Then if Su Xiao's team has four people, wouldn't it cost 200,000?

Two hundred thousand euros is not a small amount of money.

You must know that even the highest level of the trauma team, the platinum membership package, only costs tens of thousands of euros a month.

Susie frowned.

"No, fifty thousand is too much. I will give each of you at most twenty thousand."

Faced with Su Xi's price reduction, Su Xiao did not give in: "Fifty thousand, not a penny less."

Susie also tried to bargain: "Twenty-five thousand? Thirty thousand?"

Su Xiaoteng stood up suddenly.

"If it really doesn't work, forget it. Anyway, Ms. Susie and you guys from the Mox Gang can stay in this Lizzy Bar and don't go out at night. Isn't that great? You can also save money. "

Susie seemed to be irritated by Su Xiao, and sneered: "Okay, then I will find someone else. Anyway, you are not the only mercenary in the city..."

Susie hasn't finished speaking yet.

A rapid ringing of the phone interrupted her.

Suzy frowned and looked at the cell phone in her hand.


Even in 2077, not everyone has a communicator implanted in their body.

But there are still quite a number of people who use mobile phones to communicate.

For example, Okada Wakako.

Another example is the company dogs in suits and ties that can sometimes be seen on the streets, also making calls on their mobile phones.

Suzy didn't even look.

Just hang up

But not even a second passed

The phone rang again like the king of hell urging him to die.

Susie then picked up the phone: "I'm talking about something, don't disturb me. If you have anything, we'll talk about it later."

"Ahem...if I don't call you now, I'm afraid...ahem...I won't be able to wait until later..."

Hearing Judy's weak voice on the phone, Susie was stunned and asked eagerly: "Judy, who hurt you like this?"

"It's Anna. Originally, the prosthetic doctor we called with Regina was checking her condition. But she suddenly screamed like crazy and killed everyone on sight... Regina's prosthetic doctor and driver both died. Now, we are hiding in the container, and Anna is still outside."

"Then you hide well and hold on, we'll go over right now."

When Susie put down the phone, Lidya Su looked over: "What's going on?"

"It's too late to explain. Let's talk on the way. Don't you want a reward of 50,000 yuan? Then let me see if you are worth 50,000 yuan."

half an hour ago.

Somewhere in the industrial area in the north of the city, outside the Mox Gang's factory.

A dark-colored van slowly drove over.

"This is the territory of the Mox Gang, no one is allowed to enter."

The window of the van slowly lowered, and the young man sitting in the car gave a thumbs up and pointed to the car behind him: "Regina asked us to come, and everything in the car is for Anna Nok." Si is here to see a doctor."

The Mox Gang in the security booth softened his expression: "Then go in and I'll open the door for you."

The van pulled into the factory and stopped.

The young man and a prosthetic doctor in a white coat got out of the car and opened the back door of the car.

Not long after, Judy and another Mox Gang girl named Sylvia came over carrying a stretcher.

Lying on the stretcher was a woman, Anna Knox, who was rescued by Susie from the medical center.

"Is that her?" The prosthetic doctor noticed the restraint belt restraining Anna on the stretcher and couldn't help but wonder, "What's going on?"

Judy, who was carrying the stretcher in front, explained: "She has been violent and hurt people before, so just in case, it's better to tie her up."

The prosthetic doctor nodded to express his understanding and motioned for the girls to carry her into the car.

The interior of the van was transformed into a mobile medical clinic.

Of course, it cannot be compared with the various professional medical facilities in regular hospitals.

But if it is just a normal examination and initial treatment, it is more than enough.

"Give her a sedative first and then remove the restraints."

Judy very skillfully took out a dose of sedatives that had been prepared long ago and injected it into Anna. After all the injections were completed, she saw Anna closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep, and then loosened the restraints tied to her body.

Together with Sylvia, they lifted him off the stretcher and placed him on the operating chair.

But even after being sedated, the two did not relax.

Instead, he used local materials and continued to use the restraint straps on the stretcher to tie Anna's hands and feet again.

The prosthetic doctor also walked into the carriage.

"Let me check on her first and help me plug in her personal cable."

Judy nodded, pulled out the personal connection cable from Anna's wrist, and plugged it into the device in the car.

The prosthetic doctor focused on looking at the massive amounts of information and data that were constantly appearing on the display screen like a waterfall.

