Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 498 Acting with each other

After saying this, Lin Tianwei looked around with tiger eyes, looking at the sneaky cosmic beasts hidden in the darkness.

In fact, he had already discovered these people with evil intentions, but he didn't pay attention to them. After all, why should the king care about the eyes of ants.

He originally thought that the enemy would take action before he ate, but he didn't expect that they would just watch him swallow a novice village that belonged to them.

It was as if the value of this novice village in their eyes was to test Lin Tianwei's strength.

Faced with Lin Tianwei's provocation, Lahe's eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

He thought that he was well hidden and could not be discovered by Lin Tianwei.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tianwei not only discovered his presence long ago, but also swallowed up the Novice Village directly in front of him.

This behavior was tantamount to provocation, and the unscrupulous provocation made Lage furious.

However, facing Lin Tianwei's provocation, Lage did not dare to act rashly.

Lin Tianwei's aggressive eating behavior just now showed unparalleled power, which made Lahe fearful and knew that taking action rashly was not a good choice.

Even with the Burning Sky Fire and the power belonging to the God King, Lage still did not dare to take Lin Tianwei lightly.

Although Burning Sky Fire is very powerful, it also depends on who is using it.

If the user of the Burning Sky Fire Seed is not strong enough, it may not even have a chance to hit the enemy.

Perhaps he should think long term, continue to increase his manpower, and look for an opportunity to better hunt this mysterious cosmic beast in front of him.

Faced with Lin Tianwei's powerful power, Lage even became timid without fighting.

He finally understood why these novice villages and the cosmic beasts living on them disappeared so quietly.

Not even the mighty Lord of the Universe is immune,

It turned out that what they faced was such an incredible force, a force that was simply difficult to contend with.

This kind of power even made Lach, who was also the master of the universe, feel tremendous pressure and terrifying.

Just when Rach was thinking a lot and was about to make up his mind to escape, Lin Tianwei became impatient with the wait.

The food hidden in the dark seemed to have no intention of being eaten, and it didn't show up for a long time. So don't blame Lin Tianwei for taking the initiative to pull them out, and immediately mocked the place where Lage and other cosmic beasts were hiding:

"Are the guys who hide their heads and tails so cowardly that they don't even have the courage to show their faces?"

"Come out and die, and I will be kinder and let you die more happily."

Faced with Lin Tianwei's ridicule, Lahe suddenly became angry.

As a descendant of the Burning God King, he has always looked aloof, but he has never been ridiculed like this.

The reason why he chose to escape was not because he felt that he could not defeat Lin Tianwei, but because he felt that he was not sure of defeating Lin Tianwei without any damage.

These cosmic behemoths that have lived for a long time are even more afraid of death, for fear that they will be harmed, and will not take action unless they are 100% sure.

In their own words, what is my identity, what is your identity, and how can I compete with you?

Of course, this is only under normal circumstances. Lage, who was angered by Lin Tianwei, obviously had other ideas and said:

"I wanted to let you live temporarily, but I didn't expect you to be so eager to seek death."

"Forget it, let you see how powerful our Fentian clan is, so that you can learn a lesson in your next life and know what to say and what not to say."

Although angry, Lage did not completely lose his mind and chose to fight Lin Tianwei personally.

He just sent the two men who were standing behind him to fight Lin Tianwei.

He himself was independent from the battlefield. While observing the fighting situation of both sides, he made some necessary preparations and waited for the opportunity.

Now that victory is within reach, what Lage has to do is to eliminate all opportunities for Lin Tianwei to escape while ensuring his absolute safety.

Although these two cosmic behemoths are Lach's subordinates, their strength is not lower than Lach's. They are also the peak strength of the Lord of the Universe.

As the two masters of the universe quickly approach, a peak battle seems to be about to break out.

However, when the battle actually broke out, the situation was beyond the expectations of all the cosmic beasts.

The two sides were indistinguishable, and there was a stalemate from the beginning of the battle.

Only the constantly collapsing space around them can prove that the level of this battle is far beyond the imagination of ordinary cosmic beasts.

