Simone's words made sense and were very threatening. If it were an ordinary mechanical race, they would have stopped attacking out of fear.

But what does the order of the Mechanical God King have to do with Lin Tianwei of the Origin Universe?

Not to mention that the Mechanical God King could not know about Lin Tianwei's invasion from the exclusive entertainment network that was completely closed at this time.

Even if he knew, as long as he didn't come in person, he couldn't do anything to Lin Tianwei.

Even if he came in person, he couldn't do anything to Lin Tianwei.

Lin Tianwei's countless talents are not for nothing. The reincarnation talent from the Phoenix Bird alone is enough for him to escape calmly most of the time.

What's more, the main reason why the alien battlefield can maintain balance for so long is that the gods of the two universes signed a treaty not to attack each other's subordinates.

The Mechanical God King may be able to punish the mechanical members of his own race who violated the rules, but he would never dare to attack Lin Tianwei easily.

Otherwise, he will be greeted by the wrath of the God King of the Origin Universe.

Simone could never have imagined that his usual threats that always worked would fail against Lin Tianwei. He was a little unbelievable and exclaimed:

"How dare you ignore the order of the Mechanical God King?"

"That's the Mechanical God King, the supreme Mechanical God King, the faith of every one of us mechanical race!"

In Simone's unbelievable eyes, Lin Tianwei not only did not stop attacking, but accelerated the pace of attack.

He hated being threatened the most in his life!

Feeling that his power was rapidly draining away, Simone's expression also changed from the initial smugness to despair,

and even put down his dignity and begged Lin Tianwei for mercy.

Even so, he still couldn't change Lin Tianwei's idea of ​​devouring him.

In the end, he didn't even know who Lin Tianwei was before he was completely devoured by Lin Tianwei.

After devouring Simone, Lin Tianwei did not directly receive the other party's data.

After all, he was not a mechanical race, and he didn't need to use this method to strengthen himself.

What's more, absorbing too much data would only pollute Lin Tianwei's consciousness, making his consciousness no longer pure and unlike himself.

Therefore, Lin Tianwei only needs to transform Simone's consciousness into a cyber soul that is completely loyal to him.

Just like what he did to other mechanical races,

when the transformation of Simone was completely completed, a cyber soul with amazing production appeared in Lin Tianwei's cyber ranch!

The cyber soul of the Lord of the Universe contains more powerful energy, and the energy that can be supplied to Lin Tianwei at all times is also extraordinary.

After dealing with Simone, it is time to deal with the other two mechanical races of the Lord of the Universe.

This time, Lin Tianwei does not intend to defeat them one by one.

The battle with Simone also gave Lin Tianwei a general understanding of his own strength.

He is fully capable of devouring two mechanical races of the Lord of the Universe at the same time, so why waste time defeating them one by one?

Following the same method, Lin Tianwei's cyber ranch soon had two more cyber souls with amazing production,

and the action against the alien race # No. 512 Novice Village was basically completed, and the remaining small fish and shrimps could not make any waves.

Lin Tianwei simply used the gimmick of free opening of the exclusive entertainment world and free collection of various VIP privileges to trick them all into the exclusive entertainment network.

In the end, under the cyber virus incarnated by Lin Tianwei, the consciousness and soul data of all the mechanical races in this novice village were collected by Lin Tianwei as his own property.

The originally prosperous alien race No. 512 novice village instantly turned into a dead city, leaving only some mechanical race bodies that had completely lost their souls.

Looking at the mechanical race wreckage on the ground, Lin Tianwei thought about it and finally decided to release Kai.

Although he didn't like to swallow these metal lumps in front of him, Kai, who was also a mechanical race, was completely different.

These metals containing powerful energy, especially the Denilu alloy on the Lord of the Universe, are the supreme delicacy in the eyes of the mechanical race.

What's more, as Lin Tianwei's vehicle, Kai's strength is really too poor.

So much so that Lin Tianwei rarely used this originally luxurious spaceship.

