Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 432: Reincarnation Talent

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction was successful, and the host obtained the talent: Reincarnation (myth)."

"Ding, please host confirm whether to use this talent."

"Reincarnation (myth): Myth-level talent, reincarnation will continue from life to life."

"Remarks: Every reincarnation is a gift from fate.

The cosmic beast with this talent will not really die, but will start the next journey under the blessing of reincarnation. "

Mythical talent?

Lin Tianwei never expected that the reincarnation talent would be a mythical talent, a super talent that had only been seen in the incarnation of the star-devouring beast.

It's no wonder that Lin Tianwei failed to extract it before. It is basically impossible to extract such a powerful talent at once without the bonus of leapfrog kill.

Fortunately, the phoenix bird can be resurrected unlimited times, which allowed Lin Tianwei to finally extract the talent he wanted.

The only thing that made Lin Tianwei a little strange was how could the Phoenix bird with such a powerful mythical talent be so weak.

It is simply not worthy of the level of mythical talent.

The reason why the incarnation of the Star Swallowing Beast is weak is simply because the opponent is a newly born incarnation, and its true strength is absolutely terrifying.

Looking at the talent extraction system's description of the reincarnation talent, Lin Tianwei suddenly thought of a possibility.

Perhaps the former owner of the reincarnation talent was extremely powerful, but for some unknown reason, he was eventually killed and entered the reincarnation of the next life. The reincarnation became what the Phoenix Bird looks like today.

Perhaps it was because the injury was too serious, or perhaps there were other reasons, but the phoenix bird did not have the memory of its previous life.

This resulted in him having to start a counterattack from a grassroots life level of only level 3.5, constantly reincarnating, and finding a way to become stronger bit by bit.

It's a pity that Phoenix Bird was not able to discern the truth about the talent of reincarnation, otherwise directly committing suicide and restarting would be his best choice.

In this case, he wouldn't have been huddled in a small place like the extremely cold universe for so many years.

Of course, there is a greater possibility that the budding Phoenix Bird will be targeted by a former enemy and be killed again, repeating the same mistakes.

One drink and one peck, maybe it was fate.

After getting the reincarnation talent he wanted, Lin Tianwei was not in a hurry to kill the Phoenix Bird. Instead, he looked at the opponent with interest and thought about how to deal with him.

Perhaps because he realized that he was no match for Lin Tianwei, the resurrected phoenix bird did not frantically release its charm like a peacock with its tail spread.

Instead, he stagnated and tried to reduce the output of the reincarnation field in order to resurrect himself a few more times.

A pair of eyes stared at Lin Tianwei in horror, full of disbelief.

He was defeated, so completely.

How could the slave named Miguel in front of him be so strong, so strong that he couldn't resist it at all?

No, the other party is not Michael.

Only then did Phoenix Bird finally realize that something was wrong. If Miguel was so powerful, how could he become a slave?

No one would be willing to let such a cosmic beast with unlimited potential become a slave.

Combined with the familiar aura he felt from Miguel, Phoenix Bird subconsciously exclaimed: "It's you!"

However, after realizing Lin Tianwei's true identity, Phoenix Bird became even more autistic.

The cosmic beast in front of him was in a field that he understood after him, but he was able to catch up and surpass him in one step.

This is simply a slap in the face to myself.

When he was reminded of the cruel words he had said before, Phoenix Bird felt a blush on his face.

Where did I get the confidence to challenge such a terrifying existence?

However, before the Phoenix Bird could take action, something shocking happened to him.

A terrifying mental shock wave directly passed through the blockade of the realm of reincarnation, entered his body extremely domineeringly, and even explored the depths of his consciousness.

Slavery talent!

Phoenix Bird instantly realized what Lin Tianwei was doing to him.

The other party must have taken a fancy to his potential and planned to control him to become his subordinate.

This kind of beast is Dao Zu, and my aggrieved feeling for the fish meat almost made the Phoenix Bird hold back its internal injuries.

However, the Phoenix Bird is a monster that has lived for who knows how many lives. It is able to face the spiritual contract released by Lin Tianwei with ease.

If he could be enslaved so simply, he would have already become a thug for a powerful being.

Feeling the message from the spiritual contract, Lin Tianwei couldn't help but frown.

