A door opens on the left side of the corridor.

The woman inside poked her head outside.

She thought it was her child who had stayed away all night and was finally willing to come back.

But when she walked out of the door, she saw four men and women holding weapons.

Her face suddenly turned pale with fear.

V waved his hand at her.

Tell her to go back to the house quickly.

Only then did the woman react.

He nodded hurriedly.

And close the door.

The four of them continued walking deeper into the corridor.

Not long after, they arrived at the door of the house numbered 1237.

"Don't worry, let me take a look first."

Su Xiao stood outside the door and turned on the scanning mode on the tactical eyepiece.

A circle of light invisible to others spread out.

A dozen humanoid silhouettes painted in red suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

Most were standing.

Three more were lying down.

no doubt.

Standing are the scavengers who kidnapped customers.

And one of the three lying people was the target they were looking for.

Fortunately, the target was still alive at this time and they were not too late.

Generally speaking, a few hours are enough for a scavenger to turn a living person into a pile of prosthetics and organs for sale to black-hearted clinics.

But it might be because these scavengers also kidnapped two other hostages.

They spent those hours dealing with the other two.

And the target they wanted to save was spared and is still alive today.

Lucy's eyes lit up red.

It only took two seconds for the closed door to open.

I just checked it in scan mode and there are no enemies in the first room after entering.

The four of them filed in.

Inside was a messy room filled with clutter.

Things were thrown everywhere.

There was also rubbish on the ground.

No one was in this room, so even if the lights were turned off, the ceiling fan on the ceiling was slowly spinning.

The leftover pizza was sitting on the table, attracting flies.

As a few people approached, the flies lying on the pizza flew up like US military fighter jets on Guadalcanal, buzzing and dancing.

The four of them went straight to the next room without stopping.

If the room in front is a utility room, then this room is obviously the place where the scavenger gives people money.

Equipment for monitoring human vital signs is everywhere, as well as petal-shaped shadowless lamps necessary for surgery.

And on the operating table, there was a corpse covered with black cloth.

Jack is the fastest.

He took three steps and two steps at a time, came to the corpse, and pulled away the black cloth.

The next second, his expression suddenly changed.

Take a breath.

I almost vomited.

“Díos mío (Oh my God)!”

Then he put the black cloth back on.

"I think it's best if you don't watch."

In fact, just before Jack put the cover back on, Su Xiao had already seen something that Jack didn't want them to see.

Underneath the black cloth was a corpse.

Strictly speaking, it was an extremely miserable corpse.

The prosthetics, organs, and even eyeballs on this corpse were all dug out by scavengers.

This is not the goal.

He was one of the hostages kidnapped by the scavenger.

In Night City, no one's hands are completely clean.

Including Jefferson Peralez, who was determined to do something practical for the bottom.

Let's talk about a place that everyone knows. One thousand percent of the political donations that Jefferson received in order to run for mayor were unclean.

The person who gave Jefferson the money knew it, and Jefferson himself, who received the money, certainly knew it.

But if you want to be the mayor and fulfill your ideals, you have to accept this money.

Even the idealist Jefferson was like this, let alone others.


Note that I have to say but here.

Although everyone's hands are not clean.

But the scavenger's hands are the dirtiest.

Even the lowest street gangsters despise scavengers.

Scavengers are a group of ruthless, despicable scum who specialize in hunting careless law-abiding citizens and gang members.

The business of collecting prosthetics and selling them is unethical and illegal, but it is a huge profit.

Therefore, scavengers are always enriching their stocks by raiding victims.

These guys are extremely vicious and regard human life as nothing.

In their eyes, humans are just a bunch of objects that can be exchanged for money on the black market.

There are many gangs in Night City, big and small, and each gang has its own philosophy.

The Tiger Claw Gang values ​​"benevolence and justice";

The Valentino Gang believes in God;

The Six Street Gang's slogan is to bring justice to the city, etc...

Scavengers don't have any specific ideas. They only care about their own tickets.

They are callous and morally bankrupt.

In fact, their methods are not clever at all and they do all kinds of dirty work.

First attack, then kidnapping, killing, then dismantling for money - one trick has been used everywhere.

The "donors" who fall into their hands often disappear.

These people don't waste any scraps from people.

Prosthetic bodies that can be dismantled and sold for money will be taken directly to the black market.

The remaining offal, which is indistinguishable, is either processed wholesale, burned, or thrown out to be fed to rats.

They have no fixed "scope of business" and their organizations are spread across the city, often using tags and graffiti to make their presence felt.

Due to the decentralized organization, scavengers tend to gather into small gangs without any distinction between senior and junior, and are often led by the most unscrupulous, brutal, and cunning guys among them.

Despite their lack of organization, this extremely loose gang has a monopoly on the sale of second-hand prosthetics.

Scavengers are the main suppliers of low-end illegal prosthetics.

They supply other gangs, criminal gangs and underground clinics.

Even if the origin is suspicious, minor problems persist, and there is no after-sales service...

There are always customers who are willing to pay for second-hand prosthetics as long as they are cheap enough.

The four of them stood in front of the door leading into the next room.

"Attention, there is a person inside."

With that said, Su Xiao shared the other party's position with the other three.

Is a scavenger.

He stood in front of a tub filled with water and ice in the next room.

It looked like he was rummaging for something.

V opened the door gently without making any sound: "Cover me."

"rest assured."



V slowed down and walked over gently.

Not a sound was made.

When he came behind the man, he suddenly swung out the handle of the gun unexpectedly and hit the scavenger hard on the back of the neck.

The latter was beaten until he almost fainted.

V took advantage of the situation and pushed his head into the bathtub filled with water and ice cubes. At the same time, he also stuffed the gun under the water, pressed it against the man's head, and pulled the trigger.

The water in the bathtub blocked out the gunfire.

No sound came out.

"Well done, you're almost at my level."

Jack said jokingly.

Lidya Su also gave a thumbs up.

Chapter 119 Russian Rescue (3K)

After passing through this room, this scavenger's den, there is only a bathroom and a living room that have not been cleaned.

The bathroom is where the two hostages taken by the scavengers were.

One of the hostages is the one they need to rescue.

To reach the bathroom, you must first pass through the living room where the remaining scavengers gather.

Several people hid outside the wall of the living room, listening to the conversation between the two scavengers closest to the outside.

"Hey, how many did we get?"

"Three, two of them are filled with scrap metal, but in Watson District, some people collect them."

“One can go to a clinic and have the “ankle-reinforcement” implant in the leg removed. "

"In the end, we have this corporate bitch left. We have to find a separate buyer for her. Her prosthetic body is worth a lot of money."

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