Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 513: Fleeing in a hurry

It was precisely because of this powerful force rising from Lin Tianwei that the Burning Heaven God King finally took a look at Lin Tianwei, his opponent, for the first time, who could make him feel the threat of death.

"A mere ant dares to fight in front of the God King?"

"Die, and turn into ashes completely under the wrath of the Burning Heaven!"

However, what followed the attention was anger, an anger belonging to the Burning Heaven God King, an anger belonging to the God King.

The Burning Heaven God King felt very angry for being frightened by the ants.

As the Burning Heaven God King roared angrily, the next moment, this terrible Burning Heaven Domain actually shrank at an extremely terrifying speed.

Facing Lin Tianwei, who could make him feel the breath of death, the Burning Heaven God King not only did not choose to temporarily avoid the edge, but chose the most stubborn way. He actually planned to gather the power of the entire Burning Heaven Domain and launch the most fierce attack on Lin Tianwei.

Ants should be completely turned into ashes under the power of the God King!

With such a belief, the Burning Heaven God King suddenly launched an attack on Lin Tianwei.

The fiery red and golden colors representing the power of both sides collided violently, making a sizzling sound, as if they were being corroded by a terrible solution.

The power of both sides was domineering and resolute, and there was no room for maneuver at all. They collided violently, canceling each other out until they disappeared completely.

Fritz could never have imagined that what he saw was not an undoubted crushing, but a battle of equal strength.

Looking at Lin Tianwei's resolute face, he really couldn't imagine why Lin Tianwei could fight so hard with a God King.

He was obviously just a master of the universe like himself, so could the gap between beasts be so big?

At a certain moment, Fritz actually doubted the beast.

However, no matter how shocked Fritz was by Lin Tianwei's strength, he still felt that the Burning Heaven God King would win the final victory.

It was obvious that Lin Tianwei had definitely used some kind of extremely explosive secret technique, which allowed him to gain power comparable to that of a God King in a very short period of time.

Although this secret technique was rare, it was not completely non-existent in the universe, and even Fritz had heard of it.

However, being comparable to a God King was only comparable to a God King, but it was not a true God King.

Not to mention the weakness of using secret techniques, it was extremely difficult to use secret techniques for a long time.

Once Lin Tianwei had a moment of slackness, he would definitely be crushed into slag by the power of the Burning Heaven God King.

In this case, Fritz not only had no idea of ​​escaping, but instead observed the battle leisurely, wondering when Lin Tianwei would lose.

However, under Fritz's gaze, this completely unequal battle was actually deadlocked.

Half a minute! The two sides were evenly matched, and there was no sign of a winner.

One minute! The two sides were evenly matched, and there was no sign of a winner.

Three minutes! The two sides were evenly matched, and there was no sign of a decisive victory.

However, just when Fritz was in doubt, the Burning Sky God King's face suddenly changed, as if he had encountered something bad.

How could the power of the Star Devouring Beast be something that the Burning Sky God King could ignore at will?

Especially when the scale was carefully modified by Lin Tianwei, it contained extremely terrifying power.

The most taboo in such a battle of equal strength is any mistake.

The energy of the scale's self-explosion suddenly burst out, which was undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back.

At the moment when the Burning Sky God King felt a devouring force and suddenly changed his face, Lin Tianwei finally found the best opportunity and sacrificed the last 10% of the cyber soul.

In an instant, the golden light surged, as if the most dazzling star in the sky suddenly overshadowed the fiery red flame.

When the Burning Sky God King was caught off guard, the golden light instantly offset the flame and directly attacked the Burning Sky God King's flaming body.


That was the sound of something being rapidly corroded.

This powerful force obtained by sacrificing countless cyber souls eventually overwhelmed the Burning God King, causing him extremely terrible damage, far more terrible than the damage caused directly by Lin Tianwei's claws.

Feeling that his flame body had lost nearly 15%, the Burning God King roared angrily:


"How dare you resist me?"

Just when the Burning God King was furious and ready to take the opportunity to attack Lin Tianwei, he seemed to suddenly feel something, and his face changed again.

After shooting a Burning Heaven Fire, regardless of whether Lin Tianwei was dead or alive, he turned into a fiery red meteor under Lin Tianwei's gaze and fled in panic.

Just now, the Burning God King felt the breath of countless God Kings, which instantly made his scalp numb.

This is a battle of gods, a battle of God Kings, how could it not attract the attention of other God Kings?

The reason why no God King came at the beginning was simply because they only felt a breath belonging to the God King.

A battle between the God King and other beings?

This kind of battle does not need to be paid attention to at all, and it is 100% certain to win.

It is precisely under the blessing of this idea that although there are many God Kings who are aware of this battle between the God Kings, none of them really pay attention to this place and the two sides of the battle.

After all, what is there to pay attention to in such a crushing battle?

But then they found out that they were really wrong, because the duration of this crushing battle they thought was much longer than they imagined, and it lasted for three to five minutes.

Three to five minutes seems very short, or even just a moment, but for a crushing battle at the level of God King, it is extremely abnormal.

As their eyes were focused, they saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives.

As a God King, the Burning God King was actually fighting with Lin Tianwei crazily, and there was even a back and forth.

Especially the Star Devouring Beast, his eyes swept between Lin Tianwei and the Burning God King again and again, and I don’t know what he was planning in his heart.

There is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests!

With the blessing of this idea, the Star Devouring Beast finally made his own choice.

In fact, as early as the moment he cast his eyes on the battlefield, he sensed a breath that belonged to him, which was the energy generated by the explosion of his scales.

If there is anyone who can quietly join this battle without being discovered by other God Kings, it is naturally the Star Devouring Beast with its own power that already exists on the battlefield.

