[Bo Feng Shuimen: Yes, Ling, what Fu Yuejun said makes sense, I really can't let Sasuke fall into the hands of Orochimaru!

[Senjuma: Hmph! The little cub of the Uchiha family can do things! No, it's better to die!]

【Izuna Uchiha: ???】

[Uchiha Mikoto: Ah! You have something wrong with the second generation?! It's not Sasuke who wants to defect! Didn't the third generation of adults say it, he must have been taken away by Orochimaru's people!Why do you want to hurt my Sasuke!]

[Uchiha Fugaku: That's it!]

[A Thousand Hands: Ahem... The old man does not quarrel with women. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Phew!Spicy Chicken Door!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Okay everyone, don't get excited, I think Ling Boy should know it. 】

[Ling Furukawa: Actually, I still want to go home and play flying chess...]

【Senju Pillar: ???】

【Senju Room: ???】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Please be a person...]

"Okay, I'll go take a look, you can go home first. Furukawa Ling said with a smile at Sunset.


Sunset Hong nodded obediently, and then tapped Furukawa Ling's face again, before leaving with some reluctance.

After all, flying chess! Who says it's only for men?

However...... She hadn't taken a few steps before she saw Ino and Hinata walking from the direction of the village entrance with Tian Tian and Sakura in their arms.


Sunset Red felt a little "being a thief", and she couldn't help but be a little embarrassed when she saw Ino and Hinata, and quietly pulled Furukawa Ling's clothes.

[Hinata Hinata Hizashi: Oh roar! Beautiful!]

[A Thousand Hands: This time it's lively! Last time it was just those two little girls, and this time I added a "big girl"!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Shura Field!]

[Hinata Hinata Hinata is too peaceful, I don't think it will be anything, but the eldest lady of the Yamanaka family will definitely not let you go, haha!]

[Furukawa Ling: Hehe! Sit down, what kind of Shura field? It's all a small scene!]

[Uchiha Fugaku: I don't care what Shura Field is or not!The most important thing now should be to quickly rescue Sasuke!I said Ling boy, can you get down to business?!]

Furukawa Ling didn't have too many scruples, and seeing that Hinata and Ino were not injured, he immediately put his mind at ease, and just casually asked how the battle was going.

However, when Furukawa Ling learned that Orochimaru had actually sent more than thirty people, he was also taken aback.

Secretly said: "It looks like the wings of my butterfly are flapping a little hard, Orochimaru is so cautious, fortunately Hinata and Ino are fine, otherwise, I will definitely kill you until you can never be resurrected!"

But then, he found out that Ino and Hinata had very little dust on their bodies, not to mention the scars?!

Could it be that the thirty people sent by Orochimaru are all decorations?

Ino was also a little confused, and explained: The enemy seems to have received some kind of order, and he doesn't care about anyone else, but he never kills himself and Hinata, and even avoids it if he can.

[A thousand hands: I wipe that stinky snake, so showy? or... So cowardly?]

[Hinata Hinata Hizashi: Is this really the big snake pill that kills people without blinking? 】

[Qimu Shuomao: This guy was obviously scared of being killed by Ling Xiaozi...]

[Sunset is really red: It seems that I am really scared. 】

[Thousand Hands: It seems that I have done an investigation, and I know where Ling Xiaozi's reverse scales are. 】

[Hinata Hinata Hizashi: But... Even if that's the case, it's useless, could it be that Ling Kid will give up being his enemy?]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Not really, but I can buy him a lot of time. 】

[Qimu Shuomao: That's right, it may not be a big problem to move others, if you dare to move Ling Xiaozi's woman, Ling Xiaozi is afraid that he will directly rush into their Yin Ninja Village to slaughter the village...]

[Hinata Hinata Hinata Hinata Difference: It makes sense...]

[Furukawa Ling: Hmph! He's quite good at being human! But don't think I'm going to let him go. 】

Furukawa Ling didn't expect that Orochimaru, who had a tyrannical and murderous personality, would do this in order not to offend himself.

Looking at Tian Tian and Sakura, who were being supported, he asked a little strangely, "They... Are you alright?"

"Sister Tian Tian has experienced many battles, and she has been too fierce with her forbearance, and she is a little tired, but there is no danger, don't worry. Ino said softly, looking at Tian Tian with admiration in his eyes.

"Oh, that's right. Furukawa Ling nodded, and then made a gesture to leave.

"Uh... Why don't you ask Sakura?" Ino was a little strange.

"What does she have to ask? Wouldn't it be strange for me to be beaten to death?" Furukawa Ling said in an overly upright manner.

[Hinata Hinata Hinata: Ahhh

[Sunset is really red: Although the strength of this little girl is a little poor, but you are too upright, Ling boy...]

[Uchiha Mikoto: That's it, Ling boy, what are you talking about? This is my daughter-in-law!]

[Furukawa Ling: Pull it down, Aunt Mikoto, my son may be abducted, what kind of daughter-in-law are you talking about...]

[A Thousand Hands: Hahaha! Ling boy, do you want to laugh at the old man?]

[Qimu Shuomao: It's really upright!

[Uchiha Mikoto: Then what do you have to say? Hurry up and save Sasuke!]

[Furukawa Ling: I'm not going to hide it, Ino and Hinata are back, so I don't want to go...]

【Uchiha Mikoto: ???】

【Uchiha Fugaku: ???】

[Senju: Rub! Your behavior seems to prove that Orochimaru is indeed really "far-sighted"! You are really like a dog he thinks!]

[Hinata Hinata Hinata Hinatari: No problem!]

[Ling Furukawa: Ahem... Have some fun. 】

"You—" Ino was speechless.

Hinata explained in a whisper, "No, it's not... Actually, Sakura wasn't hurt... She was knocked unconscious by Captain Shikamaru's hand knife. "

"Oh, that's so showy, Shikamaru wanted to hit the enemy, and then hit it crookedly?" the corners of Furukawa Ling's mouth twitched.

What level is this...

Hinata shook her head, "No, he just wanted to hit Sakura..."

"Huh??" This time it was Furukawa Ling's turn to be confused.

"This..."Hinata didn't know how to explain, and her face flushed in anguise.

Ino looked anxious and explained: "Sakura is too worried about Sasuke, she goes on a rampage, and often doesn't listen to the captain's command, several times..."

"Several times... Lead the team to the annihilation?" Furukawa Ling asked tentatively.

"Uh... That's probably what it means..."Ino said awkwardly.

"I already knew that this girl was a pit!" Furukawa Ling was speechless, "but I still didn't expect her to be able to get to such a pit..."

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