The cosmic behemoths with inferior strength cannot even watch the battle, and there is a possibility of being completely annihilated by the aftermath of the battle at any time.

After once again repelling the attack of a universe master, Lin Tianwei's eyes flashed with inexplicable amusement.

Although the battle seemed fierce, Lin Tianwei knew that the two universe masters he was fighting with did not use all their strength.

They just maintained the most basic attack frequency, making themselves tired to deal with it, and did not use any ultimate moves at all.

On the contrary, they are taking advantage of the gaps in the attack and cooperating with Lach in the distance to constantly arrange something.

Trembling slightly, Lin Tianwei's nose caught an inexplicable smell, which was the smell of laws being tampered with.

Lage and Lage's men are busy, planning to completely seal off the area and make Lin Tianwei a turtle in the urn with nowhere to escape.

Rach's behavior is also a routine operation in a life and death battle.

Any cosmic beast that can grow into the master of the universe has an extremely good ability to save its life. If it fails to complete the final kill and lets the enemy escape by chance, it will be a lot of trouble.

So in the face of a real life-and-death battle, preventing the enemy from escaping is far more important than defeating the enemy.

Before they are sure of a sure kill, these cunning cosmic beasts will not use their real trump cards at all.

Not only does the Rah side have an absolute numerical advantage of three to one, but they also have the divine object of the Burning Sky Fire Seed.

No matter from what angle, they have already won and there is no possibility of failure.

It is precisely because of this that they will invest so much energy in preventing Lin Tianwei from escaping.

In order to prevent Lin Tianwei from noticing the danger in advance and abandoning everything to escape directly,

they also intimately accompanied Lin Tianwei to act, controlling their strength to the extent that they can just put a little pressure on Lin Tianwei, but cannot directly take Lin Tianwei down.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that while they were acting, Lin Tianwei was also acting.

The gifted body is so powerful, it is a genuine mythical talent, which can easily allow Lin Tianwei to fight across levels.

Even if he is fighting one against two, and even has to guard against Lach's possible sneak attack, Lin Tianwei can easily defeat his opponent.

But Lin Tianwei also has his own concerns, just like Lach's concerns.

While Lach was preventing Lin Tianwei from escaping, Lin Tianwei was also preventing the three delicious prey in front of him from escaping.

Including the entire surrounding space into his own universe and replacing the rules of this space with his own rules, this is what Lin Tianwei is doing now.

In order to avoid alarming the snakes and scaring away the three delicious prey in front of him, Lin Tianwei can only be patient, restrain his strength, and accompany them to play this drama that everyone likes.

Use the false battle to buy time for himself to bring this entire space under his rule!

In fact, Lin Tianwei's arrangement was earlier than everyone imagined.

As early as when he saw through the whereabouts of Lahe and other beasts through the Eye of Insight, the arrangement against the enemy had already begun quietly.

When he turned into the universe and devoured the Novice Village, the three Lahe beasts were only concerned with horror, and did not notice that part of Lin Tianwei's aura had quietly drifted out and gradually merged with this space.

Lin Tianwei's perception of the law was really too terrible. Even in the special environment of the alien battlefield, he could simulate it 100%.

It was under this terrible degree of simulation that the three Lahe beasts did not find that the cosmic beasts around them had been invaded by Lin Tianwei, and even arranged their ridiculous blockade in this space that had been ruled by Lin Tianwei.

This is the benefit of completely exterminating the enemy.

If any of the two cosmic beasts, Spears and Dimitar, had been let go,

Lin Tianwei's unique characteristics would have been exposed, alerting the enemy.

When the enemy was alert, it was not so easy for Lin Tianwei to quietly rule this space without all enemies noticing.

Time passed by, and the arrangements of both sides were gradually improved. The battle was about to start.

Especially for Lach, he couldn't wait to take action to hunt Lin Tianwei, an extremely valuable prey.

Although he was away from the battle, he watched the whole ridiculous battle.

He knew clearly that his men were letting him go, and it was even his order.

