Start from the Martial Arts

Chapter 48 Adopting an adopted son

Ten days later.

Bai Xing's disappearance was finally discovered.

Especially after Bai Yu and Bai Jue searched everywhere without success, they found San Jue Martial Arts School, and everyone suddenly thought of an amazing possibility.

Could Bai Xing also be related to the destruction of the Jinqian Gang?


One quarter after noon.

After Fang Xiu delivered the meal to the prisoners, he went to the canteen of San Jue Martial Arts School to have lunch as usual.

However, there were two short and thin children with slightly dark skin in the canteen today.

"It's them..."

Fang Xiu's eyes flashed, and the two children were the orphans of the Lin family adopted by Bai Xing. The boy was named Bai Yu and the girl was named Bai Jue.

"Junior Brother Fang..."

Fang Xiu was eating by himself, and Gao Sheng came to sit opposite him with a bowl of rice and a dish of vegetables.

"What's wrong, Senior Brother Gao." Fang Xiu looked at Gao Sheng.

"Something happened." Gao Sheng lowered his voice and stretched his chopsticks to the fish head in Fang Xiu's dish.


Fang Xiu skillfully picked up Gao Sheng's chopsticks, "What happened?"

"Junior Brother Bai is missing, it is very likely that something happened."

Gao Sheng turned and put his chopsticks into Fang Xiu's vegetable plate.

"What happened to Junior Brother Bai?" Fang Xiu was stunned.

Gao Sheng leaned close to Fang Xiu's ear, covered his mouth with his hand, and signaled the children eating at the table across the table, and whispered:

"Those two children are orphans adopted by Junior Brother Bai. They said that they saw Junior Brother Bai with their own eyes ten days ago, and asked them to get a basin to hold the fish.

As a result, when they went home to get the wooden basin, Junior Brother Bai disappeared, and there has been no news until now.

Now everyone in the martial arts hall said that Junior Brother Bai might have been killed like the martial artists of the Money Gang."

"How could this be?" Fang Xiu was stunned.

"Ten days ago, I remember Junior Brother Bai asked me to go fishing together, and then gave me a lot of good things. He was still fine when I went back, how could it be possible..."

"You were with Junior Brother Bai ten days ago?" Gao Sheng was stunned.

"Yes." Fang Xiu nodded. He didn't intend to hide this matter, because it couldn't be hidden from the investigation of those who were interested.

"I have to tell the senior brother about this matter. He has just gone to the government office to inquire about the situation." Gao Sheng sighed, "I hope that Junior Brother Bai will be blessed by heaven."

"I hope so." Fang Xiu nodded and took the fish head from Gao Sheng's dish.

"Ouch! What are you doing?!" Gao Sheng shouted.


After Fang Xiu finished his meal, he went to the back garden with Gao Sheng to practice.

Before they practiced for a while, Li Shan hurried back.

"Junior Brother Fang, come here."

Li Shan waved at Fang Xiu.

"Yes, senior brother." Fang Xiu looked normal and followed quickly.

When the two came to the backyard, Li Shan frowned slightly and asked, "Junior Brother Fang, you should have heard about Junior Brother Bai's disappearance, right?"

"Yes, I heard from Senior Brother Gao." Fang Xiu nodded.

"I went to the government office to inquire. Ten days ago, you and Junior Brother Bai left the city at midnight and came back an hour later. Is that true?" Li Shan said in a deep voice.

"Ten days ago, Junior Brother Bai did come to see me at midnight." Fang Xiu pondered.

"He told me that he had found some good stuff and wanted me to help catch it. He would give me some after the job was done.

Then I went out of the city with him... After about two hours, we caught several red blood carp.

Unfortunately, a big red blood carp king ran away.

Junior Brother Bai saw that it was almost dawn, so he gave me a red blood carp and some Longyang trout, and I went back first."

Fang Xiu responded calmly and did not fall for it.

Then he asked back: "Big Brother, did Junior Brother Bai really have an accident?"

"It's not clear yet." Li Shan shook his head, "I still have to report this matter to Master. You go back."

"Yes, Junior Brother, I'm leaving." Fang Xiu clasped his fists and turned to leave.

After Fang Xiu left, Li Shan touched his chin and thought.

"Junior Brother Fang didn't lie... It seems that Junior Brother Bai must have discovered the treasure fish, so he sent Junior Brother Fang away in advance. Later, he must have met the people of the Money Gang and had a conflict, and then a third party appeared... Could it be the Changsheng Sect?"

Li Shan pondered in his heart.

In his opinion, to kill four flesh-refining realms and a Mingjin martial artist, at least two martial artists would be needed to quickly end the battle.

Or, it could be a top martial artist like him who has unique skills.

"Duan Lang was killed in the water... This man is known as the 'Dragon in the Waves'. If we really fight in the water, I'm afraid even I can't easily take him down."

Li Shan's face was uncertain.

He was more optimistic about Bai Xing.

It's a pity.


That night.

Because Bai Xing was not found, Bai Yu and Bai Jue were anxious to go home the next day.

However, it was not safe to have only two children at home, so Li Shan wanted to leave them in the martial arts hall temporarily.

But Bai Yu and Bai Jue insisted on going back, and Li Shan had no choice but to ask Fang Xiu to take them there.

