Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds

Chapter 434: How terrible is the sister-controller's obsession with her sister?

Chapter 434: How terrifying is the sister-con’s obsession with her sister?

“Wake up the girl in your arms and ask her to take off the six-flowered hairpin she is wearing.

And let the girl communicate with the Hollow alone. As long as the Hollow lets go of its worries and knows that Orihime Inoue can still live happily, then this Hollow still has the possibility of becoming a Buddha. "

Hearing what Lucia said before, Kurosaki Ichigo originally wanted to be ruthless and kill the Hollow transformed by Inoue Hao.

 After all, just as Rukia said, if you leave it alone, sooner or later, this virtual creature will completely lose its mind, and then Orihime Inoue will be in danger.

However, what Kurosaki Ichigo didn't expect was that just when he jumped high and was about to take action, a man's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

When he saw Kurosaki Ichigo hugging his important sister, Inoue Hao, who originally swung his tail angrily and prepared to attack Kurosaki Ichigo, felt as if a body-holding spell had been cast on his huge body, and his figure was directly bound to the original place. land.

 “Rukia, what’s going on?”

Since the person who helps us is not an enemy, let’s try the other person’s method. "

Because his parents were often violent towards his brother and sister, Inoue Hao took his sister away from home when Orihime Inoue was 3 years old, and did his best to take care of her as she grew up, and they stayed together for nine years. One day, when Orihime received a pair of hairpins from Hao Inoue, Orihime didn't like the pair of hairpins for indescribable reasons, and she even had a dispute with Hao.

 Because she has temporarily lost her power of death, Rukia is now unable to sense the spiritual pressure around her. She can only use the transmitter in her hand to keep looking for the target.

 This means that either the opponent is using Kidō from an extremely long distance, or the opponent has the ability to hide spiritual pressure.

As for Inoue Hao's huge body, after a burst of bright white light bloomed, accompanied by a burst of white particles flying away, Inoue Hao also returned to his original human appearance.

 Because of this incident, Orihime always felt guilty and did not apologize to her brother.

Lucia: "Not at all. I only saw you who was rushing over suddenly paused in mid-air. However, the Hollow was suppressed by the bound path."

Orihime seemed to feel that her brother, whom she had finally met once, was about to disappear. At the moment, Orihime was crying even more sadly.

  It is really rare for someone to let go of his obsessions and become a Buddha by his own strength after falling into emptiness. "

“Is this the ‘block’ of the No. 1 binding path? But just the No. 1 binding path can completely render a Hollow of this level unable to move. How strong is the user’s spiritual pressure?”

Being able to use the binding path, the other party should be a Shinigami, and he is helping them now. Although it is not clear who the other party is, Lucia judged that the other party should at least not be hostile to them.

Looking at the ugly and struggling monster in front of her, after learning that the other person was her brother, Inoue Orihime no longer had any fear, but took the initiative to touch the other person.

Orihime has been bullied since she was a child. Now her parents are missing and her brother has passed away. It is also because he can't trust his sister that Inoue Hao will secretly protect his sister until his soul reaches its limit and degenerates into Virtual.

 After learning that the monster that attacked her was actually her brother, Inoue Orihime burst into tears and was determined to talk to her brother alone.

“Souls that reside in reality usually have strong obsessions, and these souls are either swallowed up by other voids or by their own obsessions.

But because of this, my brother knew that Orihime was no longer alone.

After hesitating for a moment, Yijigu woke up Orihime Inoue in her arms and told her the whole story.

 Brother may not be able to stay by your side anymore, but I will always protect you in another form. "

 Kurosaki Ichigo, whose figure fell next to Rukia, looked at Kyon whose body seemed to be bound and restrained, unable to move at all, with a look of surprise on his face.

And took off the six-flower hairpin she had been wearing on her head, indicating that she had always cherished her brother's gift. Now she is no longer alone, and has many friends to protect her.

Looking at the sister in front of him, Inoue Hao, who was in a state of soul, also showed her a relieved smile, then touched her head and said: "I'm sorry, Orihime, I almost hurt you before.

Orihime, who was originally holding Inoue Hao, seemed to notice something strange at this moment, and started to become a little panicked and said: "Brother, what is going on? Could it be that..."

However, although the matter was resolved, Lucia still had doubts in her heart, that is, who was helping them just now?

At the same time, on a telegraph pole in the distance, looking at the light particles slowly rising into the sky and disappearing, Ye Cheng also shook his head and said: "Another super girl control.

After saying these last words, Inoue Hao's soul completely turned into particles of light. However, Orihime, who was crying heartbrokenly, did not notice that all the particles of light fell on the Rikka Hair in her hand. Clamped.

“If you are not an enemy, then that means that the method the other party just said is true?”

"It's the binding path that the God of Death is good at, which blocked the movement of the void. Although I don't know who it is, but judging from the situation, it shouldn't be our enemy."

As a result, Hao got into a car accident when he was going out that day, and was carried to Kurosaki Clinic by Orihime for first aid. Unfortunately, Inoue Hao failed to save him and died.

Hearing what Ichigo said, Kurosaki Ichigo and Rukia were both stunned at the same time. The former, after being stunned for a while, said in confusion: "Didn't you hear the other party's voice just now?"

“No matter what, the Hollow can’t move now, so there should be no way to escape or hurt Inoue-san.

 But she soon discovered to her surprise that there were no other spiritual pressure reactions within a radius of several hundred meters!

"How did the other party say it? Ichigo, have you met the other party? Or do you mean you know the other party?"

Looking at his sister who was full of tears but showing a happy smile, and then glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia who were standing not far away, Inoue Hao, who was originally struggling to be restrained, gradually calmed down. And the huge body also began to glow with white light.

  Looking at the sky full of light particles disappearing into the night sky, Lucia couldn't help but speak with a novel look on her face.

It’s a pity that if Inoue Hao knew that the cabbages he had raised for so many years would be lost to pigs in the future, he might not be able to let go of his obsession so quickly.

  No, for the sister control, the huge obsession with his sister's marriage may allow him to super evolve in place. After all, the sister control understands the obsession with his sister. "

 (End of this chapter)

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