Considering what was mentioned in the system prompt, the [Kitchen Power] mechanism needs to be "updated and loaded".

Therefore, it is very likely that among the benefits brought by the hidden profession of [God of Cooking], what kind of professional skills, what upgrade attribute points are added are just side dishes, and this so-called [cooking power] mechanism is the highlight!

"Although the name is a bit weird, it makes me think of some other things, but I hope this so-called [cooking power] mechanism, which is not yet known, will not let me down."

With this in mind, Donne checked his personal panel again.

On his current panel, there is already a small column——

[Occupation: God of Cooking]

And just below the occupation column here, Don saw what he was looking for, the cooking power value.

This cooking power value seems to be uncapped.

Dawn's current points are 10468 points.

"Why do I have so many?"

With confusion, Dawn carefully checked the description of this [Culinary Power Value]——

[Culinary power value]: [God of Cooking] is unique to the profession. It is a special power formed by positive emotional feedback such as joy, satisfaction, and happiness after others have eaten the dishes you made.

Note: The [Culinary Power Points] accumulated before the [God of Cooking] occupation has been converted.

Note: The stronger the magic power surge, the higher the [cooking power value] will be fed back to the dish eater.

Note: For the same eater, the cooking power of the second feedback will decrease in a decreasing manner. Please bring more delicious food to more people in order to get more [kitchen power]!

"Well, it's really not the kind of cooking power I understand... and I have more than 10,000 [cooking power points], it seems to be accumulated after cooking for everyone before? The previous ones are also counted, This [cooking mechanism] feels inexplicably conscientious."

Dawn stared at his cooking power value for a while, and after a long time, the [cooking power value] of 10468 jumped up a bit.

Done was not too surprised that he obviously didn't cook for others, but lay down and harvested cooking power to order such things.

Because about this, in the description of [Culinary Power], there is also a clear explanation——

Note: The restaurant that belongs to you will receive additional [Culinary Power Value] from diners at a lower rate.

Refer to this comment.

Currently, there are three main restaurants belonging to Dawn. Among them, Wishing Restaurant and Cantonese Restaurant, one is closed and the other has not yet fully opened.

The only ones that remain open are hot pot restaurants.

And the increase in cooking power just now should have come from the hot pot restaurant.

This kind of cooking power acquisition mechanism is like the positive feedback received by Donne from cooking for others is a direct income, and the restaurant under his name will also provide additional hang-up income during the business period.

Now the [cooking power value] fed back by the hot pot restaurant does not have a fixed rate. Sometimes it will increase a little in seven or eight minutes, and sometimes it will only increase a little after half an hour.

The probable reason should be that the [cooking power value] can only be obtained by the system after different diners in the restaurant have finished their meals.

And some old diners, even if they eat well and are satisfied, they can't get the [cooking power value] on them.

But these things, Donne is very open:

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. Moreover, you can't be too demanding on the benefits of hanging up the phone. It's a slow stream and accumulates slowly."

"In addition, as long as I open a few more restaurants and make the food city bigger and stronger, won't the idle cooking power points be multiplied? At that time, I will really earn the points lying down."

After reading the explanation, Dawn has a general understanding of the origin of [Culinary Power] and the related acquisition mechanism.

However, what is the use of [Culinary Power] is not mentioned in the description.

"Do I have to explore by myself?" Don said to himself.

At present, Donne is already proficient in controlling the magical element that is used to release magic and skills in the body, which is directly linked to mental power.

And after acquiring the [God of Cooking] skill, he felt as if there was another power system running in his body.

This surge of power seems to be warmer and purer than magic power.

It should be the so-called kitchen power.

Afterwards, Dorn began to try to mobilize this part of his body.

A gentle warm current began to flow in the body, this feeling was very similar to when [God of Cooking Heart] broke apart and penetrated into the body.

"Just like the surge of magical power, it can be channeled out and concretized into reality. Hiss—and it feels like this cooking power will be directly related to cooking at some point. Maybe I can use it when I cook bull meat."

After briefly groping for a while, Don stopped the operation of the kitchen power.

I plan to save it for the next time I cook and experiment further.

Anyway, according to my current self-feeling, this set of [cooking power system] is far from that simple, maybe the use of cooking power is more extensive and diversified.

"[God of Cooking] is a hidden profession dubbed [God], what kind of [cooking power value] is included in this package, it seems to be worth exploring and developing!"


In the Great Minotaur Labyrinth, outside the quaint and mottled temple.

It has been a long time since Dorne entered the temple.

During this period, the tauren chief Kane, the shaman Tamara, the old adventurer Qiz, the little tauren Bain, and some famous elders in the ethnic group all gathered outside the gate of the temple.

Even Tamara shaman brought several of his apprentices with him, and also brought witch medicine for the witch doctor.

Moreover, the surroundings of the temple were simply arranged, with soft straw mats and more light feather nets hung up, making it possible to place the wounded here.

This is to hope that the wounded who came out of the ruins can be treated as soon as possible.

Everyone outside the temple is waiting, hoping that the heroes will return in triumph.

Usually, when the Minotaur warriors went to challenge the temple, there would be current chiefs and shamans waiting outside the temple. But this time is a bit special, Dawn brought in a lot of people, so the waiting team has grown a lot.

However, the waiting and watching by the chiefs and shamans of the past dynasties have always been fruitless.

They would all end up standing outside the temple, acquiescing to the fact that the brave man who stepped inside to challenge the bull would never return.

Kane and Tamara have had this experience many times.

However, this time the result may be different...

The appearance of Mr. Dorn brought greater hope to the Minotaurs.

Moreover, during the process of everyone waiting anxiously outside the temple, I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know when it started——

The angry and clear roar of the bull that came from the temple from time to time, as well as the muffled sound of hooves hitting the ground, all stopped.

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