Faced with Lin Tianwei's inquiry, the Mechanical God King chose to avoid answering.

Those who can become God Kings are all ruthless and cruel, so how can they really value their own tribes?

Even the reason why the Mechanical God King used his own origin to breed these mechanical tribes was to find clues to breakthroughs from them one day.

At that time, he only needs to devour all these mechanical tribes like recovering his external incarnation,

and everything they have will naturally become the property of the Mechanical God King.

To obtain the things of the God King, the price has always been exaggerated.

It is precisely because of this that the Mechanical God King chose to take the initiative and answered Lin Tianwei's question with another question.

Faced with the question of the Mechanical God King, Lin Tianwei just smiled without comment and did not give an accurate answer.

It doesn't matter whether he answers this question or not, because the Mechanical God King has his own judgment.

The reason for asking that question is mainly to lead to the next topic.

Looking at the steel body that Lin Tianwei had evolved from data, the Mechanical God King murmured:

"I never thought that the idea that I, the Mechanical God King, had been researching for a lifetime but had never been able to experiment with would actually be seen in a cosmic beast like you."

"The conversion of data and flesh and blood, it really makes me look forward to it."

"There is no need for us to waste time here. We can each take what we need. If we can reach an agreement, we can talk. If we can't, we can break up."

"I need your ability to freely convert data and flesh and blood. In exchange, you can ask for any price you want as long as it is within a reasonable range."

At this point, the Mechanical God King subconsciously clenched his right fist.

If it weren't for the rules of this twin universe, only flesh and blood creatures could perceive and integrate the laws. How could he have such a hard life?

With the terrible computing power of data, the Mechanical God King's perception of the laws is definitely stronger than that of most God Kings.

But data is the key to success and failure.

Under the special restrictions of the twin universe, even if the Mechanical God King barely achieved the status of God King, he would eventually be the last among God Kings.

In such a situation, how could the arrogant Mechanical God King be willing to accept it?

It is precisely because he is unwilling to accept it that he will do his best to find a way to break through the barrier between data and flesh and blood.

And now that this method is in front of him, he is naturally willing to pay a huge price for it.

Facing the Mechanical God King's straightforwardness, Lin Tianwei was not polite and said:

"The conditions offered by the God King are generous, but unfortunately, I can't do this and let the God King gain the ability to freely transform between flesh and blood and data."

"But if the God King is willing to settle for the second best and just want to complete the transformation from data to flesh and blood, I am happy to serve."

This is not that Lin Tianwei deceived the Mechanical God King. The reason why he can freely transform between flesh and blood and data is that the gifted body plays a vital role in it.

And the creation of the gifted body is not only related to Lin Tianwei's fundamental secret, but also has many coincidences.

Even if Lin Tianwei is allowed to go back again, he may not be able to replicate the gifted body.

In addition, the gifted body is related to Lin Tianwei's foundation and his origin, so it is naturally impossible to use it as a bargaining chip for trading with the Mechanical God King.

So this is also the limit of the bargaining chips that Lin Tianwei can offer.

Facing the deal proposed by Lin Tianwei, the Mechanical God King's expression was uncertain and he did not give a reply for a long time.

I thought this was an opportunity for me to take off, but I didn't expect that the other party would reject my conditions and give me another way of cooperation.

Is it that the other party really does not have this ability, or is this just a delaying tactic of the other party? The Mechanical God King looked at the steel face that Lin Tianwei had evolved and fell into thought for a while.

The most important thing is whether to give up the powerful steel body and completely transform the data into consciousness is also a difficult choice.

No cosmic beast can accurately tell the Mechanical God King whether he can become more powerful after transforming himself into a flesh and blood body.

However, the Mechanical God King was unwilling to miss this opportunity that he had finally obtained, and finally said with difficulty:

"It seems that I thought about things too simply."

"If even I can't achieve the transformation, I think you can't really achieve free transformation."

"Especially when my data flow is stronger and more condensed than yours, what you can do doesn't mean I can do it."

"In this case, the transaction conditions can be changed, but I must inspect the goods first."

