Start from the Martial Arts

Chapter 16 Ye Jin'er, Pure Yang Baoyu

After two months of hard training, I successfully mastered the Hunyuan Yi Qi Jue and gained the first ray of true energy. I was in a great mood and even went to work feeling very good.

In the county jail, the usual comfort has returned since the Mingjin martial artist who was pierced with Pipa bones was sent to Fucheng.

After delivering the meal, Fang Xiu prepared to practice martial arts.

Although you can practice at home, the facilities in the martial arts gym are more complete, and there are also Gaosheng sparring partners.

After practicing his true energy, Fang Xiu felt that his strength had improved a bit.

In addition, the reaction speed is also faster.

Just looking for someone to try.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’]

"Xiao Fang! Wait a minute!" As soon as Fang Xiu reached the door of the prison, Ma Sandao walked over quickly.

"Uncle Ma." Fang Xiu stopped.

"Talking as we walk." Masandao pointed at the door.

The two of them walked out of the county prison gate together, and Ma Sandao asked with concern: "My dear nephew, how is your martial arts practice going lately?"

"It's still the same as before, just so-so."

Fang Xiu responded.

In the past two months, he had used the silver he obtained from Niu Gen and Sun Yin in batches, but he did not touch the five hundred taels of silver notes.

The money was fine, but the large bank note of one hundred taels was too eye-catching.

He couldn't just give it to Li Shan directly in exchange for medicinal materials for decoction and medicinal bath.

Don't even dare to go to a bank to exchange money casually.

The best way is to leave the county and exchange or use it elsewhere.

But we have to wait until he breaks through to the meat refining realm.

"That's good. You are still young now. If you work harder, if you can break through the physical barrier before the age of twenty, you may have hope to break through the muscular barrier in the future and become a Mingjin martial artist." Ma Sandao encouraged.

"My nephew didn't think too much about it. The only way he could break through the flesh barrier was because the smoke was rising from his ancestral grave." Fang Xiu said with a smile.

"By the way, there is one thing I want to tell you. A few days ago, the key criminal handed over from us was kidnapped while being escorted to Fucheng with the grain transport convoy."

Ma Sandao changed the subject.

"What?!" Fang Xiu was startled. According to Sun Yin's memory, he should have robbed the prison, but why did he end up robbing a grain truck on the way?

"I am afraid that only the rebellious people from the Immortality Cult would dare to do such a bold thing. However, County Magistrate Chen suspected that someone in our county jail had leaked the secret, so he fined each person one tael of salary and handed it over before the end of the month."

Ma Sandao said in a deep voice.

"Are we leaking secrets? We'll fine you one tael of salary?!" Fang Xiu's forehead muscles twitched slightly. Magistrate Chen was a genius for being able to come up with this method of deducting his salary.

I'm afraid only Ma Sandao in the entire county prison knew about this matter, and only a few people knew about the route of the grain truck. As a result, the salaries of the jailers were deducted.

One tael of silver can buy four stones of rice, and one stone is about one hundred and twenty kilograms.

With Magistrate Chen's words, their 480 kilograms of rice were gone.

"There is nothing we can do. Officials at the top level will crush people to death, let alone us. We can only suffer the prisoners a little longer." Ma Sandao sighed.

"..." Fang Xiu was silent.

"By the way, you asked me before if there was any way to make money, and I found it for you." Masandao patted Fang Xiu on the shoulder.

"There are three in total. One is the Wild Wolf Gang, which lacks a warrior to take charge. It is said that they are competing for territory with the local beggars recently, so they are willing to pay ten taels of silver and ask you to go out and show your face."

"Also, Jiang Ming, the fourth leader of the Money Gang, has invited you to become a worshiper of the Money Gang. It is said that he wants to inquire about Bai Xing, the fishing boy in your martial arts school."

"Huh?!" Fang Xiu's expression changed slightly when he heard Jiang Ming's name.

"But I refused for you. It's best for you not to have anything to do with Jiang Ming." Ma Sandao added.

"Thank you, Uncle Ma." Fang Xiu clasped his fists.

"Finally, there is Ye's Trading Company in Fucheng. There is a young lady from a concubine who will settle in Qingshi County. I asked a matchmaker to visit her and she agreed to meet you."

Ma Sandao continued.

"This...Uncle Ma, I have no plans to start a family yet, so there is no need for me to find a matchmaker. Besides, how could a young lady from a wealthy family fall in love with a mere jailer?" Fang Xiu shook his head. Ye's Trading Company was in the city. Even if you were a concubine in a large trading house that ranked high in the rankings, you would not be able to marry a jailer.

"What's wrong with the jailer? Why should you belittle yourself as a good nephew? You are a formal warrior at a young age and you look very talented.

If you take part in martial arts examinations in the future and gain meritorious status, you will get rid of your lowly status.

Back then, your old uncle and I accepted death and insisted on marrying our childhood sweetheart, giving up a young lady from a wealthy family.

Otherwise, with the financial support of big investors, I may not be able to go further. "

Ma Sandao advised.

"My dear nephew, this is a good opportunity! When Miss Ye came, she brought several cartloads of belongings with her.

Even if Miss Ye doesn't like you, the other party has settled in Qingshi County and is in urgent need of cultivating confidants. If you can become a guest of the Ye family, you can also make an extra amount of money.

Are you really prepared to agree to the Wild Wolf Gang and compete with beggars for territory? "

"Uncle Ma's words make sense. Thank you very much for reminding me, Uncle Ma." Fang Xiu thought for a moment and then agreed.

Although five hundred taels of silver notes are a lot, when you reach the realm of meat refining, you don't have to spend it. You really have to find a long-term way to make money, and you can't just sit back and have nothing.

