
The hazy moon beams are filled with tiny floating dust.

The faint brilliance of Ruyu leaks a bit of silent tenderness and elegance.

"Hairen~!" The long and thick white eyelashes of the sea lion were slightly upturned, and he opened his azure blue eyes like the stars of the universe, looked around, and looked at everyone with a smile on his face.


"The lion sea ren has evolved!!"

The smiling Shiro Suzuki touched his round belly and sighed: "Today is really lucky to witness the wonderful moment of the evolution of this Pokémon." "

Moo~!" The ignorant mount lamb was also stunned, and involuntarily bleated with a milky voice.

"Pickup Pickup~!"

"Let's do it~!"

"Meiu~!" The Pokémon all danced and were happy for the West Lion Sea Ren from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if it was a Pokémon that clashed with the West Lion Sea Ren just now.

"Hairen~!" The sea lion blinked playfully its blue eyes, and its slender and slender white body moved, white, and painted with a wavy decoration, and its robust and flexible dark blue tail was gently beating.

He has long curly sea blue hair tied into three sections from pearl hair bands, and wears pink starfish hair ornaments on both sideburns.

She wears a light blue wavy shawl with a wavy decoration at the crotch similar to a short skirt and a circle of thorns at the crotch.

Further down is the tip of the tail with a forked tip and a white part.


An exclamation sounded along with Yoko Okino.

"Hairen~!" Nishiki Kaimen's broad and powerful palm gently hugged Yoko Okino's delicate body, and rubbed her pudding-like face with her white and cold beautiful face.

Yoko Okino cried and laughed, reaching out and ruffling the silky hair next to her ear, revealing her small ears with stud ears.

Then he gently patted its back happily, his red lips that glowed with a sparkling and seductive luster moved slightly, and his mouth said the celebratory words celebrating the sea ren of the western lion.

Next, Xishi Hairen also hugged Su Cheng, a young man, and pasted with him.

And what!

After thinking for a moment, he also took the initiative to ask Ying to perform a special performance of his own.

Everyone was also excited, and they all nodded and agreed to its request.

They don't have much to do at this time anyway.

"Hairen~!" Seeing that they all agreed, Xishi Hairen's eyes narrowed, like the charming Crescent Bay, touching.

"Whew~hoo~!" The cherry blossom trees outside sway gently in the wind.

The backyard with a good view is even more of a mesmerizing picture scroll.

Colorful and falling pink petals dot the bleak and soft moonlight starry sky.

"Hairen~!" Performance is both a battle and a stage.

It will use its singing voice to fight and perform.

Under the conscientious and appreciative gaze of everyone.

"Hairen~!" A pool of spring water seemed to appear in the eyes of the Xishi Hairen, calm and hid amazing explosiveness, and the gentle and cold temperament of the royal sister on his body was changing.

"Hairen~!" Its enchanting body twisted around flexibly like a silver snake, its figure flew gently, its body was as soft as a cloud, and it left a series of moonlit afterimages on the stage step by step.

The dance is graceful like a butterfly flying among flowers, like a babbling water lapping rock, like a dew drop flowing between lotus leaves.

It seems that there are turquoise waves around it, spinning, undulating.

This unparalleled picture was directly imprinted into the hearts of everyone, making them can't help but open their mouths slightly, heartbeat, crazy shock, eyes shining with a god locked on the West Lion Sea Ren, not daring to blink and shout at all, for fear of missing and disturbing the rare dream performance in this world.

"Hairen~!" The dancing Xishi Hairen saw everyone's expressions, and a hint of pride flashed in his eyes.

But this is just the beginning, the real climax is yet to come.

"Hairen~!" Its long sea blue curly hair rippled slightly, its mouth opened, and beautiful notes gushed out from its vocal organs, occupying the night sky.

It is controlling and creating water balloons to render the entire stage through the sound waves of the singing voice.

Round water bubbles of different sizes emerge and are suspended in the air.

In particular, the hazy moon shines on the crystal clear water balloon.

In an instant, the water balloon that became sparkling after reflecting the moonlight rendered the gentle dance of the sea ren of the western lion.

Pink cherry blossom petals that fall from time to time are added.

The whole looks as beautiful as a stage that is hard to imagine.

The remnants of the song lingered and burrowed into the ears of the audience, who were already fascinated.

Listening carefully, a deep but ethereal feeling will occupy their hearts, as if all the hustle and bustle has passed.

Perhaps only this heavenly sound can describe the beauty of the melody of the song of the sea ren.

"Hairen~!" While singing and dancing gorgeously, the sea lion emits water balloons that are manipulated by the sound waves of the song to change the position to produce different reflected rays to set off its own beauty.

Among them, the water balloons emitted by it are also divided into two types: balloons that will not rupture after touching and balloons that will rupture.

In addition to this function, the water balloon can also let people fly into the sky, and can be combined with Maliluli's air bubbles to play freely in the water.

Naturally, there is a last function, which is to become the attack method of the West Lion Sea Reen.

It will play with opponents by jumping through balloons that don't burst, and then use balloons that burst to trigger a series of explosions to completely defeat opponents.

is a rather important means.

The end of the show is coming to an end.


A series of explosions occurred in a series of colorful water balloons suspended in the air.

A stream of air gushed out, blowing the heartstrings of everyone.

Tiny blue water particles fell along with the explosion of the water balloon, completely setting off the closing ceremony.

"Hairen~!" Nishiki Kaijin also bowed slightly to the surroundings as a cherry blossom petal fell, giving a closing salute.

Its performance is more than one notch higher than in the time of the Flower Sea Lion.

The stunned audience also reacted at this moment.


Warm applause was generated on their hands.


"Great! That's great! "

Great." Yoko Okino's eyes flashed brightly.

Excited, she patted her white and tender hand, and loudly applauded it in her mouth.

"Play Ni~Play Ni~!" The little saw crocodile jumped upwards, opened its mouth, and spit out a continuous splash.

"Pickup Pickup~!"


the praise of everyone and Pokémon continued to flow towards the West Lion Sea Ren.

Any adjective came out of their mouths, making the sea ren a little shy and overwhelmed.

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