"There is another way, which can not only ensure the indoor temperature, but also reduce the hidden safety hazards in the room!"

"what way?"



Upon hearing these two words, the three girls shivered at the same time!

They are not so afraid of flames, but even more afraid of such inconsistent fire fighting methods!

The gods will be embarrassed to die too!

Ino curled his lips and exclaimed, "Chu Yan, don't be alarmist, can this... really ignite?"

"You don't believe it? Very good!"

Chu Yan reached out and grabbed Ino into his arms!

"Hello, what are you doing?"

"Don't you believe it? Then it's up to you to show it to everyone!"

"Let go of me, you bastard!"

After half a minute, a ball of flame spewed out, and it burned more than half a meter!

Tenten's little Sakura and Hinata's faces turned pale in shock!

A mere fart, there will be such a big danger! !

At the same time, there was a "ding" in my mind, indicating that the task was completed!

Get rewards for full-level massage!

It turns out that it's just that way!

However, Chu Yan didn't expect such a big flame to emerge, and he was a little confused for a while!

"Hey? Did everyone find what this looks like?"

"like what?"

"Great Fireball Technique!"


"I have always suspected that something like ninjutsu was originally formed by the physiological reaction of the human body! For example, if something like fart is held for a long time, it will surge up with the intestines and finally be discharged from the mouth, so that it has release The preliminary theoretical basis of Great Fireball!"

Tenten, Sakura and Hinata opened their eyes wide!

"is that a lie……"

"What's the use of Chakra?"

"From now on, tell us how to deal with the boys who will play Great Fireball..."

"There are two boys in our group who know how..."

"Naruto will do that too?"

"I'm talking about Kakashi!"(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

At this moment, Chu Yan felt a pain in his waist, and looked down, Ino in his arms was biting his waist!

He said vaguely: "Chu Yan, I'm going to kill you..."

It seemed that Ino couldn't accept being used as a popular science for the ignition experiment, and finally decided to fight back!

What should Chu Yan do?

It would be a waste to start the sacred mode because of being bitten by a girl!

Anyway, you won’t die if you bite, and you have a physique that recovers quickly, so it hurts for a while!

But the problem is that this girl is too hard!

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts...Help..."

Chu Yan yelled!

The three girls hurried over to help grab Ino and pull it back, but Ino is like a small turtle that has been injured.

Everyone dragged her body like a tug-of-war, and finally dragged her down after a lot of effort!

He opened his clothes and saw a small and neat tooth print on Chu Yan's waist!


It’s okay to keep the girl’s tooth marks on her body!

However, the rapid recovery made the tooth mark lighter. Chu Yan put on his clothes: "Ino, are you a turtle?"

Ino said bitterly, "Chu Yan, you big villain, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Little Sakura smiled: "Ino, last time I almost choked Chu Yan, what did you say?"

Ino yelled, "He bullied me so, I can't scare him!"

"Okay, okay, I was scared, okay! But speaking of it, it's important to solve this problem right away!"

Chu Yan is right, the three little girls are still like a cascade, the crisp little fart is endless!

"Well then, what do you say is there any way?"

Chu Yan uncovered a stone slab on the ground, and below it was a small square hole with a side of 1.5 meters!

The small pit is already full of seawater, and it is clear that the sea level has submerged the bluestone island, and the seawater is close to their feet!

A small hole was left in the puddle to the outside!

Chu Yan said:

"This is the fishing port I reserved. I originally thought that if there was not enough fish, I would go fishing here and grill the fish while fishing!"

Tenten said, "Chu Yan, to be honest, your idea is really good!"

"But it can't be used for fishing now, we have to use it to solve the problem of air pollution!"

Ino's face was dark: "Don't you let us exhaust from this place!"

Little Sakura also said: "This method will not get rid of at all, and will come back!"

"That's right!" Chu Yan shook his head and explained: "This pit is now full of water. If you exhaust the air in the water, the bubbles will not get out at all, and they will eventually burst indoors!"

"What is the method?"

"You wait!"

With that said, Chu Yan made a few large pieces of kelp underneath, and made a large inverted funnel with a diameter of more than one meter, rubbed a tube shape on it, and assembled it together!

The four girls were all curious: "What's the use of this?"

Chu Yan buckled this thing in the water and let the tube point at it!

"I will say that the mackerel stone is placed in the water to make the water in this place not so cold, and then you can go into the water!"

"Into the water..."

Chu Yan nodded: "That's right, because in the air, the gas will quickly dissipate and cannot condense, but in water, it will turn into bubbles, so you can use the terrain to control its trajectory!"

The four girls listened blankly, their strange knowledge kept increasing!

"and then?"

Chu Yan buckled the funnel 4.2 in the water: "Put this thing on the three of you, and your exhaust gas will condense under the funnel, and then come out together through the upper pipe. At this time, we just need to If you light a flame on it, you can quickly consume the combustible substances in the gas!"

Chu Yan thought he was very clear, and the girls should be impressed by his expressive ability after hearing it!

However, Chu Yan did not see a trace of relief in the eyes of the three girls, but seemed very excited!

"I... I won't do this when I die!"

"Me too……"

"Once we do this, our image of a girl will be completely ruined!"

"By the way...it's not much better now!".

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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