Talent: Infection (Myth)!

Lin Tianwei subconsciously thought of another power he had plundered from the Star Devouring Beast, a power he had basically never used.

From the performance of the Burning Fire Seed, Lin Tianwei realized that he was a little wrong. This talent is extremely powerful, but he didn't realize its power before, and wasted it.

Fortunately, after this experiment, he not only figured out the secrets contained in this scale, but also gained some inspiration on the path of the God King, and realized the terribleness of this inconspicuous talent.

There is no simple existence of mythical talents!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei subconsciously thought of his plan to harvest cyber souls.

If the power of the talent: infection (myth) is added to the cyber virus split by himself, the invasion ability of the cyber virus will be greatly enhanced,

making this invasion more silent and more deadly.

As long as it is a mechanical race, it is impossible to compete with his unsolvable invasion ability.

Through the last experiment, Lin Tianwei finally got a lot of information he wanted.

The law may be extremely important for the God King. Only after a certain law is brought to the extreme, can it be possible to become a God King.

Of course, fully mastering a law is only the basis for becoming a God King, but it does not mean that the God King can only fully master one law.

Compared with the God King of Tianhai and the God King of Fentian, the Star Devouring Beast obviously masters more laws.

This also means that his strength will be stronger than the other two God Kings.

However, this is just Lin Tianwei's own guess. The truth of the matter may only be known after he really obtains a God King inheritance.

However, from the surface, this God King's path is obviously not very friendly to Lin Tianwei.

He has too many talents and too many laws, and too many means chaos.

If you want to choose a law as your main law, Lin Tianwei really can't make a choice for a while.

After all, each of his laws is equally strong and unsolvable.

As for sublimating all the laws and walking out a path of supreme strength that integrates all the laws, it is too difficult.

As strong as the Devouring Star Beast, it has completely mastered three laws. In the case of completely disproportionate time and resource accumulation, whether Lin Tianwei can accomplish such a feat is still unknown.

Putting away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Lin Tianwei directly activated the annihilation law.

This experiment has come to an end, and Lin Tianwei has also gained enough information as he wished, and it is naturally time to clean up the mess.

Especially, the Burning Sky Fire Seed that has been infected by the scales of the Devouring Star Beast is an object that Lin Tianwei must deal with.

Considering the controllability and uniqueness, Lin Tianwei finally decided to use the annihilation law to completely annihilate the infected part of the Burning Sky Fire Seed.

Compared with the Burning Sky Fire Seed infected by the power of the Devouring Star Beast's scales, it is obviously easier to control the purest Burning Sky Fire Seed.

Under Lin Tianwei's violent removal, the Burning Sky Fire Seed was soon divided from a small flame into a small spark.

The scales of the Devouring Star Beast have a strong ability to infect. In just a few minutes, it has already eroded most of the Burning Sky Fire Seed. Even if Lin Tianwei cuts the Gordian knot, he can only save a little spark.

But it doesn't matter. Thanks to the characteristic of the Burning Sky Fire Seed that burns everything, Lin Tianwei only needs to provide it with a little food, and it can return to its original small flame.

After the experiment, except that the scales of the Devouring Star Beast became slightly stronger, it can be said that nothing happened.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei sent another incarnation into the Tiger Fang space.

Now that the experiment has been completed, it is time to continue to implement the plan of harvesting cyber souls and earn points.

If you want to harvest cyber souls faster and more perfectly, then Kai's help is crucial.

Lin Tianwei also needs to use the large amount of Denilu alloy swallowed by Kai to pass on the cyber virus he has transformed into, and pass it to the data consciousness of each mechanical family.

The Tiger Fang Space can be said to be a space that belongs purely to Lin Tianwei. He can even appear in any position in the Tiger Fang Space in any form he wants with just a thought.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Tianwei soon appeared in front of Kai.

Thanks to Kai's efforts, this space, which Lin Tianwei classified as a garbage dump for the mechanical race, is now clean and tidy, without any metal garbage.

However, the most conspicuous thing is not this space, but Kai standing quietly in the space, an extremely huge mechanical cosmic beast!

However, it is this seemingly terrifying mechanical cosmic beast that is just standing quietly in the distance at this time, without any movement, like a machine waiting for the master's order.

Facing Kai, Lin Tianwei naturally would not be polite at all, and asked directly:

"Kai, how do you feel now?"

Hearing Lin Tianwei's voice, this terrifying mechanical cosmic beast seemed to be activated and began to run quickly.

Looking at Lin Tianwei who was so close, Kai carefully prostrated himself on the ground and replied respectfully:

"Master, I feel great now!"

"This is a powerful force that I have never felt before. It will definitely help you conquer the battlefield and kill everyone."

"By then, those villains who are not strong enough will not need you to do anything. I will be able to stop them."

Kai was extremely excited, because this was the opportunity he had been waiting for, the opportunity to kill people with his master again.

Lin Tianwei was very satisfied with Kai's performance and nodded slightly.

And Kai seemed to understand Lin Tianwei's intentions. His body quickly transformed and soon transformed from a ferocious mechanical beast into a mighty and domineering spaceship.

With Lin Tianwei's entry, the space beast quickly drove out of the Tiger Fang space and entered the alien battlefield. It flew towards Lin Tianwei's goal, the next novice village belonging to the mechanical race, at an extremely terrifying speed.

It was also on Kai's way that Lin Tianwei turned into data again and began to try to integrate into the Deniru alloy that built this spaceship.

Although he knew that the Deniru alloy had extremely special effects through the information left by Barota,

it could not only perfectly become a medium for carrying data, but also exert extremely special abilities after being compatible with data.

Linking other mechanical races and transmitting messages was even the most insignificant ability among them.