After a long while, the prosthetic doctor's brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

"She also has a daughter?"

Judy shook her head firmly: "No, she didn't."

The prosthetic doctor pointed to the data on the screen and said, "Then why does her electronic brain have her daughter's memory?"

Judy put a hand in front of her eyes and couldn't bear to stare.

"That was a false memory. When she fell into the hands of that bastard Jotaro Shoho, he deliberately let her spend all the time with a man who once had a lovely daughter, but later experienced the pain of losing her daughter. Mother’s Black Super Dream”

"She was trapped in Black Mewtwo for so long that she mistakenly thought she was that mother."

The prosthetic doctor sighed.

"This is literally the worst-case scenario."

Judy was stunned: "But you can save her, right?"

The prosthetic doctor shook his head.

"It's hard to say. Even if the nail is driven into the board, even if it is pulled out, it will leave a mark on the board. Do you understand what I mean?"

Judy and Sylvia looked at each other.

They both shook their heads.

Sylvia couldn't help but asked the confusion in her heart: "Since that beast Jotaro can make Anna's brain produce false memories by showing her Black Mewtwo, he can't use similar means to turn that Should Duan’s memories that he shouldn’t have be deleted?”

The prosthetic doctor smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"The human brain is the most complex instrument, even today

In the year 2077, the human brain has gradually become electronic. Things such as memory, consciousness, spirit, and thoughts cannot be deleted or cut and pasted casually. How can it be so easy..."

puff--! ! !

The tip of the knife suddenly pierced the prosthetic doctor's chest without any warning.

Judy and Sylvia were both stunned.

The doctor slowly lowered his head and stared blankly at the tip of the knife protruding from his chest.

It seems that he still hasn't realized what happened.

Poof! Poof!

Almost half of the blade penetrated his body and lifted him up from the ground.

The doctor's eyes widened.

An expression of disbelief.

He looked like he wanted to say something.

However, when he opened his mouth, what came out was a ball of blood.

Judy closed her eyes subconsciously.

A few drops of blood spattered onto her face.

Anna, who was fixed on the operating chair, woke up at some point.

It was obvious that Judy had given her a sedative just now, but for some unknown reason, it had no effect.

Her long hair fell down, covering her face, just like Sadako.

The sound was even more shrill and shrill, as if it was coming from hell.

"Child, where is my child? Where is my child!"

Anna's prosthetic eye seemed to have a bug in the computer program. It changed into a compound eye and then back to a single eye.


The body of the prosthetic doctor was thrown out of the carriage like useless garbage.

Anna's eyes slowly fell on the other two people in the carriage.

Being stared at by her eyes, Judy felt as if her hairs were standing on end, as if falling into an ice cave, and the blood in her hands and feet seemed to be frozen.

It was like being in an uninhabited wilderness and being stared at by a wolf with glowing green eyes.

"Did you take my child away? Give me my child! Give her back to me!"

"Judy, wake up, Judy!"

The call of her companion beside her awakened Judy from her fear.

Only then did Judy realize that she had fallen to the ground at some point.

Sylvia lifted Judy up from the ground and pulled her out of the car.

"Run, Judy, run." The helpless Judy allowed herself to be pulled away by her companions. "We have to tell Susie that Anna is out of control and she can't be saved."

"what happened?"

The young man who came with the prosthetic doctor was standing outside the car smoking.

Hearing the noise in the carriage, he rushed over, only to see Judy and Sylvia, as if they were running away from something.

He hurriedly escaped from the carriage.

He turned his head and looked inside the car.

However, what he saw was a very close Anna, with disheveled hair, who looked like a female ghost in a Hong Kong ghost movie.


The young man only felt a chill, rising from his tailbone to the sky.

If it were an ordinary person, all that would be left at this moment would be that their brains were shut down and their minds would be completely blank.

The young man reacted very quickly and reached out to pull out the gun.

But Anna was faster.

Two gleaming mantis knives extended from Anna's back and stabbed into the young man's back.

It was like holding him in his arms.

At the same time, Anna jumped up to the ceiling with the young man.

When Judy and the two heard the young man's scream, they turned around and saw Anna's limbs stuck to the ceiling, but her neck was rotated 180 degrees, from top to bottom in a weird and unhuman posture. , looking down at the two women.

"You took my children! Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Leaving behind the young man whose heart was pierced, Anna kicked off her feet and rushed towards the two women like an arrow from a string.

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