She and Lidya Su agreed on room 106.

In fact, after arriving at the motel, she booked two rooms.

The room he was actually in was room 204 on the second floor.

There should still be a chance to escape.

Emilia put on a hannya mask she bought in the Kabuki district.

Open the door.

He hurriedly walked out.

In the narrow and dark corridor, two people walked towards each other.

One male and one female.

All dressed in the uniforms of temporary workers at the medical center.

Emilia glanced at them.

To avoid suspicion, look away.

Pretending to be just passing by, he prepared to pass by the two of them.

The result was just when he walked past the two of them.

The back of Emilia's neck suddenly felt like something was pricking her.

She instinctively realized that the two people who passed by her had done something to her.

But she didn't want to do anything else.

A sharp pain shot through the back of my neck.

Then the strength came out of the body like

The tide generally recedes.

The body fell down like a puddle of mud.

Su Xiao has quick eyes and quick hands.

He reached out and hugged the fallen Emilia.

Prevent her from falling down like this and making a sound.

Get attention.

Su Xiao slowly lowered Emilia to the ground.

Then he took out the body bag.

Put Emilia into it, and finally zip up the body bag.

He took out the folding stretcher, unfolded it, and placed the body bag on the stretcher.

Qi Wei on the side was stunned when she saw Su Xiao's skillful technique.

Why are you so skilled?

How many times have you done this?

"Don't be stunned, hurry up."

"Oh, sorry."

Qiwei recovered from the shock.

He hurriedly came over and helped lift the other side of the stretcher.

As a hacker, this is the first time she has seen someone bringing goods like this after being in the industry for so long.

Su Xiao and Qi Wei carried the stretcher from the second floor back to the first floor, and then from the first floor to the outside.

Since both were wearing the uniforms of temporary workers at the medical center.

So even though there were some people on the first floor of the Tight-Talked Motel at this time, no one paid much attention.

Many people even took the initiative to look away after seeing the dark body bag on the stretcher.

In this way, the two of them arrived on the road outside without any obstruction.

Open the back door of the van and roll the stretcher inside.

Then Su Xiao and Qi Wei sat on the car again and closed the door.

Su Xiao said to Rebecca and Pyrrha sitting in front, "Let's drive."

While contacting the two people guarding the back door: "Mann, Dolio, no need to stare anymore, the target has been solved, I repeat, the target has been solved."

"Copy that, let's leave too."

When the van arrived at a block lined with buildings in Little Chinatown.

The painting of the medical center on the van was also changed to the logo of the logistics company at some point.

The rear door of the van opens.

Su Xiao and Qi Wei put on the uniforms of the logistics company.

He lifted a large suitcase out of the car.

The two entered from one of the alleys.

Turn left and right in the maze-like alley.

Finally we came to a Chinese restaurant deep in the alley.

"Want something to eat?"

"I'm Su. I've already said hello to Rogge."

A waiter nodded: "Follow me."

He led the two of them through the busy kitchen to the basement.

There's not a lot of space here.

But the room was filled with all kinds of the most professional and top-notch hacking equipment.

The waiter bowed slightly and said "please use it slowly".

He was very considerate and helped close the door.

"Life support system, hypothermia constant system, blood cooling system..."

Qiwei looked at the room full of top-notch facilities.

Eyes shining.

It looks like a gamer seeing a room full of 4090TIs.

Qiwei never dreamed that she would also need these high-end goods.

You know, she usually takes off her clothes and lies directly in the bathtub filled with ice cubes.

Lidya Su opened the suitcase.

Take out Emilia who was curled up in a ball.

Give her a sedative first.

After waiting for Emilia to fall asleep, he removed the blocker inserted into the back of her neck.

This little gadget was used by Su Xiao once before when he avenged the TV station pastor.

Just plug it into the nerve socket.

Unless one's own hacking skills are excellent and an advanced hacker prosthetic body is implanted.

Basically, if this thing is inserted into the back of the neck, it will be like taking too many sleeping pills, unable to move.

However, after all, the blocker was taken off.

For insurance reasons.

Su Xiao tied up Emilia's hands and feet.

He checked.

Emilia did not have any combat prosthetics implanted.

So don't worry about her breaking free.

"I'll leave the rest to you."

Qi Wei, who was already lying on the hacker chair, gave Su Xiao a thumbs up: "Put it on me."

after an hour.

Qiwei unplugged the cable from the back of her head.

He rubbed his temples a little tiredly.

Lidya Su handed her a glass of chocolate milk.


After she rested for a while, Lidya Su asked: "How was it?"

"Everything you asked for has been obtained."

Chapter 114: Fellow fellow, let me lend you your head (4K)

Qi Wei knew that Su Xiao was eager to get these things, so she didn't waste any time and transmitted them directly to Su Xiao.

After receiving these documents, Su Xiao read them carefully to confirm that they were correct.


Then he stepped forward and snapped the neck of Emilia, who was still unconscious.

Said it before.

He will not let Emilia go.

Su Xiao considers herself to be a person of her word.

After doing this, Su Xiao used Emilia's mobile phone to call Joanne.

The call was answered almost immediately.

"I said, not yet, I need some time."

Su Xiao opened her mouth with a big move: "Emilia Morton is dead."

"I didn't know you were here

What do you say, I'm going to hang up. "

Lidya Su said no more.

Instead, he took a photo of Emilia's body and sent it to Joanne.

To prove that what he said is true.

Joanne on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment after seeing the photo.

She didn't expect that Emilia, who had just threatened her, would turn into a corpse and appear in a dark room in the blink of an eye.

In her heart, she was half happy and half nervous.

Naturally, he was secretly happy that Emilia, who was preparing to use his own black materials and threaten him, was dead.

It's like one less trouble.

What was nervous was that she didn't know whether the person who killed Emilia knew what happened between her and Emilia.

Or in other words, since the other party knows Emilia Morton's name accurately.

He also used her mobile phone to call him.


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