[Thousand Hands: Is it so exaggerated, flying long distances with people does consume a bit more chakra, but how much can it cost...]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: My chakra amount has always been very average, and I can't practice immortal arts well, and it's also because of this reason.

To tell you the truth, just Ling Boy, if you were me, it is estimated that you will have to use up one-fifth of the chakra...]

[Madara Uchiha: And then you have to go back, which means that you haven't started the fight yet, and you're already missing half of the chakra?!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: It's so embarrassing...]

[Thousand Hands: Oh roar, Ling boy, how much did you use?]

[Furukawa Ling: It's not much! I feel like it's not even one-fifth of one-fifth, right...]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Envy, it's me who is unrecognizable. 】

Furukawa Ling smiled dumbly, somewhat sympathetic to the four generations.

is obviously a genius guy, but he can't stand at the top because of "no plug-in".

During the four battles in the original book, after owning half of the Nine-Tails Chakra, the whole person was immediately different, and he was able to take the entire ninja alliance to fly the thunder god.


"Ding Ci, good boy, you have worked hard. "

In the Hokage's office, the three generations of old men saw the seriously injured Dingji, and hurriedly came over to encourage him.

"Grandpa Hokage..."Ding Ji's eyes moistened slightly.

"Well, he'll give it to you, and I'll pick up the others. "

Ling Furukawa raised an eyebrow at Tsunade, and the figure disappeared in place again.

There was another wave of spatial fluctuations, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to the position where he had met Ding Ci before through the spatial coordinates on the Grass Pheasant Sword.

Ling Furukawa continued along the forest, rescuing Hinata Ninji, Inuzuka Ya, Nara Shikamaru, Li Luo, and Yau Mai Shino along the way.

All the same methods are used, a flying thunder god, to solve all the troubles...

Each of these Xiaoqiang has a lot of injuries on their bodies, but none of them are in danger of life!

This time, I didn't use Shayin's Iairo and Temari to help. Xiao Qiang just relied on their own strength, and they fought hard to defeat the five people of the sound ninja!

What's more, each of them has grown a lot through this hard battle.

[Thousand Hands Pillar: These little guys! It's really great! I thought it was not as good as the generation, but now it seems that the old man is wrong. 】

[Izuna Uchiha: I have to admit that this group of imps is indeed something, but I didn't expect that the imps who were still playing the three-body technique in the graduating class of the ninja school have grown to such a point now...]

[Senjuma: So, what does this mean? It means that Ape Fei's little bastard is right to change the ninja school to a playhouse?]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: I definitely can't say that, I think these little guys have grown up so quickly, and it has a lot to do with Ling Boy. 】

[Qimu Shuomao: Yes, there is a big mountain in front of Ling Boy, and they can't do it if they don't work hard!]

[Madara Uchiha: Huh! It's just a little imp with ninja strength among a few elites, and it's worth blowing a wave?]

[Senju: Hmph! It's as if you didn't grow up as a rookie! You were born invincible?]

[Ling Furukawa: Harm.] He wasn't invincible later, he wasn't pressed by your eldest brother for a lifetime...]

[Between the Thousand Hands Pillars: Poof... Ahem, Ling boy, don't... Don't say that...]

[A Thousand Hands: I smiled at the master...]

[Madara Uchiha: Rub, several of you are sick! Wait for the old man!]

[Hinata Hinata Hiza: Speaking of which, these little guys are also a blessing in disguise this time, although they have suffered a lot of injuries, but they have grown a lot, especially the actual combat experience they lack the most. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: That's true. 】

[Furukawa Ling: So, I have to thank the group leader, if I hadn't made the first move, how could they have gotten such a valuable opportunity to train?!]

【Senju Room: ???】

【Izuna Uchiha: ???】

[Hinata Hinata Hizashi: How do you have the face to say such a dog? You know the bastard who hides at home and plays flying chess!You should be glad that Hinata has nothing to do, otherwise I won't let you go!]

[Furukawa Ling: Ahem, isn't this coming, what are you excited about...]

After sending the last two people back to the Hokage's office for treatment by Tsunade, Furukawa Ling returned to the battlefield through the Flying Thunder God again.

He knew that there were only two simple "sons of the ninja world" left in front of him.

It is estimated that in the Valley of the End, an earth-shattering "love and kill" is being staged!

Half an hour later, Ling Furukawa arrived at the Valley of the End.

Sure enough, there are some things that are set in the dark.

Many years ago, the previous reincarnations of Asura and Indra, Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha, fought in this place!

Now, the reincarnation of this generation of the two brothers, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, is also fighting here!

Even a "butterfly" as big as Ling Furukawa couldn't make any changes in this matter.

When Ling Furukawa arrived at the scene, he was just in time for the final blow of the two of them in mid-air!

One red and one black, the two of them burst out of their current strongest forms at the same time and rushed towards each other!

Furukawa Ling did not appear for the first time, but hid in the dark to watch the play.

[Uchiha Mikoto: Oh my God, Sasuke... How did Sasuke become like this?!]

[Uzumaki Kushina: Okay, Naruto has been able to exert some of the power of the Nine-Tails!

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Yes! After so many years of suffering, now I finally have some gains!]

[Hinata Hinata Hinata Hinata is more concerned about... What happened to these two boys?]

[Senjukuma: Hmph! I still need to ask, I knew that Sasuke, this kid, must have wanted to betray Konoha by himself!]

[Uchiha Mikoto: No, no, no, second generation adult, now... It's too early to tell!]

[Uchiha Fugaku: That's it! Moreover, Sasuke's current appearance is very abnormal, he must have been bewitched and even controlled by Orochimaru!]


"Hey!Sass open!!"

The two were full of affection, and at the same time shouted each other's names, and hit the ultimate blow!

Han Han Naruto was obsessed, and the spiral pill in his palm actually pressed on the forehead guard on Sasuke's head.

Sasuke ignored it, and the black thousand birds in his hand stabbed Naruto straight into Naruto's abdomen.

The result of this blow is no different from the original book.

Naruto was stabbed in the body by Kuro Chidori and fell unwillingly, while Sasuke stood last.

[Uzumaki Kushina: Naruto!!How could this be?!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: You... Don't get excited about Kushinai just yet. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Can I not get excited? That's our son!]

[Uchiha Mikoto: Kushina, you... Don't get excited, I apologize on behalf of Sasuke to you and the four generations of adults, Sasuke is young and ignorant, please forgive him...]

[Uzumaki Kushina: Hmph! If Naruto really has any mistakes, don't blame me for being rude!]

[Hinata Hinata Hinata: Naruto, this kid... It's a little silly.,Why can't you think about it.,I have to knock that forehead guard to death.,He probably doesn't know how strong Konoha's forehead guard is...]

[Furukawa Ling: Perhaps, he was angry at his companion's betrayal. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: I said that you kid are still hesitating here, just go out and rescue Naruto, and then bring the bastard Sasuke back to Konoha!]

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