Although it is cool to cross the void in the flesh, it is also good to ride a spaceship.

If Kai's strength can barely reach the level of the Lord of the Universe, he can be regarded as barely qualified to be his real vehicle.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly ordered Kai: "Devouring all the mechanical races in this novice village, the faster the better."

The abnormality of the alien race's novice village No. 512 will soon attract the attention of the chaotic universe, and Kai still needs to fight quickly.

Otherwise, Lin Tianwei can only put the bodies of these mechanical races into the Tiger Fang space as Kai's backup food.

However, considering that Lin Tianwei will continue to capture the novice villages of the mechanical race in the future, if Kai does not devour faster, his devouring speed will even be far behind Lin Tianwei's hunting speed of mechanical races.

Confused, completely confused, this is the state of Kai after being released by Lin Tianwei.

Like those mechanical races, after consuming the resources provided by Lin Tianwei to Kai, Kai fell into a long sleep.

Even though he is a mechanical being that is no different from life, when he has completely lost his mechanical purpose, he should use hibernation to ensure that he is always in the best condition, waiting for the time when Lin Tianwei needs him. This is what he should do most.

Just like the various machines displayed at home, when they are not used, they will be put aside.

In fact, when he was awakened by Lin Tianwei, Kai was even a little happy that he was finally useful again.

Although his strength is not strong, he can still protect his master with his ability.

Just like what happened in the secret realm last time, if it were not for his intelligence, how could he have won so much time for his master to break through.

Facts have proved that Kai is not a waste, but a very useful mechanical race!

The reason why the master awakened him this time may be to let him protect him again.

Thinking of Lin Tianwei's strength when he met him last time, Kai felt that the master might be preparing to break through to the peak of immortality at this time.

That is the peak of immortality. As a vehicle that followed Lin Tianwei, Kai can best understand the horror of Lin Tianwei.

In just over a hundred years, Lin Tianwei has achieved immortality.

This is simply impossible for a cosmic beast without any inheritance, any background, and no support from any tribe.

Although it is extremely easy to encounter dangers when following such a master, the benefits are proportional to the risks.

Especially Lin Tianwei is extremely generous to his subordinates, and never hesitates to waste resources to improve the strength of his subordinates.

Yes, it is a waste of resources, and the word "waste" is the essence of it.

For the cosmic giant beast in the rising period, any qualification is precious and it is impossible to grant it to his subordinates.

Only a cosmic giant beast like Lin Tianwei, who is extremely generous, can be so generous to his subordinates, giving away all kinds of natural treasures.

Kai, who was once just a planetary slave, could never have thought that he would be able to achieve immortality one day.

That's right, with the help of the core code and the beast core of the immortal cosmic giant beast, Kai has already proved immortality at the data level.

The difference between him and the normal mechanical immortal may be just a strong body, a strong steel body.

Thinking of this, Kai subconsciously thought of the legendary Deniru alloy, the treasure in the eyes of the mechanical race, and the legendary powerful alloy that can integrate the consciousness data of the mechanical race and allow the mechanical race to exert its strength 100%.

As long as he adds even one gram of Denilu alloy to his current weak body, Kai will be able to grow fully and officially have a powerful body that matches the immortal-level data.

Thinking of this, Kai immediately rejected this unrealistic idea. That is the treasure of the mechanical race, Denilu alloy. Due to its powerful characteristics, it is basically the forbidden food of the Lord of the Universe.

Only some ordinary mechanical races with strong connections and strong strength can barely get a little bit.

How can he, a mere ordinary immortal-level mechanical race, get such a treasure?

Fortunately, he has hope. He only needs to follow the powerful Lin Tianwei. In the future, he may also be lucky enough to get some Denilu alloy.

However, it was with such an idea, an extremely unrealistic idea, that Kai saw the most confusing scene in his life.

Just now, Lin Tianwei woke Kai up and asked him to come out to devour metal.