But he didn't expect Lin Tianwei to be so vulnerable that he couldn't even force out 20% of his men's strength.

The battle between the two sides seemed ridiculous to Lach, just like a child playing house.

The Chaos Universe was conquered by such a weak cosmic beast, and a large number of novice villages were captured. This was ridiculous to the extreme.

Especially Barota was a joke.

Threat? A cosmic beast of this strength was not worthy of talking about threats. There was no need to mobilize so many troops.

Not to mention that he had the Burning Fire, even the power of the three universe masters was enough to successfully hunt Lin Tianwei.

Perhaps the only thing that made this cosmic beast so powerful was that secret technique, which could devour a novice village in one bite.

It was precisely because of the power of this secret technique that the three beasts of Lahe had the illusion that Lin Tianwei was extremely powerful.

Thinking of this, Lahe became extremely jealous, and the greed in his eyes was beyond words.

If he could also possess such a powerful secret technique, wouldn't his strength be able to advance by leaps and bounds and become even stronger?

You must know that this is a secret technique that even ordinary universe masters can devour, and only one bite is enough to allow him to obtain a lot of energy.

Judging from the frequency of Lin Tianwei's devouring, the digestion efficiency of this secret technique is also extremely fast, which can be regarded as completely against the sky.

Possessing such a secret technique is simply a hundred benefits for Lahe,

Not only can it improve his strength, but also help him sprint to the realm of the God King that only exists in the legend.

It can even be presented to the Burning God King to maintain and deepen the relationship with the Burning God King.

Thinking of this, Lach felt a pain subconsciously and looked at the Burning Sky Fire in his hand.

Don’t think that he spoke easily at the Chaos Universe Alliance meeting, as if he could easily obtain such a powerful weapon by virtue of his blood relationship with the Burning Heaven God King. Only he knew the hardships involved.

If he hadn’t often contributed a large amount of secret resources, how could the Burning Heaven God King be so kind to a descendant like him.

That was a secret resource that even the God King was interested in. The difficulty of obtaining it was ridiculously high, and it almost drove Lahe crazy.

For this reason, he even had an extremely unreasonable idea, as if to maintain the relationship with the Burning Heaven God King.

Of course, this was just a thought. Compared with the secret resources and the favor of the God King, he could still tell which was more important.

It was precisely because of this that he was so jealous of Lin Tianwei’s seemingly powerful secret technique.

Thinking of this, Lahe subconsciously looked at the "embarrassed" Lin Tianwei, and said to himself:

If you can obediently hand over this secret technique, I can also let you die more comfortably.

But if you don't know how to live or die and resist stubbornly, then don't blame me for being ruthless.

As a well-known master of the universe, Lahe has many ways to torture his enemies.

He will let Lin Tianwei have a good taste of these methods.

But this is what he has to do next. Now Lahe's task is to capture Lin Tianwei, the priceless prey, this morning.

That's 100 billion merit points, a reward that even Lahe can't help but envy.

If he can complete this task without using the Burning Sky Fire and at the same time obtain a powerful secret technique, Lahe is simply making a lot of money.

Of course, Lahe can also distinguish between the important and the urgent.

If he finds that things are impossible, he will not be afraid of choking, and will use the Burning Sky Fire to burn Lin Tianwei to ashes at the first time.

After all, knowing that he will die, Lin Tianwei can't cooperate too much with Lahe's methods.

Compared with a powerful inheritance, it is obvious that 100 billion merit points are more important.

Moreover, Lahe's creed is to kill the cosmic monsters that have been identified as enemies without mercy, so as to eliminate future troubles!

Time is up!

Just as Lahe was thinking about it, the battle stage that both sides had carefully arranged and prepared had been built.

Almost at the same time, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of both sides of the war, secretly thinking that the enemy had no way to escape, and it was time to end this long hunt.

Thinking of this, Lahe flashed and instantly appeared near Lin Tianwei who was "fleeing in a panic". With a wave of his hand, an energy cannon blasted towards Lin Tianwei. (End of this chapter)

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