On the rotting soil, among the damp grass.

A scorpion with a black body and a body length of about 20 cm crawled among them.

Its tail is held high, and the barbed tail needle is scrutinized with a stream of watery green.

Being able to grow into this shape has basically broken away from the category of ordinary creatures.

This is a monster poisonous scorpion with a surge of magic power in its body.

At this moment, the monster scorpion was moving towards its dinner, which was a normal wild squirrel.

I don't know if it was intimidated, or the monster poisonous scorpion used some means. When the poor squirrel saw the monster poisonous scorpion, it was like seeing a cat. run away.

The monster poisonous scorpion stepped forward calmly and pierced the squirrel's abdomen with its highly poisonous tail needle.

The squirrel twitched twice more, lay down on the mud and kicked its legs, then it didn't move anymore, probably dead.

And just as the monster poisonous scorpion opened its front pincers, ready to have a full meal. A long wooden stick with a sharpened head pierced down from top to bottom, piercing the chest of the monster poisonous scorpion fiercely.

The poisonous scorpion, which was originally a hunter, suddenly became the prey of others.

The person who pierced the monster scorpion was a hyena, and he had been ambushing the scorpion for a long time.

After stabbing the poisonous scorpion to the ground, the hyena was not in a hurry.

After all, the scorpion was still struggling with its front pincers, and the hyena waited until it was confirmed that it was completely dead before putting it into its wooden barrel.

"Brother Hyena, this scorpion is so big!"

Bear Claw next to him saw the hyena's success, so he came up to join in the fun, and even picked up a small stick to tease the dead scorpion in the barrel.

"Fool! Don't touch its tail pin!"

But before Bearpaw could strike, the hyena slapped the back of the head, and he had to withdraw his hand resentfully.

It was dusk at this moment, the sun was slanting to the west, and half of the sky was glowing red.

And Dorn, Hyena, and Bearpaw really caught poisonous insects in the depths of the secret forest for a day. Needless to say, after a busy day, I have gained a lot.

The current situation is that Dawn is preparing to light a fire and cook at the camp with the poisonous insects he captured.

The two waifs were also idle, and they simply tried their luck near the camp.

But this touch, really touched, caught the largest monster poisonous scorpion ever seen.

Hyena: "Bearpaw, see that branch over there? There are two chrysalis hanging on it, go poke them off, and then we'll go back to camp."

"Okay, Brother Hyena!" Xiongya rolled up his sleeves. Although he had caught bugs for a day, he still seemed to have a good amount of energy left.


Camp by the stream.

Don was preparing charcoal fire in the bonfire circle built of stones.

This is how he prepares to cook these bugs—grilled, and not over an open fire, but over a gentler charcoal fire.

On Earth, there are many countries that put all kinds of bugs on the menu, including China.

Dawn doesn't know much about how to cook worms abroad. But he had eaten roasted silkworm chrysalis in Northeast China, and a feast of hundreds of insects in Yunnan.

At the same time, because of the need to shoot videos, he also had a little understanding of the production methods of these bugs when he was on earth.

Having a general understanding of the dishes during the Earth period is completely sufficient for Dawn now.

After all, in the Land of Miracles, Dawn is a heavenly genius whose culinary skills have reached the limit of human beings.

According to Dorn's knowledge, most of the Chinese cooking methods for insects are frying and roasting, so as to ensure that this somewhat dark ingredient maintains a crispy and delicious taste.

Therefore, Dorn also planned to follow the tradition and roast these bugs with charcoal fire.

If you want to talk about the soul of barbecue, except for the ingredients, it is the seasoning, and the most important seasoning is none other than cumin.

The spices that the writer Mr. Williams gave Donne before contained cumin, and Donne could use it after grinding it into powder.

In addition to cumin powder, Don also brought coarse salt suitable for barbecue and homemade dried chili powder on this trip.

As far as dried chili is concerned, although Eton can find chili with acceptable quality, the people here don’t seem to have the habit of drying chili in the sun.

But it doesn't bother Done, if it's a big deal, if others don't post it, you can post it yourself.

As early as the first week after starting work in Wishing Restaurant, Don had already started to pick out better quality peppers by himself, and moved them to the roof of the restaurant to dry them.

After more than two weeks of drying in the sun, the first batch of dried chilies can be used as ingredients.

And this time, the dried chili powder was roasted and ground by Don himself. In terms of taste and freshness, it is definitely several grades higher than the common chili powder sold in the market during the Earth Era!

As soon as Dawn prepared the charcoal fire, the hyena and bear paw came out of the nearby woods.

"Brother Dawn, look what Brother Hyena caught!" Bear Claw foolishly carried a wooden bucket, and came up to show off to Dawn the monster scorpion, which was only a little smaller than a Boston lobster.

When he saw this lobster, ah no, a poisonous scorpion, Dawn was very excited.

Because his [ingredient intuition] told him that this poisonous scorpion is a high-quality ingredient whose quality can reach A!

Today I have been busy in the depths of the forest all day. Although I caught a lot of monsters and insects, the quality of these ingredients is really worrying.

For the vast majority of monsters and insects, the quality of ingredients hovers between F and E, and relatively few can reach C and D grades.

It is because the grades of the bug ingredients are relatively low, so even the F-rank Donne holds his nose and accepts them.

Reaching the F level, at least it has crossed the threshold of ingredients and non-food ingredients, right?

Among all the monster ingredients caught so far, except for this dead scorpion, the silkworm chrysalis is of the highest grade.

This kind of silkworm chrysalis, introduced by hyenas, will grow into moths that can release poisonous powder after adulthood, so it is also included in the category of poisonous insects.

At the same time, the silkworm chrysalis in the secret forest seem to be good ingredients in themselves. The grades that Dorn and the others found are basically around B grade, and a few grow well, and even reach A grade.

"Silkworm chrysalis, and this scorpion are the big dishes tonight." Don clapped his hands in satisfaction.

But at this time, Xiongzhuo felt a little guilty: "Brother Dawn, do we really only eat these bugs tonight?"

Dawn just gave Bearpaw a teasing look.

Just kidding, these bugs are all eaten by myself to brush skills, okay, even if you want to eat them, I won't give them to you!

Don pointed to some supplies on the edge of the tent behind him: "We brought a lot of bristle pork when we came, and I will roast a few pieces for you two tonight, and you can eat that."

When Xiongzhua heard that his big brother didn't intend to force himself to eat strange bugs cruelly, it was like an amnesty.

Even the hyena, who had been standing on the side like a pine, with a stern and silent face, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, those bugs, no matter how you look at them, you can't eat them...

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