
Drink a large mouthful of draft beer with froth, which is refreshing and refreshing!

Moreover, the draft beer after chilling tastes fresh, has a mellow taste, and is unusually refreshing, with endless aftertaste.

After drinking the draft beer to refresh himself, Don turned his attention to the big seafood coffee on the table again.

There are still a lot of seafood that haven't started yet.

Take a well-cooked lobster in the shell.

When the shrimp head is peeled off, hot air comes out from the opening, and fresh and sweet gravy splashes out.

The reddish shell of the lobster is very hard, but after cooking, the inner shrimp meat has been separated from the shell, and the red and yellow plump shrimp paste can be seen.

Remove the shrimp shell, take out the whole white lobster meat, dip it in the soup and minced garlic, and take a big bite.

The refreshment and happiness brought by eating lobster meat is unparalleled.

The mouth is full, and with every bite, the rich and sweet seafood gravy bursts out.

As far as the taste of the lobster itself is concerned, it is full, firm, and Q-bouncy. It chews like a very elastic basketball, dunking in the mouth!

After chewing and swallowing a big mouthful of lobster meat, Don took another sip of cold draft beer.


Next is the double-headed abalone, which is fleshy and plump to the naked eye.

The full-bodied double-headed abalone can fill the mouth with only half of it. It tastes delicate and elastic.

The taste above is worth another sip of draft beer!

Just like this, I ate seafood and drank draft beer, and the wine in the glass quickly bottomed out.

"Alice, please refill." Don pressed his hand on "Alice's Bedtime Reading" again.

The empty glass on the table, as if by magic, was filled again with transparent golden draft beer.

At the same time, Long Niang, who was simultaneously enjoying seafood in the story world, also sent a message——

Black Alice: "Forget it, hiss—save for some drinking, there's not much left of this draft beer."

Alice Bai: "Mmm! Mmm! The lobster is delicious! The abalone is delicious too!"

"Uh, didn't you put two barrels of draft beer in your place?" Don continued to press the dark red book, expressing his doubts.

Black Alice: "Because of me, hiss - it's so spicy, because I just drank a lot."

Alice Bai: "Gudu! Gudu! Ha - delicious!"

"So...you are the one who should drink less, right? You won't get drunk right away, right? I'm not in the right state when I listen to Xiaobai's speech..." Dawn said helplessly with his empty hand The amount of help:

"Also, a girl your age is not allowed to drink alcohol?"

Black Alice: "I'm not a little girl! Don't listen to the long-winded Dorn preaching! I tell you, don't underestimate people! I, I... hiccup... wait, wait a minute, I... um... A little dizzy."

Alice Bai: "That's right, Alice can still drink a lot more, Alice is not drunk! Just a little... a little confused... huh? Strange, why is the ceiling shaking so much?"

Don: ...

Then there was no response in Alice's Bedtime Reading.

However, on the dining table where Don was sitting, there was a wooden wine barrel swayingly outlined.

Inside is also cold draft beer, and there is probably half a bucket left.

"Alice, I'm afraid she's really drunk." Donne shook his head helplessly.

But considering that Long Niang exists in the story world dominated by her, and there will be no problems if she gets drunk, so Dawn simply let her go.

At worst, after a while, go directly to the story world to see her situation.

Speaking of which, Donne has already mastered the free access method of the book "Alice's Bedtime Reading".

According to the information he has, there are two ways to enter the story world in the book.

One is pulled in by the will of the dragon lady.

The other is to touch the book and mentally say the full title of Alice's Bedtime Reading.

There are also two ways to leave the story world.

One was sent out directly by the Dragon Lady in the book.

The other is to touch the giant treasure chest that Long Niang always stays in, and silently recite the full name of "Alice's Bedtime Reading" in her heart.

This method of leaving the story world voluntarily was kept tight-lipped when Alice was still wary of Donne.

However, with the follow-up getting along, Xiaolongniang was gradually moved by Donne's stories and food, and the relationship between the two became intimate and harmonious.

In the end, during a dinner table conversation, Alice failed to resist the temptation of delicious food, and at the same time was hinted and instigated by Donne, and unconsciously revealed the method of leaving the story world voluntarily.

Of course, Donne didn't have any bad intentions when he said things from the simple Dragon Lady.

The main purpose is to make it more convenient to use "Alice's Bedtime Reading" in the future, and to deal with some emergencies.

Like now.

If Alice is really drunk and unconscious in the book, then Dawn can at least get in and out of the story world by himself to get or store items.

"Let's make half a bucket smaller."

Putting aside thinking about Alice who might have been drunk, Don picked up the wooden barrel of cold draft beer on the table and poured himself a full glass of wine.

Then he once again turned his attention to the unfinished seafood coffee on the table.

It's important to eat.


A crescent moon with an obvious gap is hanging high above the sea.

Tonight, the sea area around Fushen Pirates is very calm, which is very suitable for ships to sail.

Old Chez, an old sea adventurer who is nearly sixty years old and unknown in the stormy sea.

At this time, he was driving a single-masted wooden sailboat towards the location of the floating island.

The old adventurer's clothes were ragged, his beard and hair were long and unkempt, fluttering in the sea wind.

Judging from his desolate appearance, it looks like a person who has lived in the wild for a long time.

Among the items old Keez carried with him was a brass compass and a hand-drawn nautical chart.

This sea chart was drawn on a piece of yellowed parchment, which seemed to be an old object more than ten years old, and the record depicted the location of Shen Fu Island.

"It seems to be coming soon, that ghost island." Old Qizi stood on the bow and said to himself like this, with no expression on his face, showing no joy or anger.

The wooden sailboat passed through a school of dead fish that turned their stomachs upside down, and landed directly on the floating island.

Old Chez deftly anchored the boat to the shore, which was full of blowstone pumice.

Afterwards, he went ashore and stood still for a while in the not-so-bright moonlight, his eyes flickering, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

After a while, old Qizi lowered his head and muttered something softly to himself, looked around, observed the terrain, and finally walked towards the center of Fushen Island.

And the direction he is going is leading to the place where Dorne is currently, and the small depression in the center of the floating island of the portal of the [Minotaus Great Labyrinth] will be refreshed in a day's time...

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