Glancing at the things scattered on the floor, Suzy sat back in her chair and dialed a number.

After the call was connected and before anyone spoke, Susie spoke first.

"Regina, I have a commission. I am willing to pay a high price. Money is not an issue, but the matter must be completed. Find the best mercenary for me."

Wild Wolf Bar.

Qianhua, who was behind the counter, was wiping the bar with a piece of cloth. When he looked up, he saw Su Xiao coming in from the outside.

"Hey Sue, it's so early."

Lidya Su nodded and looked around.

The Wild Wolf Bar was very quiet in the morning, with few customers.

In such a big bar, there were only Qianhua working behind the bar, and Ryoko sitting in the corner reading a book seriously.

Su Xiao walked to Liangzi first and took out a piece of chocolate.

Little Loli's eyes widened: "Brother Su Xiao."

Su Xiao put the chocolate in Liangzi's hand and touched her little head: "How are you reading the book?"

Ryoko's movement of peeling off the chocolate icing hesitated slightly: "There are many places that I don't quite understand."

"Then take your time, study hard, don't be in a hurry, and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Ryoko broke off half of the chocolate and handed it over.

The smile on his face is as bright as a flower.

"Brother Su, each of us has half, and everyone who meets us has a share."

Seeing how sensible this little lolita was, Lidya Su accepted it politely.

"Mmm, it's so sweet and delicious, thank you Ryoko-chan."

"Hey, you're welcome."

Ryoko wrapped the remaining half and put it in her pocket: "Then keep this half for mom."

Qianhua looked at her daughter with eyes full of love.

Lidya Su returned to the bar and sat down.

"Isn't Jack up yet?"

"Yes, Jack Sang came back very late yesterday. It seemed that he was going to help the Valentino gang or something." Qianhua subconsciously planned to get the wine from the wine cabinet, but suddenly thought that Su Xiao did not drink, and hesitated for a moment. , asked.

"Susan still drinks Coke?"


Soon, the drinks Su Xiao asked for were brought out.

While drinking Coke, he watched the replay of last night's "Tonight's Talk" program on TV.

The host Zieg, who always wears a jacket with gold as the main color, talks to the camera.

"Hello, Night City, Night City! Welcome back! Tonight's guest is NCPD spokesperson, Inspector Sarah Krakoski. Hello, beauty. Welcome to our show."

Krakoski, who has long legs, walks into the frame from outside the camera and sits on the sofa: "Hello, Zig, it's an honor to be here."

"How's it going? The journey to the studio went smoothly, right? Did you run into any robbers or motorcycle gangs?"

"Haha, no, no... the security situation on the streets of Night City is improving a little bit every day. The number of murder cases this year has dropped from the astonishing 7,103 last year to..."

Krakoski read from the press release.

Then when she saw the numbers at the back clearly, she was immediately stuck.

It was obvious that she had not read the press release before coming.

Zieg is also a seasoned veteran host. Unlike Ruth Cheng, he did not rise to the top solely through backstage connections.

He keenly grasped the loopholes in Krakoski's words and struck decisively.

"Wait, wait. Since you said street security has improved, what happened to the recent kidnapping case in Watson District?"

Krakoski didn't respond: "Wha...what?"

Seeing Krakoski's reaction, Ziege struck while the iron was hot.

"In recent times, citizens have frequently disappeared in Watson District. Kidnappings of people have occurred in Little Chinatown, Kabuki District, and the North Industrial Zone."

"What exactly happened? Who is behind the scenes? What does the NCPD plan to do? What are the countermeasures?"

PS: Current progress (61000/65000).

Chapter 91: More money is required (4K)

Krakoski didn't expect to answer this question, and suddenly became hesitant.

"Well, as NCPD, we have the responsibility to ensure the personal and property safety of all citizens in Night City. But...but the situation in Watson District..."

Zig couldn't listen anymore. He stood up from his chair, walked around the table, and came to Krakoski.

"Sara, Sara, dear, please, please stop reading the NCPD press release. The audience just wants to hear the truth..."

"NCPD has identified the suspect.

? Will they increase patrols in Watson District at night? And the most important thing is that NCPD’s stock has plummeted and is heading towards the abyss. Have you thought of any solutions? "

Krakoski really didn’t read the press release.

But at this moment, her mind was blank.

Not much better than paste.

She didn't know how to answer at all, so she could only stutter.

"This... this is a technical adjustment, don't panic... As for human kidnapping, I... NCPD will do its best..."

Ziege left Krakoski, who was unable to speak completely and stammered, and returned to his seat, gesturing for the camera to face him.

