Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 502 The Wrath of the Burning God King!

Just when Lahe was feeling very proud, the loose claws he had expected did not come at all. He even felt that Lin Tianwei's force on his neck became stronger.

However, he heard Lin Tianwei's nightmare-like voice, saying:

"Fen Tian Divine King? It's quite interesting."

"But you think too much of me if a mere Divine King wants to shock me."

"If Brahma Divine King really wants to kill himself, I don't mind sending him off!"

His face changed drastically!

Lahe never dreamed that he would hear such a terrifying statement.

His eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Tianwei's calm face in horror.

These words that even the Divine King did not take seriously were completely what Lahe dared not say in his dreams.

Especially the strong self-confidence emanating from Lin Tianwei, which did not seem to be boasting at all, made Lahe want to believe him involuntarily.

He was definitely not kidding!

Such courage made even Lach, who was an enemy, want to praise Lin Tianwei: You are so brave.

However, Lach immediately reacted. Now was not the time to praise the enemy.

If Lin Tianwei was really so bold, didn't it mean that what he said just now didn't shock him at all?

Fear was spreading rapidly.

Lach trembled all over. He could already feel Lin Tianwei's claws exerting force, and he was actually preparing to hit his neck.

For the first time, Lach felt that death was so close to him, and he was powerless.

Facing Lin Tianwei, who was stronger than him, he couldn't even resist.

In the end, he could only do his best and spit out a few big words from his mouth: "You will regret it!"

The next moment, the Burning Sky Fire that had been lingering nearby seemed to have received some kind of order and began to rush towards Lin Tianwei violently.

This was Lach's last order to the Burning Sky Fire before his death, and it was also his most resentful curse on Lin Tianwei.

Even if he died, he would drag Lin Tianwei down with him.

It was at the moment when the Burning Sky Fire was raging that Lin Tianwei's right claw was fully charged and crushed Lahe's neck, ending his life completely.

With a simple teleportation, Lin Tianwei avoided the attack of the Burning Sky Fire again.

After swallowing Lahe's body into his stomach, Lin Tianwei had time to deal with the Burning Sky Fire, a deadly flame from the hands of the Burning Sky God King.

After losing Lahe as the core, the Burning Sky Fire completely turned into a fireball, which was a fireball even larger than Lin Tianwei's body, enough to burn everything.

However, such a fireball could not keep up with Lin Tianwei's speed at all.

As Lin Tianwei gradually got used to the attack mode of the Burning Sky Fire, he became more comfortable with it and began to think about how to deal with the Burning Sky Fire.

Law: Annihilation!

Lin Tianwei had seen the power of the Burning Heaven Fire and knew that it was a terrifying flame that could even devour the laws.

In this case, a rash attack would not only fail to put out the fire, but would also help the Burning Heaven Fire burn.

After thinking about it, Lin Tianwei still felt that the Law of Annihilation was most suitable for the current situation.

He only needed to contribute enough power to annihilate the Burning Heaven Fire, and then he could completely eliminate this God King-level power.

As the gray light representing the Law of Annihilation hit the Burning Heaven Fire, a small part of the originally arrogant and rampant flame was annihilated, leaving only 99.9975% of the energy.

This situation also made Lin Tianwei's eyes light up. Since this tentative Law of Annihilation could work, it meant that his idea was not wrong.

Immediately, Lin Tianwei began to increase the power output of the Law of Annihilation, annihilating the energy contained in the Burning Heaven Fire bit by bit.





As the energy contained in itself was constantly annihilated by Lin Tianwei, the originally fierce Burning Heaven Fire had now turned into a small flame, weak, pitiful and helpless.

Lin Tianwei only needed to launch a few more attacks on it, and it would completely disappear.

However, how could Lin Tianwei spend so much effort to destroy the Burning Heaven Fire instead of running away directly?

The reason why Lin Tianwei went to so much trouble was to take advantage of the opponent's weakness and use it for his own use.

With a thought, a closed cage built by the law of annihilation instantly appeared around the small flame.

In the desperate jump of the small flame, it was instantly imprisoned in it.

Since then, a Burning Heaven Fire was successfully obtained by Lin Tianwei.

Don't look at it as weak at this time. When Lin Tianwei releases it from confinement, it will immediately turn into a flood beast and devour everything in this world crazily!