Fang Xiu called a carriage, and the three of them took the carriage and left Qingshi County.

In the carriage, Fang Xiu closed his eyes to rest.

Bai Yu and Bai Jue looked at him secretly, but did not speak.

It was not until the carriage entered the fishing village and the three got off that Bai Yu suddenly asked:

"Are you Brother Fang Xiu?"

"Do you know me?" Fang Xiu was stunned.

"Brother Xing mentioned you before, and he said you were a good person!" Bai Jue said softly on the side.

"Well..." Fang Xiu nodded and fell into silence.

The two children saw that he was silent and looked at him timidly.

When Fang Xiu saw this, he smiled and said: "Since Junior Brother Bai said that I am a good person, do you want to go home with me? When Junior Brother Bai comes back, you can go back with him."

"Will Brother Xing really come back again?" Bai Jue looked at him hopefully.

"I can't guarantee it." Fang Xiu shook his head.

"We have to wait here for Brother Xing to come back!" Bai Yu looked stubborn.

"Okay then, I'll come see you again in a few days."

Fang Xiu didn't insist and turned around to leave.

After walking a few steps, he found a small hand grabbing the corner of his clothes.

"Will big brother really come again?" Bai Jue looked at him timidly.

"Really." Fang Xiu nodded.

"Then let's pull the hook!" Bai Jue stretched out his little hand.

When Fang Xiu saw this, he smiled, rubbed Bai Jue's head, and said seriously:

"Little sister, you have to remember that things that others promise you may not count. Only things that you can promise yourself will count! So hooks and guarantees are meaningless."

Bai Jue looked a little confused and a little aggrieved.

Bai Yu on the side stepped forward and hugged her sister, with a tight face, "I remember what Brother Fang Xiu said!"

"Yes. Take good care of your sister." Fang Xiu nodded, turned around and got into the carriage.


Two months passed quietly.

Fang Xiu would go to the fishing village every few days to deliver some clothes and food to the two children.

These things are more tangible than giving money.

During this period, he relied on his deep internal strength to practice the Wave Riding Kung Fu to the second level in one breath, and his water properties were further improved.

He has mastered the Wheel of Blood Talisman.

The bait required for the blood bait technique has also been prepared successfully.

I believe it won't be long before his fishing ability will catch up with Shirahoshi's.

This morning, Fang Xiu carried a food box and headed to the fishing village.

"Huh? What's going on?!"

Fang Xiu came to Bai Xing's home and found that his door was wide open and a mess inside. Bai Yu and Bai Jue were missing.

He asked the old fisherman to ask.

It turns out that the Wild Wolf Gang has taken over the fish market.

After confirming that Bai Xing was 'dead', the Wild Wolf Gang came to Bai Xing's house last night to see if Bai Xing had left anything good.

The two children resisted desperately, and the Wild Wolf Gang captured them together.

"You didn't mention my name?" Fang Xiu's face darkened.

"I mentioned it. But the Wild Wolf Gang has absorbed some thugs from the Money Gang, and a new worshiper from the Meat Refining Realm has arrived. It is said that he came from the Iron Clothes Martial Arts School, so..."

The old fisherman hesitated to speak.

"Very good!" Fang Xiu narrowed his eyes, "Old man, please tell me where the stronghold of the Wild Wolf Gang is?"

" the very back of the fish a courtyard of a bungalow." The old fisherman was shocked by the aura exuded by Fang Xiu.


fish market.

The fishermen who got up early to go to the market opened their stalls and waited for the thugs from the Wild Wolf Gang to collect their share of the money.

"Damn it! These murderers! Did they die on some girl's belly last night and they didn't come to collect the money?"

Inside the fish stall, a man with a crew cut was cursing while killing fish.

Without the Money Gang, now with the Wild Wolf Gang, their life is even more difficult than before.

There is even an additional item of ‘health fee’ included in the share of the money.

The reason why the flat-headed man cursed was because if the thugs who collected the money arrived late, they would try their best to collect a few more copper coins on the grounds that the fishmonger's business was good.

"Master! You're going to die! What nonsense are you talking about!" Jingchai, a woman in a cloth skirt, poured the fish into the fish box and patted the crew-cut man on the back hard.

While they were talking, three thugs wandered over from outside the fish market, rubbing their sleepy eyes and talking obscenely about last night's 'achievement'.

The flat-headed man who had been cursing just now quickly lowered his head and urged the woman to get today's share of the money.

"Oops! Someone is destroying the place! The Wild Wolf Gang is gathering!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the end of the fish market, followed by a violent fight.


"court death!"

The three thugs suddenly became energetic and rushed towards the bungalow at the end of the fish market.


As soon as the three people arrived at the door, the door exploded. The three people were hit by the door panel and fell to the ground on the spot.

At this time, a stern young man in black robe walked out of the door, holding two children in his arms.

The originally bustling fish market suddenly fell silent, with only the wails coming from the Wild Wolf Gang's stronghold.

After Fang Xiu left, someone boldly went over to check.

I saw more than 20 members of the Wild Wolf Gang inside, either with broken arms or legs.


Fang Xiu took the two children back to the fishing village and released them.

"You two, do you want to come with me? Be my adopted son and daughter."

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