But this Su Xiao is obviously much younger than Jack, but he is much more difficult to deal with than Jack.

What's more important is that he doesn't even like painting cakes.

What Dexter didn't know was that his pie-drawing ability was actually far worse than the company leaders Su Xiao met in his previous life.

Moreover, after a person has suffered several losses and been deceived several times, no matter how honest a person is, he will not be willing to suffer losses and be deceived again.

Lidya Su's idea is actually very simple:

Don't mention it for now if it's a big deal or not.

Do you want us to take a trip to the Uzumaki Gang's lair and get you what you want?


But the remuneration must be calculated according to the market price.

Dexter thought about it for a while and finally agreed.

Compared with the big deal that followed, this employment fee was nothing to mention.

Moreover, if T-BUG's analysis is correct, then Su Xiao's team should be the most suitable partner for this big deal.

"Then I'll treat it as an investment. Okay. As long as you bring the robot, I'll give it the market price."

The consultation ended with both parties very satisfied.

The car drove around and finally stopped back to its original position. .

Before Su Xiao got off the car, Dexter spoke earnestly.

"Mr. Su, as long as you do a good job, we can establish a friendship based on a lot of euros. Believe me, be friends with me, and I will ensure that you will not suffer."

"Contact me again after you get the robot."

When Su Xiao returned to the psychic room, Jack and Lucy were both in the psychic room.

Seeing Lidya Su come in, Lucy's nervous look relaxed a lot.

"Look, I just said I was going to discuss business. Is everything okay?"

After Jack finished talking to Lucy, he turned to look at Lidya Su: "How about it, the fat man must have given me a fat job, right?"

Su Xiao found a stool and sat down, took the water from Misty, and thanked her: "No, he didn't say anything specific."

Then, Su Xiao repeated what Dexter said in the car.

"Fuck! Dexter, the black-skinned Jesus, is too cautious. I thought he would tell you the details when he came over to you."

It's not that Su Xiao can't understand Dexter's caution.

Even though he doesn't like it when others deliberately hold back.

"This is our first time dealing with Dexter. Maybe T-BUG knows him.

But he doesn’t know us after all, and besides, we’re not that familiar with T-BUG. "

I have had the experience of working with T-BUG several times before.

But what should I say about T-BUG?

To describe it in terms of high emotional intelligence:

Her behavior may not be understood in other places, but it seems reasonable in Night City.

The explanation for low emotional intelligence is simpler, just a few words - she is not gregarious.

She has never had any offline contact with Lidya Su and others, and has always contacted them by phone.

Even if we take action, it will be done remotely.

We haven't even met each other in person, so it's hard to call this relationship a familiar one.

Jack nodded.

Let Lidya Su say this.

He can understand it.

"That makes sense. Then let's go directly to the Uzumaki Gang and get the robot back to Dexter?"

Lidya Su shook her head.

"Don't worry, that old fox Dexter said it lightly, but it's not that simple to get the robot back. I've heard of Royce, he's very dark."

"For the sake of a small profit in front of him, he would rather kill the goose and lay the eggs. If we go to the Whirlpool Gang like this and don't have to pay again, we won't be able to bring the robot out."

Jack's face suddenly turned ugly: "Fuck! Dexter must have thought of this too, so he deliberately let us go. The hearts of these guys are getting darker and darker each time."

"Then what should we do? If that doesn't work, sneak in secretly and get the robot?"

Su Xiao waved his hand and said: "It's not that easy. Royce is bad, not stupid. He knows the value of that robot and will not just put it in an empty place."

Jack scratched his head.

This won't work, and that won't work either.

Then wouldn’t this job be ruined?

Lucy, who had been silent just now, suddenly said.

"Did you say before that Dexter also mentioned a company woman who is also eyeing the Uzumaki Gang? Maybe we can use her."

Jack suddenly understood and tapped his left palm with his right fist: "Yes, there is no need for a few of us to go into the den of dragons and tigers of the Whirlpool Gang and ask people from the company to explore the way for us."

The three of them chatted for a while.