If it is true as Ma Sandao said, you can indeed go to the Ye family to be a guest.

"Well, this matter is settled. I will take you to Ye Mansion tomorrow afternoon." Ma Sandao smiled.



The next day.


Mingyufang, north of the outer city.

There is a large house with three entrances and three exits. Next to the pavilion in the middle of the lake in the backyard, a woman of about 18 or 19 years old is leaning on the wooden railing to watch the fish, throwing fish food into the lake from time to time, attracting the koi in the lake to gather and compete for food.

She is wearing a moon-white skirt and a lavender half-sleeve. Her arms are supporting the railing. The soft material of the clothes makes her chest look very full and swollen, and a white jade pearl tied with silver thread falls in it.

"Miss Qi, Miss Su is here."

At this time, the maid came to the backyard to report.

"Please ask Sister Lingyun to come in." Ye Jin'er nodded.


The maid retreated and soon led a smiling girl with a spring face in her face.

"Sister Ye." Su Lingyun was no longer dignified and solemn as before. She jumped in front of Ye Jin'er and happily took her arm.

"It's rare that sister Lingyun has time to come and see me." Ye Jin'er pinched Su Lingyun's nose affectionately and pulled her to sit down.

"I came here as soon as I had time. Sister Ye's words really make me sad."

Su Lingyun pretended to be wronged, suddenly let go of Ye Jin'er's hand and stood up.

"What's wrong?" Ye Jin'er saw that her face was different.

Su Lingyun stared at Ye Jin'er. Although Ye Jin'er's clothes were not bright in color, she always dressed in a simple and elegant manner without makeup. Today, she put on rouge and painted her nails with delicate light red paint, which matched her snow-white skin.

She sat in a dignified posture, with her jade-white hands folded on her legs. When she sat, her skirt was tight, and the satin wrinkles on her hips made the round lines more obvious.

She wore earrings on her ears. The small silver earrings were very simple and elegant. Pearl powder was applied around her eyes. A pair of peach blossom eyes with slightly upturned corners gave people a feeling of affection even with a puzzled look.

"Sister Ye, I've never seen you like this before."

Su Lingyun was like a curious baby.

"Isn't it too gorgeous?" Ye Jin'er stroked her face gently.

"Was someone trying to matchmake Sister Ye with her ideal husband today?" Su Lingyun joked.

"That's true, but we've never met before, so I dressed up to show respect."

Ye Jin'er admitted generously.

"Whose son is he?!" Su Lingyun was curious.

"The county's prison officer Ma introduced him... His name is Fang Xiu." Ye Jin'er said.

"The jailer?! Fang Xiu?" Su Lingyun was stunned.

"The other party seems to be from the Sanjue martial arts school, is he your fellow apprentice?" Ye Jin'er said again.

"Is that prison officer Ma kidding?! Fang Xiu is just a jailer, how can he be worthy of you, Sister Ye?"

Su Lingyun was very excited.

"Is Mr. Fang a bad person?" Ye Jin'er asked.

"That's not true, but Fang Xiu's physique is not good, and his family background is not worth mentioning.

Although he is diligent in practicing martial arts, there are many diligent people.

This person is not worthy of Sister Ye in any other way except for his outstanding appearance."

Su Lingyun shook her head repeatedly.

She had no prejudice against Fang Xiu.

If a girl from a small family took a fancy to Fang Xiu, as a senior sister, she might praise him and say something good.

But Fang Xiu was not qualified to see Sister Ye's relatives.

The two names were not linked together at all.

"Sister Lingyun, don't be so excited, it's just a meeting." Ye Jin'er pulled Su Lingyun to sit down.

"You know my situation. If it weren't for this pure Yang jade to nourish my body, I might have died long ago.

Now that my loving father has passed away, and I have been driven out of the house by my stepmother, if a weak woman wants to protect herself, she must find someone to rely on. Too strong is not good, too weak is not good either.

According to the prison officer Ma, this Mr. Fang is already a formal warrior at a young age. If his character is reliable, coupled with my financial support, he may not be unable to become a useful person in the future."

"No! No! How can you let Sister Ye suffer such grievances." Su Lingyun couldn't accept it.

"Whether a person's character is reliable or not cannot be seen in a short time, it is easy to disguise.

If Sister Ye wants to find a reliable husband's family, I can ask my father for help. There are many young talents."

"I believe in my vision of people." Ye Jin'er declined.

"But..." Su Lingyun wanted to persuade again.

At this time, the maid hurried into the backyard.

"Seventh Miss, Mr. Fang has arrived and is waiting in the front hall."

"Please come here, Mr. Fang. Also, ask Xiaolu to bring the 'green bamboo leaves' in my room to make tea." Ye Jin'er nodded.

After a while, the maid led a cold-looking young man in a black robe into the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

"Mr. Fang, that's my seventh Miss."

Fang Xiu entered the pavilion in the middle of the lake, but he didn't expect Su Lingyun to be there, and at this moment, she was looking at him with a frown.

"Hello, Senior Sister Su."

Fang Xiu first bowed to Su Lingyun.

Ye Jin'er stood up, revealing the white jade bead buried deep in her chest, and bowed to Fang Xiu,

"Hello, Mr. Fang."

"I am Fang Xiu, and I have met Miss Ye." Fang Xiu returned the greeting, and the elegant beauty made his eyes light up.

However, the next moment, when his eyes swept over the white jade bead on Ye Jin'er's chest, his right hand suddenly began to tremble, and he unconsciously made a false grab.

It was as if the white jade bead had some fatal attraction to the right hand, giving it independent consciousness.

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