Whether to control the self-destructing energy that originally belonged to its own scales to attack Lin Tianwei and kill this enemy who once insulted it,

or to take the opportunity to Yin Fentian God King and get this rare opportunity to kill the God King,

the Star Devouring Beast undoubtedly faces a choice.

Almost without any hesitation, the Star Devouring Beast ruthlessly chose the latter.

Killing Lin Tianwei is just killing an insignificant ant. Apart from venting anger, it has no benefit at all for itself.

But killing a God King is different.

Using his own Star Devouring talent, he can even plunder the other party's God King Law and turn it into his own power. This is simply a good thing that you can't find even with a lantern.

It was also under the secret manipulation of the Star Devouring Beast that the scale explosion that had been suppressed by the Burning Sky God King suddenly ran wild again, giving the Burning Sky God King a fatal backstab at this most critical moment.

Although he was injured, the Burning Sky God King was not afraid of Lin Tianwei, because he knew that Lin Tianwei was already at the end of his strength.

However, when he sensed the malicious eyes of countless God Kings around him, the Burning Sky God King did not dare to stay at all, and chose to flee in a hurry.

His current state was not good. If he continued to stay, even if he could kill Lin Tianwei, he would have to pay the price of his life.

It was absolutely the stupidest idea to entrust his life and property to the protection of the God King of the same camp.

Who could guarantee that the God King of the same camp would not have any improper thoughts about him?

It was also for this reason that under Fritz's extremely shocked expression, the Burning Sky God King actually chose to flee in a hurry and took the initiative to escape from the battle with Lin Tianwei.

Seeing the Burning God King disappearing in space like a meteor, Fritz's expression was even distorted by shock.

What did he just see? He actually saw a God King fleeing in panic.

You have to know that the one fighting with him was not a powerful old God King, but a Lord of the Universe whose strength was not as strong as a God King.

If Fritz hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have believed whether what he saw was true.

Although Fritz's performance was extremely exaggerated, if any other cosmic beast knew the current situation, it would not be much stronger than him.

That was the God King who was high above, the invincible God King, who actually fled in panic in front of a Lord of the Universe. This was simply to completely shatter their filter of the God King.

However, this was not the most troubling thing for Fritz. What really troubled him was where he should go now.

Under normal circumstances, facing Lin Tianwei, the Lord of the Universe who could defeat the God King, Fritz should not have any idea of ​​crossing the line.

After all, this kind of existence is no different from the God King in Fritz's eyes, and both can easily crush him.

However, after seeing Lin Tianwei floating in the void powerlessly, as if exhausted, Fritz's heart became restless.

As he thought, the other party used some secret technique that could suddenly burst out, which defeated the Burning Heaven God King.

And now, he is at the weakest period after using the secret technique, which is the time when he has the most opportunity.

Lin Tianwei defeated the God King, and he defeated Lin Tianwei. Rounding it off, isn't it the same as defeating the God King?

Thinking of this, Fritz suddenly became eager to try, secretly saying that today is the time for me, Fritz, to become famous in the universe.

What's more, the main task of coming here today is to hunt Lin Tianwei.

If I can complete this task well, can I get more rewards from the Burning Heaven God King after returning?

Thinking of this, Fritz's already eager heart became even more eager, and he was only one step away from going to pick up Lin Tianwei's loophole.

However, in the end, Lin Tianwei's fierce record of defeating the God King scared Fritz, making him timid and afraid to move forward. In the end, he could only ask tentatively:

"This strange cosmic beast in front, you seem to have encountered difficulties, do you need my help?"

When saying this, Fritz actually changed his body's appearance and breath, took out a conscription token belonging to the origin universe, and showed Lin Tianwei his identity as a beast.

Facing Fritz, who was "new to the party", Lin Tianwei's expression was very reluctant, and he said stiffly:

"My strange friend, I don't need your help, you just need to let me stay here quietly."

It must be said that Fritz's knowledge is quite broad, and he easily saw through Lin Tianwei's current state.

Although Lin Tianwei successfully defeated the Burning God King with the power of the entire Cyber ​​Ranch, he was also in a state of extreme loss of strength.

Without the blessing of the Cyber ​​Ranch, unless he intends to burn his gifted body, it is difficult to burst out the power of the God King realm.

However, this weakness is only relative to the God King. For a universe master like Fritz, Lin Tianwei can swallow countless beasts with just a mouthful.

For the cosmic beast in front of him that seems to be ready to come to the door, Lin Tianwei naturally has enough patience to play with the other party.

The fun of waiting for the prey is completely different from that of actively hunting. The purpose is to see the other party's surprise when he realizes that he is just the prey when he faces his fangs.

So Lin Tianwei is very willing to play a scene with Fritz.

As for whether it will be dangerous to stay here, Lin Tianwei is not worried at all.

There is a super fat piece of meat, the Burning God King, in front of him, tempting the God Kings of both sides. How can they pay attention to a mere Lin Tianwei?

After they finish dealing with the Burning God King, they may never find Lin Tianwei again after they come to their senses.


Fritz didn't expect that he would be rejected by Lin Tianwei when he took the initiative to help the prey.

He was a little confused. Could it be that the other party is in good condition and doesn't need his help at all?

Just when he was frightened and ready to leave, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

If Lin Tianwei really had the strength, he would have left here long ago. How could he deal with him if he left this dangerous place?

Although he had revealed his identity as a cosmic beast from the same camp, this was a dangerous alien battlefield. Even people from the same camp could not be fully trusted. It was normal for the other party to ask him to leave.

Thinking of this, Fritz smiled maliciously and looked at Lin Tianwei viciously.

It was as if he was looking at some delicious prey that was within easy reach! (End of this chapter)

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