
and the two of them after friendly communication.

Kuriyama Midori knew Sweet Dance's inner words, and planned to let it not evolve and remain as it was.

She spent her savings and bought the Constant Stone for Sweet Dance to carry.

That's it.

After solving this matter.

The two of them planned to stay here for lunch.

Of course, it costs money.

And Su Cheng, the big bad guy, took away the bodily fluids on Tian Wuni's body.

After all, Sweet Dance Ni is the same as the previous Sweet Bamboo, and the kind of thing on her body can improve the freshness of the ingredients, which is not easy to miss.

Please don't worry about the gap in your heart.

Others want to eat this kind of good thing.

He still has to think about it.

Also, Sweet Dance is a fruit in itself.

Just think of it as sweat left on the body of eating fruit.

As long as the heart is strong enough.

So that you don't care about such trifles.

After Su Cheng finished this, he left them in his group and went back to the room by himself.

Concubine Yingli and they went to visit this backyard by themselves to meet new Pokémon.

When the two of them first met Menas, they were amazed.

Aoko Nakamori and Kuroba Kototo next to them also joined them.

And Su Cheng, who returned to the room, glanced at the walking grass and the elf egg of the big tongue shell in the incubator.

He sat on his bed and looked up the system rewards.

He saw a familiar word and was pleasantly surprised.

"It's Merutan."

"I really miss it."

"I didn't expect it to be."

"Dreamy, this time it's bothering you again."

"Dream~!" The dream that had been staying in his head woke up again, yawned, wagged his tail, and flew out to get the freshest screws.

For a moment.

He adopted this little mischievous phantom beast, with a championship-level qualification and a newborn Melutan.

A blinding white light was found in his hand.

The white light disappeared.

"Meiu~!" A palm-sized, soft-bodied Merutan appeared on his hand.

Its body is melted into liquid steel.

It uses liquid hands and feet to erode other metals and absorb them into its own body.

Its head resembles a golden hex nut with small black balls floating inside.

This sphere acts as its eyes.

It has a red tail, like a wire, with two small protrusions at the ends.

the story of Mirutan and Mumu Qiao


Meiu~!" Milutan's small body dangled leisurely in his hand.

It seems that it is a bit unstable.

He stretched out his index finger and poked the liquid in its lower body.

"Meiu~!" It falls when touched.

"Meiu~!" When it discovers the index finger that caused it to fall, it wonders what his index finger is.

What is this~Meiu~!

"Meiu~!" Merutan immediately used her liquid hands and feet to erode her index finger.

It makes this move.

Entirely because it is born with exuberant curiosity.

Very interested in anything.

Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly stopped it.

He couldn't let it eat his index finger as food.

"Dream~!" At this time, Dream flew in from outside the window.

It also brings a whole bunch of screws.

He immediately touched the dream and scratched its chin, praising it.

Next, it is the action of feeding Melutan.

He put the box of screws in a plastic bowl and piled it in front of Merutan, telling it it was food and letting it eat.

"Meiu~!" When Melutan saw the iron screws, he was very innocent and had an extremely rich expression, and touched the screws with his liquid hand.

Driven instinctively, it wrapped a screw directly with its liquid hands and feet.

As it digests, the screw disappears directly into its liquid body.

And its eyes narrowed at this delicious screw: "Meiu~!" "

Obviously, it's very happy.

This is because it dissolves iron or other metals in the soil and absorbs them into the body.

Next, these metals that are absorbed from the outside are converted into electricity.

In addition to maintaining its physical functions, those electrical energies can also be emitted from the eyes to attack opponents.

Therefore, merutan's food mainly comes from iron.

Naturally, there are other metals.

"Meiu~!" After Mei Lutan tasted the sweetness, she was out of control, and directly puffed up her strength, so that the lower body below instantly wrapped those screws.

Crazy consumption of screws on plastic bowls.


"Meiu~!" Merutan almost ate it.

My stomach is very full.

"Meiu~!" It squinted, lay on the bed, and patted its little belly with its own little liquid hand.

Seeing this reassuring scene, Su Cheng let go of his heart and let it rest.



Black Feather Quick's room.


As soon as I entered the door, I saw that Mumu Feng was sleeping with big bubbles.

He was slightly helpless.


Kuaidou put the wooden maple into the dark bag and let it continue to sleep for a while.

And he took his bag out and prepared it for lunch.

As soon as Kuaidou entered the dining place, he smelled the tempting fragrance that permeated the room.

Subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Mumu Mu, who was sleeping quietly in his bag, smelled the smell.

With his eyes closed, he automatically flapped his wings and flew out of the dim bag.

Looking at its appearance, it seems that it has not woken up yet.

"Goo~!" The direction of Mumu's direction is a bit unclear.

Sometimes it's in the direction of Sweet Dance.

Sometimes it's in the direction of the meal.


"Bar~" The Magic Wall puppet brought out a drink made with Sweet Dance's bodily fluids.

That sweet taste instantly attracted Mu Mu Qi, making it make a complete decision.

Its whole body was like a rocket, rushing straight through.

"Let's go~!" The Demon Wall Puppet was not too surprised to see this sudden situation.

It gently moved with its hand, and Mumu Mu's body paused in the air.

Seeing this, Kuaidou immediately grabbed it.

"Goo~!" Only then did Mu Mu come to his senses.

It saw so many new faces it didn't know, and it wasn't afraid.

Rather, it's normal to lock in something it feels super delicious.

"Goo~Goo~!" After Mumu Feng was pacified by Kuaidou, he was very anxious to wait for the delicacy that made his mouth water.

"Tweet~!" At this moment, the green sponge bird is also strangely not appearing on the little head melon of Nakamori Aoko.

For now, it stays motionless on top of Sweet Dance's head.

Obviously, the abnormal behavior of Qingmian Bird and Mumu Qiao is the influence of Sweet Dance Ni.

As mentioned earlier, the original form of Sweet Bamboo will emit a smell that birds especially like.

Birds can't help but want to swallow sweet bamboo.

After evolution, it naturally maintained this characteristic.

It makes birds especially enjoy being alone with it.

the unbearable bird will rely on instinct, and attack and taste it.

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