Zhou Yuan was taken aback: "Teacher, what's the matter?"

He Jianyi hesitated for a moment before he said, "It is difficult to judge whether a spleen repair should be performed or part of the spleen removed..."

Zhou Yuan stopped what he was doing, "Teacher, let me see."

He Jian nodded, and glanced at the ocean: "Don't let go of your position yet, go and look at your legs!"

Hai Hehe smiled, and immediately ran to the patient's right leg to observe.

"Fuck, this debridement is too level!"

Zhou Yuan:...

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

"Look, the patient's spleen rupture is not obvious, there is bleeding, but I can't determine the specific bleeding point, so I can't judge whether to be removed or repaired."

The spleen is the human body's largest immune organ. It contains a large number of lymphocytes and macrophages, which can clear foreign bodies, germs, and aging cells in the blood.

Missing part of the spleen will not affect the function of the spleen. Of course, it would be better if a spleen repair can be performed.

He Jianyi couldn't judge whether 26 should be removed or repaired because he couldn't judge the bleeding point, which means that he couldn't accurately judge the extent of the loss of spleen rupture.

Zhou Yuan thought for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Teacher, let me try..."

With that, Zhou Yuan plunged his hands into the patient's body again.

The perfect pressure hemostasis was triggered, Zhou Yuan's eyes seemed to light up, and then he slowly closed.

Ten fingers rubbed the spleen, and the fingerprints ran across the liver, causing the liver to tremble with excitement.

He Jianyi wondered: "Why are you all right to touch someone's spleen? Didn't let you stop the bleeding..."

Ocean raised his head and glanced, showing no interest in the spleen, and went on to study his thighs.

Soon, Zhou Yuan felt the bleeding point...

Under his touch, he found that there were many fine bleeding openings on the surface of the spleen. In this case, there was no way to repair it, and only this part could be removed.

"Teacher, I can only cut it off."

"Why?" He Jian was taken aback, but he still took the scalpel and fixed his spleen sharply.

This can’t be blamed on He Jianyi. He was worried that Zhou Yuan would steal the scalpel if he was one step late.

Zhou Yuan explained: “There are many fine bleeding openings on the lower right edge of the liver. In this case, it can only be removed.”

It was the first time he discovered that the original perfect-level compression hemostasis can be used in this way...

Let your fingers look for bleeding points to determine the degree of damage to the spleen.

What if it is a perfect replantation of a severed limb? Is it possible to connect Godzilla's hand to Ultraman of a different species?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

A smile appeared on Zhou Yuan's face unconsciously when he thought of this scene.

He Jianyi was a little hairy by Zhou Yuan's stare, and he quickly started splenectomy.

"Ocean come back soon, let Zhou Yuan continue fracture fixation!" He Jianyi said in a flustered manner.

This guy... won't really want to grab his own scalpel!


At this time, outside the operating room, the family members of the patient were a little fidgeting.

"Oh, I blame you, and I don't know what to do with Zhihui and let him drive a motorcycle out and run around!" Aunt Zhihui complained.

Zhihui's mother was a bit wronged: "Sister, that's not the money you bought Zhihui for the motorcycle!"

"Hey, does this mean that I gave him the wrong money? It means that Zhihui will blame me if something goes wrong?"

Zhihui's mother immediately lowered her head: "Of course I don't blame you."

"This is just married, and I don't know if it will affect anything. What if I can't have children in the future!" Aunt Zhihui became more and more angry.

"Auntie, the doctor said it was a fracture and a ruptured spleen, but didn't say that the place was also injured..." Zhihui's wife's voice gradually became quieter, a little embarrassed.

"This kid, I don’t know how to stop! You tell me, he had hyperthyroidism last year, and his heart is not good. He just spent a lot of money to cure him, and now he has a car accident! I have to give this black heart all the money Go to the hospital!"

Zhihui’s mother and Zhihui’s wife dared not speak.

Neither of them has any financial resources, and the family depends on the aunt who runs a restaurant. What right to speak at home?

Aunt Zhihui sighed: "Don’t get into trouble with Zhihui! Sister, tell me, I don’t have any children. Our family has a single seedling of Zhihui. I earn so much money. I don’t want to leave it to Zhihui. Hui?":

"Yes, elder sister... We Zhihui will honor you in the future!" Zhihui's mother said nothing but promise.

Soon, the lights in the operating room went out.

The three quickly stood up.

He Jianyi, Zhou Yuan, and Haiyang came out.

The patient’s family members immediately surrounded him, "Doctor, how is the operation?"

He Jian nodded: "Don't worry, the operation was very successful."

Suddenly, the three hanging hearts were relieved.

He Jianyi and Haiyang returned to the office. Zhou Yuan thought for a while and decided to visit Chuchu.

For the past two weeks, Zhou Yuan has been busy handling the skull separation operation of Conjoined Children. He spent the whole day thinking about the operation plan and simulating training on the 3D printed model, and did not specifically find time to see the beginning.

Fortunately, the conjoined children's skull separation operation was successfully completed, and my hard work these days has not been in vain.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yuan arrived in the intensive care unit.

Zhou Yuan knocked on the door, and a crisp voice came from inside.

After a few seconds, the door opened, and a delicate little girl stood in the doorway.

Seeing that it was Zhou Yuan, the little girl immediately became happy and threw herself into Zhou Yuan's arms: "Brother!"

Zhou Yuan smiled and hugged Chu Chu, and touched the latter's head, "How are Chu Chu recently?"

"Very obedient! At first I knew that my brother was busy lately, so I didn't bother my brother! I also helped take care of Uncle Fruit, Uncle Writer, and Grandma Wu!"

Zhou Yuan immediately thought of the fruit tycoon Wang Shengli and the stomachless writer Yang Wei,

"The name is quite unique..." Zhou Yuan smiled.

"That's not! It doesn't depend on who started it!"

With that, Chu Chu raised his chin, a little proud.

Both Zhou Yuan and Chu Chu's mother were amused, Chu Chu pouted suddenly: "What's the laugh! What's so funny!"

Zhou Yuan squeezed Chuchu's face helplessly, and turned to look at Chuchu's mother, "How's it going?"

Chuchu's mother nodded: "It's been much better these past two weeks, and I feel like I can already walk on the ground."

Zhou Yuan looked at Chuchu's mother, his complexion had indeed recovered a lot, and his voice was not as light and fluttering as before.

Zhou Yuan said: “If you can get out of bed and move around, take a walk outside with the beginning and breathe some fresh air, which is also conducive to the adaptation and recovery of the lungs.”

Chuchu's mother smiled and nodded.

Chu Chu, who was ignored by Zhou Yuan and his mother, sat next to him boredly, thinking about how to attract their attention.

Suddenly, Chu Chu's eyes lit up.

"Brother, mother!"

She grinned and jumped to Zhou Yuan's front. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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