Originally thought that this was just a dirty job like dealing with garbage, but Kai never thought that he would see a body as big as a star and as vast as the ocean.

That was the steel body left after Simone's data consciousness was captured by Lin Tianwei. Although it lacked data consciousness as a drive, it could be considered top-notch just by its physical strength.

Moreover, the mechanical race did not have as many fancy abilities as the cosmic beasts, and their strength was completely dependent on their own steel bodies.

So this body was much more powerful than the cosmic beasts of the same realm.

Most importantly, a huge amount of Denilu alloy was used to build this powerful body, the Denilu alloy that Kai had always dreamed of.

Having the scene of swallowing so much Denilu alloy was an outrageous scene that Kai could not even dream of.

However, it was Lin Tianwei's seemingly extremely simple order that Kai could not do, and could not do it at all.

Although Simone was dead, his power was still there.

Even if he just stood there quietly, Kai still felt oppressed and unable to move, and even felt that his soul was about to be completely crushed.

The gap between the two levels, especially since they were of the same race, made Kai unable to withstand the pressure of Simone's body.

If it weren't for his strong will, he would have already crawled on the ground.

Kai's will was wailing.

He could never have imagined that one day even being too happy would become a nightmare.

Just when Kai was about to fall to his knees after being unable to bear Simone's pressure, a cold snort came from Lin Tianwei's mouth, saying:

"How dare you dare to do this with the corpse of a defeated general? Quiet!"


It was just a simple word, but it seemed to have some kind of magic power, instantly shocking Simone's body and making him quiet down honestly.

Kai even felt a tremor in Simone's body, and felt a fear of Lin Tianwei.

What's going on? This mechanical body of the master of the universe is actually afraid of its master?

Kai was shocked beyond words. He thought that Lin Tianwei had found a relic of the mechanical race, so he let himself come out to eat.

But he didn't expect that the situation seemed a little different from what he imagined.

The master was able to shock Simone's body with just one word. This could not be as simple as picking up a body of the master of the mechanical universe in the ruins.

Only then did Kai realize that Simone's body was ridiculously new, without any trace of erosion by time.

If it weren't for the fact that he could no longer feel the breath of data from the other party, Kai would even think that the other party was still alive.

Such a scene was really weird, as if some powerful and mysterious force instantly killed Simone and completely separated his soul from this powerful body.

Thinking of this, Kai subconsciously looked at the location where Lin Tianwei was.

Although it was indeed somewhat illogical, from all indications, the only one who could do such a thing was his mysterious master.

However, this look directly scared Kai half of his soul.

Lin Tianwei just stood there, simply standing there, but the breath on his body was completely unclear, making it impossible for Kai to judge what kind of strength Lin Tianwei was now.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the countless mechanical giants that became Lin Tianwei's background.

These mechanical giants exude a powerful aura, their bodies are huge, and their momentum is even more powerful.

It is hard to imagine what kind of huge war would mobilize so many mechanical warriors.

The master actually dared to turn his back on so many mechanical warriors. This is simply too... a little bold!

Thinking of this, Kai subconsciously planned to remind Lin Tianwei to be careful.

These terrifying mechanical warriors can easily tear them apart.

However, just when he was about to blurt out his words, he instantly realized that something was wrong.

If these mechanical warriors could really do something to the master, they would have taken action long ago and would not have waited until now.

There must be something that he has not noticed yet.

Thinking of this, Kai looked at Lin Tianwei's background again.

With different ideas, this time, Kai finally saw something different from the background.

Those seemingly powerful mechanical warriors, whether immortal or lord, have the same characteristic compared to the huge body of the Lord of the Universe in front of him, that is, they have completely lost their lives.

Perhaps because they lost their lives too hastily, they still maintain the state when they were alive, lifelike.

It is precisely because of this that Kai was frightened and shocked.

However, it was this reality that seemed so real that Kai was a little confused. He really wanted to know what happened to his master Lin Tianwei during his hibernation. (End of this chapter)

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