Gin and vodka enter the cellar.




Gin and vodka slowly search the cellar.

Vodka: "Isn't that Pisco guy here?"

"We said we'd meet in thirty minutes."

"But there was not even a single news."

"We looked for the transmitter, and we only found laptops."

He saw a bottle of old white dried food on the table, picked it up and looked at it: "There are still unfinished old white dried on this table, that guy will really enjoy it!"

Gin Jiu put his hands in his pockets and said indifferently: "This should be the retreat he found for himself for the sake of caution."

His eyes glanced lightly over the fireplace.

Vodka: "Anyway, let's flash early, big brother."

Gin Jiu withdrew his gaze from the other side of the fireplace, sneered, and replied, "That's what I said." "



Their footsteps disappeared into the cellar.

Shiho Miyano, who was hiding in the fireplace, breathed a sigh of relief.

She waited for a while and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

So he climbed into the fireplace.

Ice Rokuo was taken into the Pokeball by her.

Ghosts help her climb.

The other side.

Gin had already discovered her, so he took vodka with him to the top rooftop of the Cup House.

And Conan also arrived.

"With anesthesia needles and full-strength shoes, I can barely handle two." He opened the watch in his hand, raised the scope, and carefully pushed open the door of the cellar.

Gently groped the wine cellar.

None of them were found.

So he went to the fireplace and saw a piece of clothing.

This dress was dropped by Haibara in order to lighten his burden.

"This is Haibara's clothes."

"Was it captured?"

"Or do you say?"

He furrowed his brows and probed the inside of the fireplace.

Shine the lamp on the wall of his fireplace with the lamp on his watch.

He saw obvious traces of climbing upwards.

"Haibara, did this escape to the top?"

He quickly judged that above it was the rooftop leading to the top floor of the Cup Hotel.

The reason he would know so quickly.

That's because he had borrowed a rough map of the Cup Hotel from Twilight.

And back to Miyano Shiho's side.

A little while.

She and Ghost Si went to the top floor of the Cup Hotel, the rooftop.

It has long been covered with snow.

At this time, the sky also continued to snow.

Shiho Miyano lay on the snow, gasping slightly: "I was really lucky this time." "

She's not in good shape.

She rested for a while, then slowly got up and released the ice six tails.

"Wow~Wow~!" The ice six-tailed in her arms licked her face.

"Ha scared ~ ha scared ~!" Ghosts also floated excitedly beside her.


The door on the rooftop suddenly opened.

A bullet grazed the epidermis on her right shoulder and took away drops of blood.

She also let go of her hands holding Ice Rokuo, and half fell on the snow.

The snow was stained with a few drops of her blood.

"Wow~Wow~!" Ice Six Tails did not react in time and fell to the ground.

Returning to his senses, he found that Shiho Miyano was injured.

"Ha scared ~ ha scared ~!" Ghost was also asking how she was doing.

After gin Jiu, who was holding a pistol, glanced at her, he smiled evilly, the corners of his mouth rose, and his tone contained the most sincere feelings for meeting her: "I want to kill you, Shirley!!

Shiho Miyano, who could not move his right hand, turned around, his pupils shrank, and his expression was panicked: "Gin wine!!

Gin Jiu pointed his muzzle at her: "See no." "

It's beautiful."

"Snow flying in the wind in the dark, with blood dripping on the snow."

"Although in order to hide from the eyes and ears of the organization."

"This uniform of yours is really ugly."

"But what!"

"This is indeed the right place for you to be buried."

"Wow~Wow~!" Ice Six Tails shouted furiously, even wanting to solve them directly.

"Ha scared ~ ha scared ~!" Ghost Si was also full of anger.

Miyano Shiho gasped and said weakly: "You really have the ability to calculate that I came out of this chimney."


Gin Jiu snorted coldly: "Who told your hair to fall next to the stove."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have found out."

Vodka was attracted to their attention: "Big brother, what the hell are those two little guys next to you?"

"That guy can still fly!"

"It's really weird."

When Gin Jiu heard him say this, the tense atmosphere was instantly lost.

He frowned slightly and replied coldly: "I don't know." "

Solve it directly."

"Wow~!" The cold qi in the mouth of the ice six tail condensed, and an icy blue cold air was emitted from its mouth.

It can't help the anger in its heart and attacks itself.

"What is this !!?" Gin Jiu lowered his vigilance, had a sixth sense, sensed unusual danger, and immediately ducked sideways.

But it was still rubbed.

The part of his gun in his right hand was frozen.

Shiho Miyano gritted his teeth and immediately commanded: "Ghost, use hypnotism to hypnotize him."

"Ice Rokuo, continue to attack the other person."

"Ha scared ~ ha scared ~!"


Ghosts and Ice Rokuo followed the order and immediately attacked them.

Gin was hypnotized.



Vodka dodged the attack at once, and immediately drew his pistol and aimed a bullet at Ice Rokuo.

"Bang~!" Another gunshot.

Conan, who was coming, was already very close to the rooftop.

He clearly heard the gunshot.

He ran harder.

"You're waiting for me!!

Back to the rooftop.

Ice Rokuo was not injured, and at the critical moment, the ghost consumed a lot of physical strength and used his guardian to resist the bullet.

But also because of this, the hypnotic effect of gin wine disappears.

The recovered gin wine shook his head: "What the hell are these two!!

Vodka quickly helped him up: "Big brother, you're all right." "

Whoosh~!" Ice Rokuo uses the Ice Gravel skill to attack again.

A block of ice that exuded cold aura condensed from its mouth and attacked the two of them.

"Ha scared ~ ha scared ~!" Ghost's eyes shone with white.

It seems that he wants to continue to control the gin.

Actually, it is no longer usable, just a bluff.

"By !!"


They were forced to separate, and Gin Jiu's right arm was grazed again.

However, a bullet hitting the ghost had no effect at all.

However, the bullet grazed Ice Rokuo's foot and injured it.

At this time, Conan also arrived and shot the gin wine with an anesthesia needle.

"What the hell!"

Vodka hurriedly fired several shots at the door.

Conan, who was lying on the other side of the door, made the sound of gin wine with a voice changer, reminding Shiho Miyano to go to the chimney.

She also took the opportunity to recover the ice six tails and fell back into the cellar.

However, she was also accidentally shot again.

Gin Jiu was hit by an anesthesia needle, felt like he was going to faint, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he quickly shot his right arm: "Bang~!" "

That's what made him come back to consciousness.

However, his right arm kept bleeding.

> Gin Wine gives himself a shot

Conan sees this great situation and decides to let the ghosts arrest them.

But Ghost Si was physically exhausted and fell: "Ha scared ~ ha scared ~!" Seeing

this situation, he quickly took it back with the Pokeball.

"Bang~!" A couple of more gunshots.

Directly forced Conan back and asked him to go back to the wine cellar to find Shiho Miyano.

And Gin Jiu was also injured by himself, so vodka left with him.

He was so unlucky!!

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