After doing all this, Lin Tianwei did not stop, and quickly escaped into the void and disappeared on the spot.

A moment later, an extremely majestic voice resounded through the sky:

"Who is it, who dares to attack my descendants."

"Don't let me feel your breath again, otherwise I will definitely burn you to ashes."

The cosmic beast that roared angrily was naturally the Burning God King, an elf incarnated by the law of fire.

As a god king, if he can't even protect his own descendants, this is simply a slap in his face.

It's not that he didn't notice what Lin Tianwei did at the moment of Lahe's death,

Just at the moment of Lahe's death, he also felt a violent Burning Heaven Fire chasing Lin Tianwei.

This Burning Heaven Fire was the terrible flame evolved from the Burning Heaven Fire he had sent before.

It was because of his strong self-confidence in his own power that the Burning Heaven God King ignored Lin Tianwei.

How could a mere Lord of the Universe be worthy of his personal attack? It was a great honor for Lin Tianwei to be able to send down a Burning Heaven Fire.

However, the situation that was in the eyes of the Burning Heaven God King was easily broken by Lin Tianwei.

Not only did he weaken the power of the Burning Heaven Fire, but he also wiped out the fire seeds, turning it into one of his means of attack in the future.

It was also when he noticed the disappearance of the Burning Heaven Fire that the Burning Heaven God King realized that Lin Tianwei had escaped, and the murderer who killed his descendants was still at large!

That was the Burning Heaven Fire, the signature skill of the Burning Heaven God King. It was a terrible flame that could even burn the laws. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible for it to disappear out of thin air.

It will only keep burning until it has plundered all the materials and laws in this space.

After plundering everything in the space, the Burning Heaven Fire will not disappear, but will continue to exist until it is taken back by the Burning Heaven God King, or until it burns to the moment when its energy is exhausted.

There are many similar Burning Heaven Forbidden Lands in the Chaos Universe because the Burning Heaven God King did not recover the Burning Heaven Fire.

Unfortunately, the Burning Heaven God King has a lot of divine power, but he can't do anything to Lin Tianwei, and can only shout in helplessness and rage.

Lin Tianwei had left here at the moment of capturing the Burning Heaven Fire, and the Burning Heaven God King saw only a void.

He wanted to calculate the past and the future and get information about Lin Tianwei from it, but found that Lin Tianwei seemed to be shrouded in a fog and couldn't see clearly at all.

Could it be that a God King protected this ferocious cosmic beast?

The Burning Heaven God King's expression was uncertain, and it was unknown what he was thinking.

However, just when everyone thought that the Burning Heaven God King would give up, he roared and said:

"No matter who it is, no matter if there is a God King standing behind you, I will avenge this."

"If the God King stops me, I don't mind killing a God to prove my truth!"

Other God Kings might have the idea of ​​giving up, but the Burning Heaven God King would never do that.

He is an elf born from the law of fire, and he has the most violent temper. How could he suffer such a loss?

It's a pity that he is still not working hard enough and can't understand Lin Tianwei's information. No matter how terrible the roar is, it can't be completely tilted on Lin Tianwei, and it's just impotent rage!


After harvesting the Burning Heaven Fire, Lin Tianwei flew away from the original place.

With a gifted body, he has extremely sharp perception, especially in the perception of danger, which is extraordinary.

A strong sense of crisis burned his consciousness, letting him know that there is definitely a powerful existence about to target him.

Judging from the intensity of the sense of crisis, the other party is definitely an extremely powerful existence, but it is far inferior to the sense of crisis brought by the star-devouring beast.

Perhaps the God King behind Rah has set his sights on him.

After understanding the source of such a strong sense of crisis, Lin Tianwei did not hesitate and quickly moved away from his original position.

He is not strong enough now, and it is not the time to face the God King.

When he becomes stronger, he will let those high and mighty God Kings know that Lin Tianwei is not a soft persimmon that they can manipulate.

As Lin Tianwei disappears, the strong sense of crisis is gradually dissipating.

Under the protection of the talent extraction system, as long as he is not caught by the God King in person, Lin Tianwei will never reveal his whereabouts.

Even the most powerful God King cannot calculate his past and future.

Under normal circumstances, this phenomenon should be extremely abnormal.