Not long after, V also took a Delamain taxi to the psychic house.

The conversation was almost finished, so the four of them decided to go to the new car that Jack had just picked up, and then contact the company woman who had a problem with the Uzumaki Gang.

Jack's new car is parked on the road outside.

But when a few people approached, they saw a guy who didn't look like a serious person standing in front of Jack's new car smoking.

It seemed like he was deliberately looking for trouble, or like he was trying to identify something.

"Who is this bastard?" Jack's expression suddenly changed.

That was a brand new second-hand car he just picked up last night.

Although this car is a second-hand car, the previous owner has not driven it much, so it is no different from a brand new one.

In order to buy this stylish coupe, he spent a lot of hard-earned money.

Now, an unknown idiot was standing in front of his car, smoking continuously.

Still so close.

Can this be tolerated?

"Hey man, what's wrong with you?!"

After being yelled by Jack, the man reacted as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Throwing down the cigarette butt, he walked away quickly as if he felt guilty.

"Evil coins!"

Jack stared at the man until he disappeared into the crowd.

Then he hurriedly walked to where the man was standing just now.

He knelt down and got closer to check whether his car had been burned by the man with a cigarette butt.

But Lidya Su seemed to be thoughtful.

Looking at the guy who has merged into the crowd.

"Fortunately, that evil coin was just smoking, otherwise I would have had to make him eat the cigarette butts."

After Jack finished confirming his new car, he turned around and noticed something unusual about Su Xiao.

Can't help but feel a little strange.


Su Xiao then looked back: "It's nothing, it's just that guy always feels...forget it, it's okay, maybe I'm overthinking."

He looked at Jack's new car.

"You never said you wanted to buy a coupe?"

"What else? I can't take Misty on the road in a scooter, right? It's too shameless. I just want to use this car to tell her that I am willing and able to give her a happy life. She will follow Dude, it’s definitely right.”

"Okay, okay, stop being such a jerk, singles will be choked to death by you."

"You are the only one who is single. You think I don't know anything, right? You really think my brother is stupid and thick."

Jack's eyes quickly glanced at V and Lucy beside him, and then quickly looked away.

Because he made his expression very quickly, neither of the latter two noticed his small movements.

"Anyway," Jack stretched out his hands toward the car, making the exaggerated movements of a host on an American variety show, as if he was waiting for praise: "Come on and praise me without mercy."

"It's pretty good, but it cost you a lot of money, right?"

"No, you're wrong about that."


Jack cleared his throat, an enigmatic expression on his face.

"Although it seems to cost a lot, in fact the money does not really disappear, it just changes its way to accompany you.

your side. "

Lidya Su was shocked.

"Damn it! Where did you learn this?"

"A friend of mine told me this. He said he learned this from a very wise old man in the mysterious East."

"Learn well, don't learn it next time."

Chapter 123: Come to cheat, come to sneak attack my little comrade (4K)

Sports cars generally have two seats.

But the coupe Jack bought had two rows, front and rear.

It can seat up to five people...well, if you squeeze a little bit, six or seven can squeeze in.

Of course it was Jack who was driving.

Su Xiao is in the passenger seat.

Lucy and V were sitting in the back.

The coupe started, slowly drove out of the street, and merged into the traffic on the road outside.

Head towards the industrial area in the north of the city.

Su Xiao used the number left by Dexter to call Meredith Stout, the senior operations manager at Military Technology.

The call was quickly connected, and a picture of a woman popped up on the tactical eyepiece.

"I'm Stout."

The words are concise and to the point, without a word of nonsense.

This is the behavior of a senior executive in a company.

The other party didn't talk nonsense, and Su Xiao certainly wouldn't waste time talking. He also said straight to the point: "I heard that you are looking for something, maybe we can talk."

"Gag his mouth! Put it in the trunk!"

Meredith was not angry at Lidya Su.

Instead, she was yelling at the people around her.

It looked as if she was in a secluded outdoor space with few people around, rather than in a busy company building.

"Where is what I want?"

"Not here."

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