"Hey, it looks like our beauty has nothing to say, but it's not her fault. Who makes NCPD not do things beautifully?"

"Do you want to listen to my advice? Since the NCPD is unreliable, you might as well rely on yourself."

"Before the NCPD catches the criminal, or before the prisoner gets tired of having fun (in fact, this is more in line with the national conditions of Night City), please try your best to reduce unnecessary outings at night."

"If you really have to go out for any reason, find a few friends and go together. Also, be sure to remember not to walk. No matter where you go, even if it is only a few steps away, you must drive."

"Cars, friends, what else? I just deliberately left out an important thing and didn't mention it. I believe you, the smart guy sitting in front of the TV, have already discovered it."

"Yes, it's a weapon."

"The solemn and sacred Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms, hallelujah."

"I have to mention the latest smart pistol "HJKE-11 Yukimura" launched by Arasaka Company. "

"In the old days, soldiers had to undergo months of combat training before they could go to the battlefield. Hard to imagine, isn't it?"

"Today, smart pistols can automatically lock onto a target and fire tracking munitions."

"And all you have to do is install a suitable implant. What started this smart revolution was a pistol - the Yukimura made by Arasaka in the 1940s."

"As long as you have it, even if your aim is as bad as the Imperial Stormtroopers in "Star Wars", you can still hit the target 100%."

"Even today, more than thirty years later, the Yukimura is still considered one of the best handguns ever made."

"It has two proud firing modes - automatic fire and three-shot burst, allowing the user to choose according to the situation."

"At the same time, the ample magazine can also sustain long-term firefights. Mom no longer has to worry about me encountering several bad guys."

"The "Yukimura" smart pistol is worth owning. "

"Hey, man, I've said so much, aren't you sitting in front of the TV screen not moved at all?"

"What are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and order now!"

"By the way, if you mention Zig Q and "Tonight's Talk" to customer service, you can also enjoy a 10% discount!"

The program ends and enters the noisy commercial segment.

Qianhua, who was wiping the counter, couldn't help but sigh.

"This host is so courageous. He says anything and doesn't even give the NCPD face. Isn't he afraid of getting into trouble?"

Lidya Su smiled.

Qianhua doesn't understand the twists and turns, it's normal.

The water here is already very deep.

"These programs in Night City are all backed by the company. Compared with the company, the NCPD is a bit immature. Even if Jerry Fult (NCPD Director) is not happy, he can only hold it in."

Su Xiao drank the last sip of Coke and put the bottle down.

But to be honest, when he saw the front, he really didn't expect that there would be an advertisement inserted in the back.

As expected of an era where consumerism is prevalent, advertisements can be inserted into any program at any time.

Just hard planting, hard widening, right?

At this time, a phone call came in.

It's Regina.

"Hey, Su, are you up? I have a job on hand right now. It's a big job. The risk is very high, but the reward is also quite high. Do you want to take it?"

The risk is high and the reward is high? Could it be that he was attacking Arasaka?

Lidya Su thought in her heart.

If there is any kind of work in Watson District, it is a big job and the risk is high. The one Su Xiao can think of is Arasaka Beach in Watson District.

"First tell me what kind of job it is?"

Regina rarely uses words like high-risk and big jobs.

And since she used it, it means that this job is not easy to do.

He was cautious and did not agree immediately.

If you agree but fail to complete it, your credibility will be affected.

Reputation is not only a mercenary's face, but also directly related to the mercenary's job.

So far, none of the commissions he has received have failed.

He didn't want to set a precedent with this commission.

"We have been working together for so long, and you are still so cautious, but I just like your character. Some people talk so much, but end up being unable to do anything. That's annoying. You can't explain this life clearly on the phone. Come to Lizzy Bar and your employer will meet you in person."

Lizzy Bar?

Isn't that the territory of the Mox Gang?

Could it be that the employer is the Mox Gang?

Regina's next words confirmed his suspicion.

"Did I tell you that it's Susie Q who wants your help? She's the leader of the Mox Gang. Anyway, hurry up and get there when you have time. She's quite anxious."

"I know, I'll be there right away."

After ending the communication, Su Xiao left the Wild Wolf Bar.

Call the "Fenrir" motorcycle and go to Lizzie Bar in the Kabuki District of Watson District.

It is still early in the morning, and the door of Lizzy Bar looks quite deserted, which is completely different from the lively environment at night.

Drive Fenrir into the parking line and lock it.

Lidya Su walked to the door of Lizzie Bar and knocked on the door.

no response.

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