Chapter Thirty-Three: The increasingly chaotic deep market | Get big moves from the haunted house |

Seeing the scene caused by Lei Dun made his eyelids jump.

The speed of Lei Dun Qilin’s big move is so fast that it is almost difficult for people to reflect.

The range group damage is inferior to Yandi, but the speed and penetration are the best of all the big moves, and they will kill the opponent without giving people the time to react.

Lei Dun・Kirin focuses on speed and penetration, Yan Emperor focuses on damage and range, and Susaneng focuses on defense and duels.

Offensive and defensive.

Luo Chen laughed and left the place quickly.


When I got home again, it was already 11 o’clock in the evening.

“Luo Chen, where have you been, don’t sleep.”

As soon as I walked into the living room, I heard Ye Lingling’s voice.

“Go out to eat something, you’ve come back from the government, how are you?”

Luo Chen asked along the way.

“The government compensated us with 2,000 spirit coins. I did the math. I can buy a lot of medicinal pills from the government to improve our strength.Convert to cash. ” Ye Lingling replied.

“Well, go back to the government and buy a medicinal pill to see the effect.”

Luo Chen nodded, as for cash.

Neither he nor Ye Lingling are the masters of money.

Speaking of which, Luo Chen saw Ye Lingling’s expression of hesitating to speak, and asked again, “Is there anything else?”

“I accidentally heard the conversation between Captain Zhao and his subordinates in the corridor, saying that Shencheng was very unstable recently, his tone was very dignified, and it seemed that something big was about to happen.”

“I couldn’t hear it clearly, I heard some words like ‘Director’, ‘Grandmaster’, ‘Grandmaster’ and so on.”

After Luo Chen heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“What else did you hear?”

Luo Chen then asked.

“there is none left.”

Ye Lingling shook her head, then thought of something, and said, “Oh, by the way, the monk and Taoist said that they wanted to invite you to dinner as a thank you for saving your life. I just said that you would call them if you agreed.”

“These two are unreliable, so don’t have contact with them.”

How can you dig a grave if you are reliable?

Looking at the familiar appearance of these two people, they did a lot of digging graves.

If it wasn’t for the moves used by the two of them that a Taoist priest and a monk should have, he almost thought that the ancestors of these two people were like Colonel Mojin.

Afterwards, Luo Chen asked Ye Lingling for the official mission phone.

He took a closer look and found that most of the supernatural tasks updated above were actually in the deep city or the urban areas near the deep city.

I think of the Taoist priest Longhushan I met in the abandoned park before,

Take the seven ghosts of the mother and child tonight, as if they suddenly appeared, they are still next to their own house.

The Shenzhen market is indeed getting more and more chaotic.

But that’s fine, you don’t have to search for weirdness yourself.

Ye Lingling said a few more words and went to sleep, while Luo Chen was holding the phone and browsing the supernatural tasks above.

He didn’t accept it. After all, if Ye Lingling solved too many supernatural events in a short period of time, anyone with a discerning eye could see the problem.

For Luo Chen, the government’s reward is optional, and he probably doesn’t like it. He can effectively solve the supernatural event, and the benefits obtained from it are enough for Luo Chen to be satisfied.

Locking down several supernatural events in the nearby area, Luo Chen decided to solve them one by one tomorrow!


The next morning, around five or six in the morning, the Special Affairs Administration was in the summer.

Zhao Hongbo fell asleep on the desk. On the desk was an unfinished report and review.

The Yaozun incident that happened last night was too terrifying, and it was in the government’s supernatural mission, which had to be said to be their dereliction of duty.

Fortunately, an expert passed by and solved the monster who had not fully recovered his strength. Otherwise, it would not be the level of the blame above, but the residents of the entire deep city would be in unpredictable danger.

Therefore, Zhao Hongbo has to write a report on the Yaozun incident, as well as a review.

“Captain, wake up.”

After a quarter of an hour, his subordinate Lin Jian woke him up with a panicked face.

“Captain, again… another big event!”

Lin Jian was out of breath, apparently running back.

When Zhao Hongbo heard this, his face became sobbing, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

“What happened again?”

“Last night on Jiming Mountain in the suburbs, I found a ghost mother-in-law…”

He was panting and out of breath.

Lin Jian replied with a solemn expression.

Zhao Hongboteng stood up with a sigh, his face full of seriousness: “What!? Hurry up and call for help! This ghost mother-in-law is a wanted criminal in Yundian and has committed hundreds of murders, but she is too cunning and careful. Her whereabouts are unknown. Now that she has come to our deep city, if you don’t catch her quickly, I don’t know how many innocent people will die.”

“Grass! Do these people want the Shenzhen market to be completely chaotic!”

Halfway through speaking, Zhao Hongbo was distraught and cursed directly.

In fact, he already had the answer in his mind.

Lin Jian took a deep breath: “No…No need, the ghost mother and mother-in-law are already here.”

Zhao Hongbo was stunned for a moment, what the hell is he already here? The other party came directly to the door? Shouldn’t be so bold?

Looking at it again, I was surprised to find that Lin Jian was carrying a package, which had already been opened at this time.


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