Start From Skull Island and Push the World

Chapter 24 Why are you shouting so loudly?

But at the moment when Liu Hu was about to make a move.

Ding Zheng also moved!

And faster, fiercer!

It stretched out its right hand, pinched Liu Hu's wrist, then jumped forward with its whole body, rolled and jumped directly onto Liu Hu.

And with all his strength, he kicked Li Shangen to the ground.

Li Shangen hurriedly used the power of Ding Zheng to crawl back. Even in the extreme panic, he still danced and shouted to give instructions.

"Go! Hit! Ah! Woooooooo! Hit!"

Wait for Li Shangen to retreat to the back and stand still.

Ding Zheng had already ridden behind Liu Hu.

Liu Hu's neck was tightly clamped between his legs, and his right hand was still holding onto Liu Hu's wrist, with fingers longer than humans completely wrapping around his wrist.

In Ding Zheng's left hand, a gleaming short knife was pressing tightly against Liu Hu's temple.

The tip of the knife had pierced the skin, and blood slowly overflowed and flowed down.

Ding Zhenggang's actions were crisp and neat.

It is a personal move from Beast Boxing.

The power of this martial art is not strong, and the threshold is relatively high, requiring a very strong reaction speed and a flexible body.

Ordinary people really can't practice anything.

But it is very suitable for Ding Zheng.

The astonishing flexibility of the orangutan allows Ding Zheng to fully utilize this technique.

In close-fitting situations, it is much easier to use than the Black Tiger Three Styles.

Liu Hu trembled all over, his whole mind was filled with fear.

He actually saw Ding Zheng's actions.

But the body was unable to react at all, and was quickly restrained.

Moreover, the strength of this monkey was surprisingly great, and his right hand holding the knife could not break free from the opponent's control at all.

Feeling the cold touch of the knife tip at the temple, and the faint smell of blood constantly stimulating the nostrils.

Liu Hu was startled and frightened, not daring to move at all.

This is a monkey!

not human!

God knows what it will do?

Can a monkey know that murder is a crime?

Liu Hu was very scared.

Liu Hu's younger brothers finally came to their senses, quickly surrounded Liu Hu, and stared at Ding Zheng firmly with the sticks in their hands.

"Roar!" Ding Zheng bared his teeth and yelled at the surroundings. He pushed his left hand holding the knife inward, and the tip of the knife pierced deeper.

The deep pain kept stimulating Liu Hu's nerves, he was finally afraid, and immediately shouted: "Don't come here!"

"Don't come here..." Liu Hu's voice was trembling.

Many people think that he is smart and likes to use his brain to solve problems, but in fact, he is also afraid and doesn't want to get hurt, let alone die.

But now, the monkey riding on his neck really made Liu Hu feel the threat of death.

This is a fucking monkey!

How could a monkey do such a thing?

Ding Zheng bared his teeth and kept roaring around, everyone could see what it meant.


Yes, naked threats!

But a monkey actually knows how to hijack and threaten, and in this situation, to capture the thief first capture the king, and then threaten the younger brothers!

Why does this matter look so ridiculous?

People's eyes could not help but shift to Li Shangen.

At this time, Li Shangen had already got up from the ground, sweating profusely.

He was still a little scared at first, but when he saw that everyone's eyes were on him, he immediately thought of Ding Zheng's previous order.


Li Shangen immediately roared, raised his arms high, and then, words that no one could understand came out of his mouth.

Of course he didn't understand either.

In the current situation, Li Shangen didn't know what to do, so he could only pretend to be in command and cooperate with Ding Zheng.

And all decisions are naturally in the hands of Ding Zheng.

No one knows the agreement and tacit understanding between Li Shangen and Ding Zheng.

At this time, almost everyone looked at Li Shangen with horror and admiration.

Even though Li Shangen's face was covered with sweat, his raised arms were trembling.

But in the eyes of those around him, this monkey tricker is almost the same as a monkey god!

People would never believe that it was a beast that did these things alone in the blink of an eye.

Of course, I believe that all of this is Li Shangen's plan and command!

The image of Li Shangen the Monkey King finally took root in the hearts of these people.

"Monkey King! Monkey King Li!"

Team leader Yang recovered from the shock, and rushed to Li Shangen's side, saying: "You must control the monkey, you can't kill people! If you kill someone, you will go to jail!"

Li Shangen still kept his hands moving.

He naturally knew that murder would lead to jail time, so he couldn't help asking: "These wharf gang members have weapons, can they kill people indiscriminately?"

Leader Yang looked around with a mournful face, leaned close to Li Shangen's ear, and whispered.

Li Shangen listened, his face suddenly changed, and he panicked.

He glanced at Ding Zheng, hesitated for a moment, then suddenly looked around and said loudly, "Are you serious? The Wharf Gang has something to do with the people in the yamen?"

Almost everyone heard Li Shangen's words, including Ding Zheng of course.

All of a sudden, the expressions of the people around him became strange.

Team leader Yang looked at Li Shangen with a broken face, looking at Li Shangen, wanting to cry but not crying, and squeezed out a weak but irritable voice from his throat: "My grandpa, how can you speak so loudly! Didn't I tell you not to?" go out?"

Li Shangen was also helpless.

I can't tell the pain!

Originally, he thought that Ding Zheng had controlled the opponent's boss, and the victory had already been established.

But he never expected to hear such shocking news.

More importantly, he knew that the news was useless!

He is an actor!

Ding Zheng has to know!

With the current situation, he can only make the worst move.

Seeing Li Shangen's surprised expression, Liu Hu felt relieved.

He naturally thought that the monkey on his body was controlled by Li Shangen.

Now that Li Shangen has been frightened, he should be a little safer.

Leader Yang had a sad face. He was running the troupe well, adhering to the principle that harmony makes money, but he didn't expect things to get to this point today.

"Monkey King, you know it too, so think twice, everything is negotiable, and you must not let the monkey kill people!" Leader Yang advised.

"That's right... everything is easy to discuss, easy to discuss..." Liu Hu also said quietly, as if he was afraid of scaring Ding Zheng over his head.

Li Shangen frowned, and could only pretend to be in deep thought, raised his arms, moved his fingers, and kept paying attention to Ding Zheng, without saying a word.

Li Shangen doesn't know what to do, he can only and must cooperate with Ding Zheng to perform this scene well!

After playing with monkeys for half a lifetime, now he has finally completely become a person being played by monkeys.

Ding Zheng narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and finally let go of the knife in his hand.

Seeing this, Li Shangen immediately cooperated and yelled loudly. Everyone was startled and quickly looked at Ding Zheng.

Liu Hu's heart that was raised in his throat finally fell, but only halfway down, he felt a pain in his wrist, and his right hand holding the knife completely lost strength.

He only felt that his body was loosened, and the strange monkey had already jumped away.

The long knife in his hand was also taken away by the monkey.

Ding Zheng stood in front of Li Shangen with a saber in his hand. With this weapon, the other gangsters did not dare to charge up again.

Liu Hu then looked down at his wrist, only to see a bright red bloodstain, bleeding continuously.

His liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he suddenly felt dizzy, fell directly to the ground, and shouted: "Take me to Baozhilin!" A reward of 200 book coins from the boss of "Happy Horse". 5555 moved!

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