At this point, the Mechanical God King directly cut off a piece of data from his body and presented it completely in front of Lin Tianwei.

Presenting the data to other cosmic beasts, especially Lin Tianwei who seemed to be the nemesis of the mechanical race, even the Mechanical God King took a huge risk.

This is a gamble, but I don't know who will be the final winner.

Faced with the data dropped by the Mechanical God King, Lin Tianwei did not refuse and directly received the data.

In fact, this is also the way of cooperation he envisioned. He can't and doesn't have the ability to completely kill the Mechanical God King at one time.

In this case, taking installments is a transaction method that satisfies both parties.

This was actually also a test of Lin Tianwei by the Mechanical God King, a terrible conspiracy.

By accepting the data cut off by the Mechanical God King, Lin Tianwei faces the risk of being invaded by the data.

That was the data that the Mechanical God King had cut off. Even though it only seemed like a small amount, it should not be underestimated.

Even the strongest of the original mechanical race, such as Balota, only need to come into contact with a little bit of data from the Machine God King to complete the invasion.

This is the risk of accepting this data, and there is also the risk of rejecting this data.

That is the best proof that Lin Tianwei is a weakling. The Machine God King will never mind killing a weakling and getting what he wants from his corpse.

However, in the face of such a terrible conspiracy, Lin Tianwei, like an ignorant fool, did not hesitate to accept the data belonging to the Mechanical God King.

Even Lin Tianwei's reception method was unusually offensive, as if he was enjoying food, he swallowed the data belonging to the Mechanical God King in one mouthful and slowly digested it.

In fact, the data of the Mechanical God King is indeed extremely delicious food for Lin Tianwei.

With the continuous analysis and understanding of the data of the Mechanical God King, perhaps Lin Tianwei will be able to find another way like the Mechanical God King and obtain the God King in the way of the mechanical clan.

But how can the data of the Mechanical God King be so easy to digest?

Even though Lin Tianwei worked very hard, his gastrointestinal discomfort appeared for the first time, and the speed of digesting data was even slower to the limit.

The true king of beasts is a being who can use the power of beasts.

Being in Cyber ​​Ranch, Lin Tianwei can naturally use the power of all Cyber ​​Souls.

With his feet on the ground, the terrifying data flow rushed towards Lin Tianwei's body crazily, constantly strengthening the data representing Lin Tianwei himself.

At this moment, Lin Tianwei was connected to the entire Cyber ​​Ranch.

He is him and this whole ranch.

Lin Tianwei even had a feeling that as long as he wanted to, he could materialize the entire cyber ranch and condense it into a more powerful body - the body of a god king!

As long as he is there, as long as his talented body is there, he can gather the will of the complete mechanical race and be promoted to the God King!

With the blessing of an entire Cyber ​​Ranch, the Mechanical God King even became insignificant in Lin Tianwei's eyes.

Maybe he can completely crush the Mechanical God King with just one punch!

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Tianwei's eyes immediately regained their clarity, making him give up such ridiculous thoughts.

If the will of thousands of living beings could return and ascend to become god kings, there would probably be god kings everywhere in the two universes.

This force that integrates the entire Cyber ​​Ranch into itself is indeed very strong, but it is not strong enough.

At least with such a level of power, it is impossible to confuse Lin Tianwei!

With the blessing of the entire Cyber ​​Ranch, Lin Tianwei's digestion speed was extremely fast.

The piece of data chopped off by the Mechanical God King was quickly devoured and digested, becoming part of Lin Tianwei's power.

Compression, crazy compression, this is the path of the Mechanical God King!

If 100 million units of data can give the machine race the strength of the peak master of the universe,

Then the Mechanical God King compresses one hundred trillion trillion units of data in his body, and becomes even more powerful with the terrifying amount of data.

This move seems very persevering, but it is the most helpless choice of the Mechanical God King.

He also wanted to be like other god-kings and rely on one or several laws to become a god-king. However, as a combination of steel and data, he could not normally integrate the laws into himself.

Building strength is his only option.

Thanks also to the fact that the Mechanical God King is a machine race, and his body is data. Relying on the particularity of data,

Otherwise, this simple accumulation of power will only lead to destruction by other cosmic behemoths.