It succeeded, or rather it failed.

Judging from the feedback from the spiritual contract, I have indeed successfully contracted with the Phoenix Bird.

It's just that the phoenix bird contracted is not the half-dead phoenix bird in front of me, but another one, or a certain life of the phoenix bird, an ordinary life.

Just like the introduction to the talent of reincarnation, every reincarnation is a gift from fate.

By giving up the memory of a lifetime of reincarnation, the Phoenix Bird can also make itself immune to the secret of enslavement.

In other words, Lin Tianwei will definitely not be able to successfully enslave the Phoenix Bird before exhausting its lifetimes.

Seeing this, Lin Tianwei couldn't help but sigh, why did he always encounter such time-wasting things?

However, considering the value of the phoenix bird, Lin Tianwei felt that wasting some time here was worth the money.

Immediately, he did not hesitate and killed the "Phoenix Bird" that had just signed the spiritual contract, and launched a spiritual contract with the Phoenix Bird again.

Facing Lin Tianwei's powerful spiritual power, the Phoenix Bird was no match at all, and could only give up a moment to deal with Lin Tianwei.

However, according to this trend, the Phoenix Bird will sooner or later become Lin Tianwei's slave, but it will only waste some of Lin Tianwei's time.

Perhaps because of realizing this, the Phoenix Bird's face changed drastically, and it kept struggling in its heart, as if it was making an extremely difficult decision.

Finally, Phoenix Bird gritted its teeth and said to Lin Tianwei:

"Want to subdue me? It's impossible to do so with this method."

"Believe me, I can definitely commit suicide before you exhaust my life-long reserves, so that you get nothing."

"In fact, there is still room for maneuver in this matter. You are strong enough to convince me, and it is not shameful to follow you."

"As long as you are willing to give me a heart of Tianhai, I will follow you wholeheartedly until it disappears into thin air."

If Phoenix Bird thought at the beginning that the cosmic beast that successfully exchanged the heart of Tianhai one step ahead of him could not be Lin Tianwei, then now he has long realized how wrong he was.

Not to mention the strong strength that Lin Tianwei showed in the real universe, just the brilliant performance afterwards, the record of advancing all the way and heading towards the top ten is enough to prove Lin Tianwei's strength.

Wilbur? Bosch?

They are not even worthy of carrying Lin Tianwei's shoes, let alone completing the exchange of a heart of Tianhai in front of him.

Since he couldn't resist, why didn't he fight for his own greatest benefit?

Phoenix Bird didn't want to live such a cowardly life anymore. He wanted to rise up and fight back.

He wanted revenge!

He didn't know when, maybe at the moment when Phoenix Bird entered the reincarnation field, he felt a strange hatred.

Blood sea and deep hatred!

It came from himself, but it didn't come from himself.

Specifically, it should be the hatred inherited from his previous life.

Perhaps the reason why he fell to become a weak flamingo was also the masterpiece of the other party.

Even for revenge, he couldn't die here, and he had to become stronger as soon as possible.

For this, he would even sacrifice his freedom.

What's more, Phoenix Bird didn't think it was shameful to follow Lin Tianwei, a cosmic beast with infinite potential.

On the contrary, it was his own honor.

If the other party was willing to give up 100 million points and give him the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven that countless people dreamed of, then it would prove this point.

He would also keep his promise and follow the other party until his soul was completely annihilated.

Hearing the surrender of the Phoenix Bird, Lin Tianwei hesitated for a rare time.

It must be said that the Phoenix Bird with the talent of reincarnation is indeed a very good helper.

There may even be far more secrets on the other party. Accepting the other party is equivalent to accepting an unknown treasure.

Under normal circumstances, direct enslavement is naturally the best choice.

Lin Tianwei is not afraid that the Phoenix Bird will commit suicide in front of him.

After all, under the complete strength crushing, it is impossible to commit suicide.

He is simply afraid of the reincarnation talent.

After all, this is a mythical talent, and there is no guarantee of what secrets are hidden in it.

The Phoenix Bird may even have a secret treasure left in the previous life, the power to counter the means of enslavement.

Taking risks will easily put oneself in a passive position.

