Besides, Zhou Yuan was also taken to chat with Zhan Ting and Yuan Shao for more than an hour.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan rushed over just after waking up in the morning. If he was woken up late at night, it would be difficult to survive without energy medicine.

At this time, Jiang Li convened all the thoracic surgery doctors for a meeting to discuss the experience of the operation.

Although only a few people are qualified to learn Zhou Yuan's lung transplantation technology, besides lung transplantation, there are many basic surgical operations on the operating table that are worth studying. These are basically living textbooks.

Show interns and resident doctors more, and it will improve them as well.

It was until two o'clock in the morning that Jiang Li was tired and went to get off work.

To be honest, he originally thought he would have to go back to rest after the operation, but that is not the case... Zhou Yuan basically does not need help from an assistant except for some steps that require two people to participate, which makes Jiang Li often very leisurely. , So much energy is not consumed at all.

"It's good to be young, if Zhou Yuan's workload is given to me...No, I couldn't bear such a terrifying workload when I was young!"

Jiang Li looked serious, thought for a while, and finally came to a conclusion.

It’s not a question of being young or not, but Zhou Yuan itself is very awesome...



Early the next morning, 100 Zhou Yuan woke up.

Zhou Yuan yawned, washing and checking the operation last night.

The operation lasted until midnight, and the harvest was very impressive.

Just clicked on the task interface, the system sound immediately rang.

"Task: Throwing Knife."

"The ultimate significance of the flying knife lies in the affirmation of the self-practice level of excellent surgeons. The influence of an excellent surgeon can be promoted and spread through the flying knife. The most important thing is that the patient must be rescued. This is a great doctor. Quality of equipment."

"Successfully complete the task and get the task reward: system update progress +10%, intermediate treasure chest*1!"

Zhou Yuan looked at the system space, and there were four intermediate treasure chests inside.

Zhou Yuan had used up the intermediate treasure chests before, which means that these four treasure chests were all obtained from this operation.

One of them came from the task reward, the other three were from the chief director Jiang Li, one chief physician, and one deputy chief physician.

As for the attending physicians like Chen Li and Wang Sheng... Zhou Yuan's current status is also the attending physician, and they simply can't provide Zhou Yuan with a treasure chest.

What's more, Zhou Yuan's headache is that the "superior's praise" is based on the superior's title and the difficulty of the operation to determine the degree of reward. When Zhou Yuan was an intern, he needed the participation of a dean-level doctor to get the advanced treasure box .(Read more @

Now Zhou Yuan has been promoted to the attending physician. If he wants to obtain the high-level treasure chest, the dean must not have seen enough. In other words, there is no way to obtain the high-level treasure chest...

"Forget it, follow the mission more, now I can only upgrade the system as soon as possible!"

Zhou Yuan spit out his mouthwash and left the hotel after wiping his face.

His ticket has already been booked, and there is nothing left for Zhou Yuan in Zhejiang Province, so he will go back after the operation.

Before leaving, Zhou Yuan bid farewell to Jiang Li, Yuan Shao and others. The Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University directly arranged a special car to shuttle Zhou Yuan to the airport.

Standing at the entrance of the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Zhou Yuan looked embarrassed: "No need..."

This is so... I used a car with a Red Cross to drive myself to the airport. People who didn't know thought they were doing something.

"From here to the airport, it costs two hundred yuan to take a taxi, and now it's working hours, you can't get a taxi at all." Jiang Li smiled.

Zhou Yuan:...

"Remember to come and play often!" Jiang Li patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder and drove Zhou Yuan into the special car.

Zhou Yuan:...

This is so special, what does it mean to come to play often?

There will be no good if you call me here!

Zhan Ting and Yuan Shao also waved goodbye to Zhou Yuan and watched Zhou Yuan get on the special car to leave. The smiles of the two gradually disappeared and they became solemn again.

Zhan Ting looked around. The doctors had packed up and were ready to go back to their posts. The people on the street were busy, and it seemed that they had never been tortured by disease.

There are four words to describe: the years are quiet and good.

"I just hope that the world will always be so peaceful. Since then, there will be no more illnesses!" Zhan Ting whispered.

Yuan Shao nodded: "I hope everything will develop in a good direction."


Yanjing International Hospital, Emergency Department.

The emergency department is as usual with people coming and going.

Since Zhou Yuan became famous, the number of patients of Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine has experienced a big increase. The number of patients in the emergency department has increased the most. The rest of the departments have also received Zhou Yuan's light, and the number of patients has increased a lot. ’

At the beginning, Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine was almost frightened.

Because the number of patients in a hospital is basically stable, patients generally choose a nearby hospital to see a doctor. Unless they cannot be cured after multiple visits, or if they have to transfer to a very serious disease, most people will only choose a certain hospital because of inertia.

Once there is a large increase in the number of patients during a period that should be stable, it is very likely that there is an epidemic or even an epidemic in the local area.

Yanjing Chinese Medicine informed the Weisheng Department of Yanjing City, and only after the meeting was held that a large number of hospitals with dark faces said that all their patients had gone to Yanjing Chinese Medicine, and the person in charge of Yanjing Chinese Medicine ran back angrily.

In the emergency department, there was a lot of people. In addition to the noisy voices of patients, there were also a few girls who were exceptionally crisp.

"Sister Lin, the liquid in bed 2 is not enough, please help me make it up!"

"Zhang Ling, go get the blood pressure meter and take it for this grandma. I have to rush to Dr. Lu to help!"

"The sphygmomanometer is in use, I will be here soon!"

Zhang Ling, Lin Wen and other young nurses rushed back and forth in the emergency department, and the huge emergency department was able to operate with these talents.

"I miss Zhou Yuan a little bit~" Zhang Ling said after she finally got out of time, standing behind the nurse's desk with her chin supported.

Lin Wen lifted Zhang Ling's chin and said with a smile: "Look at your pretty face, you can't fascinate so many men, why are you so obsessed with Zhou Yuan?"

Zhang Ling snorted, turned her face, and said, "Zhou Yuan is also liked by many girls. I don't know how many people can be ranked..."

"It would be great if I was the only woman left in the world, so no one would snatch Zhou Yuan from me!"

Lin Wen laughed: "If you are really the only woman left, would you still choose Zhou Yuan?"

Zhang Ling akimbo her waist: "Of course! I'm a dedicated woman!"

Lin Wen smiled so that her eyes were bent, "If you are so devoted, then you should be brave to confess!"

Zhang Ling said unconvincedly: "Why don't you dare to confess! If he wants to be here, I will confess immediately!".

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