"Yesterday's Dead Man Lotto, the final result was a full thirty!"

"Thanks to the endless gang wars, Heywood alone had ten dead."

"But one of the police officers also died. I think you all have to pay."

"Because NCPD will definitely not be able to swallow this breath."

"There was another power outage in Santo Domingo, and the power grid was damaged, again by cyber hackers."

"Meanwhile, Westbrook's trauma team was collecting the bodies of victims of cyberpsychosis on the sidewalk."

"And in Taipingzhou...well, Taipingzhou is still the same Taipingzhou."

"I am your best friend Stan, come with me to start a new day in the City of Dreams."

Su Xiao was woken up by the sound on the radio.

open one's eyes.

I found myself sleeping on a sofa with cracked leather.

I was alone in the room, Jack wasn't there.

He closed the cash register.

Get out of the garage.

The sunshine outside is a bit dazzling.

Go through the alley and enter the Wolf Bar.

There was no one in the bar during the day.

Pepi, the bartender who was wiping the bar, said hello to him: "Hey."


"I've never seen you before. You're not from around here, are you?"

"I'm Jack's friend."

"So you are the one Mrs. Wells ordered, so that's easy. Mrs. Wells said, if you want to drink anything, just order it. It's free."

"Then give me a Coke with ice, thank you."

Pepi muttered something strange: "What's the difference between not drinking alcohol early in the morning and eating salted fish? You're not very old, are you starting to keep in good health now?"

Su Xiao didn’t hear clearly what Pepi was mumbling, “Speaking of which, Jack, have you seen him?

Pepi brought the Coke: "He drove out early in the morning. If I asked him where he was going, he wouldn't tell me."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Lidya Su stopped talking.

He took his Coke and found a seat to sit down.

He took out the laptop he brought from Decapitated Zanke and started surfing the Internet.

I had just finished reading "The Current Situation of Society in 2077" when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Su, it turns out you're up. I was thinking that if you weren't up yet, I would wait until you sleep a little longer before calling you."

Chapter 13: Hanging out with my buddies and starving for nine meals in three days

Just as Su Xiao was about to get up, Jack stopped him.

"Don't worry, I'll drink something first, then fuck me to death."

He pointed towards the bar and raised two fingers.

"Pepi, vodka, ice, lime juice, ginger beer, give me a double."

"Mrs. Wells said you can't drink anymore."

Jack walked to the bar: "Then I'll pay for it."

"Mrs. Wells said I won't sell you any wine."

Jack held his forehead and said, "She is really a biological mother."

Su Xiao closed the computer, finished the Coke in one breath, walked over, and put the cup on the bar.

"It's okay, Pepi. I just went to see my mother. She's not here. Some of the guys from Valentino's gang had some conflicts. She went to mediate."

Jack leaned his elbows on the bar and leaned forward, "She won't know if you give me two bottles."

Pepi said in a helpless tone: "Jack, please don't make things difficult for me. I will be the one who gets scolded then."

Jack pointed to the bar sign.

"Pepi, who is the owner of this bar?"

"Mrs. Wells, of course."

"Where's your full name?"

"...Ms. Guadalupe Arahandra Wells."

Jack pointed at himself again.

"Then what's my name? Tell me my full name."

Pepi was like a monk who was confused, "Jack, you..."

"Remind me, Pepi."

Pepi sighed: "Jack Wills."

Jack grinned and opened his arms as if to hug Pepi.

"Pepi, what a coincidence, I happen to have the same last name as the owner of the Wild Wolf Bar."

"Do you think there is a possibility, I mean possibility, that the future owner of the bar will be me."

Pepi: "..."

He was really defeated by Jack.

He sighed and was about to get the wine when he suddenly saw a person walking in from outside the door and coming behind Jack silently.

He didn't make a sound during the whole process, and his movements were as light as a master assassin.

Pepi's expression immediately changed and he reminded in a low voice: "Jack, behind you."

"Ha, don't lie to me. Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

Lidya Su coughed.

Jack glanced at Lidya Su strangely:

"Su, is your throat uncomfortable?"

"No, Jack, maybe we should go."

"Don't be in a hurry, don't worry, Su, I remember your share...thing very clearly. I haven't forgotten it. We will blend it later. I'll have a glass of wine first to moisten my throat. I'm so thirsty."

Seeing that Jack would not give up until he achieved his goal, Su Xiao had to say, "How about a glass of happy water? This thing tastes no worse than wine. What do you think, Pepi?"

Pepi understood the meaning in Lidya Su's eyes and nodded hurriedly.

"Yeah yeah."

"What happened to you today? It's so strange."


The voice was not loud, but it conveyed an aura of calmness and authority.

Jack's cheerful expression immediately froze.

It was as if he was shivering in the cold wind of Siberia wearing only a single coat.

Mrs. Wells waved to Jack, who seemed to have done something wrong.

"Come with me for a moment."

Half an hour later, Jack came out.

"Let's go, Sue."

"You don't drink anymore?"

"Ahem," Jack suddenly coughed loudly, and then shouted out in a loud voice, attracting the attention of other guests in the bar, "What about that! I plan to never drink again!"

After leaving the Wild Wolf Bar, he added in a low voice: "Only in the Wild Wolf Bar."

Seeing Jack like this, a smile appeared on Lidya Su's lips.

In fact, in 2077, maintaining health through diet control is no longer as popular as it was in the previous life.

Why talk about the past life instead of the beginning of the 21st century?

Because the timeline development of this world is very different from the earth where Su Xiao lives.

CCCP lives until 2077.

Didn't expect it!

On the contrary, it was a certain superpower that became a quintile of flowers.

The New America, the Western States, the Republic of Texas, and the Pacific Union fell in love and killed each other on the land of North America.

As for Night City, it does not belong to any country.

Although it is still geographically located in the mainland of New America, in fact, it has long been an extra-legal place that has been separated from the legal control of California and even New America.

Rather, it is an independent metropolis under full corporate control.

In this world, rich people can replace any organ in their body with a new one.

Therefore, they no longer have to worry about problems such as liver damage from drinking, lung damage from smoking, kidney deficiency, etc.

Some people may ask, rich people can change as they please, and that's no problem.

What about the poor?

They are less educated or simply uneducated.

He works hard to maintain his small business.

Being forced to rent in poor areas with lower safety standards makes them more vulnerable to criminal activity.

They have to pay for Social Security and Medicare themselves.

And you also need to pay protection fees to the gangs that control the area.

It is impossible for these people to replace damaged organs at will.

Not to mention those who are unemployed and homeless.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this.

Instead of drinking to your health, it's better to worry about the endless shooting rates and homicides.

If you don't have enough protection, you will be killed by a stray bullet if you walk on the street one day...

Or maybe they were selling synthetic meat at a stall in the market, and the Tiger Claw gang came in aggressively. Just because one of the diners offended the Tiger Claw Gang, everyone in the market was involved in a gang conflict. …

Or maybe a company executive got drunk and drove his sports car onto the sidewalk, knocking you out of the car when you didn't offend anyone.

When it was over, he didn't even slow down and left the scene.

Not to mention getting out of the car to check.

It seems that what was crushed to death was an ant.

You see, compared with so many bad endings, doesn’t it seem like a good ending if you drink your body badly by drinking?

You're welcome, it's just a compliment from my peers.

Exited the bar and returned to the garage.

Jack closed the rolling door, took out a thick wad of bills from his pocket, and handed it to Lidya Su.

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