Fire Star.

A giant flamingo bathing in lava opened its eyes.

Looking at the appearance of this flamingo, it is exactly the same as the Phoenix Bird that Lin Tianwei had met before.

Or, he is the Phoenix Bird that Lin Tianwei had met in the Law Arena.

Just now, he suddenly felt a palpitation, and then he received an inexplicable message.

Information about his former competitive opponent, the cosmic beast called "Lin".

The amount of information is huge and mysterious, and even made the Phoenix Bird doubt itself.

How could such an outrageous thing happen?

Is there really such a cosmic beast that is beyond common sense in the universe?

However, after identifying the unique soul mark that belongs to it, the Phoenix Bird got a positive answer in its heart.

This is a message that it has sent to itself, and it is impossible to fake it.

If it were not for the special nature of the reincarnation field, this kind of information would not be able to be transmitted at all.

At least there is no existence below immortality that can deceive itself.

If a strong person above immortality really targets himself, he will not have any power to fight back before the Phoenix Bird completely reborn.

Belief is the best choice.

However, intuition tells the Phoenix Bird that the information it has just received is true.

If there is a powerful being who intends to plot against me, the carefully fabricated lie cannot be such a bizarre and illogical news.

Only reality can be so illogical.


You can comprehend the domain in such a short time. You are indeed extremely talented. It seems that I did not lose the last competition unfairly.

It’s a pity that you are still too young and have not accumulated enough experience. You are not worthy of being my opponent.

Just one point, just one last point, I can exchange for the most needed item for this Nirvana, the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven worth 100 million points.

Although the Phoenix Bird has accumulated tens of millions of years, it has even comprehended the domain early.

However, due to the non-circulation of points in the Law Arena, he has deleted his account and started over in every life. After so many years of hard work, he barely has nearly 100 million points in this life.

He only needs to work harder and his points will cross the 100 million threshold and obtain the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven, a treasure that can condense his body again.

With the help of the Heart of the Sea, the Phoenix Bird can leap over the current life level in one fell swoop and move towards a higher life level.

Although he has a strong reincarnation talent, his body is just a flamingo for food, and cannot be compared with those truly powerful races. (End of this chapter)

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