As expected, after the data representing Lin Tianwei was integrated into the Denilu alloy, Lin Tianwei successfully transmitted the message to the outside world with just a slight attempt.

This distance was even farther than Lin Tianwei had imagined, because he had established contact with a mechanical race that was unknown how far away.

The other party seemed to be extremely confused by Lin Tianwei's data. This mechanical race could not understand why data could bypass its firewall and force its way into its brain.

What is the difference between this behavior and rape?

But he would not be bothered by it soon, because the cyber virus created by Lin Tianwei had begun to invade his database and began to rage wildly in his body.

This poor mechanical race did not even have time to react, and the database had already turned red across the board, completely fallen, and became Lin Tianwei's trophy.

However, this was not the most terrifying part of the cyber virus created by Lin Tianwei. After realizing the perversion of the infection talent, Lin Tianwei's cyber virus still had an extremely exaggerated ability to spread.

In a distant and unknown mechanical camp, the expression of a mechanical race suddenly became extremely stiff, and then returned to normal.

However, just after the mechanical race returned to normal, a terrible cyber virus also spread.

As long as the mechanical race came into contact with the cyber virus, they had no ability to resist at all. In an instant, the database was all red, and they also became the source of infection of this cyber virus.

One spread to ten, ten spread to a hundred, and a hundred spread to countless!

Under the invasion of the terrible cyber virus, this mechanical camp had no chance to resist at all and fell in an instant.

As a road to the cyber ranch was opened, countless cyber souls began to be extradited to Lin Tianwei's cyber ranch, making his back strength stronger and stronger.

For the mechanical race, Lin Tianwei can be said to be a natural enemy, a natural enemy that cannot be resisted at all.

It is estimated that no one would have thought that in just a dozen days of Kai's travel, the terrible cyber virus had spread to the entire alien battlefield.

A completely incomprehensible but real data invasion just happened, sweeping across the entire alien battlefield at a speed that no one could understand.

No mechanical race could escape, even the powerful Lord of the Universe.

All mechanical race settlements instantly lost their former prosperity and turned into ruins, with only countless ruins of bodies without souls.

Such a disaster was simply unbelievable to the beasts, and the beasts were in danger, and they immediately alarmed the Chaos Universe Alliance.

At the Chaos Universe Alliance meeting, Fritz frowned and sighed.

I don’t know what happened recently, he always feels as if someone is targeting him.

The troubles encountered this year are even better than the troubles encountered in the previous 100 million years.

First, an unsolvable mysterious cosmic giant beast raged in the alien battlefield, madly devouring the novice village belonging to the Chaos Universe.

It’s hard for the novice village killer to calm down recently, but a bigger crisis suddenly broke out.

The disaster of extermination!

Fritz never dreamed that he would be able to come into contact with such a niche word in his lifetime.

It was not an ordinary race that was exterminated, but the mechanical race blessed by the God King.

No cosmic monster dared to believe this outrageous thing. Even the laws covering the entire alien battlefield could not identify the opponent's means, and even the merits of killing these mechanical races could not be issued.

That's right, Lin Tianwei's ultra-long-range cyber virus invasion attack was still too exaggerated, so exaggerated that even the merit point determination law covering the entire alien battlefield could not capture it.

This resulted in Lin Tianwei working hard for a long time, but getting nothing, and not getting any merit points.

However, considering the cyber souls that the mechanical race can provide, even if he cannot gain merit points, Lin Tianwei will continue to spread the cyber virus.

It is precisely because of Lin Tianwei's unremitting efforts that the mechanical race in the alien battlefield has even shown a trend of extinction.

Only a very small number of mechanical races with strong strength and very far away from Lin Tianwei have not been infected.

It was this terrible disaster that made Fritz frown and for the first time he thought about resigning.

Sighing, Fritz spoke first: "I wonder what everyone thinks about this mass death of the mechanical race."

"In such a short period of time, large-scale deaths are really weird, even the most terrifying law of destruction cannot do it."

"After all, the bodies of those mechanical races are still running, but the data representing their consciousness has disappeared. Such a weird means of attack is simply unbelievable."

All the cosmic beasts attending the meeting felt as confused as Fritz. They also felt their scalps tingling at the disaster that swept all the mechanical races.

What they feared was not the demise of the mechanical race, but that one day such a weird and irresistible means of attack would fall on their own race.

After all, the strength of their race is generally not much stronger than that of the mechanical race.

But no matter how much they discussed, they did not come up with any results.

Such a weird means of attack may only be mastered by the legendary God King.

However, when everyone was clueless, a cosmic giant named Manhan stood up and said unconfidently:

"I seem to have seen this method somewhere."

Manhan's words instantly attracted the attention of all the cosmic giants. At this time, no matter what clues they had, they were precious.

Under the gaze of the cosmic giants, Manhan paused and finally expressed his guess:

"I have an impression of this strange attack method. It seems to be the attack method of the mysterious cosmic giant."

"A similar situation seems to have occurred in the mechanical tribe novice village he attacked before."

Hearing Manhan's guess, Fritz's first reaction was disbelief, and he subconsciously said:

"Mysterious cosmic giant? How is this possible!"

"This is definitely the method of the God King, how could it be the method of the mysterious cosmic giant."

"Such a strange and large-scale attack, he is simply not qualified to use it!"

The other cosmic giants attending the meeting had the same idea and echoed it one after another.

For a while, it made Manhan a little embarrassed.

Sighing, Manhan explained: "I also think it's a little unlikely. Although the mysterious cosmic beast is powerful, it shouldn't be so powerful."

"This kind of attack that seems to be a rule is not a power that ordinary cosmic beasts can master at all."

"But this is the only strange attack against the mechanical race that I remember, which can be regarded as a clue."

"So after thinking for a long time, I finally decided to tell this matter." (End of this chapter)

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