Compared with the value of the Phoenix Bird, the Heart of the Sea is not at the same level.

For Lin Tianwei, he can completely exchange a few more Hearts of the Sea with points.

After all, what Lin Tianwei lacks the least is points.

The only thing that makes Lin Tianwei hesitate is how to ensure the loyalty of the Phoenix Bird.

Phoenix Bird is not like Rocky and Oulu, who are dispensable and can be easily controlled by him.

After paying such a high price, if Phoenix Bird runs away, it will be a real pain in the ass, and it will even provoke an extremely powerful enemy for him.

This kind of deal is obviously not worth it.

So Lin Tianwei decided to go all out and kill Phoenix Bird directly.

Since he can't use it for himself, then death is the best destination for the other party.

Destroying the other party's accumulation in this life is enough to make the other party completely without the capital to threaten him.

You must be ruthless when dealing with the enemy.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at Phoenix Bird with a nuclear look, and Phoenix Bird was frightened immediately.

At this time, he realized that he had no chance to bargain with Lin Tianwei at all.

If he surrendered earlier, he might still have hope of survival.

Otherwise, he might only have a roast chicken left, and he might even suffer because of the ability of the reincarnation field to revive himself.


The Phoenix bird knelt decisively, and even directly sacrificed its own origin, saying to Lin Tianwei:

"I have been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met a wise master. If you don't abandon me, I am willing to bow down and serve you forever."

Lin Tianwei:...

Good guy, you won't take out a Fang Tian Hua Ji and chop me up in a while.

But this is not the Three Kingdoms after all, but the universe, so it is impossible for the Phoenix bird to stab Lin Tianwei in the back.

After offering its origin, the life and death of the Phoenix bird is just a matter of Lin Tianwei's thoughts.

He who knows the times is a hero.

The Phoenix Bird, who had lived for countless years, knew how to judge the situation and soon found the most suitable path for himself among all the paths.

It was a pity that he still knew too little about his reincarnation talent.

Otherwise, he might be a little more confident in himself and would not do such a thing as sacrificing his origin to other cosmic beasts.

Of course.

The reason why the Phoenix Bird was willing to sacrifice its origin had a lot to do with Lin Tianwei's strength.

If Lin Tianwei's strength could not make him recognize it, he would not do such a thing as sacrificing his origin.

After putting away the Phoenix Bird's origin, a space crack suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tianwei.

That was the performance of Lin Tianwei taking something from the Tiger Fang space.

Taking ordinary things would naturally not cause such a big commotion, but taking the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven would definitely cause a lot of commotion.

The Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven contains powerful energy, and if you are not careful, it may even destroy Lin Tianwei's Tiger Fang space.

Naturally, it must be handled with care.

Under Lin Tianwei's control, the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven quickly came to the Phoenix Bird and said:

"This is the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven you want."

"Since you have already surrendered to me, I will not treat you unfairly."

"Follow me well, I will never treat you unfairly."

If a normal cosmic beast said this, the Phoenix Bird would definitely sneer.

But it was Lin Tianwei who said this, and most importantly, Lin Tianwei also took out a priceless Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven and threw it to him casually.

It was as if this was not the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven worth 100 million Rule Arena points, but a piece of gravel on the roadside that was extremely worthless.

Even though he knew that this was Lin Tianwei's means to win over the beast's heart, the Phoenix Bird was still deeply moved.

You have to know that his origin has long been taken away, and Lin Tianwei has no need to do so much unnecessary things.

Moved in his heart, the Phoenix Bird was even more convinced by Lin Tianwei, and even lowered his noble head directly.

Facing the Heart of Tianhai so close at hand, Phoenix Bird put away his desire and stepped back, saying to Lin Tianwei:

"Master Lin, I won't accept the reward without merit, so how dare I take the Heart of Tianhai that belongs to you at will."

"This is just my extravagant wish before, please don't mind it."

Since he planned to work with Lin Tianwei, Phoenix Bird would naturally not do something that would make Lin Tianwei look down on him.

It is easy to get the Heart of Tianhai, but it will lower his own value and make Lin Tianwei look down on him.

For Phoenix Bird, this kind of thing is far more difficult to accept than getting the Heart of Tianhai later. (End of this chapter)

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