"It was a bit beyond my expectation..." Zhou Yuan frowned.

"He Jing often tells me these things, and I'm used to it. Now those born in the 20s are coming out soon. They look at us born in 90s just like we looked at born 60s." Lu Chenxi said flatly.

Zhou Yuan: "I thought our generation would not be able to give birth after 20 without getting married."

Lu Chenxi smiled: "Don't worry, there are people who are unmarried and pregnant after 00. They can still give birth without our generation."

"Wash your clothes clean, don't talk nonsense." Zhou Yuan glanced at Lu Chenxi, not wanting to talk anymore.

When he was about to finish washing, Lu Chenxi remembered something again, and said, "We should let Chu Chu come into contact with He Jing sooner."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yuan didn't react for a while.

"Don’t you think it’s ridiculous. There are advertisements for abortion and fetal abortion everywhere on the street, but things like avoidance, pregnancy, and condoms are almost invisible. Our country Z treats sex education like a scourge. If we can Do a little better, and there won't be so many underage girls coming to the hospital for abortion."

Lu Chenxi was still a little distressed after all. A good girl who was killed at a young age.

"I was sensible at the beginning, and when she was young, I taught her everything that should be taught, at least to become a good girl." Lu Chenxi frowned and said.

Zhou Yuan smiled: "Lu Chenxi, how do I feel that you are like a mother?"

Lu Chenxi's face froze and said, "You are the mother. I'm only in my twenties today, alright."

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Twenty-nine years old is also twenty-something."


Lu Chenxi squeezed the soap before throwing it on Zhou Yuan's face.

Can you not expose people short!

"Female junior, holding gold bricks, I'm just three years older than you." Lu Chenxi said intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhou Yuan glanced at Lu Chenxi, who did not look at him at all, but kept staring at the clothes on his hands.

After more than ten minutes, the clothes were washed, and Zhou Yuan aired his school uniform again.

"It's too late..."

Zhou Yuan glanced at his watch. It was already past twelve.

Lu Chenxi nodded silently, "Then I went back?"

She glanced at Chu Chu and Zhou Yuan with some dismay, and went home.


A minute later, Zhou Yuan received Lu Chenxi's message.

Zhou Yuan turned off the phone and went back to the bedroom.

Chu Chu was lying on the bed, her small body had been retracted into the quilt, only two big eyes were exposed.

"Go to sleep." Zhou Yuan yawned and lay on the bed, falling asleep within a few minutes.

This day is really exhausting.

At the beginning, he was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect Zhou Yuan to be such a fast man.

She got up, stepped onto Zhou Yuan, pulled out the quilt that Zhou Yuan was holding down little by little, and then moved Zhou Yuan onto the pillow little by little.

Then, Zhou Yuan was covered with a quilt, and then he lay down beside Zhou Yuan contentedly.

"Is my father guarding the beginning..."

After a long time, like a dream, Chu Chu's voice rang in the quiet bedroom.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The next day, Zhou Yuan woke up at about five o'clock, quickly packed up, rubbing his hands and came to the computer again.

Summoner's Canyon... has been waiting for him for a long time.

"Doctor Zhou, Doctor Zhou!"

Zhu Gaoyang is online?

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised, and clicked on the message box: "You got up so early to train?"

"No no, I didn't sleep, right?"

Zhou Yuan:...

Zhu Gaoyang said: "E-sports is very hard. I always stay up late to train. It's common to play for more than a dozen hours. I'm used to it."

Zhou Yuan sighed, "Do you want to have a total gastrectomy?"

Zhu Gaoyang was taken aback: "Why?"

"I guess you won't eat well either. You can easily get stomach problems like this." Zhou Yuan said.

Zhu Gaoyang smiled and said: "I am in good health, and I don't usually work and rest regularly. How can I get stomach problems!"

Zhou Yuan smiled: "I will introduce a writer to you another day. You can talk about life."

Just finished speaking, a message came from the game.

"CJ.ZGY invites you to join the game!"

Zhou Yuan clicked to confirm.

Because Zhu Gaoyang's rank is very high, the level of his teammates has been raised by him. They are all masters, masters and the strongest kings.

Twenty minutes later, a dazzling "failure" appeared on the screen.

Zhou Yuan was silent and clicked on the damage panel.

"CJ.ZGY damage: 4396."

Zhou Yuan glanced at his injury again, 13 thousand.

"Why are you hurt so low?" Zhou Yuan asked.

Zhu Gaoyang was silent for a few seconds, and then sent a message.

"I'm a jungler! The jungler is a jungler, and the damage to the hero must be very low!"

Zhou Yuan nodded: "What you said seems to make sense... By the way, your team has been eliminated again, right?"

Zhu Gaoyang was surprised: "How did you guess it?"

Zhou Yuan glanced at Zhu Gaoyang's record: 1/6/3.. ......

Although Zhou Yuan's record is 0/0/4, he can still laugh at fifty moves.

"I still won't fight with you in the future. I have some dishes, which will drag you down." Zhou Yuan thought for a while and said.

Zhu Gaoyang didn't seem to understand Haolai's words, and said: "I don't dislike you! I'll take you!"

Zhou Yuan:...

"I'm ready to go to work."

After speaking, Zhou Yuan immediately dropped the game and stared at the blank computer in a daze.

Was Zhu Gaoyang sent by God to quit internet addiction?

Why did Zhu Gaoyang add...

Zhou Yuan sighed, the father of a generation of reinventing fingers fell into distress.

After a while, Chu Chu also woke up. Zhou Yuan originally wanted Chu Chu to stay at home and play, but Chu Chu insisted on going to the emergency department, and the two could only go together.

After Zhou Yuan sat in the outpatient clinic for a long time, Chu Chu suddenly ran back, followed by the same sneaky Wu Lihua.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan could guess that Wu Lihua's dementia had happened again.

When Wu Lihua was young, she seemed to be a lady of everyone, and her manners were very cultivated. People like her would not be the same as Chuchu.

"Chuchu, don't mess around." Zhou Yuan sighed, not thinking about playing with Chuchu who was hiding outside the clinic.

Chuchu giggled and walked in with Wu Lihua.

"Brother, here I am."

Wu Lihua looked around, figured out what this place was, and sat down in front of Zhou Yuan.

"Are you a doctor?" Wu Lihua widened her eyes and looked at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan nodded, "Grandma Wu, are you still feeling sick?"

Wu Lihua was stunned for a long time, and suddenly came back sober.

This is the case with Alzheimer's, and there is no regularity in the onset and recovery.

"Why am I here...I'm fine, I have to go back..." Wu Lihua muttered to herself, her expression a bit lonely.

Just as Wu Lihua was about to get up, the door of the clinic was suddenly blocked.

Zhou Yuan and Wu Lihua were stunned at the same time.

A stout man was blocking the door, and there were several people beside him, including men and women of all ages.

Zhou Yuan recognized them at a glance: they were the family members of the child who was going to have bowel polypectomy yesterday.


Before Zhou Yuan could speak, the stout man stepped into the consulting room and cursed in an angry tone. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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