However, the Star Devouring Beast only thought that it was the Heavenly Sea God King who provided Lin Tianwei with protection, and the Burning Heaven God King only thought that this was a conspiracy against him by the Origin Universe, and that there were God Kings from the Origin Universe who provided Lin Tianwei with protection.

By mistake, no God King knew that this was Lin Tianwei's original ability.

Or perhaps they did notice a little abnormality, but chose to turn a blind eye because of the arrogance of the God King.

He was a God King, so how could the Lord of the Universe block his perception?

It was the most reasonable thing for other God Kings to protect Lin Tianwei.

Merit Points: 380 billion++!

It must be said that although this battle was extremely dangerous, it was also very rewarding.

In particular, the killing of the two special beings, Rah and Barota, contributed nearly 200 billion congratulations points to Lin Tianwei.

The seemingly unattainable goal of 1 trillion merit points, with Lin Tianwei's efforts, had already completed more than one-third of it in a short time.

God King inheritance? At your fingertips!

If there are similar ambushes, Lin Tianwei only hopes that the ambush will be more fierce, so that he can harvest merit points more quickly.

Considering that the Burning Heaven God King is staring at him like a vicious dog, Lin Tianwei thinks that he should be quiet for a while and consolidate his strength a little.

He just harvested a Burning Heaven Fire Seed containing the power of the God King. If he doesn't study it carefully, wouldn't it be a waste of this treasure that he has finally obtained?

Yes, it was finally obtained.

This seemingly simple robbery, if it weren't for Lin Tianwei, ordinary cosmic beasts would never have been able to obtain this Burning Heaven Fire.

No matter how powerful they are, the only outcome is to be completely devoured by the Burning Heaven Fire.

If you want to hunt the Burning Heaven Fire, the first thing to do is to cut off the connection between the Burning Heaven Fire and space at the first time.

As long as there is enough fuel for the Burning Heaven Fire to burn, unless you also have the power of the God King level, the Burning Heaven Fire will never go out.

Burning everything, this is the power that the Burning Heaven Fire should have.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the battle, Lin Tianwei had insight into the growth mechanism of the Burning Heaven Fire with his extraordinary perception ability.

As long as its fuel is cut off before it grows up, at best it is just a slightly more heaven-defying flame.

Extracting all the matter and laws in the surrounding space, this behavior seems simple, but it is extremely heaven-defying.

You must know that even in a cubic space, there are many elements, and it is impossible to completely extract it into a vacuum.

What's more, the universe is fluid.

Even if you take great pains to extract the matter and elements in a small area, it will be instantly filled with the surrounding matter and elements.

However, such an outrageous thing was easily done by Lin Tianwei. He integrated his gifted body into the entire space, and also had absolute control over this space.

When recovering his gifted body, Lin Tianwei also recovered the matter and laws in this space and became his food.

Weakening the growth of the Burning Sky Fire is only the first condition to subdue the Burning Sky Fire.

Considering the characteristics of the Burning Sky Fire that everything is burned, it must have extremely special laws to suppress it.

The law of annihilation is also extremely terrifying. It is the strongest law that is no rarer than the laws of time and space. It has the ability to annihilate all matter, and there are even fewer people who master it.

Only a cosmic beast like Lin Tianwei who has mastered a large number of laws can master the law of annihilation.

Even if the law of annihilation is mastered and the Burning Sky Fire has been trapped in a small space, it does not mean that Lin Tianwei can subdue this Burning Sky Fire.

He must also possess more terrifying energy than the Burning Heaven Fire, more terrifying energy than the Burning Heaven Fire of the God King level, in order to be able to weaken the Burning Heaven Fire to a very extreme degree by constantly using the law of annihilation.

However, these are not the biggest crisis when subduing the Burning Heaven Fire, which is the power that belongs exclusively to the Burning Heaven God King. If you cannot escape from the pursuit of the Burning Heaven God King, even if you can subdue the Burning Heaven Fire, it will be in vain.

In the two universes, except for those high and mighty God Kings, perhaps only Lin Tianwei can achieve such terrifying conditions at the same time.

Just when Lin Tianwei was about to study the Burning Heaven Fire, a message came from the Tiger Fang Space,

The source was the armor that Lin Tianwei had collected in the Tiger Fang Space! (End of this chapter)

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