Home of Pokémon.

Su Cheng stayed in his room, sat at the computer desk, looked at the front-page news reported on the computer today, couldn't help but laugh, and a cheerful smile hung on his face.

After gathering enough information, he was satisfied.

Turn off your computer and walk out the door.

Generally speaking, he rarely uses the skill of teleportation.

After all, if someone else opens their eyes, they suddenly see a big living person.

That would directly frighten people.

Moreover, the walking life of ordinary people is quite good.

He came to the recently completed training ground.

Backyard Pokémon training ground.

It is a large high-tech semi-open-air house.

The equipment inside is mostly relatively new and high-tech.

Naturally, it is said that it is open air, but also controllable.

As soon as the button to close the roof is pressed, the roof will turn off.

The design aspect is relatively ordinary.

Su Cheng used this, but also just to transition.

The main intention is simply to give Pokémon self-exercise.

Most of the Pokémon living in the Pokémon House are also very obedient and will freely practice their skills here.

Sometimes, I even go to the Pokémon Mountain to challenge the beasts.

For example, Pichu, Walking Grass, Butterfly and Flying Mantis.


There are only a few Pokémon here.

Of course, human beings also have.

Speed and dodge practice room.

Hattori in a kimono is hirazo, half-revealing his dark chest.

Stand in the center of several tennis ball automatic transmitters, blindfolded with a black cloth.

It seems that he is setting an example for his Pokémon by example.

"Swoosh~Swish~!" Nine tennis balls were launched at the same time in an instant, and they flew from all directions.

Moreover, the tennis ball automatic transmitter in the back is still launching tennis balls non-stop.

Until, they set the end of the round.

These tennis ball automatic transmitters were improved by Dr. Agasa, the great inventor.

It not only breaks through the original limitations, but also adds various functions such as automatic recycling of tennis balls.

Hattori, who was blindfolded, moved his ears and could clearly hear the wind caused by the launch of those tennis balls.

In a round of fierce winds, he was safe from the attacks of those tennis balls.

It can be called a perfect score.


It's time to practice with the flying mantis.

This training is extremely difficult for it.

"Fly~!" The flying mantis flapped its wings extremely quickly, its eyes narrowed slightly, its gaze stared closely, and its eyes revealed a cold light, which seemed to be able to cut off those tennis balls directly.

"Swoosh~Swish~!" The wind caused by the appearance of a tennis ball launch surged up.

In the face of those rushing tennis balls, the eyes are sharp, and the figure nimbly dodges the past.


The back couldn't hold on, and was hit by several tennis balls.

Seeing this, Hattori Heizo did not press the stop switch of the tennis ball automatic transmitter.

That's what the flying mantis himself asks to insist on.

Because, he had a previous agreement with the flying mantis.

If you want to stop, wield its extremely sharp blades and destroy all the tennis balls that attack it.

But it didn't stop.

This made him very gratified.

"Fly~!" Before the flying mantis could survive the second half, it was knocked out by a tennis ball and fell to the ground.

Hattori immediately pressed the stop button of the tennis ball automatic transmitter.

Only then did the flying mantis save the back of the flesh and skin.

Immediately, he immediately stepped forward to check on the injuries of the flying mantis.

“Happy~!" The team doctor happy egg appeared in time.

It's going to be here.


It bandaged the injured flying mantis.

Only, wait for most of the day.

The flying mantis can be cured.

"Fly~!" The flying mantis, whose whole body was bandaged, continued to walk to the center of the previous practice, signaling him to train again.

Hattori Heizo, who had always been expressionless, saw that it still wanted to continue, and politely refused: "Flying Mantis, you are injured."

"Next time I'll practice when the injury is healed."

"We don't have to rush."

"The practice of science is the real practice."

"Fly~!" The flying mantis shook its head, directly rejected his kindness, and looked directly at it with persistent eyes.

It seems to be to pass on to him the feelings that I want to continue to practice.

It's like saying I can!!

Hattori smiled dumbly, a rare smile on his face.

He understood that look in the eyes of the flying mantis.

Because, before, he was also so stubborn.

The kind that several cows can't pull back.

The same is true of his own son, Hattori Heiji.

That's what he thought.

So he agreed to its request with both pleasure and concern.

And practice with it.

Over time.

He also blocked the tennis ball's attack for the failed flying mantis.

The tacit understanding between the two of them is also sublimated between each other.

Even in the back.

The flying mantis also learned a new move, the shadow doppelganger.

Those sensational little topics, skip here.

As for why I didn't see Miss Yi'er.

That's because Shizuka Hattori and Miss Skirt had already gone home at that time yesterday afternoon.

Their intention to stay here was to learn this aspect of the evolution of the Lily Root Doll and the evolved Miss Skirt's moves.

Electrical power test room.


Three cute little Pichu stayed there.

They're trying to hit the central target with their electric shock skills.

That target is used to test how much electricity is amp;


They finish each attack.

The whole small body naturally fell to the ground and fainted.

Fortunately, they are located with a layer of fluffy towels on top.

And as long as one partner faints.

Their other two picchus will take care of that partner in a hurry.

Wait for the moment it is going to wake up.

The other of the two Pichus before hurriedly went to launch another electric shock.

So repeat the training.

Their electrical power has increased a lot.

Moreover, the cute training moves are also very pleasing.

It is worthy of being a good master of selling cute, Pichu.

Hit rate practice room.

"Tongue~!" The Mussel is here to fire attacks with water cannons.

On the other hand, it has to work hard to protect Menas.

Among them, Menas can also be reached by the river that connects here.

A large area dedicated to water practice is also used here.

It sometimes breaks the metal machine around it because of Merutan's gluttony.

Later, it was Su Cheng's strong warning and education that he reluctantly corrected its casual destructive little nature.

And every time he wants to eat, he comes to himself and asks for it.


After Su Cheng completed this round of daily inspection, he went to see the situation of the Bada butterfly couple again.

But it's still the same old way.

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