: "Here comes the magic bear Ojija's signature trick, the Meat Bomb Chariot!"

"This is a way to turn your body into an indestructible tank."

"A terrifying trick that uses high-speed rotation to continuously accumulate power and launch fatal attacks on the enemy!"

"Coupled with the terrifying body of the demon bear Ojija, it is not only extremely fast, but also incredibly powerful."


"The Tiger King will eventually have nowhere to escape and will be completely crushed into pulp by the Demon Bear Ojija!"

"With just one contact, it can instantly kill this cunning Siberian tiger!"

: "How is it possible? King Tiger actually has the courage to face a meat tank."

"With his fragile body, once he hits, the only way is death!"

: "What? The Tiger King actually withstood the demon bear's attack, and only lost one of its tiger paws?"

"You must know that the last opponent who was run over by a meat bomb tank had most of his body turned into pulp."

"He even left countless horrific wounds on the demon bear."

"With this kind of strength, is it possible that King Tiger will win in the end?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. His strength and size are far inferior to the Demon Bear Ojija."

"This time it was just a fluke. After all, the power of the meat bomb tank has not been added up yet."

"When the meat bomb chariot breaks out completely, if he wants to take any action, it will be like using a mantis as a chariot!"

"The bloody tiger paw is the best proof."

: "Tiger King actually started to accumulate power again?"

"The Tiger King has absolutely no martial ethics. He frequently takes action before the Demonic Bear's meat-munition chariot fully explodes."

"If you dare, just wait until the magic bear Ojija's strength fully explodes!"

: "How is it possible? The Demon Bear's speed actually slowed down."

"With such terrifying defense, how could it not be able to withstand just two attacks?"

"Is it possible that it will fail?"

"Obviously, it only needs to attack the Tiger King's vitals once to kill this cunning tiger instantly."

"The Tiger King's tiger paws have been injured. Come on, Devil Bear. If you move faster, you can catch up and kill this arrogant Tiger King."

: "Failed, defeated. Defeated?"

"This is incredible!"

"That was Ojija, the third-ranked demon bear, and he was defeated so easily."

"At this moment, he is like a helpless beast that is being slaughtered by others, without any of the domineering power he once had."

"I understand, it's the function of the current generator."

"The Tiger King is simply taking advantage. What is being output is actually the current generator in the Demon Bear's mind."

"He's just a good-for-nothing."


"It seems like the only beast that can bear the current generator is the demon bear."

"Although it is difficult to understand, King Tiger killed the Demon Bear Ojija while also carrying the current generator."

"He is the new king, the king who can enjoy the fruits of victory!"

"Tiger King has begun to enjoy his meal."

"The Demon Bear has been defeated, completely defeated!"

"Losers are destined to become food for the victors."

"Cheers, let's cheer for the Tiger King!"

"He is the real king!"

"Tiger King!"

"Tiger King!"

"Tiger King!"

Although a very small number of people still feel unwilling to do so, Lin Tianwei's victory has become a foregone conclusion.


No matter how hard you talk, you can't change the fact that Lin Tianwei won!


Lin Tianwei didn't know that countless people were cheering for him in the live broadcast room.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Only stronger power is what Lin Tianwei pursues.

As Lin Tianwei took a bite, he finally heard a familiar sound.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction was successful, and the host obtained the talent: Flesh Armor (Intermediate Level)."

"Ding, please host confirm whether to use this talent."

"Flesh Armor (Intermediate): Intermediate talent, using flesh and blood as armor, greatly increasing the host's defense. The effect is determined by the quality of the current flesh and blood."

"Remarks: Too low flesh and blood quality will affect the effect of this talent."

Flesh armor is undoubtedly a very powerful talent.

This can be seen from the fact that Lin Tianwei's teeth cannot easily break the Demon Bear's defense.

But considering that the effect of this talent is determined by the quality of flesh and blood.

It might be more suitable for a fat creature like a bear.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Tianwei finally decided to use this talent.

Even if the potential of this talent cannot be fully utilized, just because it can increase defense, it is a talent that Lin Tianwei cannot abandon.

The terrifying defensive power of the demon bear.

Lin Tianwei, who was eating its flesh and blood, had deep feelings.

Even with his extremely sharp fangs, it is quite difficult to tear it apart.

Even if you can only get 20% of the magic bear's defense, it's still a huge profit.

This means that many human weapons cannot break through their own defenses.

I have an extra layer of BUFF that is absolutely immune to damage, and I am immune to some damage below the threshold.

How many ants kill an elephant?

Sorry, you can't break my defense at all!

But now is not the best time to use this talent.

Enjoying delicious food happily is what Lin Tianwei should do most.

One mouthful.

Another bite.

The demon bear's flesh and blood turned into energy and began to nourish Lin Tianwei's whole body.

Although he has the current generator from the Ismail Research Institute to recharge himself.

But he still prefers this feeling of enjoying food.

Especially the food for strong people tastes even more fragrant!


The strengthened demon bear was eaten until only the bones were left.

All flesh and blood turned into Lin Tianwei's energy.

From that miserable look, there was no trace of the arrogant look he had a moment ago.

In this battle, Lin Tianwei won!

Yawned lazily.

The noon sun shone on Lin Tianwei, who had just finished eating, and looked particularly warm.

It also aroused his sleepiness.

In such a great time, how can we live up to such good weather without a good night’s sleep?

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei lay down directly and fell asleep.

By the way, the use of new talents has been confirmed.

At this time, a large amount of energy was stored in his body, enough to complete the upgrade of this talent.

As for going back?

Just enjoy a few more tranquilizer rounds.

These tranquilizer bombs that humans are full of confidence in can't cause any harm to Lin Tianwei at all.

The security guards responsible for transporting him seemed like servants dedicated to serving Lin Tianwei.

Will obediently carry Lin Tianwei into his own iron cage.

There is no need for Lin Tianwei to worry about going back.

It's just that Lin Tianwei forgot that he was no longer what he used to be.

In the battle with the demon bear, he showed his terrifying strength.

Such terrifying strength made Adolfo, the person in charge of the Beast Arena, extremely afraid.

Secretly, he was negligent in the past and did not strengthen the prevention and control measures against Lin Tianwei.

In case.

This time, Adolf decided to be a little more ruthless.

Only by being more cruel to Lin Tianwei can we ensure that the process of transporting Lin Tianwei is foolproof!

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