This is also the reason why the Mechanical God King is not afraid of Lin Tianwei's prying eyes and chooses to kill himself directly.

Everyone knows the way he attained the divine kingship, but no one can imitate it.

Even the current Lin Tianwei can't do it unless he can possess a cyber soul that is far more than 100 million times greater than what he currently has.

This also proves from the side that the scene Lin Tianwei saw just now when he was confused by the power was completely an illusion.

This Cyber ​​Ranch is still too weak to support Lin Tianwei's promotion to the Data God King like the Mechanical God King.

As Lin Tianwei completely absorbed part of the Machine God King's body, a transformation was also going on quietly.

Reversal, reversal, crazy reversal!

In the end, Lin Tianwei opened his mouth and spit out a deformed meat ball, finally ending the reversal.

The moment the meat ball appeared, the Mechanical God King's eyes immediately became fiery.

This seemed to be just the most ordinary meat ball, even a little distorted, but it completely attracted the attention of the Mechanical God King.

The fact that this meat ball can appear in this cyber pasture built entirely of data is enough to illustrate its specialness.

However, this is not the most important thing. A faint feeling came from the meat ball, and the Mechanical God King suddenly had an idea, this is the meat ball that belongs to me!

Thinking of this, the Mechanical God King subconsciously extended his hands to the meat ball.

Perhaps it was because the meat ball appeared too easily, too dreamily, that the Mechanical God King's hands even trembled a little.

Facing the Mechanical God King, this was tantamount to transgression, but Lin Tianwei did not stop him at all.

It is necessary for him to let his collaborators inspect the goods.

The most important thing is that he knows that once the Mechanical God King accepts this meat ball, it will be impossible for him to escape from his grasp.

The Mechanical God King's body seems powerful at this time, but in the end it is still composed of data, which is an illusion.

As soon as the meat ball was held in the hand of the Mechanical God King, it seemed to be pulled by some kind of force and quickly came to the core part of the Mechanical God King.

Like a heart, it beats strangely in the body of the Mechanical God King.

Closing his eyes and meditating, the Mechanical God King began to feel the specialness of this meat ball, as if he had forgotten that he was still in Lin Tianwei's Cyber ​​Ranch.

After a long time, the Mechanical God King finally opened his eyes and sighed:

"It's true that I searched for him thousands of times in my dream, but suddenly I looked back and found that person in a dimly lit place."

"This is indeed what I want, and I think our cooperation can continue."

After that, another larger piece of data was chopped off by the Mechanical God King and appeared in front of Lin Tianwei again. Its meaning was naturally self-evident.

But this time, Lin Tianwei chose to be indifferent to the data of the Mechanical God King. Instead, he looked at the Mechanical God King with interest and said:

"The thickness of the God King's skin actually shocked me."

"Obviously we have a cooperative relationship, and I have paid the remuneration in advance, but you still plan to continue to prostitute me for free."

"If this is the cooperative attitude of the God King, then I think there is no need for us to continue to cooperate."

Having said this, Lin Tianwei pressed down his right paw slightly, and the next moment, a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly came from the chest of the Mechanical God King,

It turned out that the meat ball was shrinking at an extremely fast speed.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the Mechanical God King to feel palpitations.

However, after possessing this ball of flesh, he felt like a flesh and blood body, possessing some feelings that only a flesh and blood body could have.

There is no way for Lin Tianwei to have sex for free. He has always had the option of having sex with other cosmic beasts for free.

While reversing this piece of flesh and blood, Lin Tianwei also added a little bit of information to the data of the Mechanical God King.

This has been integrated into the data, which is equivalent to the material integrated into the DNA. Even the Mechanical God King cannot detect it for a while.

Of course, even if the Machine God King is aware of it, there is nothing he can do. After all, these are hands and feet embedded in the data. Unless the Machine God King also has the ability to transform flesh and data into each other, he will not be able to rewrite what has been engraved in the flesh and blood.

But obviously, it is impossible for the Mechanical God King to possess this ability, and he can only let Lin Tianwei control it. (End of chapter)

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